IttKALD THURSDAY SEPT Page Debate Pros Cons of Coordinating Secretary Appointment of secretary to coordinate activities of various town boards and commissions has varying opinions among members of Georgetown council The subject was introduced earlier this year when clerk administrator Douglas chard suggested this would be valuable The Industrial Commission Planning Board and Committee Lot Adjustment were polled and up with different an Industrial Commission which has no secretary at all said It would appreciate a person to record minutes Committee of Adjustment which has one indicated It is 1 satisfied with arrangements as they ore Planning Board favours a full time person to serve all three boards Council indicated it would j approve the part time cm I or the Industrial I Commission leaving the other boards as is Hut to date nothing has been done TOO LONG t Tuesday council meeting Cr Donna Den son said she feels it is essential to have a staff member to co ordinate council board and commlssiui activities and to provide information to the public We delayed too long said Cr Joan Smith And it only hurting council She bald the administrator has pointed to the need for a knowledgeable person We can t expect six businessmen on the industrial commission to promote in land the it should be done she said We don have the staff to see that the transit question is carried out properly and we can run into enormous deficits there If we don t do something II have lo tell Mr Fobert we can t promote Industrial land the way we should she sold She referred to a letter sent to council recently by the George town realtor VEH lit Morrow said that wmc comic llors would take no lion because of impending regional government This is the very reason why wc should hire such a person he Georgetown will be the core of a new northern region and there Is bound lo be a turnover in personnel of boards and commissions when this happens be Important to have strong staff with a member who has the knowledge to carry on and brief new commissioners on what has happened and what is in progress 1 Deputy Speight said that he has heard about regional government ever since he first joined council in i7 With McKcough resigned from his cabinet post this will It once again he said would be well advised to act on the ad ministrator suggestion Hyde opposing ihc idea pointed lo the fact that three boards had up with three different requirements When regional comes he continued a number of present employees may to be shifted to other jobs and there could be a person on staff who could fill the post As for the Industrial Commission we have had tremendous commissions in the past that gave people all the information they needed he observed If ihc present commission tun l do this perhaps wc should look into it They may be passing the buck with J full time employee nut sail the ad mimstratur had said Iht is present to c ntmui ih the Full time jet idea Council I discuss proposal further a torn the whole meeting with May r Smith suggesting that the three boards be invited attend also and give their ORATING to express In lor trade Grant Georgetown Separate School Teachers Wont Join in Slowdown County separate school teachers will not join teachers across Ontario who are planning work slowdowns Sept to protest slow progress in salary negotiations and lack of collective I rung legislation Cliff Byrnes superintendent of the county separate school board said Monday We settled amicably with our teachers in May and we an ticipate no problems this year The separate school teachers settled for a salary Increase of just under eight percent Byrnes said Teachers staging slowdowns in other boards arc having difficulty negotiating increases of five lo six percent James president of Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association said such increases did not exceed boards revenues gain won by organized labor this year in Ontario Major areas involved arc Toronto Ottawa Sault Ste Marie Sudbury London and Waterloo Doug Knott a with the associations teacher welfare department said Ihe teachers are not planning strike action NOT INT RESTED Teachers reel major cause of the breakdown in negotiations is the absence of provincial legislation Rover nine teacher trustee collective bargaining he said said school teachers arc not in in province wide collective bargaining Own Choice Ontario motorists will now have wider choice in selecting Ihcir Own Choice of license plates with ihc relaxation the DID YOU KNOW To pan out Is a phrase lhat started with the practice of washing gold bearing gravel in a pan to separate the Guaranteed Investment Certificates now Get yours today at BRAMPTON John tt F HUNTER lit It mini mm lima Street THRU OWNcat and lidy home nicely treed lot complete with cedar decked pool makes for very pleasant Irving in this bedroom bungalow Family kitchen professionally finished rec room with wet