THE HERALD December Concerned parents explain their side T the Editor of The Hmll Id response to last weeks article Park School I would like to formally state our stand on the Issues At Park there Is not a true open concept but a series of overcrowded split grades consisting of anywhere from six to groups per class Our concern is that with even six Kips per class the amount of spent with each group must be minimal not to mention Individual attention Based on six groups per class we have roughly calculated teaching hours per group per year split grades were abandoned the teaching increase to roughly wo hours per group per year Tins can be accomplished easily without extra burden to the taxpayer and should be clearly inspected by Park parents Ms statement was distorted as to the truth and should be reviewed with her The socalled four letter words were hurled around by one parent onlynot all con cerned as stated I still contend as at the meeting that although a teachers day Is forever challenging the more proficient she becomes the easier her load should be But with constant changes the stress on the teacher makes her Job become harder and harder As stress continues the basics In education get lost in the muddle In Mrs Barrager I congratulate her on her questions I will en deavour to answer them to her satisfaction Parents attended from dif ferent schools but most were from Park Because of this conditions at Park were the major issue where complaints were directed at Mr and his policies but not at the teachers We all felt that the teachers were providing the best under trying cir cumstances We numbered about 30 but considering the weather Eternal bliss dinosaur thinking parents night and night courses have to teacn mere quite a on that evening we were difference satisfied with the initial tur- We have offered positive Although some expected steps to correct the situation at parents did not attend for valid Park but they have fallen on reasons their support was very closed ears The ultimate much there positive step was to transfer children lo other schools to We did not want names receive the proper education published to protect our they so rightly deserve This children and teachers involved was a most difficult decision from harassment We feel we and was not taken lightly by us requested this in good faith We are attacking one school parents did help us with onlyPark but are sincerely homework and we will sorry matters have brought us continue to but they did not to this point We came to the To The Editor of the Herald According to recent press reports the development of the Helton Hills region may be retarded because of as I un derstand it an Insufficient existing number of municipal WBtermalns hi the area As usual development Is to be understood as the covering of the land with houses schools shopping centres parking lots the whole spectrum of achievements Indications that we may be spared this wholesale destruction of the Esquesing countryside can be regarded as the best news to reach this area for some time particularly In view of the bankruptcy of the much- heralded TorontoCentred Regional Plan which would have given us some measure of protection Yet incredible as it may seem there are voices in the councils of the northern region protesting the lack of development for this area naively defending the com pletely discredited notion that more houses more people more acres covered In asphalt will lower the individual tax burden or as the somewhat social equity who plead for a continuing conversion of two percent of the plan that If followed would almost guarantee eternal bliss for everyone A conversion at this rate would see the complete disappearance of the rural area in SO years obviously in the opinion of some councillors a desirable state of affairs Perhaps it should be suggested then that we make a concerted effort and get the bulldozers really going on percent or better still 10 percent of the area per year so that the satisfying condition of living In Suburbia may be enjoyed in our own lifetime and not only in that of our children Personally 1 resent being represented In the municipal council by a mentality dating from the age of the dinosaurs I expect my councillors to with the times and to protect rather than to attempt to destroy the land with the governing of which they have been entrusted Charles RRi Georgetown Many help UNICEF help To The Editor of The Herald Each year hundreds of people young and old in the Georgetown area contribute to the Halloween campaign It la impossible to reach all of you to say thank you To each and every person who gave money to the ladles who sat so patiently and counted and rolled all the coins to the principals and ministers who allowed the campaign to be carried on In their schools and Sunday schools to the childrren who cared enough to share their night of fun To Verdun Lodge the Countess of chapter IODE and Commerce who checked all the money deposited Everyones contribution is truly ap preciated Through their efforts will be able to carry on their programs of health nutrition educational ana social welfare in the un derdeveloped around the world The need was never Gratefully Jean Barber K41 Chairman Georgetown Area Halloween Fund DONATIONS 1S74 Centennial Public School Countess of Strathmore Chapter 1000 Georgetown District High School 30 Joseph Gibbons Public School 13 Glen Williams Public School 72 Knox Presbyterian Sunday School Public School Moun- Baptist Sunday School 11 43 Nerval Presbyterian Sunday School Norval United Sunday School 3164 Park Public School 115 83 St An drews United Sunday School St Georges Anglican Sunday School SO St Johns United Sunday School St Pauls Anglican Sunday School Norval 1509 Stewart town Senior Public School Si 15 Verdun Lodge a 00 Dutch Christian School Sent in by them 131 Total news Girl Guides bazaar a definite hit The Christmas meeting of Womens Institute was held on Thursday evening December S at the home of Mrs Jean Harrop with Mrs Terry presiding Glen Webb assisted by Linda Nixon demonstrated now to make Christmas door decorations and a Christmas flower Tickets were drawn on the arrangements and the winners were Mrs Jean May Mrs Gladys Chester and Mrs Terry exchange of nonsense carols with Mrs Doris Sharpe playing the piano were enjoyed During the business a letter was read from the clubs adopted child in Hong Kong It was decided to donate a food hamper and Lifts for Christmas to a needy family The turkey for the hamper will be donated by Maple Lodge Farms Mrs Ina Terry Mrs Grace Crawford and Mrs Kathy Chester were appointed the committee to be In charge of the hamper A social time was enjoyed while Mrs Marie Murray and Mrs Elliott assisted the hostess in serving a delicious luncn Unit Two of United Church Women enjoyed a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs Phyllis Moffatt for their Christmas meeting on Wed nesday evening December 4 with present Following the delicious supper they enjoyed carol singing accompanied by Mrs Lois Reid on guitar Mrs Mona gave a few readings and Mrs Betty Johnson led a discussion on What Christmas Means To Me Tickets were drawn on a Christmas cake made and decorated like a Christmas tree by Mrs Phyllis Moffatt which was won by Mrs Santa Claus arrived to distribute gifts from the tree to end a very enjoyable evening Mrs Ann Wilsons group were In charge of the evening Girl Guides bazaar held In the basement of the Presbyterian Church on Saturday December 7 was quite a successful event The leaders and the 10 Guides are very pleased with the number of people who turned out to sup port them and of the sale of the homemade baking and stuffed toys etc The girls mothers assisted in making the homemade baking and some of the crafts but the girls did all of the work of the bazaar them selves serving tea and coffee and in charge of the various tables of items for sale Lucky draw winners were Linda White a book mark and a brass wheelbarrow gift certificate at Zellera Mrs Mona Fish- bum set of 4 ashtrays and Debbie Frost hair wash and set Leaders are Debbie Frost Kathy McDonald and Carolyn Brian Evans assisted by Rob of Brampton are Scout Leaders for the Norval Scouts There are six boys in the troop so far but they hope that others will Join them Any boy who is 11 to 14 years of age Is welcome to drop In at a Scout meeting any Tuesday evening at St Pauls Anglican Parish Hall to Kiwanians honor 4H members By Henry J Stanley The Klwanis Club of the Klngsway invited several of the top club members from to their annual awards banquet at the Old Mill in Toronto on Monday December Following an enjoyable meal Bill Sellers chairman of their Agricultural and Conservation committee called upon the 10 Klwanis Scholars nip winners from for 1074 Each of the following members received an illustrated dictionary Marie Murray Acton 4H Calf Club Bruce Hal ton All Breeds Dairy Calf Club James Halton Beef Calf Club Holly Halton Holsteln Calf Club Halton Horse Club Joseph Weeden 4H Sheep Club John Halton 4H Field Crop Club Bill Robinson 4H Livestock Judging Club Nancy Lawrence Homemaklng Club and Dennis Halton 4H Homemaklng Club Alsoinattendancewere Jeff Nurse president of the Halton Club Leaders Council Mrs 4H Club Leader Miss Lorraine Holding Home Economist and Henry New officers for Halton s Pride The regular meeting of Halloas Pride No 393 Loyal True Blue Association was held on Nov 22 in the odd fellows Hall Election and Installation of officers for was held and the following are the new slate of officers Worshipful Mistress Mrs Lauretta Mills Immediate Past Worshipful Mistress Mrs Cathy Chalmers Deputy Mistress Mrs Viola Recording Secretary Mrs Nancy Simpson Financial Secretary Mrs Dorothy Carter Treasurer Mr Morley Mills Chaplain Mrs Frances Director of Ceremonies Mrs Betty Dixon Conductor Mrs Edytbe Peck Inside Tyler Mrs Nora outside Tyler Mrs Ateda McCartney Auditors Mrs Millie Mc- Mra Jessie Committee Mrs Hazel Preston Mrs Betty Dixon Mrs Daisy Harris Mrs Cathy Chalmers Mrs Edytbe Peck The election and Installation was conducted by Unity District Mistress Mrs Jessie Short assisted by her district officers from Preston Guelph and Rock- wood Unity District Lodge will be meeting on Thursday Dec In at which time Haltona Pride Degree Team will be assisting with the Scarlet Degree Plans were finalized for the annual Christmas Dinner which will be held at the Driftwood on December A gift of S3 for each child In the Orange Home was decided upon and this will be delivered to each child per sonally by some of the mem bers of the local lodge before Christmas Agricultural Representative Tor The top 4H awards for our agricultural clubs were then presented The J E Trophy for the most outstanding 4H member was presented to Cecil Patterson Milton and the Claude Bain Trophy for the most outstanding first year member went to Ellen RR2 Guest speaker was Mrs Inman from the Winding Lane Bird Sanctuary in StreetsvlUe This sanctuary cares for 2000 birds every year that have met with various accidents Her slides and commentary were most en joyable This concludes our ac tivities for 1974 The projects will commence on Tuesday December with the organization meeting of the Veterinary Science Club in the Agricultural Office Milton at 800 pm see what goes on and If In terested Join the troop The boys have had one overnight camp this fall and are busy working towards their badges The leaders are proud that out of the boys three have been chosen to go to Norway for three weeks near the end of July with other Scouts from Canada They are David Bailie Chris Reed and Russell Hamilton The boys have to earn most of their expense money for the trip themselves so they are available for any odd Jobs that need to be done around your home No doubt the local group Committee for Scouts and Cube will hold some moneyraising projects to give the boys a hand to meet ex penses It was White Gift Sunday at Norval United Church on Sunday December Each class of the Sunday School participated In the service and presented their gifts The Kindergarten class sang Away In A Manger ana Shelly told a childrens story The Primary Class gave a poem In unison Our First Christmas Gift The In termediate Girls Class gave poem in unison Precious Gift The Intermediate Girls class acted a parable about gifts The Junior Boys class with some help from the girls presented a Christmas pageant of the birth of Jesus The Junior Choir sang a couple of selec tions during the service Rev Walter Ridleys message was on Humility Gate The gifts will be taken to St Lukes Church and the Fred Victor Mission to assist them in their ministry to the many people who have particular needs In Toronto Get well wishes are extended to Mrs M H Mover who is a patient In Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton as the result of a car Also to Mrs Vera Taylor who Is a patient In Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Mn Dorothy McLean SPELLING may not have been important to the Girl Guides of Norval Presbyterian Church Neuman proudly displays the sign that directed so many to the bazar OOPS bazaar iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii fight so we fought expect front page coverage But were delighted to receive it We feel our excellent teachers have been made to bear the brunt of this conflict and for this we feel for them They work hard to make an impossible system work Every child that has been transferred so far is happier and appears to be learning a great deal more Because of this we all feel we have made the right move for our children Betty Fisher Concerned Parents Keep your axe sharp To The Editor of The Herald Would you kindly do me the honor of addressing my good friend of fauna and forest and true son of the northern wacker league No malice In tended Bob I noted a reference in his column to a TC In reference to cutting trees for any purpose I would like to ask him how he enjoyed our nice hot stew and hot coffee from said tree and the warmth of a fire after having soaked all our clothes to the waist In about 30 below zero Without I would wish Bob a Merry Christmas and may his fireplace roar with good old birch trees Your tit hlng buddy Terry Christie We may make another trip Bob so keep your axe sharp Santa sends a message To The Editor of the Herald Every year my Job in Canada becomes a little bit harder In spite of or perhaps because of our vaBt technological achievements You see each year I receive a larger number of heart