Georgetown Herald A Division of Horns Company Main Street South Georgetown Ontario WALTER C Publisher Page GEORGETOWN THURSDAY MARCH I EDITORIAL COMMENT Crippling Competition Competition for the shopper s dollar is becoming so fierce today that we wonder if the glamorous city plazas and the old established type of individual stores might not both be swamped Merchants in towns like Georgetown have a harder row to hoe today with at least half a dozen such shopping centres within easy driving distance City plaza merchants for their part face almost crippling rents and must have enormous turnovers to reap a reasonable profit from their operation Saturday we took a trip to one of the newer plazas to have a look We did little shopping and it struck us that most of the people were doing the same The walkways were crowded the stores sparsely filled and many had more clerks than customers One large store was already on the way out and Misguided Search Little enough of Georgetown s history is recorded so it seems doubly unfortunate that some that is has been removed from books at the public library Pages have been torn from Halton Pages of the Past Another book compiled by a group of senior public school students last year is gone completely We would judge that this is less an act of vandalism than the work of eager beaver youngsters intent on doing their best for a school history project At the Herald office we always know when a historical essay has been assigned We are bombarded for a time with youngsters asking if we have anything on Georgetown history and any old pictures Teachers might be the thinking abettors for in their attempt to make history interesting and topical they impose assignments which would be difficult for an adult and almost impossible for a young student Nothings New In our younger teenage days a simple amusement was available by telephone A group would gather at someone home pick a number at random and start to work What seems ridiculous to an adult mind was high comedy to us then One favourite was to ask the victim to check if a street light was on Answered in the affirmative the smart rejoinder wis Well blow it out can t get to sleep Another was to pose as a phone tester have the person step back three paces and say hello then six paces then ten with the final mot What are you hollering for We phoned ethnic restaurants asking for weird sounding takeout orders We had laundries looking for odd clothing Much of it was annoying and if carried too far could have led to trouble but the novelty soon wore off and we don suppose anyone suffered too much the word bankrupt t appear it was obvious that this was what had happened Sometimes we thank today s merchants are on two sides of a ship As shoppers are lured from the old type stores the small town operators find it hard sailing But the business generated in plaza stores will never be enough to giVe a merchant the profit margin in the past As the boat rocks to and fro one drops off on one side one on the other Who will win We II put our money still on the small town merchant who has weathered the years of mail order catalogues and proximity to city stores As long as he can provide at least equal value with the personal attention which a big store can never give hischancesofsurvival Perhaps the library might restore its slim store of history if teachers particularly those who have had history assignments recently were to urge the youngster mail his material back to the library with no questions asked And from now on students and parents of future young students might be well advised to start a historical of clippings from the Herald A good start would be to get copies of the history of the Barber family which Catting columnist Mary Biehn has featured m four recent columns And pictures too are available for the clipping as the Herald from time to time reproduces picture glimpses of the past We would also suggest that every school library should purchase a copy or two of the old Halton County Atlas reprint which in time will be more and more valuable in recalling bygone days We had our own back once there was a scandal well reported in the press when a couple of policemen were charged with filching some turkeys Spotting a passing bobby we hollered turkey out an upstairs window His chewing out of our father was followed with an equally irate session for us It all came back one recent evening when our phone rang and a youthful voice asked if Bob Wall was in Sorry you have the wrong number we said and the voice continued Is Bill Wall in No we answered Well have you any Walls there No Well how do you hold up your roof ha ha ha Which proves there really anything too new under the sun The District At A Glance Hi- KM FOUNTAIN community school for a reality Thursday night when over loo people turned up al a public meeting In slate of handle ad ministration of the Silly of the offers projected he school would servo bout i0 people in people and senior The move lo the school into a immunity oriented began in tOR MILTON That 17 storey lower won rising in the of Milton after nil William John son president of In vestments which proposed a store office and complex for s core announced last wick he has abandoned idea OK CI- TOWN Established Telfphonr BILL SMILEY Dirty Players Get the Laurels Bit UN Publisher Production Manager Advertising Manager Anne Curric Valeric Caruso Hastings John Joan Davis Joyce VanDclindcr CIRCULATION copy Mailed subscription yearly Watching our high school hockey team in action ihe other day I could not refrain from brooding about how the game has changed If what I was was sport and schoolboy sport at lhat stlmc I wis put out In pasture Oh it was exciting all right That Is if you like to watch teenage boys trying to each arms off with deliberate hooks remove each others teeth with high slicks smash others brains out against Ihe boards Throw in some deliberate slashing tripping kneeing a couple of fights and have the picture of young Canada playing Us national game Admittedly the game is faster and more furious than ever But furious is a word that docs not belong in sport unless you think professional boxing is a sport which is nol in my opinion In vain do the coaches or high school tell their charges to play hard but clean The kids hove watched too much pro hockey where most of the fans like spec in a Roman arena want blood and Ihe pros oblige The only thing that redeems and it is a spectacle not a garni is the fact that there are usually one or two players on each team who still believe in rather than violence and who use their heads for something besides bulling These arc the players who emerge as the team leaders even though some of the wild men may have more natural ability These arc Ihe players who almost never get a penally who walk away from a slupid fight than look for one who put some spark mio