ONTARIO OUTDOORS Northern Fall Rainbows Ready To Be Caught Thats rinht In the ManltouUn Island region Fish the Blue Jay Manltou and Mlndemoya Halton Shows Hospitality For Big Plowing Match region Rivers at mouths Georgian Bay may be good now We are already getting cool lUghtaaDdwarmdiyiabaslcwedforthefftllflflhlng The final I fa the rains that will send cool waters out Into the lakes and swell the rivers almost to their springtime levels striking the chord to add to the music of the seasons to which all creatures must respond This la more than poetic it Is fact to which If the sportsman will heed will bring him fruit The Ministry of Natural Resources has announced the Increase In fishing licenses for the nonresident and residents of Canada other than Ontario This will come Into effect on Jan l 1975 Nonresident seasonal nonresident three day resident Canadian from provinces other than Ontario Previously these licenses were and In the previous order The increase to the province is estimated at The above increases allow for an Increase In the issuing fee from to All the more reason for the sportsmen of Ontario to push for better hatchery facilities to rear game fish for sport The Ministry has acres In the credit forks area that is designated to become a Provincial park in due time Restrictions nave had to be nude now due to the destruction by careless and Ignorant persons Campers and motorized vehicles been prohibited from using the area as both kinds of people have caused extensive damage to trees and fauna left garbage thrown bottles and cans Into the river and cut many trees for no apparent reason SPORTSMANS WATERFOWL TOURNAMENT Darlington Park on the Shores of Lake Ontario Contests are open to all sportsmen and will Include duck Iden tification decoy carving marsh shooting duck calling trap shooting and working retrievers Sunday Sept 8 Is the day Information may be bad from SPORTSMANS WATERFOWL TOURNAMENT BOX 100 ONTARIO or any Information may be had from Sportsmans Waterfowl nament Box Oshawa Ontario or any office of the Monr The Lake Temagaml plan has now been implemented From now on all development must be by permit of the Ministry of Natural Resources This Is in order to further protect the region from over development or the wrong kind of development Books for Fall reading or books to read for Fall However you say It you should be getting ready now As men tioned last week the book Bewhunters Digest and now the edition of Gun Digest This la one of the continuing series of great books by this company Digest Books Inc of Northfleld Illinois you are looking the information in this book can save you many tunes Its price in both time and knowledge gained The stories and articles are of tremendous quality the In the beginning of the book The Secret of the old Master being one of the beat stories I have read In a long time Included is a directory of new arms available Including specifications and suggested price U S retail On the subject of guns Ron Scondo of Glen Williams recently attended the Grand American Skeet Shoot where people are shooting In the week long event At the time of this writing final word has not been received as to the standings but Ron figures he finished In the top twenty When you consider the pressures on a person In these conditions and he still breaks 200 straight it can Be readily understood Ron baa been shooting In competition for about 12 years and Is of ten seen to be In the winners circle and at the Grand American Shoot be was snooting In the last group at four oclock and finished at five oclock drove home and was in the shoot at Hamilton Ontario on Sunday The Federation of Ontario Naturalists will be represented at the plowing match Sept 24 to Sept 27 with members of the Georgetown Club staffing the The Georgetown district Naturalist Club will hold its first meeting of the new season on Sept at 8 pm In the Presbyterian church hall in Georgetown The Point bird watching event will be held this year from Sept 28 to Oct l For further Information on times and tran sportation contact Charles at rflon the theme as the region of and Plowmens Association prepare to host the version of Canadas largest outdoor agricultural show the International Plowing Match on a farm in Hilt Sept to With less than a month left before the gates open local preparations are reaching a da workers are en thusiastic about making this years International the largest on record good weather prevails during the five day match officials expect a attendance of persons OCflclally titled the In ternational Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show the Cory and His Cory of Victoria Cres Drive in Georgetown caught a In Calender Bay of Lake Nlp- ptsslng while on vacation It weighted 34 lbs and measured Inches in length Cory took this on a CISCO KID lure and was actually fishing for Muskie and bad been trying for one all week The next day he took another smaller one Itdoespay to keep trying A helpful hint for fall or any other that matter when may be out in the bush or other place where it may be cult on a person If lost A small bottle of POTASSIUM PER MANGANATE and a small bottle of GLYCERINE may be carried Place a small amount of each side by side on a piece of You will get Instant flame A good start for a fire and no bother of wet matches As with everythingelseofthisnaturecaremustbetaken Stay alive and benefit from an outing ONTARIO OUTDOORS The Halton Board Of Education PURE APPLIED SCIENCES PROGRAM COUNCIL WILL PRESENT ITS ANNUAL REPORT AT A MEETING OPEN TO THE Monday Sept at 730 p To be held at Georgetown WJ- JW Singleton Chairman- Director ATTENTION ALL CHILDREN FROM to 12 YEARS OLD and 11 to WHO WANT TO JOIN OUR TEAMS FOR THE SEASON EVERYONE WELCOME- CALL MRS SPIERS 8773570 SPORTSMAN BOWLING CLUB Ml II Street Business Phone STARTING 1st SEPTEMBER SO HURRY more than just an exhibition of plowing ability point the match Is the tented city acres of tents and buildings where more than 300 caterers and exhibitors will feed and entertain visitors and show them the latest farm Implements cart and trucks and household needs Thft proximity of this years site to half a dozen urban cities In the centre of Ontarios Golden area means match officials expect a larger usu attendance from urban areas and the exhibits will be geared to Interest both urban and rural visitors FARM SITE The match will be held on the W Craig Refd farm and neighboring farms on Aihgrove Slderoad between the Eighth and Ninth lines of Halton HtllsHust south Georgetown Its easily ac cessible to motorists travelling Highways 10 and EUiabeth Way While the match site covers acres in the core an additional surrounding acres have been set aaide for demonstrations and parking the thousands of vehicles ex pected to visit the match each day Since Halton Plowmens bid to host the 1974 International was accepted In 1970 hundreds of volunteer workers have been busy worklngon committees preparing for and promoting the ma lit For the past the committee chairmen have been meeting monthly to lav plans for every last detail from servicing to cleanup parking to policing lunches to banquets Chairman of the local committee the man charged with coordinating the planning for the match In conjunction with Ontario Plowmens Association Is Ross Segsworth of Burlington a semiretired dairy farmer Others holding kev are Heltons director Jack Taylor of Burlington D- secretary Henry Stanley and the treasurer John Keyworth all of Milton Organizers are working from a budget That should be recovered gate receipts and funds will repay the regional councils loan establish new three agricultural societies COUNTRY EXHIBIT Regional Council Is sponsoring a county exhibit tent at the match where agricultural organizations and Institutions In Halton will display their products and their work for visitors Special events at the IPM Include daily noon parades featuring two bands and hundreds of new vehicles and agricultural Implements as well as antique steampowered tractors of yesteryear the Ontario Queen of the Furrow Competition on Sept sheep shearing and horseshoe pit ching contests the Ontario Senior Plowing Championship and a Show midway of rides and games There will also be helicopter rides over wagon tours of the tentftd city and plowing sites a dally ladies program featuring cooking demon- Lions fashion shows prizes and crafts demonstrations a large display of antique far ming Implements and a wind- up banquet for 1M0 contestants and worker to be held at Mohawk Raceway Camp bellvllle County wardens and municipal mayors will compete In a special plowing class and a fun plowing contest will be held for press people more than 300 plowmen will be competing for in prizes In the regular plowing contests Hydro and telephone com panies have arranged to ser vice the site and Bell Canada will operate a message centre each day of the match Police and fire protection will be on a roundtheclock Is through the cooperation About 130 farm and rural homeowners participated In a farmstead and rural home Improvement competition that started a year ago and wound up In Augunt with an awards banquet Idea behind the contest was to spruce up Heltons rural image for the thousands of visitors who will travel through Halton to attend the International A special press and exhibitors day will be held at the match site on Wednesday Sept 11 when Ontarios Minister of Agriculture and Food William A Stewart will turn the first sod and Halton and official will outline plans for what Is shaping up to be the biggest International Plowing Match on the record ABSOLUTELY NO COMPROMISE IN QUALITY AT ThisHM MdMThaSutoktoAP COCACOLA 379 weo WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Action priced POST CEREALS SUGAR CRISP ALPHA BITS BEEF OR IRISH ARMOUR STEWS tin ALL MUCH SHOWN IN THIS AD THROUGH SATURDAY SEPTEMBER fresh for Flavour CANADA N 1 ONTARIO FIN 1ST FLAVOUR TOMATOES sfj BASKET r CANADA ONTARIO DAILY Celery Hearts JOUIH AFRICAN Navel Oranges Action priced Coronation Coronation DILLS A PICKLES UU NIFTY PAPER LUNCH BAGS 100 PRIDE OF JAMAICA PURE ORANGE MARMALADE I TISSUE DELSEY BATHROOM Action Priced Great on a Grill Town Club vac pac WIENERS 69 PKG OF ROLLS VAC 85 Bologna LB LOWIR THAN A AGO I QUALITY MIATY Pork Hocks 39 Save these Top Quality Jane Parker Baked Goods JANE PARKER Buy 3 loaves SAVE SANDWICH BREAD Enriched White or 609b Whale Wheat Buy 3 loaves SAVE LOAVES Southern Pecan Pie 99 Coffee Cake iaioy Cherry Pie h79 Sweet Rolls ois69 IB 1AHl fAKl CINNAMON SAVE JANE J Date Nut Loaf Cake Chocolate Brownies Rolls pis- 79 JANI PARKER Lemon Roll JANE PARKER 69 Angel Cake lrgic75l ACTION mi Soft Margarine 8 OCLOCK COFFEE SWEl TOMATO ACTION tf- mm VST I Aylmer Catsup M crocnir to VAimiii Hamburg Helper 1 rr PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO GREAT ON A GRIIU PORK LOIN ROASTS IK IB LOWIR THAN A J Oil Count Rib Portion Tenderloin Portion LB THAN A Rib Hall Loin AO Tenderloin Hall Loin THAN A AOOI Centre Cut Loin Roast or Chops IOWII THAN A COUNTRY ON A Spare Ribs ib108 THAN A YIAR AOOI Sausages beef pork LOWER A HOT Italian Sausage It LOWER THAN A YIAI HAND NtAOARA Bologna St LB LOWER THAN A AOOI TOWN CLUB IS LOWES THAN A Sliced Tenderloin Portion b Sliced Rib Portion Pork Loins Side Bacon 29 LOWIR THAN A AOOI brand men Cooked Meats