Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1974, p. 4

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The Herald Home Newspaper of Hills A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 103 Main St South Georgetown 3ES Ontario Mill Street Acton Ontario CAMERON Publisher Page THE HERALD Wednesday Junel 1974 ONE MANS WEED Is Another Mans Flower If you watch carefully these days you can see the fluttering orange and black wings of the Monarch butterfly They have been making the long flight back from their winter home by the Carribean sea to spend their summers with us Here they lay their eggs on the milkweed plant and the cycles of life continues We re not very good hosts to our guests however for man or more specifically the Ontario government by its Weed Control Act has decided that that plant should be designated as a noxious weed and destroyed It s only one of a long list including thistles and chicory and goats bear like dandelion and wild carrot which property owners in Hills have been warned to have it done for them at their ex pense In practice their destruction is usually by spraying Yet spraying may not be the most effective way to control a plant The St John swort on the Ontario government list had been brought to this continent by Europen settlers late in the and spread throughout it By it covered two and one half million acres of rangeland in California and the livestock who fed on it became sickly In Europe the plant was controlled by vanous species of insects which fed on it but since those insects were not native to this side of the Atlantic the St Johnswort thrived Some of these beetles from southern France were brought over in an attempt to limit the Slant It was the first time here tat we tried to control a plant with a plant eating insect and it worked very well Spraying somtimes achieves the very opposite result from the one intended Another marked plant on the government list is ragweed an annual whose seedlings require open soil to become established each year Blanket spraying against it can destroy the perennial vegetation of the area leaving open ground for the ragweed to fill the following year The chemical poisons take their toll of things other than the plants or bugs for which they were intended A few years ago when some lands around here were sprayed from airplanes there seemed to follow a noticeable drop in the wildlife and bird populations of the neighboring woods It has been many years since Rachel Carson classic book Silent Spring warned against the Indiscriminate use of chemicals to control weeds and insects showing how the spring was indeed silent of wildlife after examples of such spraying We have become more conscious of some of the problems involved with herbicides and pesticides Still spraying can be sometimes dangerous and sometimes pointless We hope it will be done carefully here with the intention as the name of the Act suggests of controlling weeds and not as the letter of the law might imply of destroying certain species wholesale An Undesirable Proposal With housing prices reaching some form of stabilization after a period of swift rises some federal election promises if ever 1m plemented could start the whole spiral upwards again Housing of course is of con concern But perhaps too much political attention is being focussed on individual home ownership when conditions in that in a decade or so urban sprawl may make it an unpopular form of home development One of the political pitches being offered is a rate of interest above eight per cent Unfortunately experience has shown many times that when mortgage money becomes readily available and the proposal would have theeffectofdoingjust that as a subsidy then the cost of housing jumps There is also the danger of competitive scrambling which the Financial Post has warned could see politicians and parties bidding against each other to introduce ever more attractive proposals And besides deductabihty of mortgage interest would help those who have homeowners and potential homeowners asopoosed to those who have not those who rent and those who will never have the poor What the nation needs is a solid program of encouragement for home building encouragement that takes into account needs and desirabilities tuned to the times A Pause For Reflection A project of the Canada Committee Canada Week is a concerted effort by a large group of people in all provinces to stimulate in our nation Once a year during the week that leads up to our national holiday July 1 we are asked to think about this country and to reflect upon its achievements and its future Canada Week is proclaimed each year by the Prime Minister of Canada provincial Premiers and the councils of more than Canadian communities Now in its sixth year this special week in volves an ever increasing number of Canadians activities that range from the educational to the entertaining The feeling of pride in our past achievements and faith in a promising future animates the many projects now being planned for Canada Week Ranging from picnics to band concerts to sports events from film festivals to art and essay contests from parades to historical pageants from business promotions of Canadian goods to private displays of thousands of citizens in all provinces