IN THI MAIL Player of Week New Feature for Tyke Hockey Thursday Member mas laughter and cheers as victorious over Minn The following game was equally as Louis though thej went down to defeat a the hinds of LA in a close 1 score Games for this Thursday Nov arc is St to Los Anodes Friday night Nov 13 wob un- lucki for three teams especial Detroit as they were bombed by a strong Toronto club In the first tame of the evening it was Chicago Sew York and in the second Montreal defeated Boston The and pme was the one mentioned Toronto De troit 2 Gams for Nov New York Montreal Boston vs Toronto 20 Chicago Detroit PLAYER OF WEEK As an added interest ve are choosing a of the week from each league This not the boy who scores most goals but who shows improvement desire and other good quail This week In a losing cause on Thursday Bobby Morrow of St Louis played outstanding hockey Defensive he thwart d many Los attacks and then he managed to score the lone goal for his team On Friday It was Craig Mc Laughlin of Craig skated and checked well and the scoring two goals as his team downed Boston Check the Tjke bulletin board for stars photos SWEATERS Wo now have team eaten for all of Friday teams As it makes things much easier lor the fellow on the ice please try and pick up a team sweater for your son for this Came if prefer second hand sweater try contacting some of last years graduates of they be interested in si ling the rs You enjoy the garner more too you be able to tell who is on your team if not bj play by bis Thursday your are on loan from to night basj We ore expert meriting hero so bear us RESPONSIBLE And now I like to ask a que- ion What is or what do consider is a res ponsible adult A boy of 10 or 117 Perhaps we all have different idea is to what ate achieve maturity or can accept responsibiht but we at Tykes io not consider brothers a year or two than them selves adults At the beginning of Tjkts our rule road each must be by a parent We changed this to responsible adult because we real there are times when a parent just cannot make it and its an interes aunt or uncle who tales junior to the arena Sometimes someone is sick and the folks door will do the job and all this is fine but boys not much older than the we object to Please folks come out and sec junior play He may not be do ing loo much but as the pass Im wire you sec Improvement he may even be hoscn Player of the Week and Im sure wouldnt want to Buss that IN ORDER for Tyke fees Is day Nov 20 most folks have paid but there urn still few outstanding Those keeping everything In Order this year at Tykes are on Thursdays on Ifto Ice Dave Ward Dave Long Bruce Martin and Norm Long In the boxes ore Andy Long Brian and Ian Long On Fridays its Paul Ward Ward Dave Long and Norm Long with the came three boys looking after Pig boxes Need Reforms New Concepts For Education Students Say Lyons Court Sir In recent weeks very leal been turned towjrd examining our educational sys tem Citizens ore beginning to doubt the of process the common question is Does the end result the lime effort and money spent on educating this person Employers arc complaining ab out the fact that our schools are effectively producing people who are very learned in English History or Sociology but know nothing about industry people who lack undcrs in electronics chemistry or aer onautics Educators counter with the concept of a I ed Thus we have two camps one advocating freedom for develop ment of person and one back ing an system tea eh ing people to be effective parts in our industries And of course parents arc invariably caught in the middle of the conflict The average parent was rather mixed emotions whtn they visited our hijh school on Monday and Tuesday of last week They were under impressed by the size of the building it always seems larger on the inside and the facilities available to the stud out yet somewhat appalled they realise it theiri that was supporting such a system cause I feel that tins Is all that being In the saint mar nor as dutiful grown support their parents they ore loo old to be use in tins way we ire supporting a system of education tint is too old something that is outdated The concept of school as an in is falling apart the structure of the classroom sit is ineffective and slow Something has to be done How I heard the Wait ill get the real world Then you find out what life is all about Why should the education process be regarded as something that is not part of the real world Are not living while we arc at school Do we not develop ideas of what life is all ab ut while we are school In a world where all know ledge doubles at the rate of once even ten juts this rate is likely to increase 1 find tint the old methods of passing information are too By the tunc a textbook la compiled edited published and distnbut the information contained within It is at least a year and a half old Some of the articles contained in it could already be proVn incorrect This new flow of Information Is coming and fast and our