The Herald Home Newspaper of Hilts A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario Street Acton Ontario RICHARD CAMERON Publisher HERALD Wednesday August TAXES The Blow Fell Easier Taxes are going up in Hills but be thankful that the rate of Increase is considerably less than the burgeoning cost of living Not all of us will feel that way at first consideration of course especially the residents of the former Township who face the biggest tax bite of all In Georgetown the tax increase is small enough to generate a mile It took more than half a year to do it but our municipal legislators have done a reasonable job of coping with inflation and holding the line on taxation And this Is a key year the first of regional government with its inherent new problems rising costs and the like But what gives us pause is the future Will our politicians be able to cope with conditions that bring pressures to bear on municipal government Have our politicians dollars now that will have to be spent later Are we holding back projects that could cost us all much more in years to come As in everything else it is to be penny wise and dollar foolish in municipal operations Savings we enjoy now through slight tax increases can come back to haunt us in years to come when extra dollars have to be spent on things that should have been accomplished in the past It would take a wizard of to operate a municipality with no tax increase and who really ex pects that Municipal costs rise with all others We expect a tax increase Hopefully our municipal leaders have plotted a wise and sane course Well know during the second and third years of their term of office Pressure On Real Estate Its time to question the long- term value of the present tight- money and highinterest rate conditions in the real market The conditions seem to have the blessing of government Real estate people recall that similar policies prevailed in and and after an easing of rates and money supply in there was a buying surge in and 1973 Prices accelerated sharply and we in Hills are familiar with that pattern Are realty prices much dif ferent now from what they would have been if trends of 1968 and had continued without in terruption When sharp anti- inflation measures were applied in 1969 business uncertainty and unemployment followed This condition is blamed for the general unemployment in surance scheme which followed and which has imposed a serious cost burden on the nation But now will the tightness of the present money situation create another buying surge and price increase in housing and property Senior levels of government it seems should be concentrating on Improving the supply of housing instead of measures that create pressures of demand Toronto Real Estate Board reports that high mortgage rates and tight money reduced real estate sales in July and Julys dollar volume was less than in any previous month In 1974 But the average price of houses sold was slightly higher than in June though still below the May peak Significantly condominiums and townhouses continued to ac count for a large portion of the housing market representing per cent of all housing units sold and 11 per cent of dollar volume Not Aware Of Grants Health and Welfare Canada officials estimate that several thousand persons in Ontario are unaware of a special federal government grants program designed to help finance projects and activities they may want to initiate in their communities The program called New Horizons was started by the health department in September 1972 Since then more than has been awarded to 834 groups of retired people in this province Despite the programs popularity and extensive publicity through news media many retired citizens in Ontario are still not fully aware of the availability of the are threefold to encourage the retired to participate in com munity life to provide an op portunity to senior citizens to utilize their knowledge and ex perience and encourage mutual aid among retired people To qualify projects must be planned and carried out by a group of or more retired persons who become the directors of the project and who take responsibility for its implementation and ad ministration Funds granted under the program may be used to meet the cost of planning organizing and carrying out projects This may include such items aB rental of accommodations rental or pur chase of equipment minor building repairs telephone publicity salaries of temporary staff con sultants and audit fees ECHOES FROM THE PAST 10 YEARS AGO Dave Hants of Ledgers IGA In Acton presented a ticket for a free trip to Nassau to Georgetown High School teacher Jim Mc culloch The family lived at Acton and Mr and Mrs left Maltoa to enjoy tbe vacatfon within a vacation Hark Llewellyn and Janice Carter were named recipients of provincial scholarships from Georgetown High School for securing more than per cent in Grade 13 examinations An unattended pan which boiled over In tbe kitchen of Georgetown hospital set off an automatic alarm which brought firefighters to the scene Fire Chief Lewis said the alarm system activated a buzzer in the dispatchers office A suggestion by trustee Donald of the high school board that unruly passengers be ejected from school buses found favor with three other trustees at a board meeting but the board decided to determine hut what course of action a driver could take with students to maintain discipline Tbe 47day strike at Smith and Stone in Georgetown cut the towns water revenue by water chairman Don Powers tola council The cutback In purchases cut the hopes for big surplus by 2 YEARS AGO Georgetown could have had a Ha cake when a railway car loaded with the track daring an early morning rail crash on the CNR embankment Just as a rainstorm started flour puled however the remainder carted away by truck An brirtoom gold phi worn by her day enhanced Catching Up Is Required To Even Electrical Costs Hydro Is not Immune or insulated from the forces of Inflation George Gathercole chairman of Ontario Hydro told the Ontario Energy Board hearing examining rate proposals for In Toronto last week Electrical power customers have taken for granted for many years that electricity