ONTARIO OUTDOORS HIGH SCHOOL INSIGHTS Folk Two Scheduled For April Conservation Approves Million Budget The Credit Valley Conservation Authority approved its new budget or 1974 In the amount of S3 Malar protects arc conservation area development including land Niagara land water control and waterfront plan Conservation area development means swimming area to improved at Terra and a new washroom building cam ping area and a picnic shelter There will also be work done at Meadow vale Bellountaln a maple sugar operation at work at and Silver Creek The Authority will spend In to land on the Niagara Escarp A total of acres were secured in 1972 and 1973 at Sliver Creek I feel they should be praised for conserving this unique area The new executive has a big Job ahead of them with more people with more time for recreation On Feb there were sportsmen and naturalists at the Maple district office of the ministry of natural resources The purpose was the building of blue bird and wood duck houses We nope this summer shows fruit for there labor in the production of birds the birds doing the producing of course While on birds noticed the increase in the number of crows the last few daya There is also a number of migrating song birds coming back and today took note of the first of the season As I previously mentioned in earlier columns the Resources tagged 12 whltefish this fall in Lake Simcoe This made a total of for the two years of and Ap proximately 11 have an Adipose fin clip and with colored markers Yellow was tagged off Blackbird Point Red black or blue were tagged at various points off the north shore of Georgina Island If you catch one of these fish please inform the nearest office of the Ministry indicating where caught color and type of tag as well as the total number of fish caught at that location on that day If you think wild fur is not valuable take note of this North Bay fur sole Feb 1974 red ox average of with a high of cross fox high of raccoon high of beaver high of These prices are for single furs To get this price the fur must be extremely well handled skinned and dried and not mistreated Some people still make a living off the fur they catch regardless what some organization says to the contrary Here is a hint for you outdoors folk that could save you a lot of bother and trouble This one comes from Mrs Lee at the store downtown Instead of buttons on your coat or shirt for outdoor such as camping fishing etc use the product that is tailed Vclcro This is a hook and eye style of material that must be seen to be believed A closure of the garment Is made by simply pressing the two pieces sewn on opposite side as a button and hole together No fumbling with cold fingers and it will hold under tremendous pressures This Velcro is iold by the inch and comes in one inch widths and I can you from experience that swell worth the expense and the time to sew it an your garments I am using It and am going to put it on more of my coats etc More on knots as mentioned last week If you can obtain the book Your Own Book Of Campcraft by Kathcnne T Fmmclt it could help you In many ways Almost all the knots that you need arc in this book although it is written primarily for young people It has a good description of the knots most used and many other helpful things for the outdoors I received a call from Bill up at Brechin on Lake on Thursday and the report is still good on the ice Two weeks ago they got eight whltefish in an hour from one hut and the combined weight of them was pounds This week fishing is bad all over the lake although the weekend improved The perch fishing is fantastic though 260 out of one hut alone Thais a lot of fish to turn your nose up at if you ore a purist out for white fish only The winds hove been from the southeast and southwest and this may be btamed for the slack in the feeding of the and lake trout though a lot of lake trout arc still swimming Jus I under the Ice surface Bill says if the windschange to the north or north east the fishing will improve I am starling on my list of want to see s at the Sportsman Show I find that with this list I can make sure that I don t miss anything and if you think that you see everything at the show then re read the program when you get home A lot of lime can be wasted by looking at something is really of no interest to you but even at that it is all part of the show The information on the event has not reached my desk yet so I can not fill you In on all the details to watch out for and not miss Still it won l be long now for this big event in our ONTARIO OUTDOORS Last year it was a happening and this year it going to be happening again What are we talking about Folk II of course This year High will be hosting another folk festival for high school musicians like last year Folk is being organized by Mr the Folk Club The schedule is pretty well last jear but itccrlalnlywon last success It will be even better The festival will start on Friday April with the arrival of the best folk musicians In Ontario secondary schools At evening the music gets under way with a get together just for fun The performers will be going on stage to try out their music in front of an audience and of course to show off their talent This was one of the most popular parts of the weekend last year The competition begins Saturday morning at the preliminaries in all classes Judging and elimination will continue through the morning and afternoon Performances will be held that to pick the finalists in each class Along with these scheduled events there are plans for workshops to instruct the folk singers in other types of in or music such as blue grass or classical guitar In these workshops with experienced instructors students will be able to help each other in their music The musicians will be doing their best not only for the money for first places in different lasses but also for the talent stouts and media who plan be in the audience The judges will consist of a pro folk musicians who know good music whin they hear it And II be hearing plenty of it bo will you if you drop in for just a few minutes or stay for the entire weekend Tickets ire S3 SO for the weekend or SO for Saturday evening Since Folk II is the only folk festival for high school kids in Ontario this year can be sure to heir the best of native Ontario talent So come on out Tilt Mm- it The foyer is coming After mere than a year of planning and gathering money our school foyer project is finally underway The rejuvenation project designed by Ian Hogg two ago was originally planned to be circular with a in the centre but of the high inherent in the circular design the plan has been modified to a more practical and cheaper angular design When