RE4 GeorgetownActon Wednesday Nov 1384 a e Lepage REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR The name frier Sewn renJenci bed or new owner YAM HOME ueletti location it Nation Ml lojal lenang am to specious rooms Judy van a 26 MDUSTRUt PROPERTY 1 many uses It phase hydro Rare wrecl propel van MMJTO HUM The tunica bedrooms be tat lot loot I on root conjunction Col Band rrSAUHEREIIl Urge spemus Custom PRIVATE ACRE ESTATE tarty home end property ridden Glen falling sling ruing plus Injurious Helen It BECAUSE ncwm ft on acre on edge o I town tilths replace bedrooms spacious design only GOO Cefl Don ACRES bedroom bungalow with my maintenance aNnnnum siding Clou to Georgetown Asking Joanna HI DEUOfTTtaUOO Spacious real homey bungalow yea old on Tiorrie on an acre ponds and deal loo lagoon a per A COME TRUE ON ACRES sou bid no stalely on Many cilia pond Ionia Joyrs Vi I CatTRAUT LOCATED STORES reduced rents leasing ange mere Be snarl snap up super Helen HA1TTMW1SIACTTM industnal plus WOO ft spice Zoned use Detaib from Ross old with gage Allen tram healed car garage Good gardens Asking Call lOOKBKFORQUAUm drtail 6 axiom butt bedroom bungalow is loaded Sunken living room separate room Ian Call cosy on acre Squeaky dean si sennets updated Lovely trees stream Call homo cm n home sauna CirdeMadMd 16 I COUWTRY setting for bedroom home with inlaw suie pool and more Damp TUFT consDucnoa For CglPrudiaBond CHURCMU BEAUTY us to man Door on landKiped ice Top room or toon bedrooms ti on n n Inspect with Joyce VtnOefaoet Rent out one of the two bedroom apartments and We other condition Large ten Many fno Iramaajlt bedroom home on Spacious and lone damr J beaut Joanne LOTS FARMS VIEWS 0O0 sg on roling acres Quaity and elmospriere perfeclry blended dad bam or Cor fiom ACRE SPREAD- MUTES TO n acrei gorgeous randier Iran and door thermo doivs oat Much more Sandra Nairn plaM oak farmhouse guest ho Joy or COUaTRY EXECUTIVE ft heme pond lor tiling aid on 11 Eety com- rruingCilJoroPnicta 19 tor 12S MM JOnrCIVM ff