Georgetown Herald A of Horns Company Limited Main Streei South Georgetown Ontario WALTER BIEHN Pflge lUlULD THURSDAY FEB 17 EDITORIAL COMMENT More Bureaucracy Ontario move to add regional while still retaining municipal government may be good theory But to us it seems bad practice It adds one more in what is already becoming an ex pensive tangle of elected officials and civil servants while solving only a few of the ills which besets us in today s complicated political world Speaking to a church men club and a group of high school civics students last week Gardner Church who is a member of a government department studying regional government gave some excellent reasons for more centralization He said municipalities are fighting for industrial assessment so hard that they will take undesirable industries He pointed to a com munity s lack of power over its own planning to difficulty in embarking on certain projects where govern ment grants are not sufficient to the multiplicity of civic bodies elected and appointed all spending public money coordination And be ended with a rather surprising statement that the central govern is becoming increasingly bureaucratic and needs the check of regions to restore power to the people Granted that all the above is true we cannot accept his conclusion that creation of regional government on a county basis or larger will do much to help the situation All we can see from this is adding an expensive accessory for it is the intention to still retain most of the smaller governments to handle more mundane local affairs We are thus creating a substrata of elected officials in full time jobs at or more a year There will be clerks and secretaries engineers and inspectors all commanding good salaries And one would have to be an optimist to think that the smaller local governments are either going to cut their own salaries or those of their local officials We agree that some good could come but is it worth the price Would a central region of Halton and or Peel for example not still be competing for industry with other larger regions If centralization is the answer would it not be best for the Ontario government to assume direction of matters of major importance and leave the local bodies as they are We fail to see how one more group of elected and appointed officials could justify the heavy cost when the province already has the power to handle things on its own holding the purse strings as it does How Can You Tell No better example of how regional councils arc deluding themselves and wasting public funds is needed than a news story emanating last week from Newmarket It tells of a two day study session for 25 York Region councillors at a Huntsville hotel Region Chairman Garfield Wright said he felt public funds should cover the expenditure because the study sessions benefit the general public says the article said the resort was chosen to get away from the council chambers and its interruptions to a scene of informality conducive to open discussions And the region administrator was quoted as saying that the country trip and conference is a common ap proach in business circles Well we have other ideas Mr Wright We work for a large company one of the most successful in the Canadian business scene and in our twelve years we ve never been invited to a conference at a resort yet If our firm can successfully carry on business in a competitive industry without this type of frills we re sure that public business can be conducted just as efficiently There was a day when elected civic officials were as conscious of spending taxpayers money as they were their own Which is as it should be By this we do not condone par simony But we do not condone wanton expenditure either and we hope that York is not setting a precedent for other municipalities to emulate Could Lead to This We are somewhat mystified to read that a firm of transportation experts has come up with the con elusion that a Georgetown could use a bus service and this could create a yearly deficit or break even Mystified not at the conclusion but at the fact that the firm was paid to arrive at facts which most town residents could have contributed gratis A community covering such a large area as Georgetown obviously would like to have a bus service Whether it would pay its way or not is a question which only putting it into practice could solve You can gather statistics by the bushel compare Georgetown with other centres which have a bus vice and still not arrive at any pat answer If town council in its wisdom wantsabusservice then it is sensible to proceed with the second phase of a study which would outline routes fares and schedules If not then good money is being thrown after bad There has been no great outcry hat we have heard for a large scale bus system in town If a private operator wants to try it on a larger scale than at present he should be given the goahead with the town s blessing If however it will mean sub sidizing from public funds a referendum is in order to see if a majority want to nay the shot If it was voted down then there would be no need to proceed with details of a bus system which wouldn t be Birth of Universe Theories Detailed to Sorority Women A Bel a Sigma Mil Day dinner ritual ceremony be held April wire disclosed mint 1 the Hi Chapter at the homi of Mrs June The two chapters lire these events with the thrto Phi ihaptirs in Brampton this year Dinner at dolt Country Club precede the ritual of jewels in winch nev members ritut pins md full membership privileges the end of the circuit mis members will be joined by their husbands- in A spring also during business ifter which Mrs Jcannme dull with tin theme Tin Conception if Our Universe for her on nature Mrs t toltl members that the question of when mil how the universe wis born is one of the mysteries of BILL SMILEY Kim Brings Home Her Intended tlni have studying telescopes yet after nil thelrwi rk enough to fill the inches of Ill rary still leaves the question Of the many theories put forward to