Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 17, 1973, p. 16

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Georgetown Herald A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main Street South Georgetown Ontario RICHARD CAMERON Publisher Page THURSDAY MAY Georgetown Out of Focus With the Theatre Chains It is an unfortunate paradox that Georgetowns chances of getting a movie theatre grow slimmer as the town grows larger The old bromide that them what has gets seems to apply to this part of the Golden Horseshoe when it comes to theatres witness the Brampton area and since Georgetown doesnt have it appears we wont soon get Ever since fire made a hollow shell of the old Rosy on Mill Street in 1957 Georgetown has been hoping some theatre chain would look this way and see dollar signs At that time the population was less than half what it is now But while Georgetown mushroomed so did our neigh particularly to the east and south and it has been places like Burlington Oakville Brampton and Bramalea that have seen new movie houses popping up with each new shopping centre And as the number of cinemas within easy driving distance of Georgetown customers increases the theatre chains interest in establishing a Georgetown theatre cools another degree if indeed it was ever warm When The Herald recenly polled the major theatre groups regarding a Georgetown theatre we could get only one to say they would consider looking at the potential one more time Georgetown Market owners are aware of the void and have been beating the bushes regularly in an attempt to fill it Municipal politicians who included a plank in their platform stating they would do whatever possible to get Georgetown its long sought theatre are dealing with private en terpnse You can promise and produce pools arenas and auditoriums but you can only suggest loudly to or Famous Players where they should put their next screen Next time you phone your favounte movie house to find out what splaying you might just ask that pleasant voice on the other end of the line for head office s address Mail from Georgetown theatre goers to the logicalplaces may just add enough volumn to our cry to draw their attention back to this little corner northeast Halton where the natives have gone without their hot buttered popcorn for years Brutality Touches Us All Generally these columns carry comment on local or regional topics those things which most directly affect the lives and life styles of the people of Georgetown and area However the recent cases of sheer brutality in Canada s west involving the shipping back to Indian parents the bodies of their children in plain cardboard boxes surely merits some reaction from all of us Briefly the situation is this reports from Edmonton state that in at least two instances the bodies of small Indian children who died in hospital were sent back to the parents wrapped in plastic in cardboard boxes Apparently an Dastardly Sight Clarence Campbell was not very successful in sparing all of us here in Georgetown and around the country from the dastardly sight of the Stanley Cup champion doing what they always do with champagne in their dressing room Mr Campbell president of the National Hockey League had decreed that no television cameras Candid Comment According to the Financial Post the West is dry and that spells trouble ahead for wheat exports incomes and Liberal fortunes in a new election It seems rather strange to us that so much doom is not only forecast but treated as a reality before farmers in the West have even planted their crops We have never heard of a crop failure so early in the year The provincial governments decision to go ahead with collection of the 7 percent sales tax before it autopsy was performed on one of the children without parental consent The protective instinct of parent toward young is no less strong in man than it is is any wild animal This arrogant affront to the dignity of the Slave Lake Indian family will be long remembered because it involves a child It is this sort of thing that breeds a militant response and spawns lingering hatred People talk today of Canadas Indian problems Based on the inhuman conduct of those people who package children s in cardboard boxes wed be more inclined to call it a white problem would be allowed into the dressing room where the champagne was in evidence But after won it on Thursday there was the champagne Apparently Mr Campbell had not objected to TV commercials for beer during the game itself Beer yes Champagne no Class discrimination perhaps had formally become law opens all sorts of possibilities Perhaps Georgetown has been ignoring potential revenue If we followed the provinces lead we could set a policeman on one of our uncontrolled street corners and charge pedestrians with crossing against the light If anyone protested that in fact no traffic light at that corner it could be explained that