IN THE MAIL BAG Crow a Predator But Has Place in Natures Scheme It Georgetown Dear Sir I should like to toko except n to Mr George Hcures last in jour paper Mr is- hit the an on the street is becoming conscious of his riicn la blast out of iilcgral of that just because happens to compete with him for waterfowl I like to bring Mr up with the times fliiotmj what some of the not Id biologists soy of pre Alexander Sprunl tells us Hie prejudice against tin predator birds developed line farms had a lot to do with it The game keepers early developed the concept hat which cornicle with game should be regarded as vermin ind liquid This was Imported the United Mates and prevailed until We seem to insist upon and dclisht our moral stand arils up in midlife eg killer crow and inurdcrcrl As Paul has so put it It is that man tie specialist In sees in among w so much evil that not there mice wild fruit seeds and mils and the and of birds can be especially destructive of nest Ins waterfowl They are of tin persecuted became of much there is no lint any species of bud is less of the crow nor do tliej threaten the of any Audubon Land Bird Guide point is lint crow likes and young birds his his purpose in Hie general schema of things and preyed upon in early sprint Horned Owls PAY IT S W DEPT Water Bill Puzzler To Sargent Woman WW THUPSJSY APRIL 2nd 1970THE GEORGETOWN HERALD lite rested in I If Mr the much better approach would bo to his readers to use a rclnevir to bring to the of thousands of bird Hut are crippled left every by ill informed sports Please Mr do not the blasting from he of something that alter complex systems Sylvia Tyhurst A water bill for was l inn lc is shock id Mr Mirion It id list month bin sin is not in rears and has hill on turn Until now her est bill is sit jo which to tin hill she id u10 Dillons or v it fiom the of tin on ions reading 1 hi water was plus sewer service charge of the to The w checked and found to be in workmj order according to the department However meter was Installed till me I have to ay Mrs On contacted by The lit raid chair man of the sum stated It is the policy of the ttslcr Commission that w iter through the He of the did however siy Mrs Carls on was welcome to come to Hit next Water Commivlon meeting to it full her the uiuil time table the next inciLiwi is tonight SECOND OFFICE The police have taken over the upstairs office in the Wood rex building vacated by the assessment department to Church MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday am ST PAULS BAPTIST CHURCH Road Bit Minister Hex dims 10 am School am Worship ben Ice WELCOME Church of God Community Hall SUNDAY Sunday School m Morning Worship a m Evangelistic Service Rev Wilton Th Church of God ii tha Pentecoitil Church in North FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mam Gutlph 10 a Morning Worship am Church School Organist Mrs W Mlnlittr Rav GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Evin Ctntinnitl Public School D J Phillips Telephone 877 am Sunday School All Classes am Boundless Communion aervice had trouble her eyes when a for The water department the BALLINAFAD ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH 11 Gualph SI MINISTER Rev Robert Scrivcns Organist Mrs K Scruldl am School Grade 1 and up 11 am The of Infant Baptism Church School Nursery to Grade Junior Congregation EVI IS WELCOME Gaorgatown Pentecostal Church Masonic Templt No Hwy 7th Lin Pastor Jick Mcf ilium Telephone SUNDAY 10 a m Sunday School a m Morning Worship 7 Tustdiyi ant Ministry of the Friends Here Join in 60th Wedding Celebration Christian Reformed CHURCH 7th Lin J VandenPol Scrnces every Sun i a m and wcleonic Listen every bund ij to The Back To God Hour Kadi Minister Jatl J JO CI 1010 am Meg CHIN Knox Presbyterian Church Main and Church MINISTER REV YOUNG a Church School a m Morning Nursery Care ORGANIST Mrs Attention Georgetown Youth Youth and DO go together THEY CALL THEMSELVES THE PURPOSE GROUP Toronto To see and hear plan to