What a child wants isnt always what he should get Linda Campbell and Reporter Christopher Gawley wants Ovens because the man on putt putt train for Chriatmai television said you can make cakes Just like mommy Todd Allen a wheel does that spins faster than lions Tbe three and four year olds because I saw it could tear themselves away from their wide variety of educational toys In tbe Maple Nursery School at Community Centre There they were all wrapped up In learning about slice shapes color co ordination and counting and Imagining all fun they are going to have with a raelf there while Mom and Dad did the Manager Jim Hancock says this selling Sesame Street puppets She just theyhavestockedalargevarletyof toys plunked herself right down In the middle of but try to stick to name brands and popular the aisle at Canadian Tire and enjoyed sellers advertised toy that will lose its appeal before the pine needles fall off tbe Christmas tree Why Because three and fouryearolds don t know that playthings have to meet certain requirements to keep them amused for long periods They dont know that toys help them learn about themselves each other and the world they live In Play is their work and toys are their tools A toy should be percent child and ten percent toy says nursery school supervisor Anne Bums It must be imaginative and challenging It must allow the chOd to discover and explore A plaything should educate and stimulate as well as entertain and it should continue to be fun Canadians spend over 200 million dollars a year on toys Parents are bombarded with childrens products in super markets drug stores depart stores boutiques toy shops magazines catalogues ana TV commercials Some toys appeal to the parents more than to the children Mechanical toys are Iota of fun for dad but after the novelty wears off there Isn much left for junior except to take it apart ana see what makes it tick Often the child has more fun with the box it came In Parents end up disappointed after spending a lot of money on something their young ones don appreciate Because I work with children and toys and because I know child parents will often ask me what I mend said Mrs Burns I advise toya that stimulate Imagination makes them think and allows them to construct Also It must fit into their immediate world Ask yourself Does it work Is It the right size and age for the child Will it last la It in season Will the novelty wear off Can accessories and ad dltlona be added later Will it break too easily Will it frustrate and bore child or will it continue to be fun Lego Is a very popular set with the nursery school children because It wont break They can build cars airplanes boats buildings and then take It all apart ana build something else Mrs Burns says Fisher Price toys never lose their appealandneverwearout For years she has been adding new toys to the supply at the school Each year they come up with new materials and new designs but the basic concept Is always the same All the games and building sets are kept In colorful plastic dlshpans on slotted shelves I always suggest to parents that shelves like this would be an Ideal gift for a child Toy boxes are useless because they just mix everything up This way everything Is kept separate and the are big enough they can play with the game right in the pan She tells parents children will usually ask for relevant toys Shawn wanta a fire truck for Christmas because a fireman came here and we went to the fire hall Jeffrey wants Lego because he plays with a set at nursery school Shannon Salter wanta a twowheeler because kids gots one Is asking Santa for a snoopy tooth brush because the battery don wears out when you leaves It In tbe plug Christopher Gawley wants red presents Besides his putt pull train he doesnt care whats in them as long as they re red But David Mourey Isnt giving away any secrets Santa knows what I want THE Wednesday November IT ltT4Pagen Draper Dobie Co Ltd Stocks Bonds Phone Brampton DOLLS THAT WALK talk wet sleep ride tricycles and dress up in dozens of outfits are all lined up at Zellers waiting for Santa to deliver them to pretty little girls like Colleen Cannon Mrs Pat Bell toy department super visor helps Colleen decide which one Is beat I want one what talks she said Cleaned On Your Floor No Job Too Big Or Too Small carpet in your home At a able rale THE CLEANER A Division of BARRAGER CLEANERS LTD IMOuelpASt THE HOTTEST ITEM on the toy market this Christmas la Evil Knlevel and his amazing action super stunt cycle that jumps races at top speed and shoots over a Scramble Van an accessory for transporting tbe hero equipment Carol Eros and Janice Lesley tell Canadian Tins manager Jim Hancock they would like to bring their brothers one for Christmas Choose it torn largest rental cars and QMC trucks Charge it TILDEH ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS BANKRUPT SALE at the CARPET BARN 26 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN SALE Sale ONE PRICE SALE 3 DAYSNOV 282930 Carpet the average Living Room yds for 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