a light is planned and we are charging people in advance But of course that would be silly ECHOES 10 AGO Georgetown councillors got what they expected when they discussed with recently possibility of the township trading Line the fortheJlhLinc Toocosllytomamtain was the Esqueslng verdict in a letter read the town council Monday May 13 said its entire road budget would not be sufficient to maintain The is anxious lo have a better access road lo Highway and had approached on the advice of Queen Park which said It would make the Line a development road If switch could be made The Bruce Trail which will provide mile nature hiking area from Niagara tolls lo Tobermory Is closely associated with this part of Ontario The trail Intact crosses the town reservoir property at on Us from Kelso Dam to Tcrro Cotta day Ion Smith representing the rail organization asked council permission use the Silvercreek crossing It was granted Valley Conservation Authority has recommended a conservation week featuring displays and talks and Georgetown Is the trial area This Is to be held in September EARS AGO A donation from Georgetown Lions Club will boost Georgetown financial campaign for a swimming pool If Ihe fact finding decides to go ahead with At a directors meeting last week the Lions decided lo forego this stay Home Camp and donate the money which would be on the camp to a swimming pool The club has also offered a building lot on beside the post office as a site for the pool Two Georgetown High school students a flying saucer week It was reported as an exceptionally bright object that hung In Ihe sky for about two minutes Then the orange coloured disc picked up speed and made an oval and then disappeared from sight This Is not the first lime these unknown objects have been seen and the American Air confirms reports of Flying Saucers house on pavement rooms residential section new furnace hot healing hardwood floors new cesspool Price Taxes Frame house Charles good garden beautiful location overlooking park immediate possession Price 100 Brick house hydro on pavement insulated rooms hardwood floors water Inside piece close high school and bus terms Asking price Low taxes Editorial The report for Ihe Town of Georgetown has now been printed and copies of name are in the hands of Harrison at municipal building Whether or not the town has had a good year should be and is a matter of personal concern of every taxpayer in town It is our money that Is being handled and the reports are printed for Ihconc purpose so that you can see how every cent of it is being Invested or spent A copy is yours for the asking the year standing laxes were reduced by and outstanding woter rales reduced by The auditor comments reduction in lax arrears resulting from the changes made in of collecting is very gralifvlng and the lax collector is lo be commended It Is hoped that here will be no let up in this collection effort the arrears in tor gel own still appear necessarily large Vlclory Bonds owned less bank loans re same were Increased by The Debenture was decreased by GO FORUM FOR READERS THE TIME OF YEAR YOU LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH Queens Park Will Davis Be Hurt By Party Dissent SPARK llUHt AH Of Tilt TORONTOUnless there is a marked improvement in parly welfare between now and when Premier Davis next Roes the voters he may find a number of his longtime members are no longer with him The dissenl in Con scrvilivo party ranks is extraordinary and probably quite beyond what you might expect unless you happen be close to it pie At veteran member a Conservative of whom you would hardly believe anything except complete loyalty is talking retirement Tins man actually has hid more than letters from constituents In the past while protesting government policies and idiom In itself this represents an extraordinary expression what makes it very telling is thai the letters were notconfincdtoonc subject A good manv were objecting to Ihe lax on energy but others were taking exception to in other fields They represent a widespread dissent TOUT This particular member says thai If the situation eonlinues he will have no hut lo retire He does not intend a bad He is by no means alone Others arc I ilking same And whit makes the serious for the Premier is thai the members are about the feeling but in I ADVISORS fl is common to hear members say that the premier is unavailable to Ihem That except for caucus they can their opinions and They also don like advisors around the premier He brought in a new group of top men and Ihe members feel Ihese men are not experienced in politics and that he listens almost ex to them Then have been some of his actions lhe feel are barf has been ihe government s refusal lo table Ihe logs of its lircraft The feeling among private member is that this has only bulll up which otherwise probably would have very little So there is bad reeling in benches and