should have a stable price he stated In describing the cyclical effects of Inflation Mr Gathercole told tbe Board that even though we were to have a freeze on Wages and the stablllazation of Interest rates the cost of electricity would continue to rise in the future because there has to be a catching up I would like to hope that Inflation would be brought more quickly to a position of stability he continued but I dont see the prospects at the moment READERS FORUM Replying to questions raised oy the Consumers Association the Hydro chairman agreed that the effects of rising power rates are going to be grievous tc But this Is a time of rising prices whether It be for a commodity such as eggs bread or milk the prices of which have risen more rapidly than electricity he told the Board Ontario Hydro has proposed a 19 per cent increase for in its wholesale cost of power to municipal utilities and a 16 per cent increase to direct in dustrial users The rate proposals are being reviewed by the Ontario Energy Board The hearings began early in June and are expected to be completed in August John Dunn chairman of North York Hvdro the second largest municipal utility In the province told the Board that electricity is underpriced and as port of his comments Rain Still Required To Produce Our Crops ft- THOSE LAZY HAZY CRAZY DAYS OF SUMMER BILL SMILEY Sort Of Backward Look On Summer Reflections the wedding at of Jean Catherine Lindsay a graduate of Guelph General Hospital Nursing School Three Georgetown couples won prizes In a bowling tournament held at They were Mr and Mrs Era Thompson who won first price and Mr and Mrs Jack Williamson and Mr and Mrs George Wood Summer reflections some good some bad First well give the bad as the current crudgoes If you dont know what crud means ask your family doctor Or somebody elses family doctor If you dont trust your own A family doctor is someone in the family That means you try to get everything for free So if he tells you that you have a Utile headache once In a while take an aspirin relax you know you have a monumental brain tumor On the other hand If you take somebody elses family doctor beware Hell probably tell you that you nave a possible brain tumor that you should relax and take plenty of aspirin Well I hope that takes care of that I didnt really mean to get onto doctors Grand chaps actually But I have a lingering resentment against an RAF doctor who Insisted on giving me my annual antitetanus shot a dirty great Injection in your shoulder the night of our passing from a training course on Spitfires BAD BACK told him I had a bad back a wrenched knee a toothache phlebitis and pneumonia He said Jolly good and sank an elephant needle into my shoulder I had the satisfaction of seeing him stunned by a coffee cup hurled from behind the piano It was thrown by our CO who despite the fact that hed had his pants pulled off and beer poured liberally over his lower torso was still very much alive And a moment later I had the satisfaction of seeing the CO caught right between the eyes by a dinnerplate flung by a New Zealand who said when he saw the Commanding officer fall to his knees trouserless This was In the good old days when it was more or less expected that youd smash up the mess before you graduated It wasnt vandalism In the modern sense You had to for everything you and you took full responsibility for what youd done FREE SENSE It was a wild careening destructible and were going to be true ted Perhaps that Is what makes young people tick today If they tick Some of them dont even seem to be wound up let alone tick As usual Ive gone far from my theme The good news and then the bad news Its like a Newfie or Polish Joke both of which 1 despise Good news Its not raining the town engineer Is not going to cut down maple trees until he tries again next year My grand- baby is a little devil One of my students wants to come around and talk My wife called me Dear today My bursitis Is not hurting too much Theres a rose bed In the backyard which hasnt produced a rose in three years but this summer has a fine touch of green three baby elms dont have a heart condition though Im not sure about me liver The electric storm last night didnt hit my oaks The BAD NEWS Bad news Mygrandbaby is a devil He and his mother are living in a dome no lights no water no elec tricity no toilet I left an library book out on one of the lawn chairs yesterday and It rained all night Theres a nest of up in the roof and the roofer will quit after hes taken half the shingles off Two stings will do It The boys who are going to do the painting will all have fallen of fa ladder broken their right arms by the time theyre ready to go My mistress has the mumps My doctor has a needle My wife has a tongue My cat is heterosexual My daughter is cheerful My son Is cheerful This Is bad news because it means they are both going to make touch All in its a pretty average summer so far Labor Pool For Jobless Bill made a television appearance as part of the honor guard for the Duke of Edinburgh He was taking part In a summer camp for cadets at Banff when he was selected far the guard of honor at the British Empire Games at Vancouver The event was televised nationally YEARS AGO Boys Band of Georgetown entertained at Cedarvale School and words of appreciation for the show were expressed by the schools Mrs Houston Some ratepayers expressed public opinion that the school area question In Esquesing Township should be revived Formation of a new school area was rejected when school sections rejected the idea with only eight In favor A number of silos were reported down In a high wind that struck Terra One silo belonging to J E blown In the storm Murray Coles of Acton was In charge of services at Presbyterian Church for the month while Rev Self was on vacation sense of destruction perhaps based on the sense that you were Sir Recent comments by the captains of industry about the value of a man power office In this area show that generally peaking employers don have much faith In man powers services But there Is a need for some kind of an employment service There is also the fact that many people are concerned about unemployment in surance