NEWS Fox Problems In Norval Area I I9I Foxes acting in a peculiar manner and suspected of having rabies have been seen In the area recently One was In the buck kitchen of Mr and Mrs Murray Lairds home one day last week It was chewing on an old rubber coat and paying no attention to the dog barking loudly at it through a window of the door Before Mrs Lair could get help the fox ran off and was later seen near heos garage In the village Shea got his gun and 30k a shot at It but It disap peared Into the brush by the Ernie Alexander spotted a lox that was acting peculiar and gave chase to it on his snowmobile but it disappeared into a swamp on the farm of Mr and Mrs Alan This may have been the same fox that had been in the village The Harrop s dog discovered the fox near the barn and chased it away A little later it was involved in a fight with a dog near the home of their neighbor Sam McComb The phoned their neighbors and told them to be on the lookout for the erratic fox It showed up on the farm of Mr and Mrs Mac Hyatt and he Hyatts dog tackled It and lied it The dog Is now tied up waiting a report on whether the had rabies or not For the dog has had rabies CONCERNED Farmers In the area who have cattle in the fields are Suite concerned about the treat of a rabid animal biting some of the cattle Mr and Mrs Spencer Wilson lost a cow with rabies in December so the threat is a very real one Mrs Harrop reports that another neighbor had phoned to tell them that he had taken a couple of shots at a wolf but it had disappeared Into the swamp so now they are on the lookout for the wolf The fox and the wolf have stirred up considerable ex In the district and farmers are watching their stock as closely as possible All dogs and cats In the area should be inoculated against rabies and children warned to stay away from animals that are acting strangely Unit Two of United Church Women held a planning meeting for the year at the home of their new president Mrs Edna Murray on evening January with 12 members present Members were divided Into groups with each group to be responsible for planning two meetings during the year Projects for the year were discussed and it was decided not to have a bazaar his year as the year looks as if it will be a busy one Officers for 1974 are president Mrs Edna Murray vice president Mrs Rosle secretary Mrs Ella social Mrs Nellie Shea Following the business meeting the hostess served lunch and a social time was enjoyed Union Presbyterian Church W held their first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs Wilfred Leslie with persons present end Mrs A VonZuben presiding The scripture lesson and prayer were given by Mrs C G Bishop and Mrs Elsie Puckering after which Mrs Frank Dolson gave the new year message Officers for the year are president Mrs A VonZuben secretary Mrs Lloyd Davison treasurer Mrs Eric Leslie The hostess was assisted In serving lunch by Mrs Eric Leslie and a social time was enjoyed LIGHTS Norval residents were pleased to learn that at last traffic lights for the main corner of the village have been approved However they may not be installed until spring so until then extra caution must be observed by motorists at this corner and by pedestrians trying to cross the highway Nine year old Shane who was hit by a car on the highway and suffered a badly broken leg at the end of October returned home from Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital a week before Christmas His mother reports that he Is progressing well and will be receiving therapy until February when they hope he will be able to attend school again Shane Is missing his hockey very much but he should be able to par In the hockey schedule next year Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs James and family on the death of Jims father Mr John Doane of Norval in Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton following a lengthy Illness Sympathy Is also extended to Mr and Mrs Mac Alexander on the death of Mrs Alexanders sister Jessie Mrs Stark of Georgetown Also to Mr and Mrs Hugh Cunningham on the of Mrs Cunningham sister Mrs Edward Hill of Glen Williams Miss Pamela Browne of Surrey B daughter of Mr and Mrs Douglas Browne visited with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Carter over the holidays Mrs Dorothy McLean Ballinafad WI Holds Jan Meeting She said It was the an niversary of the order Her talk was most interesting She enlightened members and guests on many things relating to health services Mrs Shortilt courtesy convener thanked the speaker for taking of her valuable time to talk to them Mrs McLean again took the chair and read an Interesting article on pennies for friendship The roll call was answered by 11 members Welfare convener Mrs Marshall gave report which stated she had given gifts to cheer the sick and shut ins at Christmas During the reading of the correspondence many thank notes were read to show the of those receiving same Mrs was appointed to attend the officers con ference at the University of Waterloo In May Mrs Convener for family and consumer affairs