Add North Halton Reps After Debate Expect to Let Contract Soon HHUFTOWN THURSDAY 191 Georgetown and won a seat on Warden select committee on regional after a lengthy bitter fight by Georgetown Reeve Morrow at County council last moved that all members of council be members of the committee Earlier this month Warden Mac Arthur had appointed Oak Mile Allan Burlington Preston Milton Reeve Robert and Deputy Reeve to the committee which is to study existing regional set Reeve Morrow severely criticized the warden for leaving out the two northern towns containing the bulk of the population and industry in the north Reeve Preston pointed out It was the warden select committee and as such she had complete jurisdiction over its membership I It is a com Im afraid will Rive a select opinion retorted Morrow He said eorgctown has suggestions to make and should have the opportunity to visit the existing regional government operations I am dismayed at being deprived of the chance to give our input It is almost a divisive action Morrow contended The warden replied she had intended to keep the committee small so that it I unwieldy of said the committee is a fact finding committee and if any other memoir wants to learn what we an to learn they re wilcome he added He concluded by offering his seat to any northern member Deputy Reeve Terry Man net of suggested one from each municipality would not be an unwieldy number Deputy Reeve Sykcs of found merit in this proposal saying member sees regional gov err through the of hi municipality Morrow advocated all members of council seeing one as an If Ihe other could not attend There never was thought of someone out said Mrs I chose one from the north from lie one from Iturlington and because Milton dissented I gave them one After arguments by 1 members lasting about an hour Mrs Mac said she was to have a member each from and Georgetown bringing the total to seven She stressed she would not name them they decide themselves That as or as I m prepared logo she concluded Morrow said he was satisfied with one member from each municipality as long as the other could attend in his place Morrow and were added the committee Come to Church GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Telephone 877 J5a Sunday School 15 a Morn Worship m Even ng Serv AT ST ANDREWS UNITED Immanuel Lutheran Church Windsor Road at Carole St Rev Harold Pa Sunday School a Baptist Church Minister Rev Cairns Organist Townend Church School 11am Evening Dragway Owners Ask to Operate Every Sunday CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH FM Dial 101 BACK HOUR Sundays Also CHICIDial Georgetown Pentecostal Church Main St N Rev Jack FULL Gospel Church Sav our Healer Bap We you worship where Jesus Christ Is tiser and Com Sunday it a Sunday School Sunday at 11 a and The Pastor Tuesday at Prayer Bible Study COME A BRING THE FAMILY MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH MAPLE AVE E GEORGETOWN PASTOR REV R C THOUGHT One Evidence of the Value the fi bit Is chancier those who oppose It SERVICE TIMES to 11 Unified Family Service 30pm Evening Fellowship Knox Presbyterian Church REV PETER BARROW B KNOX CHURCH Corner Main and Church Georgetov MORNING SERVICE a CHURCH SCHOOL 11 a NURSERY CARE MORNING SERVICEf a St Georges Church ANGLICAN Guelph Street Rector The Revd R Gallagher A a The Holy Eucharist a The Holy Eucharist Morning Prayer CHURCH SCHOOL Nursery Church School 30 a m and nam Toronto Intcrnatlo wants Sunday racing all season from the first day of May to the end of September so letter from their solicitors to council stated last week when they asked that the by law be amended They asked that the racing season start May 1 instead of Ihc present Victoria to coincide with the recognized opening day of drag racing oil over southern Ontario They also asked the by law be changed to allow racing from Monday to Thursday nigh Is inclusive tilt 11 At present only three races per week Kith deadline 1130 weekdays arc allowed The solicitors also asked council to consider allowing he Kates to be opened earlier than 11 a m on Sundays if it is found necessary to avoid traffic congestion The request was not discussed at the council meeting but will be at a committee meeting neighbour to the and constant critic asked that he be allowed service still lives at IGA to attend the committee meeting Iteeve oxe him he would and also representatives of the North Ratepayers Association Who the ratepayers group now Dick I don t know replied acting rcee but well find out soon enough as soon as this appears in the paper IGA Play The Horses Winner for week ending Feb 3rd Sidney Graham RR 1 Georgetown The Cure for A Sick World JACK Met AHUM Georgetown Church This world