B10 GeorgatownActon Wednesday Nov 21 1984 Your Regional IRAEL Travel Agency NORWAY NIGHT MONDAY DECEMBER 10 PM SMORGASBORD DINNER TICKETS each ticket will be to imo Anon Hockey Team going to Required all Rich ACTON TRAVEL world tours OSLO COPENHAGEN DLPARTDEt RFTURNJAN ALL Now Operating In Georgetown Acton and Area Nells Driving School INSTRUCTOR NELLRAMAKERS For an appointment Government Approved 8772671 RAVEL 8533580 f f Movies NOVEMBER sun aewa Stan Ttor fttltxn Frank Sun tmim Stars Wagner MMMtlenyaat Stan Stephen Boyd Stan James Stewart Stars Trevor Howard TOdJcm Stan Peter Stars Soccer Join host Dean Co every Saturday at on for results standings highlights guests interviews from around the world British comedy House Youre laughing at pm WOfKUrt Tnunttiw I Bennett CHANNEL 47 CABLE TORONTO Segregate gifted expert argues The most efficient way to teach gifted children is in a full time segregated class George told s Association for Bright Children ABC last week The world authority on education for the gifted spoke at the group annual meeting in Milton Formerly a consultant for gifted education in now teaches groups or gifted children who withdraw from regular class one half day per week He pointed to studies from Maryland California Connecticut and North Carolina that support the class as the best option The chief advantage lies in the stimulation from exposure to others of like ability said calling the benefit gifted get from one another company extraordinary This position is one the educational psychologist has embraced fairly recently He showed the audience a BBC film made while he was working in England Part of the film focuses on a yearold girl worked with whose was over At that time he was opposed to of the gifted child There is wrong with being isolated as long as you choose it he told the group of parents Numbers rising Figures setting the gifted population at wo per cent of the total are wrong declared There are as many gifted as there are at the lower end of the ability scale he said It a big group and il becoming bigger stressed the need for teachers to be courageous enough lo teach what the law demands in such a way that children become belter at problem solving and learning In an interview before his presentation he said the best teachers of gifted children are themselves gifted have interests outside education and are mature He called fears of potential social problems for the child who Is accelerated groundless in many cases Variables Include the child feelings about herself parents behavior toward the child and physical maturity said Gifted children he pointed out tend to be healthier heavier and taller than the average for heir age Both in the Interview and the public ad dress emphasized the importance of parents regard for the whole child You do gifted children a profound disservice by exclusively on Intellectual things he said And he noted It far easier to make a child intelligent than to ensure he will grow a generous adult Look around How many of those do we have Palette and Pencil The Palette and Pencil Club hold an open house at Park Cot Nov 27 p The members will be displaying some of their work and would be happy to discuss their art and methods with the public Everyone is welcome and coffee Is available HAPPINESS RESTAURANT 8L East Acton MUSIC THEATRE CLUB proudly presents ft JOHN ELLIOT THEATRE GEORGETOWN NOV 23 30 DEC 1 AT 730 PM MATINEE ON NOV TICKETS PHONE 8774078 BONELESS BLADE ROAST BONELESS STEWING BEEF 229 CHEF STYLE PRIME RIB 349 BONELESS SHORT RIB ROAST 199 lb BONELESS ALL BEEF PATTIES FROZEN PORK BUTT CHOPS 12161b box 149 CROSS CUT ROAST FROZEN CHICKEN LEGS lb box 139 FROZEN CHICKEN BREASTS 12151b box 239 FRESH BILLS SAUSAGE SMOKED SLICED SIDE BACON 199 2 MILK litre bag