manifest their desire for community of spirit of values and of ideas With concern for their fellow man as a basic premise Canada Week hopes to act as a catalyst to bring the people of this vast country closer together so that we may realize how our linguistic political and regional par can be used to unite rather than divide This is the rationale for Canada Week not blind patriotism but respect and reflection respect for all the diverse elements that make up this community of people and reflection about the in that have enabled them to live in harmony EDUCATION I OKAY YOU RE OKAY BILL SMILEY Dented Not Daunted By Certain Birthdays Had a birthday recently Some people especially women are rather daunted by certain birthdays For a young attractive woman having her thirtieth birthday Is almost as horrible a prospect as having all her teeth out After a couple of years in the early thirties she realizes that she is really fust coming Into her best period that of a mature woman still mlghtyattractlve new emotional maturity she didn have in the Gay Twenties She in the Flirty Thirties and enjoying it thoroughly But with the fortieth milestone looming panic Beta in anew She suddenly is convinced that anyone in the forties is over the hump headed into a wizened old age PRIME OF LIFE Strangely enough after a couple of years in her early forties she admits to herself and anyone else who will listen that she in the prime of life Shecan still draw a whistle when the light is right get her bum pinched if the party is rowdy enough She probably a grandmother but she s a young gramma With a good dentist and contact lenses she can disguise the fact that her teeth are still there only through sheer wilt power and that she s blind as the proverbial bat Then that grim reaper the gaunt visage of Fifty comes over the horizon like a wolf sweeping down on a lamb This lime there Is no panic Just sheer despair She knows with a little mathematics that anyone In the fifties Is away past Middle Age and has one foot in the grave and the other on a piece of dog defecation She is OLD and there s no hiding the fact Yet five years later in her mid Fifties she striding about a golf course or screaming Sweep at the curling club or lying by a pool In Florida holding in her gut and convinced she In the Golden Age OLD MAN Of course Sixty Is IT The old man with the scythe is lurking everywhere There s no longer any way of disguising the wrinkles and the wattles At she gets a good tan hides the eyes in shades and maybe even has the Jowls tucked up beneath he ears And a good girdle does wonders At 65 she collecting the old age pension her late husband pension living In a house with the mortgage paid and Jaunting oil to Europe or California where she picks up her second husband a welloff widower She never had it so good At widowed again sties a swinger n Sunset Haven playing bingo and the piano and giving the eye to every fresh octogenarian who enters the place And that s how v omen are daunted by birthdays Personally I am never daunted I have a lot of dents but not a single daunt MANY GIFTS Things have changed a lot here My birthday used lobe a small something Carefully coached by IhcTr mother the kids used to come up with gifts which I aw you have done it accepted gratefully and gracefully Nothing great Maybe fish ng rod or some golf balls And the old lady would bake a cake a ready mix When they were older away from home they d call collect on the on w mc Happy Birthday and suggest that they could use a little financial aid Now I call them up and after the usual exchange of amenities ask coyly Know what day this is Yeah Sunday Why I try again No I mean what day of the month Not really wait II 1 check the calendar I try again No I mean what day of what month of what year How old are you How do you know how old you are What day reminds you Oh golly Dad Why didn you tell me it was your blr I would have sent a card Or something SENDS CARDS Bull never ever forgot my father birthday Lets see I can still remember It It was April 3rd Or was It November 3rd Anyway I always sent him a card even if I didn remember until a month after the occasion But I did receive one birth day card which touched me deeply It was from my Insurance agent He never misses Walk Big Success Sir Thank to all who took part in the lff74 Peel Walk To the Walkers Sponsors WEST REACT radio cars police St John Ambulance check point volunteers to all of you a big thank you Our funds from the walk are still coming In and to date we have received about This Is twothirds of our goal of we can do It If everyone gets their sponsors money collected It may lake you quite a little more walking to get it Sponsors are waiting for you to call in a lot of cases The money you now collect can be taken or sent to the Royal Bank of Canada in Bramp ton and Georgetown Should sore that walkers have not collected their money they can also deposit it to the Peel Walk Committee account at the Royal Bank s mentioned before We can be proud of our efforts during the eight walks and we have done a considerable amount of good with the funds raised and an untold amount of lives have been saved through our help but the need is tremendous and as announced by the World Health Committee this week per cent of our