bar 4 piece bath up piece in basement paved drive many ex Iras Asking 900 PRIVATE COUNTRY on acres minutes from town Ravine lot with lovely mature trees and excellent landscaping provides a perfect setting for the 1 storey home in excellent condition rooms includes 4 bedrooms living room family room and large kitchen with lots of cupboard space and lovely view car detached garage excellent garden land This property in an area of lovely homes and must be seen to be appreciated Call early for appointment NtWImmaculale two storey house on a quiet crescent features a large living room with dining area lovely shag bedrooms family sized kitchen one four piece and one two piece bath and full basement Paved drive and carport Price includes fridge stove and dishwasher Good mortgage priced for immediate sale BRAND COUNTRY five gently rolling acres with some young evergreen this roomed country home is now under construction and will be ready for occupancy Ihe end of September tea lures four lovely bedrooms one and one bath beautiful stone fireplace in large living room Family room with sliding patio doors on main floor utility room also on mam floor Roughed in fireplace In basement Attached double garage Sec Ihis for an early sale and have your choice of colours square feel of good clean floor space with office and washroom in good building on Highway location Reasonable rent and immediate possession HIND ARMS TWO ACRES PLUSHn this beautiful wooded lot contoured to suit most any house plan Goodlocatton good terms Mo TRFDBUlLDlNIOTBOx300onNo Highway just minutes from Town Asking IT with good terms OMR workable industrial milk quota large bank barn lie up head of cattle Milk house and bulk tank Surge milking machine cement silo steel calf pens Three ponds modern to room house with all conveniences miles west of Georgetown Asking price with down Will take property as part payment five minutes 401 excellent building site nil workable cultivation Beautiful location within sight of Scotch Block dam Good financing of good garden soil on paved county road north of Highway with good terms ACRES of good garden soil on paved county road north of Highway with spring at rear ACRES or Industrial land close lo No Highway ad joining the town of Acton All services available water sewers and gas at the gate Railroad available Erected thereon is an room modern brick house Bathroom Oil heated Large banked bam and garage Pull price WW with down TREED BUILDING LOT with nice creek edge of small village Asking too Good terms 8774441 or 8775165 ANN PL ATT IRPNE CURRY MA II J CROAT Canada Trust 8779500 A IAKF COTTACF BUT NFFD A HOME Envisage a five room bungalow with covered patio Situated on a beautiful king size lol only IjO feet to lake frontage This is a three bedroom home with a spacious panel shaped living room and kitchen featuring a natural stone fireplace With only a IS minute drive to Georgetown priced to sell at TOPS IN This attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow is situated quiet street convenient to plaza schools and highway Ideal family home Look it over today Price MO l limit limit- Sin 3 acres MS ft frontage Rood location to GOO Ultimo feet frontage minutes to town Price Sim It quality loam 1 id ilh reek I storey roomed house with bath 1 bank born with I Steel implement shed ID I jietitcd miles from 1 Just I hour fniml Mil t ROM acres with the Credit River along one boundary Spring fed stream along another boundary room bungalow and good barn Just off No Viking down It res Hi Medium loim Spring II ink I with I Steel plenum shed IM sure home with rooms hung i turn pen drilled well t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ml OH llllimv tout DOCTORS si iTts n lease lo lir elmie Sl OLD IIHICh Inc nit I I tan wltli Trims Mil suite apartment brick in heating tain ft isccmcullaKi a large hi if spue for pirklnR txcelleut witer Ironi drilled lull leasts earH possession Price gas pumps situated on a paved road In a good farming area on a large lot Excellent living quarters three bedrooms large kitchen and dining room spacious innni This price does not Include Ihe block tin Canada Trust Real Estate Department Is to In arranging First and Second Mortgages and Bridge Financing GarUcey Jl1J 8779500 JnniM mm 8771924 SERVICES HOME HANDYMAN MINOR HOME REPAIRS F S HOME MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS FOR FREE ESTIMATE The House Doctor JOHNS GENERAL MAINTENANCE SEE THE PEOPLE EJ MAYTAG WIGOTV APPLIANCES 877 Main Street North HUTT FENCE PRODUCTS CREWS HOME MAINTENANCE you round till house thai need doing Don t put It oil CALL John Lynch Pit NO JOB TOO SMALL FRAMING ROOFING GARAGES FENCES CARPORTS EAVESTROUGH CLEANED PAINTING IN AND OUT 8771646 Montg Zefa Alpha Continued from Page Cycle and Sports store at the corner of and Water SI was decided upon Mrs Norma Carlisle Mrs Peggy Haines and Mrs Mary Bridge presented the program