FIGHT FI BEFORE IJ STARTS Holmes Succeeds Cunningham Heads Fire Prevention Bureau lxpfrt 1 AREA FARMERS fire Chief M Holmes will chair the County ire Prevention Bureau Or 1070 He was elected at the groups January meeting held in Milton Inst week He succeeds Chief Jack Cun of Georgetown who was 19G9 chairman Elected vice chairman as district illy chief Jim Jeffries of Burl Nd Bur members Peter Camphell as secretary and Bill Cunningham Georgetown as treasurer Fire J Doug las Wilson of Oakullc ted the election ami administer in the meeting the lowing committee chairmen were selected literature chief Wilson Oakvlllo inspec tions chief Jack Cunningham Georgetown in I George Burlington public chief Milton poMcr hrcfifihter Glenn String Milton Christmas safety campaign Capl Harold Milton and auditors Href gist Bill Ritchie and Captain Wei Miller During report on activities man Chief J CunmnEh viewed highlights of ly business night the poster contest banquet and the bureau church parade He expressed his appreciation to the officers and members for their support and thanked Hilton Council for Its limnciil to the but rati Mr- el Ward Com North Burlington wis at the meeting She the Bureau for Its work mist fires across Hie DDT Keeps Food Prices Down has for a lot of abuse led but a This as the Hume of the talk then Byron director of the soils and crop branch Ontario Department of Atricul lure and Food at the mcetmr of Ihc Soil and Improve ment Association on 14 Mr told the Hilton firmer in attend nee Hint with Hit current t squeeze In would be impossible duct food at the current cost levels without pesticide He silted that not enough has been tit benefits of many of these pc presenting the question and tactics to the calcium and soil particles respectively The greatest source of nitrogen In the lakes comes not from farm runoff many would believe but from the nitrogen in the air over lake Members of the Soil Crop Improvement Associal Ion later In the meeting that unless a practical and sensible approach is by concerned with this question of pollution on the farm the costs of producing food in this area could be proh THE GEORGETOWN HEftALD THURSDAY JAN PAGE SMILE SHIPPING MOVING YOUR HOUSE PUNS SHOULD INCLUDE OURS Wo just the plan to protect that new home of yours ItstheState Farm Homeowners policy a single low cost package policy that provides broader tor your home and personal belongings And tt protects you in case of lawsuits too So protect your new home from the ground up policy designed to favour needs Geo E