Georgetown Herald A DIvlllon of Hem Newspapers Company Limited Main Strwt South Georgetown Ontario WAITER C THURSDAY JULY 23rd EDITORIAL COMMENT Police on the Spot An and loitering by law passed in Oakville is getting quite a play in the daily papers with the pros and cons sound ng off the squarely in the middle A policeman lot is not a happy one as an old saying goes damned if he does and damned If he doesnt it seems Apparently in Georgetown we have been having our own confrontation in a quieter way Georgetown has had a by law rrular to Oakvilles for several years now The Idea like most laws is not to persecute but to give the power to act when the necessity arises Though some will disagree we inter all laws in this way A speed limit does not mean that a policeman automatically lumps on every motorist iving a few miles faster He uses his udgn to determine whether the motorist is callously the law and is creating a hazard others is an even less exact type of thing to determne and surely cannot be so strictly enforced that a group f people cannot stop for a chat The by law was passed to stop unpleasant Incidents which can arise when such groups become a to other traffic Young people particularly will com plain when they are told by an officer to move on not new We grew up in a busy part of a large city and when a gang of young people gathered on a mam corner it was never long before a man in blue was breaking us up It was only years later that we understood why he was According to town off cials police nave been criticized by parents of young people who have been told to break up when they gather in commercial areas Surely a parent should real that this is not ndividual persecution of the r young sler but only a moans of keep ng George town the quiet untroubled town it has been and should continue to be Highest Qualifications What would a nation be like what would it be tike in a town without an trained police force For too long many people have tend to regard policemen as the r natural Well meaning but mothers sometimes use the threat I II call a policeman if you good to make htm behave It it any wonder that in later life the new adults reaction to a police man is fear rather than admiration and respect which it should be To our way of thinking a policeman should be one of the best educated best trained and highest paid man in the com His job calls for a high degree of athlct prowess lop phys and mental condition He should know human nature be trained In psychiatry and soc H salary scale and social status in a commun ty should be at least equal to that of a school teacher on of the al some years ago has one much to head towards This The Ontario police college has been a forward step Municipals with far ther thinking politicians and police tions to prod them are demanding more of the men they hire and paying wh U5tify higher requirements As citizens we can help by thinking ce next me we run afoul of the jaw Instead of cursing the officer who you thank h m for keeping you with the bounds of law yoJICY THE Our Instant Garden LOW PROFILE IN THB MAIL Enforced Law For One How About Big Business CleanUp Day a Flop A clean up day earlier this month was hardly an outstanding success last year service clubs gave the day organized by Mayor a real boost And it was so successful that this year it was decided to enlist any of public who was interested to join in What happened For one reason or another the clubs Interest shrank Two Rotanans one Lion one fireman two teen girls and the Her ald editor were the sole participants They cleared a stretch of highway but other parts of town were left untouched In the heavy garbage department there was more luck Town workmen were busy day answering calls to haul away d scarded furniture and wh had accumulated in basements some of m ght well have found its way to vale property later on Another year we hope that the mayor will form a committee which will study ways to make this a really big day We there are hundreds of residents who with a little will get behind dean up campaign and make our town if only for one day a thing of beauty Best of all of course would be for all of us to resolve not to litter If parents and schools kept up a continuous gn a clean up day would not be necessary at all BARGAINS ATTRACTED BUYERS Who can resist bargain But It takes some looking and these shoppers are the best value they look at the goods GS Television had to offer last week sal At Georgetown Market Centra well pleased with Miulti this annual affair Street Dear Mr In the removal of the frame on Street near Road by the Mower and Mar inc a man has been deprived of his livelihood and a much service has been denied to the residents not only of Ge hut the surrounding rntnrj The removil of the building as required by council because the owner of the property had rebuilt the burnedout to larger than authorized by the building permit and for other possible reasons It was agreed by the owner that the frame building would be last nil but this to June of this year Demolition of building is under at the time of this writing Council exercised its right In ordering this However council has a by law on its books for many years now which if legally act pon would have forced an industry in this town to ha up an odor nuisance which caused property the area of this Industry to be seriously devalued Despite the attendance many at the tings protesting this It still exists Tins is In deflanci the law which should have been the subject of court pro- to have this mew clean up Did council take the neces sary action In this matter They did not Big business was and Is still involved but no ell In Georgetown has had he guts to place the matter before the courts As a result of this the residents ire still plagued by this unholy odor which is noticeable at certain times even the extreme of town Will council like action to do something drastic about this before the next election not all the taxpayers must elect a council pledged to take legal action to end this nuisance and for all Oh yes a little business ma