CHARIOTHON WRAPUP Appoint To Regional Body Glenn Georgetown Insurance agent and a member of ihc Georgetown Police Cum mission for the past wo has been appointed lo ihc Hulton Police Com WITH SHOUTS and cries chariot teams break from the starting line in one of the preliminary heals of the Charioihon a I Georgetown Park There were four preliminary heats of one lap around the rack with the winners f the preliminaries competing In a final heal were fast walk 1 prevent injurus JOHN MY ItS rector f Information for the March of Dimes Ability fund captain f winning chariot team with March of Dimes Hand award In background members if the winning team are from left right Wayne Shortlll Gerald Williams and Mike McCandlcss Squadron Air Cadets See Ottawa On the morning of rid tut air cadets plus Tour of left Georgetown for weekend lour of Ottawa We arrived at following a five hour Following a quick lour of hi base we were to usage of the base recreation facilities for the night We made up the beds proceeded to the mess for filling meal We marched to the barracks changed into clvles and went to the recreation centre for a rousing match of European handball followed by a volleyball gam Lights out came early air cadets nil the sack Reveille was six hundred hours Saturday morning We made up our beds marched over lo the mess for a of bacon and We loaded the bus and travelled lo the National Air Museum Here we saw aircraft such as Bell Silver Dart and modern craft such as the CF SlarfighIer Most of these aircraft are In livable condition We hopped on the bus and took a tour around the residences of the Governor General Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition finally arriving at the National War Museum Canada military history from the first wars of the French to the two world wars to There is also an excellent collection of medals of the Canadian British US and German Armed Forces We went back to the base for lunch then off to the Parliament Buildings for a tour of the Peace Tower the House library We then proceeded to thi National Museum of Science and Technology We saw the large display of rolling slock In Canada farm machinery communication equipment old can and a rare nose section from an Arrow We returned to Cr Ottawa for supper sports and a little huteye Sunday morning came I we packed our bogs cleaned the barracks went mess and Innollmeatall we were home Township Of Esquesing TENDERS FOR SAND TRUCKS Soiled tenders will be received by the Township clerk Detmar French R I Georgetown I clock noon Monday November 1973 or two mm mum on in hourly basis the hourly rote shall include fuel and ill operating costs An of one hour per day standby lime w be made to compensate for off days Contract time from December 1st 1973 to March Lowest any tender not necessarily C SNOW Road Superintendent Township of Esquesing i Kendall Oils Mini Bikes Clothing Accessories TWIN SEASONS churchill Mr Our first concern Is lo ireate li Department lor Jan i hi said To to provide policing 10 ihe region is central appoint Oct i In addition lo the Georgetown appointee the solicitor general also Judge Warrcnder of Hamilton and illiam of Burlington to the five man regional board The other o members of the commission are regional councillors George Harrington of Burlington and Barrett of Oakvllle both pointed to the commission the Regional Council The board ill seliet Asked if the appointment as a surprise com said 1 wis that was hung considered for the post The phoned and advised me of the poinlmenl before the official announcement wis I pi Hit v bo set up in the region Just tan t operate with he I don I think the regional i will change the of the policing in any I the ire is hi said There Ins hern working committee in effect for some months reviewing what will be for effective Tin eommltlce has been looking at various other regi mid seeing how their lice forces opera I I think will be a position and we hive our work cut for us I am confident however we provide vwlh a vert effective police force The I rbt meeting of the Keg I nil Police Com mission is take place late this wiek or next week ind will deal with ihe appointment of j iliairtnon lie setting up of dates and limes fir meetings Com said Region become responsibility of ihe Board of I ommisslonen if Police on mm I Ha I Ion Georgetown and Mi ion The amalgamation of municipal police forces into regional forces and the ap pointment if Boards of Commissioners of Police reflect the governments to improve Ihe quality of policing services in all parts of province Mr laid Larger regional police forces provide increased flexibility better utilization of ivailable police resources record storage better lommu mentions ween forces and greater standardization in the plication of the taw Itegional boards of com of police now exist in the regional municipalities of Niagara Sudbury and Waterloo new boards being established in the regional municlpolltics of Hamilton Wentworth Durham and Peel Township Of Esquesing TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Sealed tenders will be received by the Township clerk French R Georgetown until clock noon Monday November For one grader 100 horsepower minimum on on hourly basis the hourly rate shall Include operator fuel and operating An allowance of one hour per day standby time will be made to compensate for off days Contract time frorr March December until Lowest or any tender not necessarily E SNOW Road Superintendent Township of Esquesing SEIKO THE BEST GIFTS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES This year give her I that belongs on watch lash on our the best dressed wrists A Lady So our do She love watch You II collect on thai lull ol love the pr cos Because small slender Seiko watches are made by with beaut laces colors I blue lor 1 mop eco and and And ihe look mo took to make it BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE LAY AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS NOW GEORGETOWN MARKET CENTRE Phone Wednesday well give you the key to our bank Commerce Key Account This identification card entities you to cash your 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REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR MOORE PARK Where we ask that B7T 5159 tor RESIDENCE FONGS RESTAURANT Tavern WE HAVE A FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY GEORGETOWN HOBBIES CRAFTS R0CKB0TT0M PRICES STARCO CARPET MOORE PARK PLAZA Ml nil N Georgetown Phone American Motors GREMLIN HORNET JAVELIN MATADOR AMBASSADOR BROUGHAM Ell Gould CLEMENTS MOTORS OF MILTON MM BRONTE SI MILTON THIS WEEKS WINNER Mrs Clare RR Georgetown I 1 ks I WD Up Delivery VOLVO SEE IT AT RALLY SPORT Rock Hudson QUEEN HERBS HOW TO ENTER RULES Each week you arc invited to match a movie star la a well known movie The movie I shown below and the star name appears live the advertisements on this feature To be gible tor the weekly simply cl p Ihe advertisement showing the star you bel eve played a leading role in I Love My W and send your entries Star Ed tor The Georgetown Herald it Week Leading Rol played by Scan Connery COMPLETE COLLISION a WORK FREE ESTIMATES CL AUTO BODY LUCKY ONE POP MART Factory Prices To You 1 67 WEDDINGS BANQUETS CHRISTMAS PARTIES ETC CREDIT VALLEY CLUB Riviera 77 See the Compute tins YAMAHA Starting GORDONS SERVICE CENTRE us tor all mechanical latteries and Accessories GREAT OUTDOORS TEXACO CASSELMAN FUELS Walter at in 1 Line