could result in real to the premier ind Ihe party BILL SMIL Bill Fondly Recalls Old London Haunts What would you like sec you were going to this summer The changing of Ihe Guards The Tower of London Shakespeare home town Winchester Cathedral- This is not a burning question around our house but ve been giving some thought Somehow tramping around wilh a clump of ourlsls while some guide spiels off a bored monologue appeal me I spent many a leave in during the war never did get around to seeing anything historical beyond a few ancient pubs And when I think of the south of I- ngland the north of and Scotland all that comes mind Is piles of picturesque pubs I did spend an afternoon in Ihe cathedral at Chester But was because I was a girl and it was cool and private In there And the pubs weren open I spent a monlh a stone throw of ancient Castle I gel near it Thecasllc was in the opposite direction to an ancient and venerable thatch roofed pub In country Another two was spent near Shrewsbury one of the very old towns no doubt crawling with history All I can remember two pubs Lion the Old Post Office When we go there we nipped across the nearby Welsh border lo the little of Oswestry where there was a pub with a roaring open fire and a constant game of Tip It an old game that is as psychological as poker One of Ihe few historical sites I did visit was In the old market town of Dumfries In Scotland Thesllewas you guessed It a pub where the bard Robbie Burns spent most of his evenings when he lived near Iherc I fell prciiy cultural about lhat When in London do as motto And you don find them standing gawking at the guards or limping on weary arches ihrough the Tower You find them In he Sound like one lung alcoholic orgy to you thai It wasn I It was mailer of eholec not boozer delight You eould hong around the officers mess Tins wis a bleak draughty with a few ancient The only source of heal was a fireplace with bits of eoil sputtering in it and standing in front of or four fn senior of with whiskies in hand Or you could get on vour bike with a few kindred souls and huddle off through he rain to Ihe pub There you found warmlh both physical social Girls Navy and Army WAAr Games darts or shove hn penny And if you hit the right night and knew Ihe barmaid there might even be spam sandwiches The ale was Incidental Well which of the would you have chosen No question ItighC However brings me to my present predicament I can very well take my wife all way England expect her to be wildly en over nothing but on extended pub Somehow I can t sec her being ecstatic about bicycling ihrough ram to gel to Die Gale Hangs High up in Wales It has room for Iwelvc customers and we used to get about thirty in there She might enjoy the Cheshire Cheese on St Or the Wagon Shed at Ihe Nor Head behind St Clonic on Kittygut SI or ihe Star and Garter Si John Wood one pub much like another a while unless you just waul to get in out of rain or unless you have memories LANDFILL SITE The Herald Dear Sir An interesting meeting lakes place on May in council chambers municipal offices It the hearing for approval of the new sanitary landfill site 1 wonder how many of he residents know the area involved 13 acres of pleasant sloping land with two creeks running through It part of Ihe Credit Valley It is presumably doomed to desecration in a manner similar o the present dump I would encourage anyone who thinks that landfill is on garbage disposal scheme visit the Georgetown dump now ncanng capacity Walk In from Maple starting close lo furniture factory by the Credit River As you walk through the below he dump vou will see he streams of stinking black ooze emerging from he heap and running Into the river will see the masses of junk which have blown and rolled into he woods One an only guess at he amount of garbage which has gone into the river over the 12 years during which the dump operated finally on climbing to the op of the landfill you will be confronted by piles of un covered waste free to and harbour vermin of being promptly and thoroughly buried under fill Make no mistake fill Is used but not at all times Is not enough the overloaded sewage plant is making an even worse mess of Silver Creek It Is said that the percolate from new dump site will go via a tile drain system to he sewage plant That interesting What will an already overloaded sewage plant do with that extra flow I understand water analyses for Silver Creek are showing counts of around Compare when ihcy ban swim four when they advise of drinking waler You would think lhat the council would unanimously ban further building permit issue until the additional capacity is installed Alice In Wonderland type logic they decide lo ban permits Will the council pay the mortgage interest while the newly completed houses stand empty The place themselves in an untenable situation from which they will be forced to withdraw I wonder if Deputy Reeve