The Herald Home Newspaper of Hills Second Clan Mall RegUtered J THE HERALD WEqNEiDAY AUGUST Return Postage Guaranteed SO per year Single Copy Price Fifteen Cent Terra Cotta Inn Gutted By Fire Roof Of Terra Cotta Inn Shows Ravages Of EarlyMornin Fire Plan Row Housing Units At Loss Is Put At Damage to the Terra Inn was estimated at more than when It was gutted by fire early Friday morning The blaze was battle for more than two hours by fire fighters from Cheltenham Snelgrove Caledon and Brampton The fire was reported by resident manager and ac countant for Terra Cotta Inn Rom Curry Mr Curry was sleeping In his room when he awakened to the sound of an alarm and the smell of smoke He helped three others from the building before running to the local general tore to report the tin Terra Cotta Inn owner Strachan Bongard was deeply hurt at the loss of the building and the thousands of dollar worth of antique furniture from Europe that ft housed Moat of what was not destroyed by the flames was severely damaged by smoke and water The fire la believed to have started In the basement of the building which is reportedly more than a century old and which Mr Bongard purchased only last year According to some fire department sources the fire could have originated In the basement After the fire was it out a few senior fire officials were seen Firefighter Tackles Blaze From The Rooftop A lands that some exteriors of the buildings into building site If new stores are J wanted as the different elevations distance 1 of the Georgetown from the street and even into said that the shopping place Recreational Centre will varieties of design would be mailed In ami tinted l Morrow SSXSSSISSSl in Hal Councillors S SS seemed to like a proposal laid so they encountered some He said however that a major SSSS before them by Fred Ken the opposition from councillor Mansion at the pbta Is not door HOWS BUSINESS Hyde because he major AKStfJ tT a development Item that built and Both men objected that the 15 covenants on the suppose Eatons doea Toronto landmarks re properly was zoned grounding property that thud of smoke which filled his We as the Four Seasons Hotel and commercial and indicated cons 5ucW of either a conversed we their hopes that It would major new food store or FLOOR The presentation made to extensfonTan that the four and The Acton residents who for Canada Packer Ltd owners ff Safari that shopping centre and said could be triangular chunk of land south tell Simpsons or vice versa These two delivery trucks the one on the left belonging to Eatons and the one on the right a Simpsons vehicle dont know the nature of the conversation but Just maybe they business Pick Committee Chairman For Acton Protest Group NEWS IN BRIEF a low turnout that called for a that prompted complaints from Toronto spying there chairman and steering com- to the problem by one member of the steering reserved for municipal use and he asked all of them at a weekend meeting That deadline has since been committee K tLtDuJhv being sought for the potential Parkland or as the site hands Bet to the floor and have yet to select a name moved back to and Nobody here wants to get GAGE STATIONERY CO of Georgetown Todd been SouKvLJ J out with htm their newly structured although the problem has to a Involved In anything said Ron a tin tm ji Avenue and mm Urge extent been reduced Mr Mellon there a no doubt about The new chairman Is Harold Jeffrey feels that Interim It we have a problem In this warded a federal contract to supply graph drawing Sinclair Avenue paper Contract award was announced Monday It was one of unclassified federal contracts each worth or more The drawings were true to the promise from Mr that MORE RIDERS ARE USING GO Transit services but any in- the row housing units would create due to the Toronto transit strike has not been pronounced avoid the repetitive nature of fromBuchNorthweststationsasGeorgetownandBramnton Roy similar projects carried out in McEwan operations manager said main increase has been Georgetown and other areas recorded Inbound and outbound from Malton Weston and stations Their design municipal planner Mario COUNCIL HERE IS interested in encouraging the construction Semi Georgian of additional senior citizen units in Georgetown Council last night approved without comment a planning committee recommendation that the town planner be authorized to request la I copies of a suitable site plan for a seniors housing project TWO YOUTHS HAVE been charged with causing a disturbance as a result of a scuffle that police say took place at the Canadian Tire Store in Acton Charged were Gary Taillefer of Holmesway Ave Acton and Paul Robertson of Malton Ontario The incident occurred at SO a m Saturday morning ThetwomenwillappearOct In ton Provincial Court Avenue and ft Making sure the second fire ArtS tOUflCll and then running to the local steering committee Is to reduce the odor until The group that was formed general store fire made up of Ron Mellon Steve is completely and per- however may prove to be Ihe I Thsilatrf emergency Bob Holmes and the two eliminated springboard for the forma District Chief Bill Core from women Stella Iredale and Jean He said that until the ponds of a local branch of Pollution Brampton alona BarclaySmith who started the are completely filled they Probe or of an organization An Ontario Arts Council composer and director His with volunteers and whole thing fn June with that group grant through Theatre On musical play Nuts Bolts and the whs At that time the women which he says would cause solid The proposal made at the petition wastes suspended in the water meeting by A Johnson j i- of Group United Against Rural Dumping but under elsewhere in Ontario and the housed a brass bed bought own The petlUon now contains Because the particles of apparently drew an professional guidance USA Bongardfrom ames and flesh manure and hair scraped On IT S A measure of its success is Norway for in cording to Chairman Jeffrey is hides in the tannins nignWay and continuing each night that ills soon to be published In Reputedly King of Nor almost complete process are left clinging above August The Anthology of Greit Canadian way slept in thlt bed Well lake one more run on the water level on the shores not interested taking on An Township man died workshops wifl cover On Stage Playsanditsauthorhaswona It was used to decorate one of the downtown area said Mr the pond be said that Urns other cause if and when the bicy r 5 and playwritlng award from the the five guest rooms with royal Were going to get tlw Jhoufd be scattered on problem Is resolved was riding on Highway just Design and art open to Canada Arts Council and been furniture tote called me Kinis Pple on the street to sign it banks west of Acton was struck from anyonewhomlghtllke toattend nominated gJ He noted that the narnes Fluctuating water levels of the steering committee said the rear by a car The rest of the Inn was already gathered leave the solids on toe edges of he liked idea and Indicated nore than 10 per cent of tin the piU to rot in the aun be that so too did other people at here Those names said Lime would solve the meeting r iiu jfongwitha Which Is to bt Causeof death Fine ArU Department of York achievements lists Marat StlSi prepared will be delivered and director ptonnVr MTrloVendltrcalKd 9 play Nuts Bolts and the fireflghtlng was begun ri Rusty Things had a successful Meanwhile Mr Curry also circulating the year the Georgetown Little called Mr Bongard protesting the tannery smell to drop to the bottom a series and has also been performed The Kings room of the Inn lh washes over much of the LIME apparently drew an ambivalent response from the residents who did attend Mr Mellcmsaldhe personally MPP George Kerr and MP Dr Frank hopefully at a public meeting attended by George Adams of The doctor will be Mr mttmy studied with Sir more than 10 per cent of th to rot to to sun Two batteries were taken from cars of Jack Harrison of Maple Acton waa pronounced dead at Frederick Thury AlthoughMr Tyrone Guthrie at the Lincoln from Lyons France and old Avenue Georgetown and Larocque of Queen Street Steve fti Thnvhu Curtis from Moore Park Crescent lost a Plonella tape deck Larry Taylor lost a Holiday tape deck Poulstnip of Drive lost an tape and radio and Robert Casson also of Moore Park lost a Panasonic tape deck Doug Brownie from Moultry Crescent had his credit cards stolen and several other cars were broken Into but the thieves decided nothing was worth stealing Four tape decks two batteries and other assorted goods In chiding a Goodyear tire and rim stolen because people didnt bother making It difficult for thieves The police urge everyone to lock their cars even If only leaving for a few minutes because thats all It takes for a thief to make his presence painfully felt has not been disclosed Milton OPP say that no charges were laid as a result of the Incident A spokesman there said that Mr Adams was westbound on the highway when his bicycle was struck from the rear by a car driven by Robert Faulkner of Clark Avenue In Kitchener The accident occurred at