YearEnd Target Date For Regional Switch Regional Force Will Mean Better Policing Says Chief merit office in Acton added advantages the present There be not lflckln indicated how this has be considered with respect to more area to cover and better service He also stated that while the new system would provide THURSDAY FEB 1973 Page Police boards committees better service to the said and chiefs held a meeting in that the will be able to draw At this time next year committee of the whole house regional government will exist clause by clause study hJrd In Peel Hat ton and Hamilton in principle at the public level we will forge ahead If It itht elections Mr Mecn Before second reading Is legislation is contradictory lo elections will be required in the Burlington January two various fields of law concluded the bill is referred lo the wishes of people he new municipalities in the foil days proposal for enforcement There will be a The people elected last fall Regional to records depot which encouraged lerm discuss whit submissions may mil be than the present Mr White at ihor have to be said provided ejueen reading which is considered a Park can reach a concensus formality third reading re citizens write to Mr While at Queen Park with Iheir rcaciton to Ihe proposals In with municipal politicians and members have an opportunity mm the informaiion will be the public says Arthur Mien the given lo Mr parliamentary secretary to legislation Mr says there and Minister John White January 1974 is start up time for people will be elected for three year term for the first election This special three jear lerm will bring them in fine in 1J with Iwo year provincial municipal dec lions he said of ihe P I C Canadian general concensus in the Peel is expected that the bill will ht ld become law sometime prior to government proposals He said the ih he t expect complete Liluienant Covert XT agreement but The overall for each of the regions Mr picture is one of strong sup There is notour fiscal year end and the start of ln regional government new terms of office for elected legislation was approved officials he said scera months prior lo yearold fomentation to allow Toronto lawyer is Ihe man Bear up for the responsible for of legislation which is workable and acceptable lo the three regions a few days he will nomoy announce the schedule for the first aeries private meetings with municipal councils At Ihc meetings he will outline the financial Implications of regional government The meetings he says will involve councillors clerks treasurers and roads people Mr Mecn told the Toronto bureau of The Herald he and Manners of the minis try affairs will Indicate assessment figures and planning priorities During the special interview he said Ihe meetings eon be described as shirtsleeve ladies sessions He said provincial Preston and planners and economists Mill Tin prizes were won by try to work out programs Joe Harold the officials based announced the draw am 1 ton meeting last week and Jimniio MI- TINGS ningham Mr Mcen said he expects to have repeat meetings with Get well wishes arc extended many municipalities because Mrs Leslie who is in information given at the irst lnc Hospital meeting will probably result in following questions from elected officials iWgcry fnulds and key people in Ihe various rPt0VCr municipal departments hollowing meetings with individual municipalities Mr Mrs Dorothy en will consider meetings to tertained several tittle girls at involve joint meetings home on Saturday on the councils in the new of her daughter municipalities thday Debbie who He said he hopes the was celebrating her hir meelings will end about March Those JO in order work can start on wire Jancl McMillan legislation Hoe Sheila Joanne If things move along by the Sharon Summit end of March if I have found Kendru Hamilton and Susan concensus on major items and lliyct arms were played meetings have worked well Hot then can launch into dogs and corn on the cob were preparation of legislation he enjoyed ly all a delicious kepi secret at Queen Park He said much of his time reg during Ihe next few weeks 1 vi discussions with Wl disappear throughout ihe areas A regional police altemallves lne POINTS three regions replacing clear ihe question of municipal forces he said l hem selves Police Informatii One issue of particular Communication concern will be the placing of regional force will also police facilities lo utilize them phase out 0 P involvement lo their fullest potential says the area wilh the exception if the and Highway says Police Chief It v as decided Chief Ihcmeelingthcrevouldhoveta present P has a Ll future of detachment office in Milton nature policing and Floyd says that a and two regional will provide highways and a detach LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY PUBLIC NOTICE Tn oil lea of Court Canadian will be opened In the Town Halt Main Strati Second Floor In Milton for the month of February on following dates Friday February 1973 Friday February 1 and alternate Fridays thoraatter A Citizenship will In attendance to supply Information about Canadian Cltiienthlp and to applications for Canadian from I a to lunch hour from 13 noon to Hornby 4H Gals Pick Knit Wits v nitrated their Each Institute had a display as hirtl lr outfits that they arc making well as models Exhibits in I Smith demon eluded many articles from nSalurdiy night H Trafalgar inside corner The next meeting and shirts I creation There were Fashions consisted on long n lhc short dres5M the prizes the follow Jim and short en iiHux Munis lm ana snort sets en tennis outfits and Tlie gram Local lenders wjs held at tie Master reeds Mrs Hoy Wilson and Mrs on Monday MacPherson of Hornby Mrs J The lucky January a Inslruclors M Bird and Mrs P Cox of re present on Monday which Mrs Murray and Mrs Sharon Mrs A of Mrs Ken lawrencc of Milton Tea We A Mb Passenger Carload Sales and Weston firjmpfon 365 365 J43 451 45 878 3435 loth Specialists Nancy Simpson teonomics ranch id Miss Ken 1avTence of Millon Home coffee and cookies Toronto Mrs Jim Hamilton 9564 4571721 ZMMlltM 32810 MMml STORES SAVE NOW AT RADIAL TIRE HEADQUARTERS MOORE PARK PLAZA 124 MAIN ST NORTH GEORGETOWN HOURS STORE SERVICE DEPT Open Daily 8 30 am Triors Fri Nights Tit said birthday cake decorated with idles and everybody helped candles out major items are establishment of for distribution of water and sewer services waste collections and disposal tn meeting of the A and planning The public will first learn of the legislation when it is in th is the press reporter Queen stone STRATOSTREAK the first reading sometime in early May Prior to public awareness leg will pass ihroULh management board of cabinet policy and fir lor it its committee at cabinet committee cabinet and government caucus At the stages of the movement of the legislation through the first reading lawyer in the govern men l offices check the legal wording of the bill The legislation receives the for approval in pie when it passed the policies and oritics committee following first reading ihe bill will on the order paper for about two weeks During Ihls time all members of the legislature will have an opportunity of hill in view of making any necessary am en dm en is Second reading of the bill which will come sometime in late May based on present schedule represents approval Park for opened Ihe meeting with the Pledge They decided i Knit Wits Ihe Jud ITijsi liirijs Smilh and Train Them Early to Insure Tomorrows Good Vision Stress proper eye care to all members of the family We boast a group of youthful style frames that boys and girls and all the family will like DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION FOR GLASSES ACCURATELY FILLED BRAMPTON DISPENSING OPTICIANS Phone 459 Main SI N BRAMPTON STRATOSTREAK 4PLY NYLON I many mode of MUSTANG CAMARO CUDA Firestone FRONT END ALIGNMENT