Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 5, 1973, p. 14

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THE HERALD Home Newspaper of Georgetown Acton and A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main Street South Gtorfietawn Ontario RICHARD CAMERON Page THE HERALD WEDNESDAY DECE 1973 OFFICIAL PLAN A Statement of Intent Developers and en vironmentalists clashed head on last week during a Georgetown Planning Board public meeting held to present Official Plan amendments to the public for discussion The clash t a violent one rather it was a display of feeling for the plan amendments Environmentalists largely favored the amendments which wilt control Georgetown population and will protect water courses Developers and in were critical of some of the amendments which will tend to stifle development especially development of new housing tracts The developers actually got short shrift because the planning board has been reacting to not only the feeling of environmental quality which is sweeping North America but also the needs for limiting growth or controlling it as determined by the town s sewage treatment capacity Too many people mean too much sewage which the current plant to be enlarged can handle and which even the present water courses Credit River and Silver Creek can handle The planning board raised some hackles because it adopted a policy of setting out agricultural land designations as a form of building control Such designation affects a large portion of what was planned to be a building tract south of Silver Creek What must be kept in mind now by both developers and in is the the Official Plan is not an immovable object It is only a statement of intent which the planning board is bringing into line with the revised zoning bylaw All this is being done to pre date regional government And town council might yet upset the whole planning applecart Official plans can be altered through amendment as is being done now Feelings change with time as do conditions Even two or three years hence conditions may warrant change Planning necessarily can please everyone nor can it alter the pace of of life An official plan won t guarantee that Georgetown will remain an idyllic place within Ha I ton Hills We have to have change to survive but we have to be able to control that change Unsafe Commercial Rigs A recent study into defects of commercial vehicles at Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications truck inspectii stations revealed that an alarming 7 per cent of commercial vehicles being checked were found to be defective The most prevalent defects were to lights and reflectors brakes tires and trailer at tachments Of 977 vehicles checked with trailers had defective safety chains or cables and at tachments Other vehicle defects included damage or deterioration to metal body structures window glass fuel and exhaust systems steering suspension and frames and wheels In an effort to remove a defective commercial vehicles from the highways the ministry has increased the availability of motor vehicle mechanics at the permanent truck inspection stations located on controlled access highways and also at portable inspection stations which can be set up on any highway at anytime Ontario Provincial Police are combining their efforts with personnel in this operation of the vehicle inspection stations All vehicles appearing to have defects will be required to visit the per manent inspection station where available In those areas where there is no permanent inspection station the will be operating portable stations set up by personnel In many detachment areas police personnel have been assigned specifically to com vehicle inspections This operation should continue in an effort to reduce the number of defective vehicles on the highways Its The Right Gift The spiraling cost of living has all of us concerned We shop more carefully in order to stretch our dollars But this takes time No longer can we dash into a shop and pick up something nice Now we visit two or three shops comparing quality wearability quantity or price until we find the right gift at a price we can afford to pay Christmas shopping this year will undoubtedly take more time as we try to get the same number and quality of gifts for the same amount of money or less than we spent last year Traditionally this is a time when we open our hearts and our purse strings just a tittle wider We try to please our loved ones with just the right gift we smile at strangers we think about other people There is one gift you can give which is beyond price yet costs you no money You don t have to shop for it line up to pay for it or gift wrap it When you give a blood donation you give the gift of life Amid the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations when you are busier than ever you may think 1 11 do it later A few weeks won t matter re wrong There is no manufactured substitute for human blood Modern technology has put men on the moon but scientists cannot reproduce blood in the laboratory When a patient needs a blood donation time is crucial for him there is no later A blood donation takes 30 minutes of your time You are not paid for your blood nor is the patient charged for it It Is a heart to heart gift made possible through the blood transfusion service of the Canadian Red Cross Society Toys break sweaters wear out candy toiletries and tobacco are consumed All are gifts which bring joy to the recipient but remember to give as well the gift of life During the holiday season give blood 10 YEARS AGO Joseph Gibbons returned to his post as mayor after defeating Mayor Erne Hyde with a plurality of 2S7 Mr Gibbons had served previous terms as mayor of Georgetown The election turnout was a poor 39 per cent issued at Queens Park service between Georgetown and Toronto appears feasible Georgetown has been promised a traffic survey early In the new year to determine fanner Chester Early today discovered a dead man slumped over the wheel of his car which was parked near where Mr Early was working It was quite a shock commented Mr Early Georgetown experienced no rabies cases this year and according to McCabe of the County Health Unit It is the first time this occurred In several years YEARS AGO Mayor Jack Armstrong was acclaimed for bis third