Reconsider School Closing Committee Requests Board AUTHORITY PROGRAM Pheasants Are Released Helton Renaissance Committee was one relating to toe decision of the Halton Board of Education to close the three- room school In the village of It asks the board to reconsider the dosing of the school Renaissance Committee has been preparing a brief based on these membershipapproved resolutions to present to the board In August In view of the urgency of the situation Ken Campbell Renaissance Committee chairman said Our executive has decided to send the resolution to the board at on ce Mr Campbell emphasized that the Renaissance Com mittee was not acting as an official spokesman for the people of who want the school to remain in operation but for all parents throughout Halton who view with alarm actions of insensitive educational bureaucrats who run roughshod over the parents in Imposing their views on the people of such a community According to Mr Campbell the complaint of the residents of in the closing of tbelr is two fold That the decision to close the school was apparently first Board of Education and then a strategy set In motion to effect that closing against the will of the people That strategy Involved first the busing of some of the students of the area to other schools at some distance from school This attendance drop was then cited by the bureaucrats as the basis for recommending the closing of the school That decision has now been completed and apart from trustee Intervention the school will remain closed According to Mr Campbell the contribution such a decision by outof touch educational technocrats makes to the depersonalization of life for the youngsters and destruction of a healthy community con sciousness Is Inestimable To add Insult to injury the board has reversed Itself from the offer made to the corn- Instead the community may have to pay as much as to repurchase the school it built and paid for so it can use It as a community centre Mr Campbell said According to a frontpage story In The Georgetown Herald this is the property that the ancestors of the village paid for and built a school on In law and added to over the years ratepayers helped with tbelrUxes to build the new threeroom school in Halton school board had this wellbuilt school on four acres of land handed over to It for safekeeping from the taxpayers of this com munity Now they demand that the taxpayers buy it back from them at the present in flated market value If they want the property for com munlty use Renaissance Committee considers the policies pursued by the board of education in closing the Nerval School as an unconscionable abandonment In southern Canada one of the earliest signs of spring far earlier than the honking of Canada Geese Is the crowing of the cock RingNecked Pheasant As early as February the cock dent in his bright bronze scarlet wattles and plumage long taper Kauai long tapering brown and black- barred tall struts con spicuously In an open field A valuable characteristic of theoheasant is thvt it nourishes on farmland near builtuji areas thus providing the city dwellers with a recreational opportunity The birds colors and in teresting habits make It an Important species viewing and enjoyment Their qualities of alertness strange flight and palatabllity have made the pheasant one of the most popular game birds For these reasons the Halton Conservation Con servation Authority has established a pheasant release pheasants are propagate annually at the Mountsberg Wildlife Centre and then released on suitable properties within the watershed Certain policies have been established to ensure greater success of the release program Pheasants will be made available free to interested landowners providing certain conditions exist Control Boss At Air Show Is Resident of Georgetown to the resolution approved by its membership represen ting all parts of the region that the board reconsider the closing of the School Trevor Marilyn Crts Georgetown chief air controller of the Canadian International Air Show has been a member of the Air Show Committee for the past nine years Trevor an air controller by profession Is responsible for the overall control of the air Chun GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Rev D J Telephone IDam