Wednesday Nov Draw running late Obtaining permission from the artist printing tickets and other arrangement have left the Friends of the Halton Hills Libraries more than a month late on a Christmas fundraising draw for one of five Robert Bateman etchings Old fashioned way In accordance with tradition the Library Board will hold its December meeting at its annual Christmas dinner Restaurants in Acton and Georgetown are being contacted about tions or Dec 12 Computer views Asked at a recent public forum to boost their investment in computer technology to afford patrons more access to information members of the library board heard differing opinions on the subject at a recent Ontario Libraries Association convention Ballinafad Clark cattle top at Royal of Human- ity IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR AST BUSINESS WE ARE OFFERING A 10 DISCOUNT UNTIL DECEMBER 31 ON ALL PRODUCT LINES BUTLER FARMATIC BEATTY FREEMAN FAN TUBE FORNEY WELDING SUPPLIES FREEMAN FARM SYSTEMS A defenseless child One of the thousands of children in our prov ince subjected every day to perhaps the most brutal of all crimes abuse Professionals working with or treating young people have a legal duty to report suspected cases of child abuse to their local Childrens Aid Society or Family and Services But more importantly we all have a moral duty to report suspi cions of child abuse A respon sibility e all share- to ensure that every young person in enjoys a childhood free from neglect or abuse a kid a fighting chance Report child abuse of Community and Social Services Frank Dim Minister Capital Investment Certificates Windsor Grain Terminal Bondholders 1984 Residual Creditors Thursday Nov 29 Deposllholders Holders Friday of Promissory Notes Nov 30 and Trade Creditors 1984 Institutional Lenders Friday by We are enjoying beautiful weather for this late in the season The fall fairs are over with the biggest one of all The Royal en ding this past Saturday By all reports it was better than ever this year Happy to report that we had some prize winners in our neighborhood Congratulations to son Clarke who won prizes on his Shorthorn cattle pion Bull and 1st for Reserve Grand Cham Senior female His son Jeffery also won first for his steer in the section and was awarded the Queen Guineas la that class Lloyd McLean and his son Ross also woo prizes on their horses at the Royal The group who named themselves The Sore Thumbs members have learned the basic techniques for quilting The techniques were used in their samples and special projects Achieve ment day will be held at the E C Drury school in Milton on December at p The club s display is on gift ideas Communion Sunday was during the church service special instructions by the minister what this sacred service meant to the Christian religion and why it is observed at special times of the year The junior choir con ducted by Allison McKelv sang an anthem which was very much enjoyed The flowers placed in the church were in memory of the late Mrs Edith Sharp Mr and Mrs Jamieson had their family home for the weedend as daughter Sheila was celebrating a birthday Don forget those interested in the rug braiding course to be on hand at this Thursday evening at the community centre Nov Novembers Separate schools Factfinder advises mediator in dispute NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF UNITED COOPERATIVES OF ONTARIO AND OTHERS TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the direction Supreme Court of Ontario United CooperallvesofOntarloUCOheacalled of Creditors purpose of considering and II thought tit approving the Plan of Arrangement as more particularly described In the In formal ion Circular dated Novembers 1984 prepared by AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said meeting of Creditors will be held on Thursday November and Friday November as follows Class of Creditors Data Time location Rexdale Ontario Ballrooms C Thursday 2 Skyline Nov 29 Dixon Road 1984 Ontario Elgin Room 30 m Sky Hotel Dixon Road Ontario Elgin Room Skyline Hotel Dixon Road Rexdale Ontario Ballrooms A Skyline Hotel Dixon Road Rexdale Ontario Elgin Room DATED or Toronto this 7th day of November Vnlttd Cooptraiiva of Ontario City Centre Drive Miisitiauga Ontario ISA For further information 9332 phase telephone Write for the free booklet Child Abuse Ontano Centre for the Prevcnuon of Child Abuse 700 Bay Street Toronto Ontano lull 3 aTJA 12 Wallet Size- on SITTING FEE PER PERSON One per by SAT DEC BONUS OFFER BRING THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF COMPLETE PACKAGE PHOTOS NOT INCLUDED MARIOETPtACC by Cynthia Gamble The fact finder appointed in he between the Separate School Board and the teachers has recommended they seek a third party to resolve their dispute Alan Harries in a report released to the public Thursday said there are over 100 clauses within the contract articles which are still in dispute and the parties have a considerable amount of work ahead of them to resolve this contract Harries said there can be no serious discussion on economic Issues until a realistic costing is made of the various proposals The teachers have priced their proposals at 11 cent Increase but the Board says it is more In the range of 18 IB per cent The Board costs their own proposals at between per cent Harries in his report however said both aides costings are unreliable The parlies are disagreeing with respect to the date the various benefit plans should be cost from and the teachers contend hat many of the items which Board is costing as part of their proposal are In fact not new money Items Harries said Among their demands teachers want a per cent salary increase saying that the Board promised to bring the teachers salaries in line with elementary teachers who recently settled with a 4 per cent salary increase The Board however says that separate school boards have unique funding problems and that the Board Is currently in a fragile financial situation The proposed funding by the government has not been implemented and they arc uncertain when It will be Therefore the Board has offered no increase in salary Harries has recommended to he two sides an increase between 2 per cent since all settlements with other separate school boards to date have averaged per cent Harries added that this year is not the year to close the salary gap with the Halton elementary school teachers Harries has also recommended that un certificated teaching experience be entitled to recognition for incremental purposes earned leave recognition for good at tendance be not implemented and board contributions for OHIP premiums extended health benefit plan group life insurance and dental care be increased from per cent to per cent with the Sept l 1984 premium Harries concluded that a mediator Is necessary to resolve many of the differences even though many of the items are subtle wording changes and in many cases are distinctions without a difference The Board and the teachers have met eight times since last February to June 11 Harries was appointed Sept 19 and the two sides have met two limes since then Bateman print first prize in library draw ByBettyanneWellitttd One of five prints of an etching by wildlife artist Robert Bateman donated to Hills Public Libraries earlier this year will be offered to the public in a lucky draw sponsored by the Friends of the Library Tickets on Ihe valuable etching are now on sate and a draw for the lucky winner will be made a few days before Christmas The unique etching of a Chickadee in a Pine Tree Is the first etching ever done by the artist It was produced to mark the opening of an exhibition of his work held at the LibraryCultural Centre in June The value of the work has yet to be determined At the moment there are only a handful of prints in circulation but a few more are expected to be released We were thrilled when Mr Bateman presented our organization with five print says Doug Magwood chairman of The Friends One etching has been framed and will hang in the Georgetown Library permanent collection and a second print is being offered In the draw so that everyone In the area of Hills will have a chance to own a original We will give further consideration to the remaining prints In 1885 says the chair man Certainly they will be used to aid and assist our libraries hi Acton and Georgetown in the best way we can find The work of the libraries is Important to everyone yet the Library Board has only limited fundi and needs our assistance The Friends organization was established in holding their first draw forawildllfe painting by a local artist last Christmas The new group also sponsored the very successful exhibition Robert Bateman the Early Years which bung in Ihe gallery for two months The framed bUckand white etching which being offered in this year draw win be on display at various functions In Halton Hffla during the coming weeks and at the In Acton sod Georgetown