the team when is behind pleasure to watch And then arc the others Kids who are pleasant and we mannered in The Mail Bag off Ihe ice but berserk the mlnulL first One of them expressed his philosophy tome lb fight starts but yuh don t drop it ill other drops his And nurse if other is following he same principle there eould be stick in itch Put four feet of In the hands of wo huskies lei them swinging their elubs ind you have a situation more idly than many of duils of history fought with lellnl weapons It about as puck way as any wind up with a smashed nose sear a concussion a skull fracture or one eye In my opinion a jroul deal of the blame for the situ lies with referees They seem to be brain washed into letting anything go short of chopping a head olf with stick The game is faster more colourful And the colour is that of blood The joilie used to lie protected by isort of muluil consent He was slower more vulnerable because of his heavy padding your shot if be stopped it around him Now he tomes out stop a shot and is quite likely to i mouthful of stick Hie playing dirty to protect himself I m just old fashioned when I pljed team sports foothill hockey inert were lw dirty players on In the itl they were pern 1 zed Now lo look hard to find one clean learn And it the dirty players who riurs from the crowd is fact and it fact lhat is sobering saddening and sickening Berates Council for Hiring OutofTowners Maple Ave W George lown Dear Sir strikes me aster unjust thai council would hire a fire chief from town when I understand are qualified men on present department Their reasoning In this seems unfair for a number of reasons le professional and the wrote the mi exam in on the professional in in would this Is the means winch he his livelihood The man must be i earn his The pi lessmnal has lire he 1 ave I his to but rattier is being idutd attend is re has done work well Nov less months Ins rceltclion as fire thief council stiles that since the position lo be paid one is no longer rilher stranger to own i job be i This thin lilllekn in strut lure mil il i in I ts I Hidings lull Mill elm I Ins imu m his w rk and i just rt i lor these it in Hi have hid il rial tilt didic in spent the unit tr iireehitf Ins umber vir veara than Mm i hiii Ids t chief nine ih us It not Just children who are hoping the white stuff BACK TO THE BARN ill his life to the people the area He lias rccuith his fourth is head of the elected to position he He ind he iniire depart mini been ill I id ill minimi tlmrniun ih I not this prove Ins in term ind io the residents of iwii ami but ihnse if uiitv during his term as thief iwi were to the fleci drawing up his knowledge and Farm Editorial Property Value Now Easier to Establish by Henry Stanley Hal Ion County Rep With Ihe elimination of the Federal Estate Tax the 1m position of the Capital Gains Tax as of January 1972 the farmer is faced with a tax which may not always be deferred until he dies Thus an understanding of Capital Gains or losses is desirable December 1971 is Day for farm real estate and basic herds the day on which their value must be established Cottages rental properties and mortgages have the same Valuation Day with slocks to be valued as of December There Is no great urgency establish the value now If you will not be disposing of your assets However it is much easier to do this now than it will be ten years Personal residences and one acre of land arc exempt of capital Asanaltcmatetothis a farmer may claim a annual deduction against his whole farm if this Is lo his advantage Thus when vou art placing a value on your farm separate out your houw and one icrc valuing them separately lo the remainder of the farm can then have a choice of either option when Capital come into play To establish the fair market value of your farm as of December list the following may be of value photographs of buildings and land sales price obtained from the Registry Office neighbouring farms of comparable size to yours purchase price arm insurance coverage soil classification productivity fruit trees Put down on paper as a record and file away in a safe place If feel lhat your form value is difficult to establish tall ma Certified Appraiser A Statement of Opinion from a real istaieagent iihouth less expensive maybeof littlevalue If vou have a herd the December 1971 fair market value of livestock musl be recorded When selling the basic herd the farmer must include as income any amount by which Ihe sales price exceeds this value for he basic herd animals April is the final date for establishing or Increasing a basic herd The valuation of machinery is only necessary if you arc in a partnership in order lo determine the ownership of each partner or if an incorporation to determine the value of common shares as 1971 Thevalue which ihe machinery would bring at an auction the fair market value is to be used If fathers arc thinking of selling he farm to he son now Is an excellent time before Capital Gains can have much if any effect upon he farm Be sure hal the price is the fair market price If nol tax could enter into transaction A person can give girts of up lo per year to anyone with a maximum of HO in any year However ihe donor must outlive he by years or it would be Thus some fathers may be reluctant to use to assist the ban acquire the home farm If this is so I feel it is the wrong altitude should be In cash not in ir machinery If Ihe cash is used by he son to purchase ownership in the farm now ihts will offset Capital Gains on hat farm judgement for the purchise of expensive precise pieces of I realize I ire Commit lee includes mem of the Township well so they must tike a portion the blame for I honestly believe be a gross mistake ind in unjust move lute council follows seemingly traditional polity if hiring of positions Mrs i Wiener BUSINESS DIRECTORY OPTOMETRIST Brown RO OPTOMETRIST It Hamilton RO South For Plcose present Insurance Card INCOME TAX RETURNS iOKKEE PING SERVICES KENNETH BURGESS ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS THIS SPACE IS LEFT FOR YOUR AD CARPET CLINIC Profess Carpel ana Upholstery Clean Your Home or n our Modern Plant Free Pick up and Del very CARPET CLINIC ALPINE HEALTH CLUB 8779531 Evans Chiropractic Clinic lJOGuelph Street 7J13 By Appoint men I CHIROPRACTOR GW CorbettDC Mill Street Georgetown For Appointment PHONE CARR CLIPSHAM CULLEN Consulting Engineers Ontario Land Surveyors Planning Consultants Wallace Thompson Small Claims Court County Clerk Commissioner mi BARRAGERS Shirt Ma St Free up and Delivery REPAIR SERVICE Service JOHN BOUGHTON N MONUMENTS I ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery PHONE 6 Water Street ALT KENNELS Irish Self art Shetland Sheep dogs Paplllons Board Inn for all breeds Maple Ave P VAN HARTEN ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR confederation St 8774321 GlenWUIlami