explain llir the universe three are Ihe most serious md study are the Steady Stilt Theory which suggests there ncier was a beginning to the universe the llinf which eontends the universe when one li ri body of liieh matter exploded and Pulsating Universe theory the universe periodically swells to some maximum size minimum density then contracts to the size and density point winch mother explosion occurs so on endlessly Support the rescirch education programmes of jour Heart through jour generous to Ihe He 1 Campion I rilhcr interested in the subject marmge these days for reasons Not for mjself oh no Once bitten I was to a ceremony for i mock wedding to I pi lee it bridal shower reccnlly stock gas Mimacc is a solemn in still ion and is only to be en you wish to spend the rest institution il Do take this worn n lo be wedded wife Hie conclusion from a lush who Ins his services And may have mercy upon your souls Stuff lint Hi iULht thai w is the it Him my daughter arrived home r iweckend with her current fi nice seems young man id iskcd her marry him Hie weekend was pretty a confrontation thing where the parents and the boy friend ire exposed to one inilhir with the bride sitting darting wildly nervous glances it both parties listen in for moment as panicky thoughts t through her mind why did Don have to say tint Mi II Hunk he s stubborn siupid just because he didn I with her Oh no he mother error Sure Dad pounced on that Oh please Mom don I go into that three hour story lbout how Hid lived on a month hen you were m irncd Oh why is Dad asking him all I hose questions how much sculptor makes how many sculptures be sold and how he pay back his student loins is well is mine became by he to support US Oh detr I wish Id never menlnned it it isn like that at ill Infiet I took the whole thing very lightly is who wouldnt whose has been three times within a The thinf thai floored me was tint Kim said this fellow united to ask my permission to m her This seemed so old WHEN THE PAPER DOESNT COME My father says the paper thai he rends a In t put up right He finds a lot of fault he docs It all night He say there t a single thing within it worth to read And that It print the kind of stuff that people need He losses It aside and soys the news ltd all ho hum But you aught to hear him holler when the paper come He reads about the and he snorts like all get out He reads the social do in with a most derisive shout He says they make the papers for the women folks alone He read about the meetings and he II fume and fret and groan He soys of Information it doesn t have a crumb Jul you aught hear him holler when the paper doesn come He s always first to grab it and reads it plumb clear through He doesn miss an item or a want ad that is true He says they don know what we want those darn newspaper guys I to lake a day sometime and go and put en wise Sometimes it seems is though they must be deaf and blind and dumb But you luglit to hear him holler when the paper doesn come letters hell never have lime making up your own marriage get mirried might Be Nor 1 help composing in surprised at how much you have i similar advert ex to offer to hat vale of tears and lolling my own virtues for laughter is a solemn It ran to only twelve institution If are a solemn Is a parly amp try prig immediately became suspicious huh Wants my per mission eh lt s sec Per mission means approval means it going to cost me a lot of money one another And so on as said I look all rather offhandedly until I downstairs Sunday morning and found my wife and daughter about the wedding how many guests who they were be what shed wear where the reception would be and all that jazz What wedding I roared Into the maelstrom At least it stopped them long enough so that they could re group forces and ittack me discovered that I an old fud a fuss an obstacle in Ihe course of true love a cynic a materialist and a few things such as miser i You and Mom didn t have a nickel when you got married and a misanthrope cheerfully agreed lo nil charges which look the steam out of their attack Sent the kids off with a flea In their ear and half our Sunday roast The flea will bun unheeded and the roast will be with gusto That s life Would it were as simple for as it Is for the chop ran the following ad in the personal column of the city paper recently PHOFFSSOR of surgery and head of surgical research of a North American brilliant good looking in ex health active in sports with interest in the humanities arts and music w meet an elegant lady of Jewish faith age tt to good looking intelligent and in wealthy milrlmuny The rest of the ad dealt with the mechanics The ladies were to send photograph and all details If lliey shaped up a meeting wi be arranged selectively by telephone If they they would get their Junk back Well I cant help hut admire the man for laying It on line even though he Is obviously an arrogant boor lie so many An denies ihe existence a Cod while on agnostic liner affirms nor denies the exlstence of a God SLEIGH RIDE A WINTERTIME TREAT Charles Thompson draught team of Doll and King hauled loads of laughing grades five and six pupils around the north of Li chouse Ihe Thompson farm Public Kitnm iii- it Trlcphinc Hi ilt Production Manager RANK Manager Anne Valerie Caruso David Has John Joan Davis Joyce VanDellnder CIRCULATION Mr and Mrs Eyre Telephone 877 Single copy Mailed subscription yearly BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST LM Brown R0 OPTOMETRIST It Hamilton ft 1 14 South Building GEORGETOWN OPTICAL I Optician Street South EYE EXAMINATIONS ARRANGED Fast Repair CARPET CLINIC Modern Plant Free Pick up and Delivery CARPET CLINIC REPAIR SERVICE JOHN B0UGHT0N Main St Division of Thomson Newspapers Ltd INCOME TAX RETURNS BOOKKEEPING SERVICES KENNETH BURGESS ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS ALPINE HEALTH CLUB 8779531 Evans Chiropractic Clinic Guelph Street 73J By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR GW if Mill 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