is in an awful mess How often we hear these wordsorothcrsuch statements made by folk today The sad part of it is that it is all too true Good news is a rare commodity these day constantly we arc hearing of murders assassinations rapes riots hi kings drug addiction ilcoholism child beatings clc etc What a gloomy miserable picture it presents I often think of the little story I heard a good many years ago It concerns a minister who while endeavouring to prepare his sermon was being interrupted by his young son The father eventually gave the boy jig sow puzzle of a map of the world Go into jour room and piece this together son said the mmistet thinking to himself that will keep him out of my hair until 1 finish in my study Not too lone limt had elapsed before the young fellow returned with the jig saw puzzle oil put together every piece in its proper position The faiher was somewhat amazed at how quickly his offspring had this How come you managed to do this puzzle so quickly son he inquired Oh It too difficult Dud replied the boy You see on the back of map was a picture of man and once I got the man right I got the world right SOI This little illustration serves to point out a very sobering scriptural truth Jeremiah the Old Testament prophet somciiso before Christ stated The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know If It was precisely because of this that Jesus Christ came Into this world He alone has the power to give men a new heart While we predate what governments and local authorities are trying to do to curb the spiralling crime rate and to bring peace and order to our communities the ruth is hat the problem grows greater There is much that we could go Into in this regard but space does not permit it I am a preacher of Gospel and I sincerely believe that the Bible still has the solution to the world problem This dilemma with which are faced Is not so much social economic or political but rather it Is spiritual To effect a cure far any disease it Is necessary to detect he cause I suggest to you my reader that root cause of most of our roubles today whether they be personal national or international Is mans wilful departure from God TIIFHF IS We commenced this brief article by talking about the preponderance of bad news The word Gospel simply means Good News or Good Message The Good Message which the Christian minister has for is that through Jesus Christ His Son God has mode it gloriously possible for all of us to return to Him Make no mistake about II there Is one way audit is lo he found In Him who declared I am the Way I conclude felling another liitle illustration Speakers Corner In livde Park London two men were preaching their one a Communist orator the other a Christian minister The Communist pointed to a ragged in dividual in the audience and looking awards the Gospel preacher he shouted My message con put a new suit on thai man without hesitation the minister fired back at him r I have you know that my message can in suit What we need in not new government legislation but new men can perform this He will ith permission for He has declared llehold I stand the knock If man bear voice and open Ihe door I Ratepayers Group Backs Councils Stand elation officially backed council stand on the Consolidated Sand and Gravel site at and sent a letter to Ihe Ministry of Treasury and Intergovernmental Affairs to that effect A copy of the letter came to council Monday night Council refused to designate he Consolidated land as an extractive industry The also sup ported the proposal by In dusmin Ltd to use abandoned quarries for baled municipal waste spa sol They qualified their support by stating they favoured Ihc use of existing empty rucks for transporting the compressed bales of waste Don of already staled this would be done as far as possible MONITORING WATt It The letter asked that guidelines and control be set up by he County Health Unit or Ontario Water Resources Commission to ensure a continual monitoring of the water supply They concluded by lo be kept Informed of any developments DID KNOW company planned call a public meeting probably in red de is obtained from community hall to ihe cochineal a bug the proposal in detail SAVE MORE At Double D DISPOSABLE BOTTLES 99 PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE 68 NOSE DROPS NEW DAWN HAIR COLOUR v price Thats My Colour price l Fresh Valentine HEART Chocolates NOW IN STOCK Double Discount Stores STREET SAVE DOUBLE AT DOUBLE DISCOUNT SAUNDERS ESS0 51 Guelph Street Thank friends and customers for making business a success over the past 3 years DAVE SHIRLEY SAUNDERS AND FAMILY LOOK FOR DAVE at the new Georgetown Chrysler as service manager opening on March 1st at and Todd Road