term as Georgetown residents prepare to cast their ballots next week In his acceptance comments Mayor Armstrong forecast higher taxes for the coming year Members of the family which gave Glen Williams its name Charles Edward Imagine CUTTN US AH ECHOES FROM THE PAST Williams died In Slmcoe on Nov Mr Williams who was the son of Joseph Williams was born In the Glen In IBM The annual Institute bazaar and euchre realized over their funds on Friday Mrs Norton won the frull cake donated by Mrs Ellerby Congratulations to Ruth McBride a gold medallist In piano from our district at the recent Guelph Klwanls festival In election commentary Councillor James made the following comment on the mayor alary 1 think the mayor a pay should be Increased at least per year 30 YEARS AGO The annual Warden dinner was held at theEatamlnet Burlington on Sat Nov when Warden J McDonald Reeve of Acton was host to more than guests from all parts of the county representing all walks of life Cables were received yesterday telling that Gordon James and Puckering had arrived in Italy Pilot Officer Jim Ruddell left last Thursday for the G R S at Charlottetown P E I after spending a week leave at home Halton County did ex ceptionally well In the AllCanadian Contest just recently concluded receiving one All Canadian award and three honorable mentions Tradition Is Continued In Names Of Newspapers ONE WORLD BILL SMILEY Crises Nothing New In Every Generation It seems that In he Seventies the whole world is lurching as most of us do in our private lives from one crisis to another Crippling strikes crippling food prices crippling political scandals and now the energy crisis socolled A crisis may be defined as a turning point Perhaps it time we reached some turning points and did some turning in new directions What so many people of the affluent post war years don realize is that crisis are northing new Every generation faces them meets them and resolves them somehow War depression another war the bomb All these nave been universal crises In this century Beside those big ones a hike in the price of beef Is less than monumental and even the expected energy crisis is small potatoes I must be hungry FATCAT WORLD If the energy crisis becomes more than newspaper headlines and shortages and rationing occur It might be the best thing that has happened to the fatcat Western world for generations We are in grave danger of turning Into slobs physically mentally emotionally and morally Maybe we need a good purge in the form of a sharp cut back in our soft way of living Get rid of some of the fat even if It requires a surgeon knife Take a day In the life of an average family Someone very often ihe husband In these degenerate days gets up first and turns the liter The gulping more energy QUEEN S PARK Our friend shaves with his electric razor He goes down and gels his orange Juice out of another beast thai has been burning city all night producing nothing Then he flips on two on the electric stove one for coffee one for bacon and eggs When they re ready ne Jams some bread into Ihe electric toaster ON Then the mother stumbles down and turns the burners back on Father drives the eight blocks to work stinking up the environment and burning energy The kids wattle off to a school which is probably burning far more Ions or coal a day than it needs to That school has thousands of lights which are on even on a bright day At home friend wife throws the laundry into an automatic washer which uses large quantities of hot water which has taken a fair amount of electricity to produce Then It goes into the automatic dryer run by electricity Then she tackles the Ironing and we all know what heats an Iron In this day She decides to wash her hair More hat water Then she sits under the electric dryer wllh fresh coffee made on the stove burner At this time of year probably half the tights in the house are on merrily chewing up the watts BIG And so it goes right across the land all day long The television set burns Juice far into the night Advertising signs pop on and eat more juice Industry belches its wastes and burns energy with a lavish hand now In our kitchen the electric oven is glowing red It will for the next two hours Know what a in Crisis In Energy Gets Pipe Fixed one hell of a way to get a pipe fixed But thanks to the Arab states the Israeli war Venezuela Nixon energy restrictions the lack of a pipeline from the west lo Montreal warnings by federal energy minister Donald and decisions by the government here to conserve energy the quarters of your tatives in press gallery here at Queen Pork should be much more habitable this winter The main parliament building here Is old built In Ihe It has plumbing of ihe period Great steam radiators with valves which might And large pipes running up walls and along ceilings It is a system which lend Itself the finer shades of manipulation The only significant controls arc two One is on and the Is off The syilem Is either going or it going EXTREMES Which makes for some rather extreme extremes In winter It could bo on orchid growers dream house Shrinking violets can revel in It And from chill might never want lo leave it But Ihe virile all Canadian men and women who for most pari are those serving their lime In its precincts find It stultifying Now of course In line with the energy conservation policy efforts are being made contain this monster of a Chances of many material success would appear to be as substantial as getting a reptoj of last week Cup game Bui to get back to the pipe ihe effort will not be en lost For we people at your bureau here for some lime ae been suffering a rial wheh has been endurable only through our devotion to cation to getting news to and the of a regular pay cheque The trial has been one of those many pipes running up a wall It throws such heat Ihnt even with all windows open it would only need a stones and little water to mako a sauna Requests In the past that Ihls pipe bo wrapped and have been filed with the nuisance branch a very big branch In govern menu Bui now there Is lo be action Thank you you Arab states If One large potato being baked Multiply the juice being consumed by this one family by about five million in Canada alone and I think you II that we re a pretty extravagant even sluttish lot when comes to