EXTRA extra THE HERALD WEDNESDAY JUNE 1114 Chrysler Dealer Stresses Safety During Holidays MAKING UP LOST TIME GOING TO SAVE TIME WITH AN ILLEGAL DAYDREAMING ABOUT LAST NIGHTS PARTY OFF TUNING THINK YOURE A RACING DRIVER THINK YOU CAN MAKE ALL THE LIGHTS TURN THE BRA TRYING FOR MORE MILES WITH SLICK TIRES THINK TRAFFIC SIGNS ARE FOR THE OTHER GUY GOING TO TAKE CHANCES ON PASSING OTHERS THINK COMMON SENSE AND TRAFFIC LAWS DONT APPLY TO YOU WE COULD GO ON WITH OTHER DANGEROUS DRIVING HAZARDS AND WE WILL NECKING AND DRIVING REFUSING TO PULL OVER WHEN SLEEPY TRYING TO BE FIRST ONE OUT OF THE PARKING LOT BULLYING SLOWPOKES OUT OF YOUR LANE THESE AND OTHER BLUNDERS CAN MAKE THE BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH WHEN DRIVING DID Just A YOU Reminder SCHOOLS OUT KNOW AUTO SERVICE Children are free TIPS for summer fun BY DAVE LYONS A Ihoir freedom by male- certain you and your car in top driving con Avoid dents by Your thou Id bo a vary two vim your cooling out and nw prohibitive anti freeze added safety precautions These children ore loo busy having fun to think of you Your alertness will a hap pier summer or all DIDYOUKNOWT Tha of problami are broken fan To a lot of frustration on your Ions holiday trip a fan bait and keep old In trunk at a part S DIDYOUKNOWT That recently Initructad woman In Tarpi tor gat own program Our It locattd In front watar tut did you know tha hall ON t equipped with bucket deluxe button radio popular floor thlft blue with com pi anting Mack Lie DRW tot Yes hare are six examples of our many Top Quality cars we are offering during this Vacation Bound sale Many many happy troublefree miles you and your family with any one of our cars Why not drop In today and see for yourself 1972 Two Tops Corvette Stingray Volkswagen Super Beetle cubic Inch automatic feletcopic it tar AMFM radio Thlt fully aqulppad hat only mil on It Ik Youva got to It to ap- rat lata It 1973 Plymouth Fuiy III tour door hardtop V automatic dltc vinyl roof radio whit walli covart romota control mirror air conditioning door lockt Lie Pinto Moor RUNABOUT with taatt dalux puthbuttofl radio popular floor whlta Willi green metallic 2895 1970 Mustang automatic powar button Thaavar popular It In racing green Lie Dodge Dart 4door SEDAN IIS angina automatic ate Canada moat popular com pact In gold Lie EASY Chryiltr Credit PlanAvailalila MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM PRICES GOOD TILL SAT JUNE PM Georgetown CHRYSLER LTD 1SMOUNTAINVIBWRDN TORONTO LINE