B Saturday Pollution Is Feared From Landfill Sites I Mrt Victorian Met of lor lour and and Under Milk Wood dnlroyed ii not by Ire by produced at York and water better known as a writer University right the fire Walkway Closing Raises Protest nSJeKprSSS M to clou a walkway convention at odor which originate from out thai the are asking council tor a JS Toronto The convention will be settling ponds tor tanning site proposed lor Eden la held August at the Four waste at very close to the Blue Spring tannery would unite to oppose the closing Seasons Hotel The Massenas Ponds are no longer In use Creek and the fiver all form A pollution liiclSung Judge Convention Mr and Mrs Tom Massena OTE8T DELAYS J ffl According to A Johnston area in the town tost the politicians will be able two landfill sites a Were trying to get the to make it to thy planned preliminary for people of Guelph Interested In meeting but said that region could this problem because I drinking water in Acton and maintain that their drinking will be taken to them water Is threatened DELAYS said Mr Johnston Johnston said He that the brief will who is with the Group United He added thai petition signed by Closing the walkway also volunteer Ambulance and Mr perpetuate ldenurfHegaCreent would deprive local children uawaaa POlhltlOO are active members of the accumulated waste Also one site proposed the landfill sites ongoing near Acton lies beside a small These things could become lake which flows Into Fairy veritable time bombs and we Mr Jeffrey complained that Lake a popular swimming In number five reasons are of access to a good Volunteer niwr7t given for objection to the recreational area and will V0WnteerFlre Department closing Works committees encourage tresspass across recent action In recommending those lots abutting the ravine tbe closing Is called arbitrary The petitioners also allege Karl Thier appeared before that Mr Is attempting to the committee to request the gain control of this particular closing He cited disturbances of land Council has caused by motorcyclists Using proceeded to act on past complaints the petitioners Almost two vean rfJSS votes in lhan he did in Frank to Its Back To Private Life For Former MP For Halton as reasons The Finally the peUUoners point member of Parliament for llJwaSrahloled out that from George Terry OConnor back Kennedy school are tbe fold of private life Sd STSTJm l down to the ID Mr Johnston noted that he feels that the damage caused by landfill sites can never be measured in dollars and cents and If the region continues with the two sites which are could be gated and kept locked Progressive Conservative SUMMERTIME GAL Crescent Georgetown Is pending this ff doi nothing at alT but taking It Linda who attends Georgetown and District High School movLd to Georgetown with ber parents ago The petitioners also said they casualties suffered under Coun Era Hyde said the fall to understand why the Robert stanflelds campaign walkway Is just a righlnrfway works committee should take leadership hes returned and is not an accessway from suchrapldacUcnontherequeat practice of law and now la one piece of town property to of a single citizen without associated with an law another reference to council or to other firm The residents of Regan Regan Crescent residents But his political Interest Crescent who object to the The petition is addressed to not come to an end Hes going cIoalngproteatedthatMr Thier Mayor Tom Hill and an to remain politically active and fa not tbe sole resident of audience is requested with probably be seeking a Began Crescent but only Mr council One of the petition candidature again moat likely Thier has been consulted on the signers Mrs Browne said In federal Held where his subject There are other streets In the interest really lies His interest The petitioners say the same situation and we feel this it politics spans two decades allegation of motorcycles action will be of Interest to j OConnor lest his bid for lipping along the walkway Is them reflection by fewer than Turnout In the riding about other was better than per sites to people Hes not bitter about his defeat be says Us family win be happy to see more of but he believes heavy Conservative lasses especially S- ft to Ontario were OTJSfiESE public confidence in the party f observations landfill Prime Minister Pierre will return to in mjce of office that Age level of Canadas MPs Is waste study at least a halt i regularly Wacom office giving all better la anas which an more centrally TERRY OCONNOR what AiQttmt taa the ansa la tta