present sys tem is not equipped to handle it Schools arc already forced to back step in their instruction I know that my sister was be introduced to much of tin same mathematics tn Grade as I was in Grade A differ of only two The thought that two years after graduation from school mj knowledge will be obsolete lea me absolutely stunned Under these circumstances I faii to sec the logic in spending more money on supporting a I system that is archaic and use less The money could be better I spent on changing to a never iyetem Vast reforms arc Gary Instead of spending more money on voluminous books why not pay for good education television Would you learn more from watching a half hour program showing a country or from a geography book load with dry facts and analysis Is it easier to a person something or to try and explain it Which do you better However a problem does ar ts How it would be to tran people to watch television films or work with a But this Is not enough Ed ucalion is an experience and should bo treated as such It is a very important port of your life The question then is how to impart information to people and effectively with out alienation without turning them into automatons Obvious ly education should be that a person wonts to do It has to bo a social full time experience ho more of this sending your child to a building you know nothing about What happens to your son or daughter between the hours of you have any idea Yes they clock and three are being while they are there but docs a child top learning he comes home And conversely Is he only living and socialising when he is aw ay from school Admittedly arc large complicated problems problems for which I can offer no con solution I have ideas and me of which I THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY NOV 1970 have presented here What good they turn to do Pcrliapa none but I had hoped to some people more aware of what goes on our schools or rath or what t go on I lint it is a good start if everyone knows questions It J Linton I i the word support in The Snow for Limehouse Scouts 111 Scout Fountain Grain a chilly on Erin Townihlp farmland In th mid of but cam back to tick l anothar camp inytim Scoutar Bet Ryan and Mark Hayward lad Scout ac com pan ltd by Brian and i an Burlington Scout alto at Thra patrol point In camping tracking and hiking I patrol by Wo Idem Mo I ton raccoon patrol lad by Bratt Byar patrol lad by David Hannah patrol won tha honour Scout warmad with hot nd at Saturday night at now to fall Tha lot rha night in tent a tuff con tinued to fall and angagad In snowball fight a camp Sunday Do You Know how much Georgetown is I to expand in next few years that Industrial Commerc development have kept pace growth that without Industr and Commerc the assessment base will become even more equate a balanced assessment base your II that roads storm sewers curbs and expansion depend on adequate taxation revenues that is 1 to a day si week that the six day ng week is not be ng ally supported that under of each spend ng dollar is actually spent Georgetown that it takes more than an elected I to a grow of how present Boards and Off have been many have been and lost through dov den to replac how much ha been done to prole con on and green belt areas follow ng res dent develop how to express your concern how to support one date who happens to care about these things J Phone for information or offer your support ON DECEMBER VOTE FOR SIDDALL Philip COUNCILLOR WARD 3 FOR ALL THE NEWS READ THE GEORGETOWN HERALD Attention Car Buyers TRY North Halton Ford FOR ALL YOUR CAR NEEDS Big or Small We Sell Them All Why buy out of Town when prices are lower here and service is better right here at home NEW CAR SPECIAL PINTO USED CAR SPECIAL MUSTANG LOADED lie THIS WEEKS SERVICE SPECIAL FRONT END INSPECTION 99 WE SERVICE AIL MAKES OF CARS NORTH HALTON FORD FACTORY CLEARANCE LUXURIOUS CREDENZA CABINET RCA STEREO AMFM and STEREO RADIO STEREO PHONOGRAPH NOTED Designer Series for excellence Silul State Tuner fur provides j automatic stereo with cueing ice Hut stops and starts wont Balance Full Range and Bass Vol Stcrto Indicator Light Provision has been made for tape output and Input as ell as satellite and remote speakers The net is a mas lie creation lcd craftsmen REG 449 PLUS RECORD PACKAGE FREE Millictc STREET Jutt off Main from Eaton Ordar SEE OTHER SPECIALS COLOR TV AND STEREO EASY TERMS 361 STREET FORD MERCURY Moore Park and Guelph St Special on Sato November to it Fresh Meat at Moore Park Only MACS Med MACS Med CHEESE Wedges ft J or Not WolghiRogutar Price A EGGNOG SILVERWOODS Regular OODS BUTTER OS MACS GRADE A LARGE EGGS MACS CHEESE SLICES Mild or Ninny BHB Macs Pack Frozen CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS 119 1 Canada No I PEI POTATOES 10 lb Bag Canada No Prod USA TOMATOES Cello Pak 29 MACS POTATO CHIPS net f Regular Price Special Maple Leaf Waxed Bologna BY THE PIECE 35 LEAN Minced CHUCK 65 IMPORTED LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS