Plane Crash Survivor Wants To Fly Again 1 11 never let it happen again We were really kind of lucky We t break through the Ice and It was warmer than the week before when the temperature was degrees below The cold was the worst thing was vebelow weren dressed for a crash explained Ian Hogg the year old Georgetown resident who survived an airplane crash in Northern Ontario Last Monday a group of friends from the Brampton Flying Club went to Michigan to pick up a small plane Ian and Ken Gardiner 37 those to fly the plane back to But tonville airport near Toronto We checked the weather conditions and were told everything was fine a beautiful clear day said Ian later We were flying along when all of a sudden there was no visibility I guess they call it an act of God Next the Instruments froze and we know whether we were flying up down or sideways added Ian who was piloting the plane We hit the Ice about 100 miles per hour and we only saw the Ice seconds before we hit The only injury to the two men was a small cut over Ken eye They stayed near keeping warm with the engine cover using pieces of foam from The only food the men had was a three inch piece of chocolate that Ken had Fire was no problem as he pair were given 50 books of mat from man In Michigan The only training I ve really had In survival was In scouts said Ian Ken took a course in Toronto and he knew quite a few little tricks I think these courses should be compulsory for any pilot who plans any flying in the north A few or the tricks which the men used to survive were their socks under their arms while sitting on their feet to keep them warm The insurance people said that they believed everything was on Ihp up and up Department of Transportation officials were more concerned with the health of Kcmw I than with the crash Many friends and relatives of the two men were concerned when they learned that the plane was missing The Canadian Tire store manager Murray Law on lent father three pair of high powered binoculars to help locate the plane Mr Hogg was ready to organize a starch party for his son Members of the flying club acted as an information centre for people rather than bothering the family were prepared to use all of planes In a search for Ian small Island about two miles away said Ian But we never saw any sighs of life except navigation beacon I climbed up the pole and got It working and It flashed most of Tuesday afternoon and night The coast was about seven or eight mites from where the plane had crashed The closest town was Blind River When we crashed both of the radios were broken and that was the hardest port not being able to tell people that were still alive Although we set up an automatic direction finder which points to closest radio stations We knew where we were and that we were fine but we t tell anyone else There were a lot of people worried about us and when I got home the phone never stopped ringing You really find out how many people care for you when you been lost Last Wednesday the pair decided to try and walk to the coast which they could see quite clearly During the whole time we never had more than minutes of sleep Within a half mile Of the shore a came around a corner of the shore and found the two men walking He picked them up and drove them to his fishing hut for coffee A Canada Forces plane flew the men to Brampton to meet their families Ian father was there to meet him I still want to be a com pilot explained Ian a grade 12 student at Georgetown and District High School I taking courses now During the experience I worried about the problem sometimes and wondered if I ever fly again but neither of us ever really thought of dying or that this was the After the interview Ian was leaving for Brampton to get In a few hours of flying during the evening The Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Second Clans Mall Registered Number THb WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY Upturn Guaranteed per year Single Copy Price Fifteen Cents INFLAMMATORY STATEMENTS Chairman Under Attack From Oakville Mayor Councillors Asked For Halton Tax Formula 37 YEARS OF FIREFIGHTING Four men with over years total experience on the Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department were very pleased to receive the Lions Club of Georgetown Citizen of the Year award held Friday evening From left Andy Ritchie years on the department Charles Jimmy Vatantlne years Bill Ritchie 30 years Bill Hyde 31 years and former chief and Lions Club member Doc Russell The Georgetown Fire Department Named Citizens Of The Year The Lions Club of Georgetown awarded not one hut Citizen of the Year awards Friday at Legion Branch IS hall The of the Year award for 1973 went to the entire Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department Accepting the award on behalf of the firefighters both past and present district chief Tom praised the efforts of the volunteers over the years saying they were proud and happy to accept the award Although they were not read during the evening ceremony the firefighters received messages from Prime Minister Trudcau and Op position Leader as well as congratulations from Premier Bill Davis and On fire marshall Martin Hearst Following la a list of Georgetown Volunteer Firefighters recipients of the Citizen of the Year award deputy chief 3D year medal actual Paul Robinson driver William Barber fire prevention of fleer Doug driver Bob Marchand Robert lieutenant Dave Williams Robert Wilson Collins Georgetown three major projects the library ex pansion the theatre arena complex and the swimming pool are still not being dec idea At the general ad ministration committee meeting an argument developed over the use of debentures for the projects Coun Morrow wanted to apply lolheOntario Municipal Board to find out from the what our standing is for money However Coun and Coun Duby saw no need to apply for the projects until more exact cost figures were shown I ve never questioned the need for the projects for the reslderits of Georgetown However just because the financial capacity Is there at the it doesn mean we have to go Into it At the end of Georgetown saw fit and saw a need to have their projects completed explained Morrow The need Is still there and I hope we can go ahead Let find out from the how much we can have if they don t approve a lot of money we may have to cut out one or more projects until later We re not committing