READERS FORUM Page THE HERALD April 10 IBM Students Given Moral Guidance Sir values and morality in education is an Important and serious one Our children and our students deserve the very best climate and program Tor moral and spiritual develop ment They need to be en couraged and assisted In their development of understanding insight responsibility and effective rich human relationships lfbestresultsare to be obtained the debate must be solidly based on reality Distortion dishonesty or misinformation whether In tended or not have noplace In a discussion about morality or about any other aspect of education Throughout this controversy Inaccurate information has been circulated about the Grade 12 health program In our school This program was developed and Initiated six years ago in response to the needs of adolescents and adults Since then it has been previewed at various conventions con tinuously re evaluated by students and staff and adjusted criticisms and ex pressed needs of about 1200 students and professional educators AIMS These are the published aims and objectives of the course which were discussed with the students at the outset of the program Aim To provide the student with an understanding of behavioural patters so that he she may become a worthwhile citizen capable of making in telligent decisions ready to accept responsibility and able to make a worthy contribution to society Objectives development of self awareness To foster the development of a Philosophy of Life To help establish standards of responsibility toward others and oneself 4 To indicate some of the responsibilities associated with adulthood To provide a course which is meaningful applicable and enjoyable to todays adolescent To develop an awareness of community resources To learn certain social physical emotional mental health problems and an understanding of such behavioural problems To provide a course in which the student has the opportunity to a participate in group in traction b take leadership of group c contribute group discussions by asking thought provoking questions ap preciate others views TOPICS A variety of topics were covered to enhance the un derstanding of human relationships Topics Included philosophy of life human sexuality family relationships family planning educational systems religious values and post graduate opportunities We believe that the vital In and enthusiastic par ticipation shown by our students is a strong indication of the value and need for this program This belief Is strongly substantiated by student evaluation The program Is consistent with ministry of education guidelines and Is very similar to such programmes In the other secondary schools in Hal ton County and many other places in Ontario We have had the voluntary assistance of many people from the community who bring with them their direct experience and knowledge and help make the program vital and credible These guest speakers included medical doctors social workers psychologists psychiatrists marriage counsellors clergymen parents and others They have without exception been honest responsible and informative There are areas of con and areas of sen In controversy we attempted to provide a balanced range of beliefs and convictions for understanding without bias or prejudice In areas of sensitivity we respected individual Terences As was discussed and agreed upon at the outset of the program all students realized that they could be absent or could leave al any lime if they were uncomfortable with the topic A mature approach to the course Is expected of the students who are all In Grade 12 unless special permission has been granted We welcome members of the public to visit the program and some parents have done so We cannot imagine such a course being taught except with constant concern and attention to the moral values required by our humanity Nor can we see such a course being taught in our time and place without sensitivity and respect for the differences of belief and con vidian that exist in our world the world in which our students live J Robinson High School NORTH HALTON CURLING NEWS bv Cynthia and Partridge The Cornelius Bonsplel biggest mixed vent at the club was held all last week with the finals on Saturday night Harold Martin skipped his rink of Bobbie Phillips Don Nicholson and Ann Hartford to be trophy winners met the team of Ray Owen Dot Hamilton and Joan Mustard Trophies and prizes were presented to both the winners and runner Second event winners were Jack Crichton with Cynthia Partridge Don Anderson and Jet and runners up in the second event were Andre older with Barb Skinner BUI Robinson and Sharon Wood Third was captured Bill Elliott and Marie Emma Howlett Partridge Inez Crichton Don Thornton and Beth Anderson The win of fourth event were Ron with Gail Sparks Paul Anderson and and runners up in the fourth event were Jim Evans with Marianne Nugent and Robertson A presentation of a portable refrigerator was made to Johnny Cornelius In preciallon of all the work he does in conjunction with the curling at North Italian Johnny Is always at the club when he Is needed He looks after all the mens and mixed scoring etc Dancing and snacks were enjoyed by all after the curling finished and congratulations go to Jim and Norma Wilson and mixed committee for a terrific It lakes a lot of planning to organize a with curlers and did a terrific job Prizes w ere also presented on Saturday night to the team who finished in first place for the last mixed draw Andre Wolder and his rink of Eleanor Dan McAlplne and Jackie Holmes were the first place winners and second place went to Doug Manley with Eileen and and Janet MeKceman The mixed curling Is over now for the 1973 season but the men are still curling Sunday was the first of a round robin double knock out In all four sections and some teams are going to Orangeville this week for the Georgetown match The final mens spiel Is scheduled for Saturday when they will compete for the Silvers trophy The fashion show for the ladies Is at the club this week and the day ladies curling continues for n few games and then annual ladles wine and cheese party and election of officers for next season takes place on April 17 The closing curling dinner for all men and lady members Is on Saturday April and by a good at tendance we can snow the various committees how much we appreciate their efforts for a terrific curling season Junior curling continues and they are going to have their own closing dinner on Sunday April 28 1974 NOTICE Garbage normally picked up Friday April Thursday April Garbage normally picked up Monday April Tuesday April 16 Thank you TOWNOPHALTONHILLS WORKS DEPARTMENT THE FEEDING BEEF AND DAIRY CATTLE WET BREWERS GRAIN HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN SOURCE PALATABILITY EXCELLENT RUMEN STORES EASILY BETTER UTILIZATION OF OTHER FEEDS EXTENDS FARM CAPACITY INCREASES THE NUMBER OF ANIMALS THAT CAN BE FED ON THE AVAILABLE LOWER COST OF PRODUCTION YEAR ROUND SUPPLY COMPLETE LINE OF SPECIALLY FORMULATED FOR WET BREWERS GRAINS CONTACT MIRACLE FEEDS Call Collect 1519 Computerized Balanced Ration Service FLORAL FANTASY There were floral tnbulcs for all occasions displayed last Wednesday at the Kinetic sponsored flower in Georgetown Here Gordon holds a creation that is suitable Tor a child observance with his faiher provided the commentary for the show Almost two dozen Floral tributes were created during the evening Aluminum is the commonest Eddie who of all metals constituting distinguished himself as nearly eight percent of the aviator in World War I was Earths crust also a top auto racing driver Regret Expressed For Rock Throwing Sir On behalf of the students of M Robinson High School I would like to express regret that the rock was thrown through Mr Campbells win It was a cowardly act of aggression against everyone in our community whoever signed the note Student has insulted us and our school Many us have been upset by the distorted criticism of our school recently but we have exercised restraint We have accepted the fact that Mr Campbell has the right to ex press his opinions both as a concerned parent and a tax Dover Student Council President Robinson High School Could Be Shortages If Resources Wasted Sir The public realizes that there is no shortage of oil products in Canada There could be If we wastefully use our resources in the future The oil companies admit there is no shortage and they boast about their tremendous increase in profits for which they pay little or nothing to the government in taxes So anyone In any position in government In Canada who has sided with the oil barons in their deter to still further fleece the consumers should be asked to resign their office at once This should apply also to all those involved in the Hydro fiasco Rather than any increase in price of either of these commodities there should be a roll back to 1971 prices for them I am surprised that with its criticisms of the high oil company profits did nothing to force a ro back in prices They had the chance but were too spineless This would seem to prove that they too are only politically minded and have no intention of forcing this issue They would not risk their skins to do this Wc hope the makes a good showing with the other invertebrates at the CNE display this year Regardless of how things go I fully believe that it cannot go on much longer and when the end comes it will be too late for any changes to be made He that is unjust let him be unjust still and he which Is filthy let him be filthy and he that Is righteous let him be righteous still and he that Is holy let him be still Rev 22 11 Yours truly Ed Peters 31 Byron St Georgetown ftir Walter Scott was the author of Rob Roy and Quentis THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS TENDERS FOR NEW EQUIPMENT SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by D Clerk Administrator R R No IGeorgetown Ontario until oclock noon FRIDAY APRIL 191974 Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from the Engineering Department Maple Avenue Georgetown for the following equipment Item Two Ton Pickup Trucks Item One Ton Dump with two way sanding unit and equipment Item 1One Ton Dump complete with Snowplow