attend First Baptist Church Main St SUNDAY APRIL at 700 This Is real With Religion Youth with a purpose in lite COME AND BRING A FRIEND Notice of First Aid Training Under the of JOHN AMBULANCE a class of instruction and womml in for Tuesday April 7 Hit mi hi ll i of most indu rs tindi r Hie Act Will he pill lie Hi lust ire to I instrmlur of I In In supph liumhrr lull he Msicrt the usual Fee for further information Thomion Tom Miliaria Several couples from journeyed on Monday nlRht to Join In Uic honour of Mr and Mrs Russell 17ie uict the Hound House at Fergus where the surprise party was held There a variety program Mem hers of the hand of which Mr a former member serenaded the couple to the lull Many congratulations ere bcslowed on the popular Mr and Mm well known in a i as they arc the parents of Mrs Myrtle Black who former lived In the village They used to visit their dauRhter id son in law quite frequent The community held Una euchre on Tues March ere 10 tabic In phy It the Ijst euchre for the tieie wire three given I idles first Mrs Mac Mill in Mrs him Snow and Miss Mari Inn nun wen lie son I Jack of the Vnlmar thanked all for coming out to Hie and hoped they come when the ilircs in October Volmir also drew In the Miple on display which he wis gift to the centre from the I from Inn who Hie Musical ImtlIi Church on Sun if night report a very from thi will he on friend 11 shortly for for the Cancer Society April Is Cineer month Connor returned home on after spend a week with hh brother Dan and his wife and little daughter with Mr and Mrs Mclnery A over Hie Poster week end were Mi Mrs IJ Oar ton and of Pembroke CORN PEAS Fresh Ontario Pork Sale lUKK It gn IT Ml ROAST J J J J LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS 69 MEATY SIDE SPARE RIBS 7 PRODUCE OF No 1 GRADE TOMATOES 3 JAFFA ORANGES FLORIDA CELERY a VISA MARGARINE I IB MRTHTS MACARONI CHEESE SSS 19 KIOIEK FRESH APPLE PIE 39 ANNIVERSARY CAKE- 59 LUCKY SHOPPER Mrs S RRI 1975 WINNERS IN EASTER BUNNIES LUCKY DRAW Richie Shall Raylawn Crete Jean 51 Prince Chariot lucilla Print Chariot Drlva Davit Windsor Street IGA SLICED BREAD loaf 21 Carnation Milk 33 ROYAL GOLD BUTTER 67 Former Jean Evans Husband Good Friday Crash Victims A fonnei in her I id on a Ik id on collision eirs on llilli miles of Drill ire M Sin of I Ill- wife the Jem Georgetown ALsn killed was MiiDoniild of driver of the car INTO FLAMES hurst Into flimc lime Ml Mrs Jim Miller Debbie and Mr Mis Polo and fimlly of iclph v Sunday with the Hie of Holy Ci was observed at the church on There mi ipcclal music the choir Three Joined the church membership Me in ind Drown hy pro fission of faith an I Dirndl ho his mcmbi rslnp fmm his foimei church in loronto Mis ifur tin impact A In the of wis in Mr ind Mrs Smile lived ItlnJ PI mis Dmd 1 ton Mrs Smile wis the tin of the late Mr and Mr and ittcndcd public school fore her THREE CHILDREN Tim three Mm ik and John lo i onto and Alan and a Anne Mis wis the sis tor of Ruth of Georgetown 1 alls of Mrs leh Mirurell of Mr fain ale leaves mother Mrs Annie Small find sister brother Miry Small Burlington lint serviee took place on in 1 st United In Cemetery Hurl JUVENILE LODGE VISITS OBSERVATORY members of Hal juvinik lotlji vlsiI the David observil in Toronto list Wednesday accompanied their worship ful master Dill and guardians Mrs June and Mrs the of the trip were the inch telescope and slides on From lher they went to the Loyal True DIuc and home at Richmond Hill where they were welcomed by assistant supervisor Mrs lunch thej had a tour of the home Frank pre the Mr Moore with chocolate castor eggs for all the children in AIR CONDITIONERS OFFICE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDETIAL Window or Central Units Combination Un ti Heal Electric Hoslinrj and Electric Cooling Electric Cooling Gas Heating Cooling Oil Heating or add cooling to your warm air furnace JOHNSON AND TRANE UNITS BILL GARBUTT PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD 16 Elgin 877