had charge of the program Current events were given by Mrs Smith Mrs B Kirkwood had the motto is not dull it Is your attitude that makes Itwasgivenina moat interesting way and made the group feel their work was more important as they had to go home to prepare supper for husbands and families Several conveners gave two minute reports Mrs Archie McEnery commented that it was Hie anniversary of the 1st meeting of the formed in 1906 It disbanded In 1921 The iresent branch was organized Several articles were on display and passed around for all to see made by the homemaklng club The new club will be the cereal shelf Mrs Shortlll assisted the hostess in serving lunch and a social time followed There is lo be a Community Centre dance the last Saturday In January followed by the annual hall meeting at the community centre on Sunday afternoon January at TO CUBS The cub pack Is now meeting again at 7 m on Monday evenings In the community centre after a two week Christmas break The cubs are going to the Ice Follies in Toronto on Jan They will leave the hall at 12 on that date and be provided with a hamburger supper after the show It is requested that the boys wear uniforms This month red six was the winner in the pack points contest Ricky Ingles Greg Hancock and Nigel Doble accompanied to the Acton Bowling Lanes where three active rounds were en joyed by all The cub pack sponsor group Is holding the second of their annual dances on Saturday January 19 at p m in the community centre The theme of this dance is a winter carnival Friends a par en of the cubs are again requested to support this fund raising venture by buying tickets Wlnnlfred Smith EXPORTED The amount of fur exported from Yukon increased In 1972 percent over I he year previous The value of Yukon row fur marketed through the Ontario Trappers Association Fur Sales Service in amounted to Animals trapped in Yukon Include beaver fisher lynx fox marten wild mink muakrat wolverine otter weasel and squirrel HERALD CIRCULATION TELEPHONE NUMBER Another Big Week at AP UIC0 Dollar Sale Your Shopping Dollar With Values Like These ANN PAGE SOUPS 6 marmalades AND JAM WITH PECTIN 12flox Jars 100 4 VAllinu ACTION Lido Pastas action Tuna Fish Chunks Dream Whip dessert topping a SUM ACTION AP Tea Bags MIX or MATCH for men it Action MUSHROOMS OO Betty Crocker Noodles fr UNI ROAD ACTION Cotclll Egg Noodles pig Heinz Beans ACTION Hanson Orange Juke TOMATO ACTION Ann Page Ketchup 15 AP Fruit Drinks for 100 ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES ACTION facto I Dr Ballards doc food VAtllTIt York Vegetables MOOD 4 ACTION HI Parfait Pudding Mandarin Oranges 100 Heinz Kidney Beans COUNTRY CHIMIN NOODU ACTION Heinz Soup Mix Prima Spaghetti Sauce Beattie Biscuits pk Catelli Ravioli MIX or MATCH 4 CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES TINS 1 00 Health Beauty Aids Atoll Hair Spray j Soft novum on norma hair Milk Plus 6 MOTIIN FOR a Off OR OUT HAIR FRESH PORK ROASTS SHOULDER fend 199 79 LEAN BUTT ROAST J BANQUET FROZEN FLAVOURS ACTION CREAM PIES FLAVOURS ACTION PRICK I PORK CHOPS SHOULDER OR BUTT I 89 109 a chum UriverulFrozMpf2tts4pil15 I I euro Universal Canadian Crust OR McCain French Fries TURKEY A V1AI Mill I QUI IN Entree Dinners h Steaks Hamburg Patties2ibpks208 BeeTfc Pork Sausages Meat Pies 76V FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 39 win mao Mn action PlaVlet 1 Bhw Bonnet MargariM Side Bacon win cut is Back Bacon 59 68 Pork Hocks Wieners RANCH Bologna by the piece OK AM A TURKEYS Cooked Ham mm no soNum Cottage Rolls IKINUH Beef Liver sliced Ground Pork 11 CHICK Meat Pies CAFJAOA a KICK COINIH Game Chickens p88 ib 89 ACTION PRODI HUGO WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 89 I Cabbage large heads MANY fOR YOUR CHOI CI Tropical Plants 99 fresh Bolted Treats SANDWICH BREAD 300 WHIII I Willi I WHIM Bread rownn serve- 39 French Stilts IAVI Apple Pie Fuiismch Raisin Pie mi nth JANI English Fruit Cake i ib i 5 RAItlN Spanish Bar Cake 5 9 JAM AVI Date Crunch 2iiry49i OR Sweet Rolls Glazed am HID I ReJll pig of 10 im or no or it pi Feeding A Sick Child IDA BURNS The con itim boring a child I tin day delight him cheery tioy full of lighr foodt lo a logging Sines he cant have hit in In vile hii favour lie J animal lunch Include a truol a colouring Colourful unbreakable hold undwich and drink A clear like or Noodle to Cul the off Jon Parker French Bread round and decor die the lop fate made pick It etc Add a crunch the lunch carrot and celery dttierl try lining a bowl lightty fruit a ban you find running back and forth cold a tore why not tiy keeping a vacuum bottle filled with lemonade or by your child bed he can help It I tils lime to prepare a nutritious alive lunch for lick klddlei and you gl your reward when you lee the that lay you better than wordi Let help you with your food planning drop a line IDA BURNS ASSOCIATES INC lAMlHOAf ROAD ONTARIO PEPSICOLA MACARONI AND CHEESE KRAFT DINNER BAG OF FIVE PIUS DEPOSIT I 57ox ACTION ACTfON PRICED SWING CRYSTALS 88 Arctic Power GIANT SIZE BOX Bio AdS 79 DETERGENT PI Palmolive liquid 79