equipment and a wing To receive consideration tenders must be submitted on Tender Forms supplied The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Mr Pritchard Clerk Administrator Town of Halton Hills R No 1 Georgetown Ontario Whyshouldnt the average Canadian have a car thats built to last Join the Night Life At Sheridan Registration now going on Classes start week of April Call COMMUNITY SERVICES Something ir Canada and everywhere else or 1l til fje ling more and more to not lasting very long We as fact of lih sec io mil Shot kill There on is von throw you re ih ihc rn iusI si it io be nailed toot it would lust comma a corny dale it a And ii da I If likt thing on gi it any better QuaTrty keeps going down yet prices keep going up work in turn is nsp by over do but aspect the When it is done gels done One reason why we re not afraid to lavish ore hand work- on Ihc Beetle tha exists Take reus lor ample most most Cnnad It a bit am I icy d lie to It lhat v Yet how old Unless Boll Volk wtiijt us There ar r Volkswog m A y old and r nt ami in At thirty or thou dollars its not to expi Roll to Insl mitely But at a re of tin part why Volkswagen of till tht cars in Ihe world Some people think were crazy In spite tin foci lhat lew things lilt ore ode the way they 1 lit wt our cars the way wr used to With kind of ir stun ihoroiiahiit So thorough the lor of a lanious American motoring wrote I cannot pretend to understand the Wolfsburo mentality Which is Since we hove never understood the mentality ol planned as it relates a large part the auto industry As phrased by a noted businessman author among others slates maximum soles volume demands the cheapest construction for the interval the buying public will tolerole Incredible isn if But reality Jus look Our reality is unreal But in little more comforting way Il starts with the way we painstakingly moke a car From the moment its first parts come together it starts to be poked conic eyed tested re tested by a group the most uncompromising people in the world The 8 VW inspectors As if thai I enough their Warranties and service or Where are they now that I need them We coll you a other Security Blanke unlike One of most expensively buflt can the warU tin being tested is thrown And on and on il noes lor every last port lhat goes into lost Super Beetle A maybe but the only way we I now to something close to perk as Why do they keep bringing out new cars each year Is something wrong with last years For the Ids years we ve done something else nobody else thought doing We didn t spend oil of our y work on looks We worked on the works Who wonts to be dr ii car that look a couple years old in a couple years anyway And the money that saved by not re tooling a frivolous new styles each year gets poured back into the car So you II intelligent and desirable things on a Super Beetle that you won I on more expensive cars like A sealed boilom strut front suspension wheels for longer tire life alive steering radius Il causes the Super Beetle to move straight ahead as you brake when one Side of the car is riding on ice or Parts are interchangeable from year TheVWSuper Beetle A month 20 mile warranty a 000 le extended warranty for iilernol engine transmission components electron c with four free check ex press rare and a denier repoir guarantee If warranty lakes overnight we lend you a free cor by for long as it takes The who work on our cars are no else again Il takes at least three years to become one They re factory trainrd when they re not working on Volkswaqe is we re working on At even more Factory courses that we send them to regularly so they can even period their techniques and knowledge Totally our expense When you as hard as we do on perfecting a car work equally as hard the men who work on the cars They got a lot when you bought it Why should you get so little when you sell it Strangely enough one of the nice things about owning a Super Beetle is selling it Since they re built to hold up depreciation is held down In a sense the it gels the more valuable it gets Look around and check the prices of used Super Beetles Because they rarely look used the prices are generally high Qu le often a year old Beetle will be worth more than some old cars that cost twice as much begin With Common sense again When you make something lasts everything about it will last Which might help to explain why more Beetles have been sold over million than any other single car model history of auto manufacturing And why more of them are still on the road II you re looking for cor that proven it can actually deliver what it promises year alter year drop into your nearest dealers and look very carefully at Super Beetle If nothing else it II at least re assure you somebody still around who believes making it lost comes first BAZ MOTORS LTD VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE AUDI FOX DASHER STREET THE THING is here now You have to see it to believe it The Quality Goes Up The Price Goes Down at BAZ 00 Plus tax and licence J YEARS OR MILES WARRANTY FREE COURTESY CAR BY APPOINTMENT BEST SERVICE IN THE COUNTRY BANK FINANCING WITH APPROVAL