Airport Closure Is Discussed in Commons Century Old Band May Play Their Swan Song The closure of the Amlrip it 3 has the House Commons A question placed on the Commons order paper All red Hales Wellington drew an from the eminent any decisions to the provisions of the re gnat ions in a particular case would taken where it could be shown that Misted to a community village or groups of in a populated of low aim aft SETTLED AREA The Department of Transport considers the area over which aircraft must fly taking off and landing at Ross lake to he a settled area All airports in arc at regular be Mr Hates told to see thai Ihcv meet the Department censing standards operations hid never been implemented before and numerous other airstrips lid also form close were applied ill tin He said the pilots lion is continuing its to have the airstrip reopened Ho added he will wait see if the decision be reversed before to use the site for mother purpose Costs for Funds For Civic Services The Scots century old pipe and drum band may soon play its swan song Military officials said this the old band nil be a victim of the recent Department of National Dcfcn cutbacks unless public sup port can bo found It Mil percent in a WO pi extension- well drilling Mondaj council endorsed a issue which will be purchased Ontario Municipal Improvement corporal on They deucii The band across the trcm the county council would used for the of the bands uniforms and from the defence depart mcnt ore darn lucky we hit harder said Col Llncc Our main is saving the band The band spokesman chimed they are justified in their quest for public support cause the pipes and drums of the Lome Scots play at Part of the money public functions each year lu council since the Scots regiment covers the Hal Peel region THE GEORGETOWN HERALDi THURSDAY MARCH 19 WO PAGE COMMUNITY BANDS lucre is a real shortage at immunity bands for public functions and for this reason wo think the regiment should try to keep the band going ho said As for the defence band It will go out of service at of April 1 After that date j and uniforms must be turned in JIMS STEERING SERVICE SI Wheel Balancing Braka 121 PARK STREET Clan William Mil of linen are still wis lo centimes ln by hut not mentioned I dmc ulhin lhc se in records until the cent value 10 SAME THING shocker when Hi In the no Is from settled In skilled in linen making and the g lined impetus Rood interest riles count the debentures so amounts to the same thing He said i for faster should of improve was closed down at the first of lluv There are still two planes on the field They can lake oft from strip but arc not allowed to land there Air port owner Joe ltoss said the plana owners decided to leave the planes there for the time being PAN TO FIRE Ross said he considering arm converting airstrip or he mi drags or rating and that if any kind of racing IN THE MAIL BAG is permitted there the com plaining neighbours will be go- from the pan Into i IjaVe Linen Industry to Ireland Commcnttn on the closure Ross said the scr which the Depart I buy at supplj great mfluenc a cut oft the north in the tnuuii ir they turned Irish linen During World II million yards of Irish linen made available to the alios for and tenth SEEK HELP Lt Col the Scots regiment officer said band members are willing to carry on without defence department support providing get help from public sources projn I linen hern J rale fashion filmc he tunc an lo Hie rap nukes it ileal for broiderv closure Lion under halted Hear I where gr in login Spokesman for lhc band will nnke a public Hill in county council on March for financial aid At a meeting of reel Counts council last month they asked for a jrint A r request will be made of Hal WATER SEWERS MIGHT STALL RACEWAY musk is used homes IllC living is still Miton Like most industries it has vide water and bun from the to a proposed w rk once done of Wl hy men women Township will r not to 26 MAIN ST 5 GEORGETOWN 877 3621 Parade of FABRICS GARNERS OFFER YOU THE SMARTEST AND LARGEST RANGE OF FABRICS FO YOUR EASTER OUTFIT WIDE Bonded Acrylics Cited deal for and Holdings Cheer Up Its Spring on Sat Well now cheer up folks thread of this week Saturday March is the first in looking a bad winter was t and were ver and the north winds whistled into ill the and corn but well soon have for all that when we heir The first robin sing and see green grass once again The County Summary for the quill making was held in Church on March one hundred and sev five ladies attending Eight In each had a quilt and cushions- on display that had