being prodigal with natural resources that are going to be exhausted and can never be replaced Ana I haven even men Honed such as electric tooth brushes and electric carving knives Don t get me wrong I m no Spartan 11 drive to work rather than walk And leave that great hulking rusting monster that required so much energy to be built and bums up so much more sitting in the parking lot all day The point Is I could walk lo work and it t hurt me In fact it would be Jolly good for me NERVES And I don expect my wife to get out the scrubboard ana wash her hair in rain But It mi good for her It Women and men have too much lime these days to sit worry about their nerves Our fairly Immediate ancestors dion have time for nerves and ulcers They dldn need pick up pills o get going There was no alternative to Just getting going They dldn need Ihree martinis to whet heir elites They were just plain Nor did they need sleeping pills to get off at night They were Just plain pooped I not scared of an energy crisis It might even be in Anyway I have my own energy crisis every day when the alarm goes off 15 That what I call a real crisis Bible Verse And he spake a parable unto ihcm to this end that men ought always to and not to faint Luke 19 I Keep your petition wllh praise before the Father He Is still in the prayer an Perhaps you have noticed that The Georgetown Herald has become The Herald with a subtitle that links it to Acton and as well as Georgetown You would run out of breath ordering a copy of The Hills Herald with alt those if name of the new town were Incorporated in the tiUe And you might stumble if the names all the present communities served by the paper were Included though people a bit north of here once read The Orangevllle Sun Garafaxa Erin Caledon Albion Mono Amaranth and Advertiser The newspapers in this country were fiercely loyal partly perhaps because man of them depended on government priming contracts to survive By the 1830s some papers had begun to proclaim their Independence such as the Cobourg Reformer the Hamilton Free Press and the St Thomas Liberal partisan and the Toi Brampton must have been happy when the Conservator started to rival the Reform Peel Banner and Times published there Times have changed so that the Times and Con serve tor Is now one paper Newspapers no longer simply advocate the plat form of one party they argue for or against policies on their individual merits The old names can though indicate that there is a continuity of style and tradition A few years ago the magazine Saturday Night was briefly owned by a man with distinctive views and was made reflect views When he sold It again new editor Indicated his intention of restoring the old tradition of the magazine by opening his first As we were saying before we were so rudely in terupted But It seems anachronistic for new paper to proclaim its In dependent Some titles Indies the atmosphere of the journal In the southern part of the county more than a century ego The Little Wasp ad dressed its stinging com ments to readers in Nelson Village as did The Bee In Some titles point to local color such as the Grand River Sachem comes from Caledonia near the Six Nations Indian Reserve Some suggest that news Is not the major business of the paper like many Advertisers And others simply report the news though Heralds and Telegraphs suggest more urgency than Spectators and Mails A place name Is not always included that can seem limiting Perhaps Joseph Craig who established The Hal Ion Herald in Georgetown in wouldbehappy the geographical base of his broaden scope Regional Offices Reduced By Ministry Of Education The Ontario Ministry of Education has reduced Ihe number of Its regional offices by one and will re structure all of them next year education minister Thomas Wells has told the Legislature In presenting the ministry s spending estimates Mr wells a that the ministry two Torontobased regional of will be amalgamated Jan The move will reduce the number of regional of from to 9 The combined regional office will be based in existing facilities in Willowaale and will continue to serve school boards in Peel and Mr Wells said that as a result of the amalgamation Ihe will be able to provide a more coordinated and effective service lo the boards In the eightcounty region Next year the nine regional off will be restructured so hat each will contain curriculum supervisory and financial components capable of providing better and more direct service the boards within their areas Mr Wells announced the appoint men I of Lauri Maki of as the director of the combined Toronto area regional of fices Mr Makl joined the ministry In 1960 as an area superintendent In Dryden Ontario After working in Ihe area Mr was appointed assistant director the m s Thunder Bay regional office He was transferred to Toronto in 1969 joining the ministry supervisory services branch and then n to the school business and finance branch Mr a native of Thunder Bay taught and was principal of schools in Thunder Bay He is a member or the Canadian and American Associations of School Administrators The ministry other regonal offices are located In Thunder Bay Sudbury North Bay London Waterloo St Catharines Kingston and Ottawa READER S FORUM Official Plan Amendments Are Termed A Disaster Sir Last Wednesday night at a public meeting the planning board introduced its proposed master plan for Georgetown Qu frankly it s a disaster Its salient features are as follows of the town between Maple Avenue and the northern boundary to accommodate an additional 10 people It is proposed that approximately 1 of these people will be jammed into Ihe vacant lands off Ontario Street adjacent to Smith and Stone ndus trial property and several thousand Jammed in between the two main line railway tracks behind the hospital The rezoning takes the form of high medium and low density housing arranged In such a manner to forever change the face character and charm of Georgetown Some people at the meeting complimented the board for the plan but I am convinced they did not fully grasp Its significance or its full geographic demographic cultural and economic effects on the community as they know it today Think of the logistical effects of traffic flow that the proposed development generates The plan proposes Ihe zoning of