Georgetown Acton Wednesday Sept 26 Too can till by the concentration on see thai Don Qragg t slacking oft even II it It end fun day for Acton tennis club Tha Acton club ha Id Its day on Sunday trophy presentations outstanding mam ban of IBM season Back row right are Steven Pun Man doubles champ Chris Staen runnarup mixed double Bob Bruce mixed doubles runner-up- Vic Morris Man Doubles champ- Don Qragg Man a Doubles champs end mixed doublet champ Harold Seville mixed doubles over runner up- Qragg ladies singles champ ladles doubles champ and mixed doubles champ ladies doubles chimp and ladles singles runner up Glen Dull mixed doubles runnerup Robert Thorpe men singles consolation champ and Eileen Seville mixed doubles over runner up Front row Islt to right are Jason Pun boys under 14 singles champ Thorpe boys under 14 singles runner up- Paul trick boys under IS doubles champ Slave Martin boys under IS singles champ and doubles Erik Vaktman runnerup In boys under IS singles and doubles Chris Lewis runner up In boys slave Pun let some powerful serves under doubles Lisa Mclsaac girts under 14 singles champ Carroll at the Acton tennis club year end wrapup Thorpe girts under 14 singles runner up and McLean boys on Sunday under 14 singles EXPtflT PAINT LATEST BAZ MOTORS LTD AUTO BODY SHOP 1MQUELPH8T GEORGETOWN 8775285 r A final lament for the Sabres When the Acton Sabres Joined the Junior D hockey loop in 1971 optimism and pro mise surrounded them By the time the season ended the optimism was still there but the was set for the next 12 disparaging years The story of the Sabres is not entirely bad but more often than not bad luck and misfortune were the monkeys on the back of the team In their years of existence this would have been their 13th season the Acton Sabres played in three different leagues starting in Junior then moving to Junior C and ending in the Junior B loop The Sabres never finished better than third in any of the leagues and in seasons they finished in Ihc basement nine times The bright spots however were all that more noli cable The first good season the Sabres enced was in their first year of the Junior loop Most of Acton s competition from the former league were moved into as well and under coach Dave Ac ton recorded a win loss and four tie record to capture third place Unfortunately though the Sabres were immediately crushed in the playoffs by in four games Despite the poor showing in the playoffs the following season saw over hockey players show up at the Sabres camp for the second best season they ever had loss and four tie tally the Sabres went into the first round of playoffs in fourth position against a newcomer to the league that year was easily defeated in four games straight by the Sabres Then taking on a tough squad from A I lis ton the Sabres hopes of a champion ship in four defeats The only other bright note In the Sabres career was a fifth place finish in B division in with Jules Russian behind the bench With Glen Motor Murray leading the team th his fast paced style the Sabres notched a f place finish in the league and found themselves pitted against the Burl Cougars In one of the most exciting playoff series league hadever seen Going into the series as the decided under dogs Acton surprised both the fans and their opponents by taking Burlington seven games The end result however was a final decisive win by Burlington When the Sabres were first formed in 1971 the team rilled a void left by the Acton Tan who after their six team league was narrowed to two squads It seemed im practical for Ihc Tanners to have only one opponent and the alternative move from Intermedial B to ate A was voted down by their executive Robin Inscoe now the sports editor with the Georgetown Independent named Sabres in a contest sponsored by the team newly formed executive B II a graduate or Acton Minor Hockey was named the Sabres mentor and Bob Marshall a former manager of the Tan ners took on the job of team manager Casselman Fuels of became the Sabres sponsor and on Oct 10 prospective Sabres worked out at Memorial Gardens in hope of claiming a place on the newly formed team s roster In their league debut Aclon started off with a bang routing She bourne 194 Throughout the year Acton found them selves pitted against teams from bourne All Is ton Fergus Schomberg and Bradford and when the final buzzer rang Acton was at the bottom of pile with wins 15 losses and a tie The second season wasi t much different except the department of recreation had asked Sabres to move the home schedule from Sunday to Friday Again the Sabres maintained consistent losses to claim last position in the league and a highly contested playoff series against heralded and end of the Sabres efforts in the Junior loop That final series saw Acton down two games to one and after a ruling by con vener Bill Church the Sabres forfeited a fourth game The Sabres management was upset that the game was to be held on ice in Bradford and took their plea to the hierarchy The result was an end to season The Sabres season record was four wins sixteen losses and five ties The remaining seasons were similar stories with the Sabres facing defeat after defeat with only occasional wins to break the monotonous losing streaks In their Junior debut they cumulated only three wins and two ties in starts and their second year in the league t much better with only three wins and two lies in starts The final years spanning from 1981 to 1984 saw the team cither eliminated from the playoffs or just squeaking into the first round only to lose against what seemed eatable odds It t a pretty story and unfortunately there isn any chance for a happier ending to the saga Almost 300 riders competed In the Ontario championship races Saturday al Park Nearly spectators watched the ac Hon under sunny skteeand warm tempers turns Serious about shuffleboard local men heading to BC In tMe photo lha Acton Sabre pit the strength In their first game am ThaSabreafoUalMtaraaAbajcaMMOfalaolkaoathoceptaTafa Itmaynotbeahighprofilcsport but John Vlletstra and Us partner Geoff Denny take table seriously so seriously in fact Ihcy re going to the Canadian national championships in Victoria Vlietstra and Denny have both qualified for the national competition after cleaning up at the provincials against the six best teams In Ontario Arena back to normal Following a breakdown in Ice making equipment at the Acton arena last week councillors heard that the repair bill could reach Recreation director Tom told Ihe town a General Committee thai three tubes in the chiller had be temporarily patched pulling this season a Ice schedule three days behind Sheppard explained that a repairman estimate between and but Indicated il could reach Arena Manager Harold said a pipe under the concrete floor of the arena had broken and to get at the pipe a hole had to be chipped through Ihe cement Everything is back to normal now claimed Townsley but were two or three days behind schedule said he believed the repairs would last indefinitely and he couldn t see any forthcoming problems except the possible rescheduling of hockey games this weekend Sheppard also told councillors a complete review or money allocated to he Acton and Gordon arenas will be conducted next year men ploy in the United Shuffleboard League that includes Acton Georgetown Don and and while John tosses rocks at Acton Leg on Geoff Improves his skills in Mlllon Most people think is a bar game and lhat competitions arc Just a big drunk but we lake it very seriously said VI John has been playing since 1967 and Geoff is a vear veteran men hae been qualifying for and national competitions for over 15 years and With a wealth of experience under their bells have high hopes of bringing home a national championship Oct Each team will in 12 matches said Vlietstra and there are five categories in which to compete mens and ladies doubles Men a and Ladies singles and mixed doubles Seven provinces will be represented at Ihe competition in which John and Geoff will be playing in the men doubles division Oeolf Danny left and John VHatatra tw labia ftaboara competition next month noma lop honors tha i tra to Victoria to compete En national sartaaawaraa