abuses and the cost of supporting welfare recipients Why not kill two birds with one stone Unemployment recipients are supposed to be available for work Welfare recipients who are healthy and able should be available for work Then why not utilize school buses and bring the unemployed and welfare recipients who are em ployable to a central location a school or public hall Here they could be shown education films be given talks etc Meanwhile employers seeking people for tem porary help could phone In for enough persons to fill their needs At the present time people on the pogey forgive the expression are not required to lake a lesser lob than they had been doing before being unemployed This rule could be so that any person could be temporarily em ployed For Instance a person earning to per hour becomes unemployed After so long on a rotation basis he may be required to report to the central labor pool where for a limited period he may be sent out to work on a temporary basis at less money or the rate paid by the company that he or she Is sent to I think this would benefit the unemployed the tax payer and industry The unemployed par ticularly the welfare recipient would have a gainful occupation thus casing the weight on the taxpayer Industry requiring part time help could get those sent to work for them and offer the diligent and Industrious full time employment Such a service might get off the ground with a LIP grant Bible Thought Because live ye shall live also John Hits The life of Christ assured us of His dedication His death assured us of our Salvation and His ressurrection assured all believers of eternal separation with Him In heaven Sir Each summer I hear the radio announcers wishing the clouds and rain away and hoping for sunshine and more sunshine I realize they are thinking of people who are on their long awaited vacations and who want to enjoy the outdoors If I say we need rain or that was a wonderful rain the answer Is Yes It will help the farmers Many people do not seem to realize that no rain means no grain and hay to feed the cattle who produce the milk and meat pigs and poultry that provide the bacon and eggs for breakfast The answer yes it wll help farmers Irks me The same people do not seem to connect rain or the lack of it to the price or scarcity of food Food Is not produced In the warehouses behind the supermarkets It grows dependent on rain and sunshine and we should be equally grateful for both saw oats that would not This Nation No Paradise Sir Remeber when we were proud to sing Canada our home and native land That was before the socialists and drove us off our land by way of massive taxation True patriot love in all thy sons command Except those with loyalists to Castro Mao Tung and Breshnevl With glowing hearts we see theerlse rising taxes rising food prices rising interest rates and rising indignation among citizens The true North strong and free Free sanctuary to US draft dodgers Chilian radicals and European criminals free handouts to any who can spell freedom to panhandle on the streets flourishing a switchblade to do your own things O Canada we stand on guard for thee Like fun we do Most citizens are so apathetic they have allowed politicians perverts and pink manipulators to id them around by the nose I personally value my Canadian heritage too much to lie down and be trampled into the dust of any peoples paradise Patricia Young Vancouver BC From Report on Fnr- a farmers business publication From The Foreign Land By Coventry Patmorc A Woman Is a foreign land Of which though there he settled young A man will quite un derstand The customs politics and tongue The foolish hie them post haste through See fashions odd and pros pects fair Learn of the language How dye do And go and brag they have been there From Report on Far ming produce kernels unless there Is a good rain Immediately Hay will be Si a bale I am told Why Because It Is in short supply The farmer cuts down his livestock when feed Is scarce Town and city people are as dependent on rain as the farmers No rain eventually means no milk Its as simple as that There Is a saying The farmer farms the land everyone else farms the farmer Another saying Destroy the cities and leave the farms undamaged and the cities will rise again Destroy the farms and leave the cities Intact The cities die also Rain benefits all and we cannot live without it Remember that when you see the beautiful Juicy berries and peaches A QUEENS PARK predicted an increase In the use of electricity He based bis prediction on forecast Increases in natural gas oil and coal prices ranging From to per cent in the next five years Hydro has estimated that electricity rates will rise by per cent In the same period We are bound to have an accelerating trend towards electricity said Mr Dunn and cited a shortage of electric heating devices as the bottle neck towards even greater conversion by the nubile tn electricity for heating Major in the Hydro rate case are the Ontario Municipal Electric Association the Consumers Association of Canada and the Association of Direct Customers of Ontario Hydro Each is presenting evidence and crossexamining Hydro witnesses as part of thelr Look Out For Bikes With the summer weather more bicycles are on the road Traffic accidents take the Uvea of many bicycle riders every year and Injure thousands of others in Canada Many of these accidents Involve a Be on the lookout for bicycle riders especially at dusk them a break Stopping is controlled by friction When a vehicle is travelling over an uneven surface tires spend part of tbe time off that surface thus lessening the amount of friction and thereby increasing tbe stopping distance considerably In some Instances THE HALF BLIND DRIVER You have to be able to see to avoid accidents Check out your windshield wipers and be prepared for those summer rains Are the wipers doing an efficient Job or are you only half seeing If theyre not up to par have them replaced Authoritarianism In Government BYDONOHEARN Queens Park Bureau Of The Herald John Clement is certainly one of the most able ministers in the government His ministry of consumer and commercial affairs covers a wide field And as minister