Sunday School Morning service Centennial Public School Evening Service at St Andrew United CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH iin Rev J W Pottman to CHIN FM Dial 101 BACK TO GOO HOUR Immanuel Lutheran Church Windsor Road at Carole St Rev Harold 30am Worst I Service for ell July August Church of the Lutheran Hour ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH TheRevd R Gallagher a Holy Eucharist 10 a Worship Service NURSERY CARE BAPTIST CHURCH Church School It a Morning Worship Evening Fellowship Conservative Evangelical VISITORS WELCOME ST ALBANS ANGLICAN CHURCH On Main Street Williams Organist Mrs Reg Williams Minister Service all is a ST PAULS ANGLICAN CHURCH On Adam son Street In Norval Organist Andrew Dewhnrst Service at I ioo MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown FELLOWSHIP B CHURCH PASTOR REV ASSOC PASTOR REV D R Sunday School for all ages a Morning Worship tits Evening Fellowship Wed MidWeek Service m THOUGHT A grateful mind Is a great mind A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU JOINT SUMMER SERVICES ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH OF GEORGETOWN GLEN WILLIAMS and KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Will be worshipping together in St Johns from SUNDAY JUNE THROUGH SUNDAY JULY Ham Service of Worship REV PETER BARROW Conducting NURSERY CARE SOCIAL Mr and Mrs Dennis Wright and Miss Alcott of SB Heweon Crescent Georgetown nave just returned home from a visit to Winnipeg where they spent a week with Mr and Mrs Dennis Wright Jr Mr and Mrs Grace and daughter are home after nine days holidaying In Picton and Algonquin Park They visited with CM Grace at his home In Magnetawan The fishing was good there They also visited Mr and Mrs Del Wilson and their nine children Then they went to Ceylon to visit Mr and Mrs Paul Larsen who are building a new home Bennett Visit To Georgetown TORONTO- Special In dustry and tourism minister Claude Bennett will meet Georgetown municipal and Industrial leaders for discussions In early August Mr Bennett will visit Georgetown Friday Aug during a fiveweek tour of Ontario municipalities During the Visit to Georgetown he plans meetings with municipal councillors Industrial officials and representatives of the chamber of commerce Last year the minister In his first trip throughout Ontario travelled miles He told toe press conference at Queens Park he will place emphasis this year on unions with the industrial sector About per cent of this summers tour will be devoted to visiting plants and consulting with industrialists and businessmen he said show during Its fouiday duration Mr Moores and his wife Donna have four daughters Heather Sharon Tracy and Kelly The show this year will take place over the waterfront at of the Ex Friday Aug to Sept The twohour show will open with Canadian Armed Forces CF101 Voodoos cracking across the waterfront Next the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Beavers Otters and Trackers will douse a flaming raft with a series of water bombing Bob will loop and roQ his beautiful WACO across the waterfront As Bob leaves centre stage Canadian Armed Forces air borne troops the Sky hawk Para team will slip silently down to Its target on the east end of Ontario Place Bob Rice will demonstrate the capability of the Hughes helicopter heralding trie approach of a show first the Curling Red Cap Acrobatic The Red Caps led by Manx Kelly has a second first for the show 27yearold Debbie Gary team pilot the first female pilot to fly as a member of a professional team At the departure of the red bi winged Pitts Specials of the Red Cape Oscar Boesch will silently his ASW Schleicher Glider followed by Art Scholl in his Super Chipmunk A nostalgic five minutes as a World War l TREVOR MOORES Fokker SE and a Nleuport cavort at centre stage then Bill Cole and his civilian float to earth neath their colorful canopies Perennial favorites pilot Joe Acton Man Dies A 27 yearold Acton man Is dead after his motorcycle struck the side of a car while It was crossing Highway 7 three miles west of Trafalgar Road Saturday at p John Price of 88 Main St In Acton was travelling westbound when his 1073 Honda hit the side of the car Another motorcyclist Douglas Lockerbie 26 of 124 Churchill Road