was involved in the demolition of the that housed his small business up which he was dependent for a living He had no wealth or extent of bus iness to get him the considers tlon meted out to the big In dustry A pica to the Mayor on pure humanitarian failed to save the building on premise that there be violation by the owner of the property and In permitting the violation it was decreed that the frame building would have to be removed The mayor expressed his for the businessman be ing dispossessed of his place of business but said council had voted for its removal and It must be removed all dead In Georgetown I hate to think so but I will leave it to the public to Judge Has partial judgment been used In the cases enum erated in this letter What about it you taxpayers group Yours truly Ed Peters COLOUR PORTRAITS TO SIX LUCKY PEOPLE Of LITTLE FOLK JUNIOR FASHIONS Georgetown Herald A of Horn Company Georgetown Ontario Btihn Publisher Garfield Production Superintendent Advertising Prank News Editor Accountant Terry Bradley Valerie Caruso Anno Reporter Leslie Clark Hastings I Gllson John ttdao Genoa OPENING SPECIAL -OF- J HFISHBACK Photography BOX 3 GEORGETOWN Specialist in Baby and Child Portraiture FOR FURTHER DETAILS IN AT LITTLE FOLK JUNIOR FASHIONS MAIN ST N GEORGETOWN high summer with blue sky and perfect conditions for at the pic table typing this column But there a something wrong something off hey It took m fautilvi Oft It Instead of luih groin I note that usd to encompass our back yard than art of color everywhere de- i troy the solid green affect i to My wife has been off on another of wild offseason burst like doing the spring homecleaning the week before Christmas It all began with on Shi received a large rotebuih ready for planting as a gift Our row bad Ilka rait of tlowar bad suffering from malnutrition and neglect They wara Ilka who undergo the same treatment stunted and Our rows had to three on dead one dying and on which produced about two tiny bloom a year a fit of Illconsidered fury after some barbed remark from my wife I went out and dug up the lot and planted the new one I should have put it quiet ly In the toolshed and let It die natural death i log to It only took break jam The It looked to lovely and lonely that old lidy no gardener sent me out to buy another I got a dandy for cents age sex color and kind unknown but dubious The boss was disgusted but we planted the thing anyway Then she bought two more and stuck them In with moss fertilizer and invocations to the Sods I thought that might bring a little peace but shed caught Ira In a flurry of he went at her windowbox Ilka a wolf coming down on the told It was a dilapidated that runs along side of the gar rather liked as It had been for several years with the fresh green weeds spilling down over the side But tit re was no reasoning with her Out came the weed a If they were scorpion Off I went for carload of begonia other bewildering thing Working carefully at eon so windowbox wouldnt fall off the wall gave It a coat of paint But we bad some flowers left over That meant I had to dig up a comer of another crumb ling flowerbed and we planted the leftovers I confident this was the end She oven pulled a weed for year No luck Bleilng with or limply Insanity shot me off for another carload and marigold By the time I returned had weeded th front half of our moribund tulip bed She had dug little holt and set them row of orange ana yellow marigold In half in hour An Instant garden Now she has her eye on th old peony bed Once a of green and bloom It has to a few sickly pro ducing eight blooms It seems It is to be dug up and complete ly replanted with another ex otic species With all thl new beauty course we hid to buy new watr sprinkler The old one perfectly ell right It fen yean ego and water would come out of It though it didn really eprlnltf any mora shot out ett In opposite directions New one It DO ShVa fascinated and keep me moving it about all day from one flower bed No no Move It an other two Inches to right all ridiculous of Even I know that you plant flower beds In the middle of July They all be dead in a week either from the hast with which they ve been ripped from the womb and thrown Into life or from simple drowning I liked the old with odd tiger lily struggling through milkweed a law htrdy daisies retching for tha tun Why cant women leave thing DRAPER DOBIE CO Ltd MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Your Branch Office Queens Square Building Brampton Milton and Toronto Fast accurate quotation and on any exchange Vblt our modern office If you can However you can open an account by telephone SUCCESSFUL INVESTORS AND TRADERS KNOW DRAPER David It E Be try BUSINESS DIRECTORY Wallace Thompson 3rd Division Court Clark A Commtiiloner CARR Professional Engineer Consulting Engineer Ontario Land Surveyor 877 Home Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Georgetown Residence OPTOMETRIST M Brown RO 47 Main St Suite for Appointment phone Please Present Health Insurance Card CAPTURE THE MEMORY OF THE DAY TO ARRANOI FOR YOUR WEDDING DAY PHOTOS CALL 8773923 ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY 40 PRINCE CHARLES DRIVE OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton 116 Mountalnvlew South Carretal Building For Appointment 773971 BARRAGERS CleanersShirt Launderara 77 IB Main S Guelpfe All work dona en pram be GEORGETOWN AUTO BODY Cuelph Street EXPERT AND PAINTINO All work fully guaranteed Business MONUMENTS POLLOCK A CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North ALT CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC Professional Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning la Your Home or In our Modem Plant Free Pick Up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC 4594140 JOHN BOUGHTON JEWELLVRS Certified Watchmakers S Main St The GEORGETOWN 772201 RED PINE FAVOURED Red the apeclcs moat deeircdd by private landown ers who purchase ten million forest Irecs from Ontario pro vincial nurseries every year While and white pin axe next in popularity