he has been notable In that normally he has been able to come up with balanced and logical an swers to the many problems that confront the ministry But one particular area has had him buffaloed One of the responsibilities of his ministry has been the administration and control of liquor And this responsibility has proven to be an almost constant public headache The most recent con troversy was over the arrest of two women in a Toronto park for having three bottles of beer and a bottle of wine at a picnic In a Toronto park The Liquor Control Act says there cant be drinking In a public place and the arresting officer was within his rights But there was a con siderable outcry over the Incident evidence that this section of the Act was seldom enforced by police when applied to picnics and with the outcry a demand that the section should be- repealed But Mr Clement said no he wouldnt change the act giving as his principle reason mat to sanction drinking in parks could lead to rowdyism TOO LOYALT In this decision the minister was blatantly wrong on at least two points One Is that he was going against the principle that a law that is consciously not being enforced Is a bad law because it makes a mockery of law The second is that rowdyism is a quite separate offence which can be policed quite apart from the presence or nonpresence of drinking This action was quite out of keeping with usually broad and reasonable view that this minister takes And in this he was In line with an character attitude that rather consistently marked his attitude on liquor There have been a series of controversial incidents concerning liquor In recent months There was the Kitchener beer festival where a large pavilion was shut down by the Liquor licence Board festival in Brantford where licences were refused because there would have been some drinking In a school the silly situation in Toronto where some bars are allowed to serve free peanuts and snacks and others arent And then there were tbe recent Increases In liquor prices by the LCBO by far the largest in history These and other cases all had some ring of authoritarianism And this would be logical for the leadership of both tbe and the LCBO Is militaristic The head of the Licence Board Is former Toronto police chief J P Mackey and of the Control Board retired majorgeneral George Hitching Which leaves one to wonder whether Mr Clements uncharacteristic lack of common sense on liquor matters may be caused by an overbalanced loyalty to his officials VIEWPOINT Putting The Credibility Back Into Politics The continuing saga of Watergate Is something Ill be more than glad to see the end of It would appear that living In a time of history being made can get too repeuuveuimost downright boring At Die time of this writing President Nixons latest revelation about full knowledge of the had resulted in neither his resignation nor lm- though loud cries of one or the other could be heard from everywhere even his sup porters For a man who has always tried to make Young Peoples group had charge of the himself perfectly clear regular church service at with Richard Mllhous Nixon has members of the group In the chc Joy serving as organist fallen quite short of his goal The tragedy of Watergate can be found In the number of promising political careen that have been snuffed out Young men following popular trend In politics have been caught up in their own misguided political zeal and loyalty and in a mushrooming series of scandals have watched their own careers marriages go down the drain One cant help feeling compassion for so many men who have been virtually destroyed by the Watergate scandal HARDEST HIT Meanwhile the man who co Insisted there was nothing more to tell Richard Mllhous Nixon will perhaps end up the hardest hit of all Tho oval office of the Whltehouse must have been a very lonely place In those final days American newspapers headed by The Washington Post have relentlessly searched for more truths to uncover until now the whole sordid mess seems to be laid out before the American people and the watching world who stand waiting for the outcome What Is done by the American congress will decide the power and con duct of the office of President from lliis time on It shows on one hand that even the President of a nation as great as the USA Is not above the law On the other hand we wonder how such a complicated web of deceit and injustice could occur in the ml lite Toronto Stars farewell salute on the death of senator Wayne Morse states that the US has lost Its last angry man of politics When the late Sen Morse saw something was wrong he voted against It regar dless of the vote of the majority He was a man of moral conviction who stood fast for what he believed In When we look at the number of victims of Watergate whose careers have been smashed such as Magruder Mitchell and Dean Hunt and Llddy to name only a very few who whether rightly so or otherwise have gone from the very top to the bitter bottom we wonder If there Is any political moral con viction left In force So many men who have been swayed to mishandle the power at the top have been caught up In a web of their own making NOT ISOLATED The problem of Watergate is that it Is not an Isolated Incident Lesser events happen all the time for those that follow the end justifies the means school in politics and big business Whether Watergate will act as a deterrent and democracy will come out cleaner and further ahead Is yet to be Here at home we already have our own inevitable bints at a supposed Canadian Watergate What Conservative Jed Baldwin has hinted Is that what happened In Washington might be taking place in Ottawa has to date received no valid confirmation Perhaps his statement la nothing more than mere conjecture to ride the Watergate expose train Time alone will teH- credibility Is such it at this moment I would neither believe nor doubt any statement made either this side or the other side of the border My own feeling had been that Impeachment a roust If tbe office of tbe President If the very workings of a true democracy aa opposed to even a hint of a dictatorship were to be restored President Richard Mllhoua had to bt removed from