been made this past winter were all lovely to look at A film on all kind of different was shown and provided much Interest The Friendship Unit of the was held at the home of Mr John on day afternoon March with ladies Leader Mrs Carney opened the meet with a hymn and prayer Worship was In charge of Mm Chas Austin with reading- from by Mrs Claude Picket Secretary Mrs George read last months minutes and called the roll which an with an article or poem Indians The study on Can Indians was given by Mrs John Ruddell which gave an insight into their ways Mrs Arthur read an article on Chief Robert Small boy who his families left the reservation to live In wild in the plains to gel away from white John Bcllboddj told of Ambrose Howard an Indian carver with his wife twelve children who had many hardships to contend with and educate his children Mrs Ward told of two who each had an In hoy to help with hi cation and one family accept and encouraged the lad The other family didnt An interes ling followed and it was agreed that most arc hard working and will make good for themselves Mrs Ward gave splendid highlights from Prcsbyterial at Ermdale Vern Picket give courtesies meeting closed with hour could put lb for St Patricks Most mid following is this pnpulir the paper some Irish home and the short history of we mi The in Ireland had in help our l Automobile Race- parents spread the wet flax l4d was re erred to the grass fie Ida to It was notjelopmcnt committee this week the most enticing children Linen worlds frown first from the flax of thf fibres 11 wa in and DRAWS FIRE John Boughton JEWELLERS presents trulv pnrt of the family ing in its responsibilities and looking for Utile in return America is the biggest market for imported Irish linen The old Scotch mills where the flax was processed have all hut dls appeared The odd one still stands They are no v land of course a attraction me A special council meeting ai scheduled for this coming Monday evening The race track plan has drawn heavy fire from town ship residents hai said that in any event no building permit cm be without of water and sewer services 45 WASHABLE Linen Suitings Crisp Smart Linens for that new Eastei Su Completely washable little or Ironing Crease Resistant Newest Spring Shades yd 60 WIDE English Crush Proof Machine Washable Drip Dry Color Fast Makes Crimplene the jf most popular of alt fabrics Dresses Skirts Slacks Tops Pant A good range of shades from yd WIDE Polyester Prints A Beaut Spring dosigi a Dry of dresses and and shade- for all styles PRINTED TERRY CLOTH 198- ACRES for Solwiy solicit the raceway company told ton council the company Is pared to make any reasonable agreement lo get the services Douglas president of Automobile Holdings more than acres of land In the viimll of the track through various in to rests SHARKSKIN LENO LINENS 198 MIX MATCH SAILCLOTHS s POLYESTER COTTON FABRIC CORDUROYS 36 NEW SEASONS KITCHEN PRINTS wide 100 wide Mr beautiful Tulips Carnations Glads Froesla and Mums i and Mrs Cunning ham have returned from a con ducted tour which took them Australia They left Milton Airport on February 3rd and arrived on 2nd and visited places as New Zealand Hawaii and Is lands They report a wonderful trip and the most courteous hospitality everywhere Ihcy Stayed Another traveller who has been away is dell who has been in different places In Florida for a month and arrived borne early March lira John John Boughton Jewellers CERTIFIED WATCHMAKERS Main St 87743 Our Easter Floral arrangement are particularly dolighlful EASTER PLANTS SPECIAL EASTER LILIES shall overtake We have Potted Plants of Tulips Daffodils Hydrangeas Gloxinias Mums Roses Mixed Pans SAVE MONEY WITH OUR CASH CARRY SPECIALS Big rromport down on small rucks mid i E nail car the- power to him on lone highway Introducing tho Toyota Corolla with added mora 0 on no grand of All the you to the 3 Top you speed ill got up rsopower I sason why Corolla is best allaround rlhc Formerly HARRIS FLORAL and now incorporating the business of FLORAL to be i around But coo Corolla boodle all that You your bug It con Wo Aso m on and fctiboct go to be to dap For that the Corofta bos brakes and a dual system Inside It I a the ullyoulotnalK transmission bucket sea a three hooter duty battery d horsepower slorlor walls The for a small car safety futures Whore 0 If 6 nk If good cor or the money you re ripM Mis We on to 1e yo met fun cor to drive houid yourself ocv or oyo dealer 1n 3uOOt locol 1n cars sold and serviced from axis to coast In Canada and PARK MOTORS HIGHWAY 7 WEST TELEPHONE 8779439