the council to all three projects returned Coun Morrow We re simply clearing the road with the provincial government The people In Acton their new library over a period of 10 years we now have three years left to pay said Coun Duby How can I justify these projects the people in Let the ratepayers in the old town of Georgetown finance it if they can afford it Now we re being parochial as hell countered Coun Booth chairman of the committee II s not parochialism argued It These projects arc for the benefit of the whole town added Morrow There are people living in the area and if we follow Coun s idea then we hi red a new fire chief and we II let that area pay for him and a new recreation director is hired we let that area pay for him til be a sham of Hills when more than per cent of the population have been w ailing for these projects to be completed he added Let Just find out from the what our stand Is The motion for mendation was lost Coun Morrow was the coun in favor Coun wanted to see at least something for the pool and I would be willing to exercise a motion That still doesn t reduce the need for a new arena argued Coun Morrow This arena has been used for IB hours a day and a lot of kids are not able to get ice time added Why can we have a detailed plan like the one from Acton I just want to know how much is to be de ben lured The committee decided to have proper application prepared for grants under the Community centres act for IIS A Acton News Sport itldi- k PR Patrick Woods driver Snyder Charles Hill William Weir driver deputy district chief Brian rife lieutenant Ronald Bailey captain Mike Andy Ritchie past deputy chief year medal years actual Bill Henderson captain Harry William Jr treasurer Tom district chief Herb Wild driver Bill Cun ningham Jim Payne Pete Hayes William Paul Mercer Richard pleyard Barry Cooper Grcig Marchington Don Tom and Michael O Herald Photo men hold the Citizen of the Year award and a plaque of congratulations from Premier BUI Girl Suffers Broken Leg A five yearold Georgetown girl suffered a broken leg as a result of being struck by a car on Friday Feb the In or Road and John St Donna Maiic Wright daughter of Mrs Judy Wright John Street was struck by a car as she was crossing the road to board a school bus The Georgetown detachment of the Regional Police the school mis did not have its flashing stop lights in operation al the time of the mishap nor was It required to as the Highway Traffic Act stipulate the lights are not to be used in mph or under Police report no charges have been laid Major Projects Still Not Decided For Town NEWS IN BRIEF firefighters doused a pair of blazing gloves February The fire call came from apartments on Church Street the result of gloves left on a family stove HAS been awarded two federal con tracts totalling Varian of Canada Ltd will produce optical instruments valued at and electron lubes valued at 111 The two were among unclassified contracts each worth coo or more to Canadian companies during the week ending Feb of street In Acton was charged with falling o yield following a weekend accident Minor damages resulted from the incident to Mr a vehicle and to a car driven by James Mullen of Campbellvlllc lit ROSS Blood Donor Clinic will be held on Monday March 4 at Holy Cross Church auditorium In Georgetown The clinic and runs until Red Cross report that Type 0 negative blood and Tvpe negative blood are desperately needed or heart on March in Toronto Residents Still Against Steam Train Excursion Regional councillors Wednesday were to give taxpayers a formula that would protect the public against the excesses of the council The request was made by John president of the West ratepayers association and an unsuccessful candidate for regional council Mr who In the past criticized councillors for the pay Increase they ap proved for themselves early this year added criticisms of Ihe manner In which council this week approved a tern regional headquarters located in Burlington He told the council it ran Ihe risk of alienating residents of Kills and Milton by the move south and he expressed concern that the temporary site might become the per man cut home of the regional government What will happen three years from now if the suggestion I made that the location be In Will the argument be made that we 11 lose half of our headquarters staff he asked ThebulkofMr Somervilies criticisms however stemmed from the January meeting In which the council approved Its new pay rates giving regional councillors on annual salary of 500 more than double that rate paid to county councillors last year That salary Is in addition to funds paid to councillors for serving on municipal councils Mr did not argue with the new rates in themselves but he reasoned thai with the extra money councillors took on greater responsibilities and that the public is entitled to extra safeguards to ensure that those responsibilities arc met It is valid and reasonable and it is common sense he noted Ml we ask is some formula to protect us against councillors who by chance or design do not fulfill their responsibilities When the new rates were approved in January Milton councillor James Watson proposed that be docked tram the salaries of councillors for each council or committee meeting that they failed to attend The motion was turned down by an overwhelming negative vote The suggestion that at the very least councillors who missed meetings should expect to lose a portion of their salary was soundly defeated Mr Sommcrville noted In reference to that motion The comment was heard that you were not children he said and were mature enough to act responsibly That type of answer sit well with the taxpayers Mr pointed out that many regional councillors served last year on county council and so were responsible for the con troversial overspending on the wardens dinner It was many of your present members acting as county councillors who having established a budget for your wind up dinner ate and drank their way through two and a half times the amount budgeted is excess no matter what level of government It is at Mr attributed overspending by different levels of government as a major source of the in spiral Governments all across the country are spending money this country I have he noted time they do it the federal government prints up the difference devaluing the money in ill of our pockets A growing rift between regional chairman Allan