HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTED Andrew Murray Motors Limited AS Georgetown Ontario PART tTmT JANITOR REQUIRED MONDAY Georgetown Golf Country Club JUNIOR CLERK ippiyio MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD COMPUTER OPERATOR I hours daily starting at Only those with ex on NCR COMPUTER need apply Brampton downtown location Phone III AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN III REQUIRED Andrew Murray Motors Limited SEED CLEANER lot lor th lerest OD Locition north tor A PARTS TRAINEE to be trained in the complete dealership ports operation Some automobile ex helpful Must be clean neat and a sell starter Apply to PETE MASSON MOTORS LTD 33AGuelphSt MECHANIC WANTED FOR SCHOOL BUSES BOB ASSISTANT MANAGER HELP WANTED GLEN KNITTING MILLS LTD Armstrong Avenue HELP WANTED Woodworking helpful HUMBERSTONE WOODWORKING Full Time and Part Time TAXI DRIVERS Write Don Herald EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER Call or write to Box The Herald WANTED WANTED IrcidlP no why is best equipped to sell your property BECAUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN QUICK ACTION FOR OUR CLIENTS In Toronto Inrl rnlii preventative mil know J if properties km mi- Hill uiuMliilelTi II if ID rooms 111 room rni rou i kit baths roim rt tounlrv it OH nil itUT ainsjusttff f of modern livinRinscclnsionofowiitsiale nit quilt it inl lithium 1HttttT nut t- bungalow with carport on i quiet luurt in living room lxins include ret room price 111 Try an offer Itl HIKING Ill ll I ston room on bedrooms plus den in hung room full divided isemml immediate possession in II vi u like a larger Hume or would In Imppii In in ihtr now Is the time In luki think Illii v limit- ilk In us Ihrre Is mi oblation Mill urn in our best lns salespeople Jean WW Stuart 1rwininbtrH77 SI7 Will built spinous bedrooms ind you tin choose jour Hi lutilul kitchtn firephct lo to winter count rv lot only to nil t bedroom on quill strut in living room dining room larke kitchen with lols of cupboards permit skmg jiio v ah early possession ill- rill storey with J fireplaces oak floors inni I neb doors from dining sundeck swimming pool lots no mil buy both of semi dcliihtd lot Georgetown 1 fru inoni of I bedrooms stony liomis ind rent from tin other full pnei RESULTS ARE ASSURED WHEN YOU LIST WITH LISTSELL COASTTOCOAST REALTY SERVICES 1961 LTD MEMBERS OF HAMILTON KITCHENEfl AND BRAMPTON REAL ESTATE BOARDS WANTED Farm Animal Service Top or teller old 19RP67 Gibsons Dead Stock Service collect or or tin I RIDES WANTED n Oikv lie shared WANTED leive m oiler A p RIDE WANTED Delrex arrive downtown RIDE p WANT ED George tiny College Toronlo J vino appro no j p in W share call 877 HELP AVAILABLE DAY CARE available Slrcel ACCOMMODATION WANTED ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE AND FOR A e Beds I lisJiLJUl 1 PHONE The Georgetown Herald IjfiLH SERVICES WW i R A ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS FULLY INSURED WILL DISMANTLE We Sell Service GRAVELY TRACTORS LAWN BOY TORO LAWN MOWERS PIONEER Jims Sales and Service Centre Corner 2nd ne West ind No 7 1 FRED The Carpenter Phone 877 6746 Fred JENNINGS EXCAVATING l htu CARPET CARPET CLINIC on Clem CARPET CLINIC 4594140 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Desk space I forward 8776973 RUBBISH REMOVAL Carnere Sons LATH AND PLASTERER JOHNS GENERAL MAINTENANCE HOME HANDYMAN MINOR HOME REPAIRS F S BASTED0 GLIDDEN DECORATING CONSUITANTS Georgetown Decorating Centre Mill Street 8774193 BURGHGRAEF CONSTRUCTION Plastering Ceramic Hie HARDWOOD FLOORS SONS LTD Est Limchouse NO JOB TOO SMALL FRAMING ROOFING GARAGES FENCES CARPORTS CLEANED PAINTING IN AND OUT 8771646 Wm Montgomery BILLGASSNER PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Commercial Residential Industrial Installations Alterations HOUR SERVICE 8774663 TIPTOP PAVING CO I Call TOWER ANTENNAS installed TV APPLIANCES HOME MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATE The House Doctor KING CITY PAVING Limited ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Work fully guaranteed Free estimates ted CMC ROOFING ALL TYPES OF ROOFING Eavcslrougtiing 877 4267 PHILISHAVE REPAIRS WIGO TV APPLIANCES 8773376 Main North SERVICE Expert Service On All Makes Of Colour TV vvorkm tops our charics modest We I to ihe knowledge Ihc loo rtplicemcnt to set WIGO TV Appliances It HIM if tin Inn struts in limn rind settuij Tin Iin oms ind deu or il urn proi nit inside ind ixtellent 11 it buiniom suit is mill Hid f btdrootn buupjlov mill fridge stove londilinncr incluikd in Hit lliii0l lot rat id one from town It s 1 pirfttt irter borne IILCt- provide the for tins white ead two stores home in room and dining room modern siunp kitchen with room 1 half liundr room three bedrooms irJe it 1iv taxts It fine Jising mi Mill 1 IMMeiUldbejustlbethinRlliidottorordirid Nils line am room rinih bungalow with the kitchen pleasure Hour to in in the hung room Three formal room liillt It river one of pun I ike a ride out mdlook it over or is the brick for you Newly new roof three bedrooms rcc room fitwrcrntmortsaRe Hurry for TIME TO SELL WE HAVE WAITING BUYERS CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE OF VALUE I I 111 own provides tin kind of 111 1x11 Slid iwo 00m persun with 1111 1I1011 I bom lit I lilt It Will TWO in the be I liisiiitt fnrnnllivinRrooin lirtpl 111 Hit 1 in with doors to Mr 1 tin third lev six in ill isi prut imludis idloom llldripts inn 1 lHl III Mill Minds fist river I in ind shopping in- Olrit IMum Ibislinuhiim lii4Hsq mulliltvel linmi is peifidh sitniled 1 lire silt It is ill tin spin vvli ili I imilv tnukl dtsirt room ind pill I xi lore 1 plus roofed in 1 idlooii limn ind ink 111 bill mil fourth or dun low 1 li mom Hi Ixiast built mi md Il 11 ru f s sum plus wo Hiiro mis in iiimintmuitl itrikll i ism I in hud farm is situ iwnv from rnilv for rtnov il skeiihes ind Hi r firm for SSI ills COUNTRY nits lliikliw in I mil with ill v dill seem 11 it mis sir in I rul111 ill win lurthirditnls Hum B FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD Street Georgetown 8775213 457- limit mil limit After p call us rii inns Hub It III Hills lt I llUSlll Mm Hum Im 1 COUNTRY No ii llighwiv wooded with lovely BUSINESS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES ft sprinkler Bay modern pi location ttc invite lo compare Where can in iiutstmt that will give you return on jour money like plus 1 it Mime tfm Over SIS gross income with flow return on money of about percent illfnrfurilitrdetails bull price only extra large fenced lot on a quiet Thin Is in excellent condition has mnnv like paved drive red shag For further ills tall