Worlds population Is now starving that Is people and tens of thousands dying each week and the task of feeding everyone In the World seems Impossible but our efforts must continue and It com with scientific ad vanccs may one day see our World not only peaceful but free from hunger and disease May your effort in sup porting the Peel Walk continue and thank you all for your support of our Walk John Nash Halton and Peel Walk Committee Liberating The System Ken Campbell Speaks Out Ken Campbell of Milton who came to prominence with the Renaissance Committee has been focussing public attention on the public educational system In Ontario and specifically in the region of Halton Christian cannot with a good conscience support by my property taxes the present totalitarian secularism which dominates the public educational system In and On tarlo First portion of his ex plana Li on appears here Remainder will follow in coming weeks Let me begin with a definition of the term Christian Historically according to Lukes account of the early church In the Acts of the chapter verse the disciples were called Christians first at So the term Christian was first used in a derogatory as hi on In Antioch to Identify disci plea or those who were loving loyal followers of the Lord Jesus Christ And how did these residents of Antioch become Christians Dr Luke records the events this way Now they who were scat tered abroad upon the per that arose about Stephen the first Christian martyr travelled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and preaching the Word And some of them when they were come to spoke unto the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus And the hand of the Lord was with them and a great number believed and turned unto the Lord RESPONSE These Grecians became Christians by their voluntary response to the preaching of the Word concerning the Lord Jesus with a turning to Him In a deliberate act of commitment to His Lordship in their lives At the time that the Apostle Peter made hut confession of faith and commitment to Jesus in the classical declaration Thou the Christ the Son of the living God the Gospel writer Matthew records that Jesus said to His disciples If any man will come after Me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me For whosoever will save his life shall lose It but will lose his life for My sake shall And it For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul Or what shall a In view of the unique and exclusive claims Jesus made about Himself and because of His rugged requirements for discipleshlp the Gospel writer John records that many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him When Jesus asked the 12 will ye also go away Simon Peter an Lord to whom shall we go Thou has the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God John From these references It Is clear that in the historical sense a Christian Is a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and as such la a worshipper of the Living God the Creator and Sustain r of the Universe the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and we believe the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ As an 18year old on the basis of the overwhelming witness of the Scriptures the Holy Spirit and the lives of those who I knew were genuine follows of Jesus Christ I made such an unreserved commitment of my life to Jesus as the Christ the Son of the Living God my Savior and Lord word Christian then and out of that commitment to His Lordship in my ex that I have found myself unable to con sclentlously support with my property taxes the totalitarian secularism which presently dominate education system The responsibilities of the Christian parent to his family to his community and to his government 1 Family It Is the responsibility of a Christian parent so to follow Christ as to demonstrate by example to his children the self sacrificing dynamic fulfilling life of creative service to which Christ calls us It the responsibility of the parent to see that the children are disciplined to the ways of the Lord and are so educated as to develop their natural endowments to be their utmost for Gods highest In serving their generation by the will of God As long as the parent Is providing for the children needs the parent Is responsible for the children conduct Community The Christian is to be the salt of the earth It is the responsibility of the Christian parent to be totally involved for Christ sake redemp Lively in the life of the community He will respect the rights of everyone to his own views and lifestyle recognizing the dignity of each person as one who Is made In the image of God As much as It is possible he will seek to live peacably with all In moral issues which demand the choice of the people of his community he will witness with meekness and for to the ways which bring God s blessings In human experience and will seek by sweet reasonableness to Influence the people to choose the good and the right way At the same time recognizing that righteousness cannot be coerced he will shun such measures as would force religion on anyone QUEEN S PARK RESPONSIBILITY 3 Government The Christian parent will seek in everyway to be a responsible citizen prayerfully sup porting government officials as servants of God I Timothy The Christian recognizes that It Is the responsibility of government to provide or and stability under God and to foster an at in which well doing is rewarded and evil doers are punushed Romans 13 17 In our democratic society the Christian parent should seek In every appropriate way to influence government to fulfill these responsibilities The Scriptures teach that there may be circumstances in which civil disobedience is the duty of the Christian Essentially such cir Lances have to do with Intrusion into sphere which God alone ought to occupy in the life of the Christian Thus Daniel three companions refused the demands of the monolithic secularism in their society and would not bow down Thus the Apostles Peter and John rejected the government edict forbidding them to preach the Gospel Whether It is right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God Judge ye For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard Acta IS 20 obey God rather than it Acts When any totalitarianism usurps the place that God alone ought to occupy in the life of the Christian It Is the Christian duty to disobey Did You Know All fishermen should know how to swim know first aid and carry a first aid kit with them on fishing trips Wear a personal flotation device which will support you in your fishing clothes Keep In the swim with Red Cross Water Safety New Appointees Are Good Bunch Queen Park Bureau Of The Herald TORONTO The last group of half a dozen par Ha men tary assistants appointed by Premier Davis are a mixed bag but on the whole a pretty good bunch The most surprising and at the same time most Casing appointment was of Dr Harry of Oxford as assistant to Jim Auld in Colleges and Universities The 48yearold Woodstock orthodontist has been out spoken in his views which have not always coincided with those of the govern while at the same time making clear a strong dedication to public service The premier gets marks for appointing him though now that he speaks for a ministry we are likely to hear a bit less independence WANTED OFFICE Mrs Margaret Scrivener of Toronto St David Her age Is not a matter of record has wanted office so badly one tended almost tended to pity her A prolific public speaker and causlst at least she t do any harm much as assistant to Sidney In the ministry of housing Arthur Evans member for Slmcoe Centre Is an old pro who was vicechairman of Ontario Hydro until the recent reorganization He is logical as an assistant to Darcy McKeough in Energy and probably will handle good share of the speaking load that the heavilyburdened has had to handle WALKER SURE Lome Maeck pronounced mack of Parry Sound is the moat personable of the appointees This 48yearold newcomer Is a hearty outgoing type with good municipal ex perience One con believe he will be a hard working to Leo in Natural Resources With the new minister of health Frank Miller coming from the adjoining riding of Muskoka this section of central northern Ontario Is now well represented In the upper echelons Finally there is Gordon Walker year old lawyer from John old riding of London North Walker already was an assistant and in the shuffle was merely transferred from Revenue to Health which means there are now two medical men at the top in this ministry Walker already has made his mark ana probably would have been named to the cabinet at least as minister without portfolio except that Treasurer John White and Agriculture Minister Bill Stewart are in adjoining ridings With White already having announced he won be running again and Stewart unlikely to he Is a certainty for the cabinet after the next election providing the government Is returned ECHOES FROM THE PAST viewpoint 10 YEARS AGO Three district girls were Included in the class of who graduated from the Atkinson School of Nursing Toronto Western Hospital They were Carol daughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Barth of Glen Williams Grelg daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles and Ausma Verlis daughter of Mr and Mrs John Verlls of A Campbellvllle man came within a few feet of dropping Into the gorge at the north end of Main Street when his vehicle failed to negotiate a curve Donald Mofffat was nor on Main when his car left the road YEARS AGO Kenneth Harrison was successful In passing his Grade 10 vocal exams with honors at midsummer examinations held by the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto master at the annual sessions of the grand lodge In Toronto Cpl Douglas Browne son of Mrs Gordon Casely of Norval was borne in Canada after serving 15 months in Korea with the Lord Hone Guards Eileen Fruit was elected president of St George Anglican Young Peoples Association Murdock was named vice president Irene Nelle as chaplain Sandra Bradley as secretary and John Doherty as treasurer Head of the provincial police detachment In Georgetown for five years Cpl Joe Mc Bain was transferred to Simcoe YEARS AGO A league for the Georgetown area was organized with five teams participating Organizers of the league had hopes of more entries and Walter Richardson and Rev JL Self were the two league contacts Fourth annual Inspection of St John Brigade was held with W J Bell provincial commissioner inspecting the drill work first