Masson and his councillors became apparent yesterday when the chairman came under a blistering attack from Mayor Harry Barrett Mr Barret launched Into Mr Masson only seconds after the opening of a regional council meeting Ills remarks were in reference to a speech delivered by chairman Masson last week Your statements were detrimental to the four area municipalities and to the good condition of this region Mr charged They were inflammatory and totally out of order Later in his brief outburst Mr Barrett accused the chairman of taking cheap potshots at councillors In his speech The speech by Mr was delivered February 12 in to a meeting of the purchasing agents association In the speech Mr characterized himself as being responsible for carrying out the provisions of Bill 151 the provincial legislation that initiated regional government He said he was attempting to do that in spite of efforts by some regional councillors to hamper the development of the region CASTRATING I can tell you quite bluntly he noted That there are politicians who are dedicated to absolutely castrating the regional function Flsewhcre he noted There is foot dragging going on to the effect that we are not moving us quickly as I would like to see happen I urn plagued with area councillors trying to preserve their autonomy Mayor Barret introduced his statements Wednesday on a point of order noting This is he first time I risen on a po nt like this You have called us foot draggers and This is not the kind of remark that should be coming from our so called leader Still angry the Oakville mayor cut off Mr when the chairman attempted to reply to the outburst I have only one remark to make Mr Masson began to say He was abruptly cut off Your remark is out of or der Mayor Barrett In The point Is debateable You made your remark at a public forum and you were answered In a public forum ISSUE The issue stemmed originally from move by council that would have turned over respon for road construction and maintenance the municipal governments Currently roads are con sldered to be under the jurisdiction of the region The recommendation from was tabled for further study by the regional works department earlier this month but It prompted Mr Masson outbursts to the purchasing agents association Mr Masson explained the motion in his speech but at it only to a local council noting that it recommends that all regional roads maintenance and so forth be a responsibility of the area municipalities Now that is fine except that Milton and Hills have not got the equipment to do it Behind this motion Is the fact that Burlington Milton and Hills will be able to buy equipment to do their jobs for the region at the regions expense and so thereby in crease their departments and equipment at the cost of the region This is simply ridiculous but it is seriously being con by the regional politicians In his response Wednesday Mayor Barrett the chairman of completely misunderstanding the purpose of the motion There ore councillors seriously concerned with the high cost of the region to the taxpayers This motion was brought about by that concern the high cost of duplicating services he said We should demand an apology We deserve an apology Whether or not Mr Masson Intends to respond to that demand is not known If the single statement he Intended was an apology or not he was cut off by Mr Barrett before it came out Clinic Approved The approval by regional council here of a to establish rabies clinics throughout Ihe county was granted three weeks ago but word of the decision has yet to filler down to either the region health unit or the federally sponsored health of animals branch offices Brampton According to a spokesman at the health of animals branch more than a month will be required to establish the rabies program He added however that work cannot begin until the branch is notified of the regional approval We haven yet received any recognition from the authorities said Edward Earl He explained that the program which will establish several clinics scattered throughout the county would take a month or so to set up to find the stations and the people to man them We would need stations with a way into them and a separate way out he ex plained to separate the animals being tested The clinics would treat only dogs and cats he noted At the region health unit J Chamberlain would not speak to a reporter but passed the message through a secretary that there any information we con give you regarding the clinics borne residents along the Canadian National Railwav tracks between Georgetown and Cheltenham do not want steam locomotive excursion running on the line Bill representing about residents asked the Hills general administration committee for support against the proposed excursion line The Ontario Association wants to use the line for excursions running three times dallv from to October starting or In the morning ex plained Mr of Terra Cotta The residents hod a number of complaints agiinst he excursion line Trie include in Increased traffic flow which would be hazardous on the narrow winding roads The residents were also worried damige to homes from the vibrations of passing trains as well as the increased noise from the trains and whistles Mr council had been in favor at the residents to line ml tin depended on or not the line abandoned I mav be under the wrong Impression but 1 don think it matters whether the CN abandons the line or not explained The could reach an agreement with to run he I d like to know a little more idoed Morrow Something in writing to the council from point of view More Important I would like to see minules of the meeting with last hen asked about cost of repairs to tracks and Mr inswered would for repairs but it sicms when a group is given the go ihcad they go to the government for monct I want taxes going to some steam nuts to drive train past mv house is holding their pending a riport I In minuti if din PAPER MILL BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN that wis part ihe paper mill which pins tin in weigh rolled nil iiy Iran I h lording tn lick in in mil construction for region something happened to the Iruck and dolly on the Ihe btam to roll off ind against the bridge abutment Above the beam can be seen lying fronl and behind the left hand abutment with part or the dolly off road Mr noted that the bridge contractor is responsible for the beam and estimated damage is unknown