entitled Invitations and Introductions For this program Chris Bridge was duly invited to come and introduce the eastern Arctic to those present He did this by showing series of slides and talking of his many summer experiences on Baffin Island when he worked Tor the Resources during his University days Mrs Dorothy hosted this first meeting aided by her two hostesses Mrs Vickie Owen and Mrs Ruth Wood Skydfvers Will Thrill looking aircraft will fill the air over the Brampton Flying Clubs Vic torla airstrip Just west of High way 10 Sunday after when Ihe club presents its third annual In anticipation of a large flock of spectators due to he success of the first two shows the club has prepared a field capable of accomodating some 000 cars They are estimating a crowd of 10 will walch the all Canadian show Club officials recommend people from the Georgetown vicinity planning to attend arrange to be well before the 1 clock starling time The list of sho features has Radio controlled models will catch the attention of the and when the show starts with flying antique aircraft dating back to 1914 the Interest and ex mounts aerobatics a flypast ex aircraft World Wor 1 and World War aircraft armed forces helicopters the smallest plane In Canada a gilder a low leel pass an Mr Canada DC plus many other air show highlights have been included In the program which is timed to the second so that there are no pauses In Ihe action Someone in the crowd could even go home 000 richer That ihc prize in a raffle being conducted by ihc club members of which will be selling tickets prior and during the KING CITY PAVING Limited ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Work Free estimates Invited 4595500 HARDWOOD FLOORS Est 1930LmehOuse dial operator Zenith SERVICEMASTER THE NAME FOR CLEANING Carpets Furniture Wails I Floors house CALL 8771121 THE OF LABOUR Protect YOU by Qualifications to competent en cod TV Service Technicians RYDERS TV JENNINGS EXCAVATING Loading Fill Topioll Limchouse an OTTAWAY EXCAVATING SEPTIC SYSTEMS TRENCHING GENERAL LANDSCAPING 1771 FRED The Carpenter Trim lor your n Counters Ic Phone 877 6746 Fred Giray BURGHGRAEF CONSTRUCTION Flattering 833 9570 WEED CONTROL I Custom Wood root Queen Sit Mil HOP I TOWER ANTENNAS Completely J up WIG0 TV APPLIANCES CARPET CLEANING CARPET CLINIC plant up del very CARPET CLINIC 4594140 ROOFING wo arrow Dim n44tf ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS FULLY INSURED WILL DISMANTLE We Move Everything We Sell Service GRAVELY TRACTORS LAWN BOY TORO LAWN MOWERS PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Jims Sales and Service Centre REPAIRS Expert Service it WIGOTV APPLIANCES 877 3376 Main Street North ALADDIN INTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS ROOMS REMODELING OFFICES Designing and Renovating Shamrock Studios ADAMS PHOTOGRAPHY Our Full Time Specialty WEDDINGS GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHY SONY and PANASONIC Radio TV Component TV APPLIANCES 877 3376 Main Street North GLIDDEN Chris A Schouten AUCTIONEER Sates oil Types conducted anywhere R Milto Alfred R Spence AUCTIONEER CARPET SALES SERVICE Est mates Carpel Instillations Insurince SI Floor Hunter Enterprises Furniture PhoneB77 877 Showroom hours Welder Rad Repair RADIATORS REPAIRED ft CLEANED 136 Nelson St West Brampton Phone4Sl tf TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Wake op calls Alarm Desk space rent DECORATING CONSULTANTS Georgetown Decorating Centre Downtown 8774193 8776973 Brian s Electrical Services repa ranges dryers etc Domestic altera Complete a Tyrrell Gourlay Plumbing FREE ESTIMATES Georgetown tl BILLGASSNER PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Commercial Residential and Industrial installations Repairs Alterations SERVICE 8774663 DOCKERAY PLUMBING AND HEATING 8772713 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL Brockton Electric Monday through Friday lam Servicing all types Electric Motors Gasoline motors op to h p Retail now ana motors all types CARNEY ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Res dent Contractors NORVAL Charles Carney RAY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ring Robertson Electric PHONE T S ELECTRIC ring Industrial Maintenance TERRY PEER CHARGEX PAINTING Interior Enter or HARRY BRANDFORD PAINTING DECORATING WALTER Charles St E Carnere Sons LATH AND PLASTERER Dry Wall and Tap ng Cement Floors Etc General Repairs Air Conditioning PlumbingS Heating BILL GARBUTT RUSS DICKSON Sheet Metal Work a Healing Rooting Aluminum Siding We ore n the Yellow Pages B Plumbing Heating R BEENEY R Georgetown WILLIAMS Registered Bonded Mailer ELECTRICIAN Electric Heating Heaters Mile North on Bin Line tl SERVICE Expert Service On All Makes Of Colour TV Our workmanship Is tops and our charges modest Wo have up to the mlnulo knowledge the latest equipment and top replacement parts service your set TV Appliances