GDMHA HOCKEY Complete Rosters of 4Town Teams as Second Draft Held This past week saw the completion of the official rosters of the Town Wee and Bantam teams and the draft in both the Jr A and Nlll- The American did not hold a draft instead staying will existing All players thai have moved teams will be notified this week by their coaches I Town Manager Mauley Coach Larry White Goalie Mike Cameron Louis Humphreys Mark Mellon Scott Arnold Paul Thompson Hick Itoekestyn Andy Holland Steve Henderson Hayes llob Mossop All worth Bill Martin t-AfUI- November It 1iinr Transport J Hums the battle of the transport I one s emerged the winners MacLeod St Andrew and llennctt the goals for I a s Assists went to Kirk and t St Andrew was the shooter tor Hums scoring two goals shot the other one with assists going to Hayes with two llamioliicavallngl Toyota gang their winning ways in dumping the scored a Pair of goals and one for ark and liodnar driw assists Thompson replied for unassisted late in the Realtor Cycle and Sports was the big gun for the realtors in getting the hat trick Itobmson and Bradley scored the other goals v ilh assists going lo Savage and Weaven Richmond was in the nets for the shutout Scores Saturday November Ottawa built a JO lead on goals by Tim Hay Blight sit up both and Al also got an assist Then Montreal started plaing hockey and potted four unanswered goils Bob Dave Glen King and Dave Walker were the with Mike Mirk and King insisting I on don lmdon took the game in a see saw battle They hit first Peter arkas from Doug Donaldson Kitchener tied the game Brent Fry unassisted Ijindon went aheidatain Mtkt Ietrmnn from end the period Kitchcnir lied the again final period Hill Wheeler from lenkmwin was set up by Hon for the Tom wis he big ferenieinthegamr storing ill four goals two of Ihcm unassisted Birr Willis lliihnrd Bryant assisted on tin Mike wis m the nets for the shutout Niagara Hamilton Dive shot a pur of goils and Hob Mike Barber added singles lo pate It in dumping the Hamilton iruw issist Hon the Kins I llcynolds wis thi big shooter polling four goals wnlmpid SI Kills Griffiths It Sparks I McDonald scored tht other goals Assists went MiDonald J 1ehmnn and Ithards M got the shutout Ielerboroil Ken of and Greg West of blanked shooters in this close game I Town Ice The A are continuing to impress and win B Ham mcr and scored two goals with singles going loG Stockfish McClurcand Osborne I assisted on two and Sam Bell Stockfish and drew single assists Scott Turner and Jamie Hansen were bus scorers with Mike Dickson assisting A Baltimore Quebec built a 3 I lead in the first period on goals by Scott Wilson with two and Jim Taggnrt Assists went to Mark Dave and Billy Gary Johnston set up Gory Stone for Baltimore Quebec scored what proved to be the winner early in the final frame Blake Dixon unassisted Gary Johnston drew Baltimore close with a pair of goals Craig Wilson assisting Buffalo Omaha Buffalo scored power play goal late in the game lo gain the lie Suitor K and Adams win Buffalo shooters with II Donaldson I Iteming and Sieve assisting David Johnson potted a with Mike Burns and Darren scoring singles for Dinah Id llowird issistui link 1 led his Itam with two lorlini contributed a two when Id dumped Mike Itindirson and Dai Bill one with ong to Jeff and Tom Dill Dunn and nulled for with Kick Donaldson and I wire too strong for the Tulsa iiam in win Harrison win the goal with iii assisting set up for lei eland J took aid in tin on by ildrum Tony Stnpliton Itochesttr in final to tiellitjimi Sizipwuk win m irksmiu with l in Viur issistinj on both mil w is a v ir aik forth and finally in St liuis two milk joals from I ind by I iktnson I ind stored from St struck J Dickinson from Chicago again flan from Dave Parker to ind first tied urn early in mil frame Andy llroadbint They wint for first limi in thi from only to Ime St Minnesota Toronto used a Ham iffort to leftal the Minnesota lw Volt Miki Duihm seond the Toronto loa Is with and Dwer assisting ird set up for the Mm lurk I played latihup with Boston lommg on strong near for the Boston Norton from Niw ork stored Sam Witt from Huston stored issisled with Boston strong the of tin gami for thi in Boston scored Norton from Mike Sim Witt It Mi Boston icMillan unassisted Niw Sun Witt from Mi mil Strut Boston stand Miki Norton bis from Strut mm and Mi Hun swi rid goals from in Paul from Don Gillnndcrs I II v is i garni until tin mil period and Mi came on strong or the win stortrs with issisting D lamb lannil Hit in nils I in iiiollnr draw Buffalo lying lliegimt in tht final Pile ind Waite M tit scored two for Detroit w Bludd 1 liiisandD nipper storing one ipieci It miond Hill issisled Mil l is lown Pee I is Patu ind I I were with to with two ind re Bob int with two I left lickwood smglis John drew assists Detroit a Hi hut stond die I in or Inn Sin Inte Buffalo is St is Minnesota liie 110 Itt t Mi Dshaw is Kilehcnir 10 J is St