NOW SCOUTS HAVE SOMETHING TO SALUTE NOISE AMPLIFIED Jetport Detriment to Deaf School Students Protest ivc hundred students Ontario School the Deaf in Milton tits week joined the protest the rumored heal J Li qualng Township ADVERSE ASPECT The deif hard of ing student don want Jclporla in this the noise of the jumbo Mould be picked up and many times the powered amplification equip ment that is Incited in classroom in tie school 0 i Superintendent Don Kennedy explained how a near by would adversely af feet the schools educational projnin object We at wish to to the establishment in inity insofar as it would problems in the educational ireas of the school OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE used External noise la kept to minimum The bull dings are located well bade from Ontario Street to avoid highway noise Classrooms are sound trca ted but not to extent that jet airplane noise can be ex eluded If the school might be near the of aircraft our students would subjected to idcnblc outside from jet noise lint Is am plifieil many times through their The em would be one over which we could not dense controls THURSDAY APRIL 2nd Wo and therefore would adversely affect our education I ACADEMY FOR DOGS TRAINERS AND CONSULTANTS Student of Ethotcoy Country Boarding FREE Pick up and Del very Head Office and Boarding Kennels Collect For 5lo Doborman Reg d COLOURING THE TROOP Black I Un and Terry Crawford as Troop wis dona at left representing Gcorgolow Lions si ted Gas stand in a colour party with Scouts St Georgetown Scour Troop receives Troop and led by the Lions flag by United Gas LOCAL OBJECTIVE Research Most Important Cancer Society Fund Goal If a for oncer is to Ins fur be found it mil be because the mints it to be said Mrs Jean cam She ted chairman for the pics town unit of the mi Cancer when she which the for funds is funds which opene on Wed society Truckers Widow Was Native of Esquesing n all life Mrs flume dime died at the Kelly Home on ireli rs who was the Genuine Ariics I horn at Lot conceal Inly 1B84 and Merino school their in the Curries firmed on the 1 then moved to where Mr l nine operate a business until death in J Mrs I later moved to town an the pist sixteen lud made her home mil Mr and Mrs Jim lusher II j She had been a member of Church and Women Institute LAST OP EIGHT Last of a familv of was predeceased by a sis Mrs Walter of and brothers John Mamloln leler and Toronto George Thomas William died It dies five nephews conduct rtn and lcoi I isher llowei the service on bearers were Mai eh it the Harold Mc Clurc Home niter aid Leslie was Greenwood 1 Cheap Charge Cost Offender It mill toll Incite J mis It laik mi I court he felt be was chirked with an awfully lold him he ml lUJh1 He was in Officer Mile of the Doit of jnd lore Is with n liadel shot Kim on lies truck I two small in the tiuck with liitn at the testified tint he oh in in li truck first Iils in manner in which he mid In been taking shells out of it as the guile STANDING WITH LOADED GUN he could not swear the shells on the heat had just been removed from the weapon He said he only cautioned concerning the dangers i of a lindcd weapon a sch with I children accompanying Hut jUr ho thL on the of the trick lie checked him again ana this tunc the un was loidcd Whats green and grows and protects all your family Insurance from Stale Farm Life There one State Farm Money Tree a special branch to shelter each member of your family- insurance for you your wife and each child One policy and one payment covers all of you And after 1 two weeks of age new add lions your family are covered at no extra cost Stop In and get your State Farm Money J growing If that the law in or on been hunting for years Judge Black slid fmdina hi should n set al Sit or three dajs in Jill Geo E Drumm Blvd STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Canadian Hoed Ontario 1st The local foi cor and Acton is and will lonlrib ile to provincial objective SISOOOOO and a national of SO 500 RESEARCH About the total funds to lw spent on re search the cir has to come from this laid Mrs More than ever before the Society is being relied on to funds for cancer research in this country We must not fail in his it the most important of all our activities in the great She pointed it that the Society also carries on a prORram of public about cancer and makes help to lent The activities said are centred on the hopeful aspects of cancer CURABLE Cancer is no longer an matic death sentence laid Far from When and treated its early cancer is of the most curable of I major diseases number of applicationslcurc for id public rfl I Willi the Bint irilv support will The overhead cam in the Crown Whats Happening at WYNFIELD NURSERY She to say hit Ihc Ilie as lows for everybody hive regular Imediol checkup don smoke have your dentist cheek for conditions arrange your doctor for a bowel exam nation as mil expo sure to sunlight for women practice rejulH self Tap test have thin CRUCIAL Mrs said tin was more crucial ever year of needs for cancer re i search thcamount provided by the Federal Government has not risen above tho itl f LAWN and COOP GARDEN NEEDS Special application lei hi will slowly r lbs Hillview Organic Compost I Ins hi It Ins mo sturc liillni for flowers shrub vendibles and trie oil fur Hi in iU Ih lb lb Ediv v nil lb J lb bay lb bag UNITED CO OPERATIVE of ONTARIO STREET Under thn hood of every Toyota Crown there lies an overhead IF you ha von the idea whcit that don t worry about if The impor tant thing is what it does and why its First of all it because it delivers more performance from leu size Thai why ihe cam is used in all Grand Prix rac cars And the Crown need a gigan tic gas lucking engine to make it go On the contrary the Crown has a lop speed of 105 and gels up to miles to tho gallon in town Secondly there are fewer moving in our engine Fewer moving parts means fewer problems Fowor repair bills pay more hours of trouble free driving lime Lasl of all it longer Vibration is the biggest engine killer is and the overhead cam reduces vibration So il lasts longer and runs In fact the car lasls longer and runs Not only of but because of a lot of things The independent front suspension unit body construction heavy perimeter frame and the workmanship The workmanship is flawless inside and out Everylhing and so tight that the Crown ranks as one of quielest cars on road today It a luxury car more imporlant ihon lhal it a safe car and built from bottom up with that mind In government safety requirements Crown collapsible steering column an impact absorbing body structure and a dual braking system The luxury wo spoke of is already there when you buy the car The only things you might want to add are an automatic or a radio Everything is equipment Fully reclining bucket soots tinted glass all around reading lights in back lhal don disturb the driver a light under the hood deep pile carpeting and plonly of quiol our fines car We gave it extra time and We used the best materials Made it safe and comfortable And pul a high performance engine under the hood If you never driven a car with an overhead cam you can by simply your Toyota dealer See him soon before you buy lhal intermediate model from someone else Ho II bo happy let you drive Toyola lop of ihe line Crown and wagon TOYOTA CROWN Toyota cars are sold and serviced from Canada and world PARK MOTORS HIGHWAY 7 WEST Georgetown 8779439 UNITED COOPERATIVES of ONTARIO Georgetown 45 St WATCH NEXT WEEKS HERALD