Page SB THE HERALD Wednesday Jan JO 1171 Know Your Heart The month of February I Heart Month time when the Heart turni to he public for financial support The following article was provided by he foundation for public information Although not generally known for their addiction to gambling Canadians do gamble on a numbers game In which the stakes are as high as life Itself The odds vary but all of us are Involved in the game of chance that determines whether or not we will suffer premature heart attack It Is a fact that one out of every four Canadian adults has some form of heart disease that one out or two of us will die from heart disease that the overwhelming majority of these deaths will be due to near attack The age at which events take place determines the of your stake in this game The family of a thirty year old father who dies of a heart attack will suffer much greater mental and financial hardship than the family of an older man dying in his sixties And what is the price paid by a forty yearold suffering a severe but non fatal heart attack which prevents his return to work The loss of another twenty five years earnings at peak rate the lack of financial security which could have been built up before retirement the drastic reduction in standard of living and the prospect of many- years taking costly drugs all add up to a considerable stake in this game of life You may wonder where the numbers come in Luckily four out of five of those who survive a heart at lack can return lo productive employment In addition heart research scientists have discovered factors which affect our chances of having a heart attack But more important is to change our living habits to reduce the other risk factor categories which may be present Check and see how many actors apply to you Heredity age and sex are the fictors we cannot control disease tends to run in families and should emphasize he importance of healthful living if applicable in your Hardening of the arteries starts at an early age and advances with age to the point where a fifty yearold man has four times the risk of heart of a thirty yearold box is also important as women lend to develop coronary artery disease later in life than men to a less dangerous degree Up to middle heart attacks arc five times more frequent in men than in women Now lets look at the factors you can control and remember he odds started are those compared with normal that is the chances of the individual who docs not it into a par licuhr risk category Consistent nigh blood pressure increases your risk to four times normal And what up can come down A veritable arsenal of new drugs ind diet information enables your physician to give more effective treatment and control the pressure once it down A nigh level of the blood fats cholesterol increases your risk of heart attack to three limes normal Dietary control may be hey factor and your doctors should be sought in lowering your intake of foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol Moderate obesity up per tent above normal weightcan double your risk Look better feel better and be more active by maintaining your weight at normal for your age bone structure Smoking not only increases your risk of having a premature heart but is in important factor in chances of surviving Smokers are a disproportionate per of those suffering sudden death after a heart attack Your risk increases with the number of cigarettes you smoke The pack a day man has twice the risk and the four packs a day smoker has ten times the risk of a non smoker Happily giving up the need can bring your risk back down to normal up smoking Physical fitness and its relation to heart attack causes some controversy at the present time Nevertheless the increase in physical and mental well being and the in appearance resulting from fitness may more than Justify the effort required And here Is evidence to suggest jour chances of making a good recovery are improved should heart attack strike Finally keeping fit will automatically assist you to control the other risk factors so forget the odds on this one and Just consider the results Well how did you measure up If you fall into the risk categories mentioned and do change your habits as suggested the numbers will work your favor Multiply all the Jdds together and you be pleasantly at the largo increase In the odds of favor of avoiding that heart attack further Information on redwing the rink of heart at tai your provincial inflation Si LJ everything you need to make it on your own Enjoy living have fun build your own rec room NEW LOOK superb pre finished Beaver Brand paneling Your choice of lour beautiful finishes Candlelight Rosewood Oak and Innkeeper Oak