breaking letters from young folk who say they could manage without Christmas presents If only 1 could send Daddy back support Park principal L- was in a fatal traffic accident I I and it Is very hard for a little ii upland how it Is Daddy can go off to work fishing shopping etc right as rain but never come back Thrown the pages of your paper may I ask for the help of To The Editor Of The Herald- replies to the actual all the drivers in your coverage From reading the headlines to report that a through Safe Driving Week In in your newspaper oyer the last of parents spoke out in Canada and everybody has two weeks one would gain the of the work the school is seen a barrage of safety impression that all was not well doing We believe that your messages Please remember at Park School newspaper could have served them not only through the As the parents of three ih interests of the children hustle and bustle of this holiday children who attend Park and parents of Park season but ail through School we wish to state that we more responsible Then I will be better able to ore very pleased with the had you presented the concentrate on finding the kind education our children are discussed In a factual of gifts that make up the more receiving We are satisfied rather than emotional manner routine requests from our with the standard of education you also presented the children Lets have no more and the attitude towards opinions of a more represen- sad desperate faces at education at the school group of parents than Christmas time Our children haye now those apparently the Wishing you and yours a very received education in three North Renaissance merry and safe Christmas countries Canada Britain and committee and his staff endeavor to Boa0t provide the children with In dividual attention to a degree we have not found In many of the schools our children have attended and which was cer tainly not present in the education we ourselves received in the ilhob and 1950s In particular we are very impressed with the open way in which Mr Oprica and his staff are willing to discuss and deal with any problems which arise in connection with the education of our children My wife and I attended the meeting at Park School which was headlined in the last Issue of the Herald We were very disappointed at the manner in which your newspaper chose to report the event Not only did It inaccurately report the complaints of the very small but highly vocal group of parents who did speak out certain aspects of the organization at Park School it failed to report the Principals CHECK OUR SPECIAL AIRPORT RATE Station Wagon costs shared 8771878 GLEN TAXI NOTICE TO RESIDENTS TOWN OF HALTON HILLS The Council lor the Town of Hilts requests In tarested residents to advise the Clerk Administrator In writing by December 1974 It they wish be con or appointment to serve on Hills Committee of Adjustment the Halton Hills Public Library Board the Halton Hills Parking Authority or the Recreation Advisory Committee for Word One Acton or the Recreation Advisory Committee or Wards Three and Four Georgetown Written reply should Indicate the specific committee or board for which appointment to Is requested and may Include any personal background Information deemed appropriate CMC Clerk Administrator 36 Main Street South Georgetown Ontario L7G CHRISTMAS PARTY HOW ABOUT OUR Buffet KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN CONTINUES TO PLEASE GUESTS THE WORLD OVER CALL US AT 8775241 KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN CAN HELP MAKE YOUR PARTY A SUCCESS Edward H Schroeder C DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST EAST BRAMPTON Telephone HOUR SERVICE CLINIC PARKING 1000 FOAM MATTRESS BLOCKS 13 1696 J 1996 Sold Singly or in Quantities Cash a Cany Accepted CHIPPED FOAM I AVAILABLE BY THE North Part St Toronto 7 blocks North of Lawrence BOXING DAY TOWN OF HALTON HILLS By authority of the Municipal Council for the Town Halton Hills I hereby proclaim Thur sday December Boxing Day within the Town of Halton Hills and call upon all residents to observe the same On behalf of the Municipal Council I wish all residents and ratepayers a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year TJHILL Mayor Town of Halton Hills UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MOUNTAIN DEW RESTAURANT 7 MAIN ST NORTH OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY CLOSED SUNDAYS We offer you Full course meals snacks breakfast Come In and meet the new owner Cambourls Ill be happy to serve you 8771433 jssssBSsa Themot treasured Gifts Quality chicken lit A STREET WwfflWrpafW flWWWJWwflrWiiW Th Mod Solid lit It with Jul teste Tjrgot Tuning indicator flywheel lumng Stereo Predion change with Micro Touch ion a B Two Two nuirm Two color cabinet ft GS TELEVISION I Georgetown Market Centre J 8779541