Sykes thinks he would sanction a 209 suite apartment as insignificant infilling Refer Herald May II would only give rise to a mere gallons per day in extra sewage suggest a reslrue luring of priorities Is required so hat he town puis its housekeeping in order stops polluting Are MailOrder Guns Too Easy To Acquire TORONTOShirtey Whit tinglon of Midland Ontario had a notion hat guns were loo easy lo get so she ordered one by telephone and proved her point Last week she wrote in a recent issue of The United Church Observer I phoned a national department store and ordered a semi automatic rlfie an attached telescopic sight The store catalog warned me that Guns are not sold to persons under 17 years of age but the girl who took my order didn ask me how old I was or indeed if I was who I said 1 was The following week the gun was delivered to Mrs Whit Nottomc she writes but my door I found It jammed between ihe screen and he inside door in spile of this Ihree by five Inch warning he front of he package Attention Guns and or ammunition Merchandise must not be given to persons under 17 years of age chandise must not be left at the door if no one is at home Mrs points out in her article lhat one cannot buy a handgun without rigorous legal restrictions but anyone with can buy a rifle in i sporting goods or hardware store An over sale required proof that the buyer is 17 years old but from her ex penence over the telephone Almost percent of the gun in Canada arc com mlltedwllh rifles or shotguns Mrs Whittington writes As ihe law stands these may be bought with remarkable ease Handguns figure in only about en percent of Canada total killings In the US where handgun laws are lax she says In The Observer article they killed percent of murder victims By far the greatest number of shootings in Canada involve guns that are bought legally and by people who are not professional criminals Mrs whittington claims More and more people are packing guns shopkeepers think they need them protect their ills private citizens want them for security Mrs admits tougher gun laws won end the sickness but they would make accidental shooting and impulsive murder less com and she points out that countries with tougher gun laws than those of Ihe United Slates have a much lower murder rate per people Those who are determined to break he law will find some way of getting a gun But tightening the law will make it harder for criminals to get tuns and will prevent many firearms deaths the article concludes What comes down to is this If a man going inck to his old haunts he should leave his wife at home Otherwise he 11 hear something like What in the world do you see in his place The I den lion my fool 1 looks more liki dot When ire we having lunch at bridges So I guess the only choice is to leave her home I miss her but I won tie and Bill who nave sentimental memories if the same pubs Take hem along Whoops Ryan has six kids Might be a awkward for him And oh yeah Proctor his wife lo ngland few years ago introduced her to some of his old girl friends He forbidden ever go again Oh well I guess me and the Old can sit and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square Or to Bournemouth and watch the old women whizzing around In their electric carts Telephone RICHARD CAMERON Publisher UN Advertising Manager Anne William Arnolt Valerie David Hastings Olson John loan Davis VnnDillnilii AHHIHK III AllON Mi Mrs I OCONNORS OTTAWA water courses which belong to us oil The councillors show scant regard for the exhortation on our licence plates Keep Beautiful MULTIPLE VOTE Editor The Herald Further to Strictly Personal of May with which wholeheartedly agree are you aware that under the Ontario Municipal Elections Act real men developers and land speculators have a good chance of legally voting two three and even more times In one municipal election The fact this privileged class exists came to light In our last municipal elections Scrutineers discovered that one man had apparently voted Ihree times once for each time his name appeared on the voters list as a property owner within the municipality of Georgetown As the Municipal lions Act states categorically that each elector is entitled to vole only once s with serious penalties for not complying this parent misdemeanor was brought to the attention of Police Chief Swantz Chief Swantz found his hands tied in that there was no legal evidence that it was actually that man who voted and not an poster At this point we elected not to pursue the matter but rather pointed out in a letter to John White Minister of Treasury Economics and Intergovernmental affairs this flaw in the act law and indirectly suggested amendments such as a voter must sign before casting his vote This signature would guard against posters as well as providing easy legal proof should the infraction occur again Mr White in a letter of reply dated March 14 said among other things