lenders were in all of the local contractors were still above the budget set by the board of education Student Council Just when It looked grimmest the board carpenters headed by Nor man Elliot came up with a plan that could be afforded The specially designed arc being prefabricated In the boards workshop in and could be installed in as few as three weeks When we come back from Winter Week we might just find that our foyer has had face lift Tilt fit ATI Last Saturday the stage at DHS came alive with the characters from Sargeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band No il a masquerade party it was Liverpool the band playing Tor the high school dance Students took a break from their normal loud modern music to listen and dance to by Liverpool favorites such as pieces from Yellow Submarine were performed The realistically captured the spirit of the Beatles in the IflfiOs even down to the accents It was like magical into the past SPORTS At a gymnastics meet held at on Feb Georgetown placed first Schools com were White Oaks Oak Trafalgar and GDHS The girls of the gymnastics team under the coaching of Mrs White and Mrs showed enthusiasm grace flexibility and complete control during the meet On the team travels oEloblcokeforan Invitational meet at Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Track and field workouts for basic conditioning have been underwa for the past four weeks at GDHS Coaches ore Mrs Wescott Mrs Cosgrove and Mrs Wilson Girls there is still time to come out for the so some interest and support this years track The has just gone through labor pains and will be born this Sep tember right on schedule For the past month there has been a scare lhat the would not be printed because so few books had been sold but sales picked up and this car edition will be printed The staff larger than the staffs of recent Is busy gathering facts photos and other paraphernalia that make this different from With the sudden increase in in this book could be the best DIDMH KNOW It is bad manners In Lios when seated on the floor to let vour feet point toward head Of the souls Laotians believe Inhabit the the least dwell in feet and the in the head The Credit Valley con servo lion authority approved a budget of S3 is annual meeting on hen Major projects budgeted are conservation areas development Including land h 800 Niagara Escarpment land water control and waterfront plant diversion In Brampton Cooksvillc Creek channel improvements in eastern mapping of 40 miks of Credit River tributaries in the watershed erosion study and control on the Credit River and purchase of Credit Valley lands will use budgeted money also WATERFRONT The authority has budgeted to proceed with phase one implementation of preliminary engineering and construction based on the overall plan prepared by Crysler and Con Engineers Private free planting of the 120 trees already ordered Resources will cost the authority approximately 000 In 1974 This service is partially underwritten by a nominal i charge lo landowners for from the Ministry of Natural planting include Stewarttown Enjoys Church Pancake Supper A most successful pancake supper was enjoyed by alt who attended St John church last Tuesday evening All jou could eat pancakes and sausages topped with all the lea or frcshie could drink Sponsored by SI John Guild as an annual affair Messrs Tom and John Ottawiy assisted the Indies at the Brills Tickets were sold on polished stone Jewellery made and donated to the School in aid of the Primates World Relief fund Winners were pendants Mrs Bob and Mrs Fred bracelet Mrs J and Mrs Ivan brooch the Progress house has been slow possibly due soft ground r Grant swimming area a new washroom building in the camping area and construction of picnic shelter in group picnic area at Terra Also construction of a table bridge to link the natural area to the main picnic area at Meadow vole construction of concession booth and other Improvements at Belfountaln ire planned Construction of a washroom build ng picnic area nature trail interpretation and preparation for a maple sugar operation it Orangevllle Reservoir wen included Construction of picnic shelter it clearing preparing picnic and construction of an equipment building it Silver Crick part of the budget I- management and nature trail improvement are incorporated into the plans for all above conservation MAC The authority proposes to spend STUB in 1974 tor purchase of Niagara Escarp ment lands During 1972 and 1973 BOO acres of escarpment land were added lo the authority inventory in the Silver Creek north of Georgetown help Salesmen Businessmen Farm Owners Individuals WE WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUR TAX PROBLEMS NOW HOURS Tuos ADDRESS Main St S 8772217 Georgetown Ont Fridays Saturdays 94 162 Broadway Orangevllle Ont Closed Mondays ONTARIO NEW TAX CREDIT SYSTEM 2 out of 3 Ontario residents who file income tax returns this year wiN share million in tax credits Even if they dont pay income tax Fimilics pensioners tin others will Km hi Oni Ti Credit Ssum for three ind lures how work People who own or roomers boarders may share in the Property Credit People who fill out Federal tat return share in he Sales Tax Credit People over may share in the Credit You must out a Federal Income tax return The new purple OntanoTax Credit Form comes attached inside it So even if you dont income tax should still file a Federal income lax return vith the Ontario Tax Credit Form this year We want vou to get your fair share of Ontarios tax credits Ontarios Si am Divli or liter of TAX CREDIT St STEM IT you have any questions you may free of charge dial and ask the operator for Zenith Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial Volkswagen introduces the perfect car foritstime The perfect car for its time is a new Volkswagen called Dasher a remarkable car that does everything youwantacartodothesedays For example high power and good gas mileage normally dont go together But Dasher has an as tounding new fourcylinder engine that does a hot 050 in 8 seconds and also gets 28 miles out of the gallon If youre like most people you want a roomy car And you want lots of trunk space But you also dont want a bjg car Well Dasher solves the problem Technical 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MOTORS LIMITED VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE -t- AUDI GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN 8775286 ALL BONUS COUPONS offered by any authorized Volkswagen dealer will be honored when presented at Motors Ltd SPECIAL ALL NEW PORSCHEAUDIFOX DASHER BOUGHT IN MARCH FROM BAZ MOTORS maintained or which ever by only PARTS LABOUR PLUS OIL CHANGES ft LUBRICATIONS