aid home nursing and stretcher bearing demonstrations Mayor Harold Cleave and Mrs Cleave attended the Inspection Band concert and garden party was held under the auspices of the Lome Scots Band and Lome Scots Women Auxiliary Girls Pipe Band and Georgetown Boys Band also participated Jack Thompson was master of ceremonies Pupils of Helen Blackburn held a piano recital In the auditorium of the publlo school Miss Mary Moyer was guest soloist Of a class of 32 pupils took part Little Hurt Now Could Save Big Hurt Later there la no Issue today that cannot produce in argument both pro and con Itleavcsthegeneral public In a state of constant turmoil where credibility is concerned The drug raid at the Landmark Inn motor hotel In Fort Erie by the Niagara Regional Police Force is without exception Im mediately the Issue la Jumped upon by politicians newspapers Journalists and sensationalists like the Intrepid souls that moderate some of the phone in radio talk shows We have listened with great Interest as people like Judy Lamarsh Pierre Burton lawyers In the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and countless others of the general public have condemned the drug aid incident in which 115 persons were searched The strongest complaint is regarding the Internal examinations of both the vaginal and rectal areas In the search for hardcore narcotics The raid itself was unsuccessful and produced only six ounces of marijuana SolicitorGeneral George Kerr approved he raid and would do so again CRITICISM Liberal leader Robert Nixon said If he would do It again he is not fit to remain as minister Personally I ve never known the police force to move on anything without something to go on and until the report of the Royal Commission Is made public we Just have to wait and see In the meantime there Is always room for constructive criticism we cannot op- a democracy without It But what is being hashed through the medio right now Is far from constructive We listened as Ron Knight and his guest Liberal leader Bob Nixon condemned police procedure during the raid and Invited listeners to comment on his radio show Phone Forum It never censes to amaze me how people such as Mr Knight can use the public airways for such flimsy disguised sensationalism He suggested that In order to get to the bottom of the problem all officers should be searched in this position In order to understand what It feels like He said the police should have con ducted their search refined and full of dignity Weil should let Mr Knight know that crimlnaU by and large and par tlcularly narcotics traf tickers are not refined and dignified Drug trafflclng is a dirty business The pushers are the scum of society and anyone that has seen what happens to kids that get hooked on heroin would give little sympathy to these vultures that prey on society Like I said before drug trafflclng Is a dirty business ana If you 11 forgive the pun It takes dirty methods You cannot protect the rights of the majority without stepping on the rights of some now and again as the situation and circumstances warrant VOYEURISM One lawyer with the Civil Liberties group Alan suggests the search for unlawful drugs became an exercise In gratuitous voyeurism a trifle heavy handed to any the least would most seriously doubt that any of the officers I have met to date male or female would feel anything but embarrassment for one of their more unpleasant but necessary duties If It turns out when Judge finishes his enquiry that the Landmark Inn was a known hangout for pushers ami Junkies will the public still have the same sympathy for those who were Involved Det C O Toole head of the Narcotics Division of Peel states that traffickers use the vaginal end rectal areas frequently If the delusive remarks nave any effect on revoking the Food and Drug Act or the Narcotics Act It will seriously hamper police enforcement One of the best psychological aids when your no holding up your end of the argument too well is to reverse the situation with the old what If it happened to you That question was recently put to me by a person that was all too eager to lump on the police abuse police unfair bandwagon It happened to me I would feel the same as any other decent human being I would be embarrassed and somewhat humiliated but that doetnt mean that would hit the whole police force system over the need Police work la difficult enough While technology soars ahead with all kinds of innovations for society It f doing the same for the criminal Criminals are getting smarter and they are overjoyed at anything that further ties the hands of our law enforcement of fleers Our police In Ontario are among If not the best In the world Sometimes we have to take a little hurt In order to save a big hurt la ter The very people that scream the loudest over procedure during the ndmark motel raid an the first to yell foul when they discover that their child is a possible Junkie from the operation of some sharp pusher Pushers are not stupid They don wear little sign proclaiming their We expect too much from our officers Ontarios finest If we expect tham to be too thats when they look Into tha In nocent baby blue of a suspected pusher and guess whether you thati ait much

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