vacant lands in the southern extremity of the town for agriculture use despite strong arguments for Its development as a residential area The almost blind unreasonable and even stand taken on this by certain members of the board is very convincing business My ear Is nol heavy that it cannot hear nor my arm shortened that it cannot save The plan completely gnorcs possible industrial expansion in the community and comments made by some of the board members are shockingly industrial In total the plan proposes reducing the present industrial zoning by allow encroachment for other uses It therefore Ignores Ihe fact that Georgetown is a good place to work as well as to sleep by disregarding job growth potential within the com boundaries Under Ihe plan part of Smith and Stone property is shown zoned residential but I have been assured that this was a drafting error and that it will be corrected The plan makes no provision for integration of growth between the town and the satellite hamlets of Glen Williams and The plan conveniently Ignores the effects of Georgetown a absorption into Halton Hills except that a proposed Hills In dustrial area near High way is given as an excuse Tor the lack of any consideration to future Industrial growth within this community The plan only en feature is the zoning of the Silver Creek valley basin as parkland However the board s con seemed to be apologizing to the people present for doing this daylng the Ontario conservation authorities would have forced It anyway In conclusion we are being asked lo accept a package which will result in over development the town north of Maple Avenue and no development at all of the vacant land in town s southern extremity south of Silver Creek We ore being asked to accept a package which crowds thousands of people behind the hospital and in the vacant lands j adjacent to Smith and Stone I We are being asked to accept I virtually no industrial and commercial expansion thus limiting the growth of jobs within the community if cannot believe that this package Is acceptable to the people of Georgetown I again publicly plead with Ihe planning board to rezone the vacant lands adjacent to Smith and Stone as either park land or agriculture and to reconsider a more balanced development of the northern and southern parts of the community It makes no sense whatever to have overcrowding in the Ontario Street area while at the same time refusing any development of extremely attract ve residential land within the town southern boundary Before it is too late further consideration should also be given to the location of the proposed recreational centre It seems lo me to be tragic that this centre is being located at the busiest part of Highway I cringe when I think of children walking to it More attractive and safer sites are available near the hospital in the vacant lands at the south end of Mountain view Road and in the Ontario Street area I appeal to the people of Georgetown to reject the proposed master plan for development and proposed location a recreational centre before it Is too late W Vice President Manufac lutini ng Smith and Stone Ltd Canadian Studies Eggs Important Food But Consumers Resist English and Canadian studies should be mandatory subjects for secondary school students Education minister Thomas Wells told the Legislature during the presentation of the ministry estimates that students entering secondary school in September will be required to complete four credits in English studies and two In Canadian lo qualify for a secondary school graduation diploma Credits in English and Canadian studies are not now mandatory for secondary students Mr Wells said the change Is the result of monitoring the of research Into and reaction to the credit system from teachers students parents principals and administrators This elaborate and thorough process has proved that vast majority support Ihe principles of the credit system There were one or two aspects which caused concern and which tended to cloud the acknowledged and positive features of the program There Is also a wide public consensus that It should nol be left to chance that secondary school students acquire a deeper un dorslandlng and ap preclatlon of the English language and of Canada Mr Wells said With English studies mandatory schools can Include not only the traditional courses in English but also related courses In creative writing special areas of literature drama and any other courses which develop com skills in the English language Canadian studies deserve a place In schools lever has It been so clear that the unique heritage and culture of Canada and Canadians should be cherished and strengthened Pride in coui try and a genuine sense of patriotism should be considered national priorities and the schools have an essential role to play In this regard Food prices have been the news for many months and consumers have become increasingly curious about why they have risen so rapidly Eggs are on Important food but have traditionally met with consumer resistance when prices have risen over per dozen Perhaps this Is because usually Use eggs as hidden ingredients In recipes Their value as a food has been Ignored when used to make cakes cookies and desserts or to thicken sauces But when used for a main course at lunch or dinner as a meat substitute or meat extender they soon prove their value as an economical versatile and satisfying food even at today prices Dorothy Consumer Consultant reports that the first official survey of the actual cost of producing a eggs Ontario was concluded in To many people s surprise it was discovered that the cost was to produce one dozen hens eggs for all Cost of feed transportation fuel labour and many vices required by the producer of eggs have sky rocketed hence the in creased cost at the farm It t take a mathematical genius to figure that when one adds necessary factors to the primary cost of a doten the cost Increases For example there Is transportation to the grading station coat of egg cartons of grading and shipping to the retail stores handling and displaying the eggs in refrigerated cases plus a small profit on their labor tor the people involved along the line makes prices whether we like ft or not seem more realistic

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