June II Georgetown developed Initially as a country village on the road from Toronto to Guelph Its early growth Impetus was provided by mills on the Credit River and the Sliver Creek which were built In the eighteen twenties and thirties The census of reveals that the Village of Georgetown had a population of persons In the construction of the Toronto line of the Grand Trunk Railway through the Village reinforced Its position and fostered Its further growth as a manufacturing and agricultural to service centre Georgetown was still a small town with a population of about persons After the development in the towns population more than doubled In six years to over persons Since 1947 the town has been successfully promoted to commuters from the Toronto area and has grown rapidly adding a thousand persons each year to Its present count of more than people From a recent Industrial survey In Georgetown It has been found that there are about employees In the town each day Seventy three per cent of these employees live In town while sixty three per cent of the total are employed by seven companies While Industry business and commerce maintain a healthy growth picture agriculture continues to play a major role Prosperous farms located about Georgetown attest to the fact that steady hours of sunshine and temperate climate produce bountiful grain crops and productive herds of cattle hogs and sheep Residents of Georgetown may work play and live In comfort while the nearby urban areas of Brampton Toronto or others Residents of Georgetown take great pride In their well kept homes The older and residential areas are neighborly to suburban development providing a feeling of stability and history so often lacking In newly developed areas A part of Georgetowns success has been due to Its overall plan of orderly growth and development which allows for progressive Industrial areas harmonized residential areas and well buffered commercial zones v PLENTY OF CONFIDENCE ABOUT WHATS AHEAD Varian Associates The motto at Varian Associates where engineering Is superb needs no explanation Being the worlds largest manufacturer of specialized electronic tubes Varian endows high esteem on Its precision specialists and engineers who have developed for the company a world reknowned reputation Varian Associates on River Drive Is a wholly owned sub sidiary of Varian of Palo Alto California Built in Georgetown In at the request of the Canadian government for a second source of military equloment for the Canada USA defence sharing program the plant opened with persons in an 3000 square foot area Today 19 years later Varian employees about In a S3 square foot building Varian spec in 11 tea in manufacture and resale of klystron tubes and other high frequency microwave equip ment The precision finished products are used in radar communications systems military missies and In the treatment of cancer Within the building Varian maintains a complete range of facilities required for the design manufacture and testing of low power reflex travelling wave tubes magnetrons microwave and oscillators The plant also contains ex tensive facilities for machining plating assembling brazing pumping finishing and testing tubes and parts The team of machinists and tool makers is particularly skilled in the manufacture of the extremely small and closely parts From Georgetown Varian exports to England Japan Germany Singapore South America Australia and the USA Sales have doubled In the last five years said marketing manager G Connell Smith and with a growth trend like this Varian clearly demonstrates why It has become a leader in its field Domtox Fine Papers Limited We are operating hours a day seven days a week stated J Crlchton resident manager at Domtar Pine Papers Ltd on Rosetta Business has been strong and progress is evident The number of employees has In creased from 180 in to a current 211 Expansions have been necessary to process the tons of paper each year that move through the mill produces fine cast and coated papers for the printing of such items as high labels folders cards and chocolate bar wrappers Thousands of rolls of paper are shipped to the Georgetown plant from mills In St Catherines Cornwall and Quebec This base stock is coated glossed and finished before it leaves mill again also supplies photographers around the world although percent of their market Is in Canada Six mills across Canada Including Georgetown branch have led the company in becoming Canada largest paper producers REVIEW AND FORECAST INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Be informed read this In depth report of Halton Hills recent achievements current position and future prospects related In terms of Industrial Commercial and Residential development As well this special edition of The Herald presents a candid look at sociological changes and developments In the com munlty With the continued dedication the resolve and the effort of the people of our community we can and will forward Into years of progress In the town of Halton Hills 32 Mill St Acton HUNDREDS Canada Lid 102 Armstrong Avenue yfcrt Engineered equipment for pipelines gas mains plant piping Products T D Williamson manufactures engineered products tor pipelines gas mains and plant piping systems Products Include high medium and low pressure tapping and plugging equipment a variety ot pipeline pigs for cleaning batching and gauging and pipeline casing Insulation materials The company also operates a service department with qualified personnel and equipment offering hot tapping and plugging services to operators of pipelines and plant piping systems History Williamson Canada Ltd began operations In Canada In 1959 with the opening of a 3000 square foot facility In Brampton After starting with a total of three employees the operation grew and the firm moved to Its present facility In Georgetown In This new plant is 13000 ft In size with a work force of 24 employees T Williamson Canada Ltd Is a subsidiary of T D Williamson Inc a U S based company with corporate headquarters In Tulsa Oklahoma Other manufacturing subsidiaries are located In England and Belgium Domtar Fine Papers Ltd a member of the Domtar Family of companies is the largest manufacturer of fine coated specialty printing and business papers In Canada The Georgetown Mill Is one of six production centres located In Canada that together form Fine Papers Ltd Four Ontario Mills are located at Corn wall St Catharines and Toronto with the Georgetown Mill the producer of coated and cast coated papers for the group Two other mills are situated In Quebec Province at Windsor and During some employees who live in Georgetown and the surrounding district found it necessary to work a sixday week to keep up with the tremendous demand for Domtar coated papers a demand that came from all across Canada the United States and all over the world Current conditions indicate that considerably higher production and shipments will be needed to keep abreast of the growing demand that is expected to continue and increase further in 1974 To meet this challenge the producing units in the Georgetown Mill will be operating seven days per week and are ex pected to furnish further steady employment for area residents Georgetown Mill Is happy to be the home of Coated Papers which are known worldwide and provide the background for some of the most creative most colourful and most Imaginative printing anywhere WJ CRICHTON Resident Manager Georgetown Mill GEORGETOWN ONTARIO