Kills is London I lain 1 1 ton is is l Weston Buffalo is Town Novice Pittsburgh is Providence I Jo Baltimore is is lloehcsttr Qutbet is Omaha ill is Springfield 4 11 hunting vs Ionics Transport is Park Burns Transport IIP II Divid Art In r lulled i i Jill sin i David inlay issnond with H and on irk Bingham tossid It with a i singli Brian with suiglt oilers mil wire next good stores win rolkdhs Marktoodlel 4J7 Mirk 4117 ii4i Ktun Harrison 4I ill louioi Jaguars 13 Alles it I ytlonts Stiplianii ox has girl II followtdby Sandy Br with 1HJ itichaidson is for with s Gourlli Goofs slashed Girl taking ill took all points from the House Average Incorporated snatched game from utter Talenlid Strikers bopped liking two games and totals Womin 1 Sharp Shooters In ALLEYWAYS Fuddle Duddles Own Two Point Junior Loop Lead IH- Trm high of Kelly is with Philip irt high for boys with whipped Hongs in all three gimes Pip SiUiaks subdued Slow Pokes for two games totals l S Dwer was lops with a JII7 triple and single hnsUm rolled a trio a new high single of I Third is burn iripk and ill tingle lukas tossed ill 12 single Brian liosmgk Gloria If has thi high of Bnlkm is second with ir2 lliundtrbirds iruiiud I link in garni Timlnstlobbered Strikers for three victories win triumphmt our 1 ittlt Stars all three games Bintims beat The Tigers in but lost pins luhlied in ill FOR YOUR NEXT CHRYSLER PRODUCT CALL Ray Addy DOM ROBERTSON Chrysler Dodge Lid Brampton IBID thru games Sharp Shooters nipped Wildcits in two games tola pins Tootles 49 47 Alley 45 Strikers Phantoms Sharp Shoolers Kmckcr Wildcats The Tigers I to StPtUSIX Gloria Hamilton was high with a nice triple and single Dehbie Alton rolled tnod trio and a sing wos a triple and single by Janet Hicks Bratkin had a 1911 triple single Sheen Bauer tossed a with a 165 single game threw a triple and David Inlay holds high wiib 177 Kevi Harrison has Torpedoes bombed on Alley for two gomes and totals Argonauts took one gamt md tot lis Cougars slaughtered Cyclones in every gai clipped for Iwo games and totals CAPRI SPECIALS mo KENDALL OILS MINI BIKES CLOTHING I ACCESSORIES LISGAR TWIN SEASONS WINSTON CHURCHILL AT Datsun is Canadian National Rally Champion SEE THE COMPLETE LINE AT MILTON NORTH END BP 878 2471 Steeles Ave Dally am 9pm Sunday 9am 9 PRODUCT OF NISSAN CASSELMANS IS Kb GEHTLE frSA KIE HELP II I liuorpor ilid I oofs II I H 1 it Slurp ox threw iMrtTlnpIt tlu g rls Nixt was Dunn with game rolkd i mm Iripk md Jl singk Sandy i hid and Ingle Hi i mil Moon bo lid iU wis Hit triple and a single Second was with a GO trio and Jiff gimc I link tossed with a liichardson rolled and J45 single Hire is Master Howler Mrs s up on bowling itiquilte Wielber you win or lost renumber a good sport is wlnmr Lane Language Standings loin Nook IIP I Hunter iltor Snunders lsso House I i rtown 17 Moss It Chips Anderson Hind ii I It oullkhm Nicholson 1 llien isiomi good bowling it the How on Monday November wilh Ikib II the men with a nice of and a 1U3 single in line with a triple and single wis Jack Other scores wire is follows Hive 7G4 Hill lion Aiders 711 Hen Bell 711 Southon and Winston Campbell 704 Also threw the high single of tht night of hi- S Siolllls THURSPA NOV Page Wtriwolvis I higinals Six Ding ling List night was the last week of Ihe 1st series The final points arc listed would liki lo MncCormnck who rolkd the high triple for women of and also the high single of Nice shooting liar Harry high for the men with his HOI triple and Dill was next wilh a triple and high single of the night for tht miles of was next with and Norm II iy ward was dose behind with a ind J Mahaffy had 7lfi inplc and single lift Norton 70a and single Jean Armstrong was the of Hit 700 with her triple Who wis the bowler that fouled not once not twice but three times For LEASING PLYMOUTH DUSTER 35 FOR AS LOW AS 78 per month MONTH NET LEASE including automatic motor and all ltd factory equipment Also Iciiina on Plymouth Chrysler and Satellite to fit your needs Reed ChryslerPlymouth STREETSVILLE 8261211 8261211 SkiDOO The machine that changed winter Ass changed TlMT Free Air Catch it if you can OPEN FRIDAYS TIL 9 PM MURT ALLISON EQUIPMENT GO LTD NO EAST OF ACTON BOYS SIZES HOCKEY GLOWS i A makers clear out bought cm all and re ihc saving on to you If hurry you probably find some with colon- colon and some NHL Magnetic Key Holder ll bud lime of year to lock yourself out I Buy one for Ihc home another for the car Twin magnet power SPECIAL 47 Magnetic Mileage Minder Calculate your trip Know when your car ready for servicing Adhesive backed adapter plate SPECIAL Universal 12volt Plugin Map Light standard automotive lighter sockets High pact plastic VUottd direct the light Replace able bulb SPECIAL 49 ReflectorType Door Bumper Guards White plait dcugncd to protect your door while preventing damage other am SPECIAL pair 66 Extra Savings with your CASH BONUS COUPONS Extra with a Candin Tin anon CARD TIRE MUMMY