received multiple cuts and bruises to his right knee and arm when he slid out of the way of the car The driver of the car Alex of Cedar Springs Motel l Georgetown received cuts and bruises to the neck and left arm with other serious injuries noted by the police Milton estimate damages to exceed Price motorcycle Lockerbies motorcycle and to the car Hughes and his nervy partner Gord McCollom appear next closely followed by four World War aircraft Spitfire Kitty Hawk Corsair and Firefly Canadian Armed Forces Otter aircraft will carry out a formation A BDS Jet flown by Ed Mahler will precede another show veteran the Royal Air Force Vulcan Jet bomber Finale of the twohour and fifteen minute air show will be the Canadian Armed Forces Snowbirds with Major George Miller leading he group in their red white and blue Tudor Jet trainers GET THE MESSAGE The spelling Is no heck but the message is clear Somebody loves Pat and has painted the news on the side of the Georgetown water tower facing east Perhaps the suggestion for the feat came from the popular song My Girl Bill we dont know If Pat Is a boy or a girl Meanwhile we nope Pat gets the message The Town of Halton HUtt will have to get out the paint remover or To celebrate the arrival of Twins boy and fllrl on July 1st Mr Mrs George Ohanian offer these SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Prices Drastically Reduced to near Wholesale Cost ON A WIDE SELECTION OF FLOOR COVERINGS Tender Call For Parking Jim Snow MPP Halton East and minister of government services tenders will be called this week for con struction of a new parking area at the Ontario government building Milton for the ministry of the attorney- general The building houses the registry office as well as courtrooms and supporting facilities Specifications call for ap proximately square feel of asphalt paving to ac commodate an additional 142 cars Almost 30000 square feet of sodding and 30odd new trees are also Included Designed by ministry of government services staff the new parking lot Is expected to take about two months to complete following award of contract HILLS SUNDAY JULY SERVICES 10 1 am 7 pm Installation Yd Armstrong Cushion Floor Yd Remnants Off Regular Prices INSTALLATION GUARANTEED WITHIN ONE WEEK OHANIAN CARPET ENTERPRISES Moore Park Whatever Your Line Well Pit Every Need Businessman Secretary School teacher Our frames are designed with good looks and comfort in mind YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION FOR GLASSES ACCURATELY FILLED Georgetown Office Main St Open L Wednesdays Only to ml BRAMPTON DISPENSING OPTICIANS ROY OPTICIAN Phone Main SI BRAMPTON Ont An Building is easy on the environment And on your budget As a businessman you Know that a poorly In building can put a drain on your operation And today- everyone is aware of our critical energy We can help As your Dealer Builder we can offer you the Building System In pre engineered steel buildings Its easy to heat easy to cool easy to maintain Wed like to show you how it can be put to work for you Have you heard other builder talk about It Probably not Thats one reaton we call ourselves THE UNCONVENTIONAL BUILDER JOHN WHEELWRIGHT LTD 110FENMAR DRIVE WESTON ONTARIO Authorized Dealer Armco Building Systems I6A Pickles THE GEORGETOWN DENTURE CLINIC Guelph Street BESIDE POST OFFICE No 7 Highway Georgetown Tel 8778974 CUSTOM DENTURES PROVIDED DIRECTLY TO THE PUBLIC NEW DENTURES RELINES REPAIRS No charge for consultations day unconditional money back guarantee 3 year warranty as to adjustments on all new dentures MEMBER OFTHEOENTURISTS SOCIETY OF ONTARIO Cohoe Salmon Sliced Breakfast QQ Side Bacon Strips TableRite Wieners Beef Sandwich Meats Old World 35 Salamis INSTANT KRAFT Mashed Soft Potatoes D3 Margarine 59 Medium Eggs AM UN TOMATO SAUCE Beans IGA I ASSORTED COLORS Facial Tissue pkc OF ZOO jf PALMOUVE Liquid Detergent ASSORTED FLAVORS 9 Lives Cat Food FROZQ CHOICE Sliced Carrots Cad Fillets KRAFT CRACKER BARREL WHITE Cheddar Cheese 77 18 39 is 99 two IS Sated Days y SUrJBlUSHED FLAVORFUL NO 1GRADE Peaches J PRODUCE OF OF SOUTH AFRICA ONTARIO GROWN size us CANADA NO GRADE Navel Oranges 69 Cucumbers 2 39 GROWN GROWN Bunch Radish 2 29 Green 0nigj229L TableRite Garden Fresh Quality Meats Fruits VeciHtatilos Lucky She