However If a is made in the preliminary list and a person does appear on more than one polling list he person can legally vote more than once Mr White also pointed out there are ways to correct Ihis mistake before election day of he Act However these ways are involved and time consuming So it remains that since the preliminary lists are drawn from the tax roll the developer has a good chance of getting his name down more than once Then providing no one with time and money notices come election day the developer can happily vote as often as his name appears We little guys who own only our mortgaged homes don have this chance We can vote only once I agree with your premise it Ihe tittle infractions against democracy lhat pave the way to a Watergate Mrs J Smith Georgetown Mrs Smith was a candidate for deputy reeve in the last municipal election Ed The parliamentary standing committees are where much of he real wirk lhat Is in the mdepths analysis of leyslilivc programs and most of the action is in his Parliament There ore of he House of Commons corresponding generally to the Departments of Government They arc in effect microcosms of House Use I usually com prising 10 members divided eight Liberals eight Progressive Conservatives two NOP and one As In the House itself most issues are settled in a spirit of cooperation in Interests of worth while legislation when major philosophical differences of opinion arise ones which dominate he headlines things can become pretty healed One of the first items of business before the torn In a new session is the approval or otherwise of spending estimates of various departments Their budgets and proposed programs arc detailed in The Blue book a several thousand page nightmare of print dotted lines brackets and figures The minister of a relevant department appears a witness before the op committee is subjected to often harassing cross examination of each expenditure He brings along a phalanx of senior civil servants 20 in the cose of Iransporl Minister Jean and IB for Solicitor General Warren who so help me ill exielly In same 11k minister must know and explain lo the of he committee members how each dollar will be spent the reasons lor increased expenditures and why new programs ore being developed or old ones dropped The format Is much less formal than Ihe House almost conversational and the opportunity exists for individual backbenchers and groups of backbenchers to air their lews and get to the bottom of problems The has the power reduce or cut out particular expenditures The ministry desperately needs the money to run his programs When asked sensitive questions or Is caught in a contradiction he usually squirms huddles with three or four officials scratches his head anything satisfy Ihe and gain his voting support for the expenditure I am regularly a member of two committees Justice and Legal Affairs and Privileges and Elections As with most members I sub on others when matters of interest arc under scrutiny Again In the House the N P has generally voted with the government members on sensitive matters even to he extent of compromising previously sacred party positions For example they voted award the necessary funds for the Pickering Airport expropriations this year Attempting to pare government spending is a tough hassle Those 26 civil servants have to have something to do is year you know If you have a problem idea comment or criticism or if simply wish lo get In please stop by or my Hiding Office at Road East WONDERFUL PARTY The Herald You were kind enough to publish a welcome to Canada notice Tor my wife and I also to announce that a celebration was to be held at home for Mrs Mary Marrow l mi pleased to soy that the party was a wonderful success and there were of the family there A grand limewnshadbyall Morrow played the piano for the singing for about an hour My wife and 1 leave with sod hearts The Canadian people will always remain In our hearts for their wonderful hospitality and kindness They are second to none 1 would also like to pay a compliment for the guitar ploying of Mr Ron Darker and also Mr Jack Morrow The remainder sang with The dear old lady whom I am privilcdgcd and proud to call mother was in wonderful spirits and received lots and lots of flowers and presents Goodbye Canada and you can be sure my wife and I will be calling on you again soon Wilh deep sincerity I Yours fraternally John Lillian Georgetown Bible Today Thy shoes shall be iron and brass and as thy days so shall thy strength be Deuteronomy 33 J The good Lord will meet you at every stage of life every situation with more than My grace is sufficient for thee Forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye Colosslans Inclined to hold a grudge- Perhaps you had belter think a little on Ihe grace extended you If yo forgive not neither will your heavenly Father forglvi

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