J THE HERALD WtaMay December u Pag Wrestling warmups success The wrestling tournament account of the Georgetown inexperienced class Ted Georgetown a first In the 133 lb Miller while Steve Turner Job although not fully last Saturday at teams efforts Peter Phillips finished second In the experienced class and Bill locked up second place In the predated at the time ensured Georgetown and District High placed first In the lbs class lb class In the 126 Ib Bradley did likewise in the 139 lb Inexperienced class that the meet would be a sue School was described by GDHS Dave Patterson and Brian inexperienced class lb experienced class Wayne Special mention must be cess and added to Georgetowns coach lw Martui as were first and Georgetown again placed first Martin put on a good show to made of Mr Helmut reputation as a wrestling a huge success The tour- second respectively In the lb and second Pat took finish third in the lb class meet statistician he did a power was staged as a warm- In the lb experienced top spot and Steve Crossman tremendous Job Through the Perhaps of more Im- up event Tor the various schools class Rick walked came In second effort to pick up second spot in long hours that the meet ran in the area but surprisingly the 100 lb class and through countless meet added Immensely to as it Is so early In the season placed third foe 126 lb experienced Georgetown picked up a third distractions amidst constant Georgetowns prestige as a tome very spirited matches Scott Turner wrestled his class Martin Pollack finished in the 171 lb experienced class noise he quietly complied sporting event host In the eyes resulted and the calibre of the way to second place In the 101 second Eric gave due to the efforts of Gary scores His dedication to his of the other attending coaches wrestling obviously pleased the Too many swimming programs involved wrestlers from schools took part in the event which lasted from 10 a until 10 m As It was a warm up tour nament the usual six minute time limit for matches was waived Instead the wrestlers bad fourminute bouts with a one minute rest period after two minutes Each wrestler Raiders ready guaranteed two bouts but Chrysler Raiders were idle this Raiders meet the second place that are being weekend but Mondays Fort Erie Mavericks this Swn the competition alter practice saw a good turnout of coming weekend in what must services in the facilities he ft players and could be termed be considered an Important said points This meant that the perhaps the best workout of the contest in duplication champions in the various Jea fcdate Keith a A win could move were not categorlea wrestled at least six standout in the Raider neto in Georgetown into second place the towns people the cases seven times their several championship Jerry from Fort Erie he said The concern drlves i the leagues leading scorer here is that two and he will be just one of the the town and the will be the real purpose of the meet the Raider cause Mavericks attempting to the same programs was to various he decide to enter the waylay the Raiders general coaches a chance to see their An important contest topnotch committee agreed to hold the charges in Keilh was injured In a water- performers it all adds up to an are They would thus be able to skiing accident this past exciting hockey game Game from thl recreation more accurately summer and not able to per- Is thli Friday committee Wards and Georgetown and the pool advisory com mi I lee in Ward 1 Acton Mr Collson added that most of the pool time in Acton and A duplication swimming on them he said Were Just Include swimming he said I classes by the towns two no real position to offer the dont want to leave them with may not be to Halton nothing to offer the people Hills advantage said no to them becaiisethetownsdoingltall Recreation Director Doug Councillor agreed Councillor Dick Howl It added Colllson Monday saying the matter should not be that perhaps the Y could offer Mr Colllson said the V S brushed away without more the same or a similar program have requested time in Ihe two comment at a different time for people new indoor pools to offer almost has always offered a who may not be able to attend Tarps Georgetown form up to par until now The identical swimming classes physical fitness program which the towns program Raiders were idle this Raiders meet the second place that are being offered by the training methods and be able to Judge which individual wrestlers needed more per sonal coaching Coach Martin had this to say about some of his wrestlers Peter Fournler out standing Rick completely dominated his class BUI Bradley super Job This tournament also saw the return of Eric a former Ontario champion to the GDHS fold Eric spent last year in North Bay His performance on Saturday should alert future opponents to the fact that Eric Is once again a top contender in his weight class for provincial honors Georgetown had at least one and sometimes two wrestlers in of the SO categories This speaks highly of the team in Georgetown general and coach Lew Martin Ernie Bodden Jot Donald INTERMEDIATE A STANDINGS At of Dec TEAM W T PortCoIbome 9 Thorold 13 Fort Erie 14 6 72 15 Dundas 16 74 Georgetown 13 6 Dunnvilte IS WEEKS RESULTS Fort Erie 7 As reported Port Colbome LEADING SCORERS NAME TEAM G A Jerry Roussel Fort Erie 13 16 19 Tom Daly Oakville 14 12 15 Dave Pay 13 15 10 Bob Goss Port Colbome 13 15 Dave Beatty 14 IB BernleLarouchelle Port 12 Pete Ververgaert Dunnville 11 Jumpers out do Leadfeet When Jim Costigan took over position must get a certain 16 Georgetown will be the GDHS Senior Rebels number rebounds per game the schools or the towns basketball team Murray Hall The guards must get six the 14 programs He said the a stepped in as head mentor for forwards eight and ihe centers 14 couldputtheireffortslntoother the Juniors Coach told the ten Its not as easy as it 13 aspects of aquatics boys to forget about last year s sounds but it too early in the Wed be more than happy If disappointing season and look year for the players to be for better things this year people he said I Coach Hall feels that fun- To qualify for Ihe Jumpers know we couldnt have done da mentals and defence should Club a player must jump a iin height offer the people know we what they did by bussing he stressed because as he certain height There are children to outside pools for noted Offense seems to come certain categories Ifyoujump ib lessons during the last two naturally The Junior Rebels under inches you are a 2 years are a young team and in order member of the Leadfoot Club is Councillor Rlc Morrow added to get his coaching philosophy it promises to be an in- ij that the town would look across and ensure that the boys teresUng year for the Juniors pretty stupid IftheYswere enjoy themselves while they Team members include forced to continue bussing are learning Hall has instituted James Brian i i ri 1 1 1 Lii Weve joined the ranks of the uncouth J children some innovations Paul V even though two new facilities The Rebound Union and the Bill Rivers Andy were completed Jumpers Club are two of these Gradv Clair I guesi we should ask the innovations To become a Stuart Glen Chrts to recognize that the new the Rebound Club a Karolldls Norm and pools will have time limitations player according to his Desmond McKemle IT MAY HURT but its legal Ted Phillips of the Georgetown team wraps up his opponent Jim Groves of White Oaks in one of the bouts featured at last Saturdays warm up wrestling tournament A hoax or a cry for help Two weeks ago Georgetown got its first taste of what unfortunately is becoming a common occurrence at sporting events Im referring of course to fan violence It used to be that such obscene incidents were restricted to South and that when reports filtered in about soccer nots and soccer deaths our trite reply was Well thats the way they S are down there No more my friends Fan violence has reached such proportions in British soccer beatings stabbings least weve seen the last of such ugly incidents But basically what we are dealing with here are the rights of fans Fans from the word fanatic are the lifeblood of sports They are ac tively wooed and enticed by both amateur and professional sportsmen for without them very few sporting contests would take place or for that matter have a reason for existing What is often forgotten by the fans is that the various teams obligations except for presenting a spectacle ends with the purchase of a ticket That ticket entitles the fan to that at important matches spectators are required to submit to searches by watch the game and nothing else If the local police New laws have also the fan doesnt like the game he can the local police New laws been introduced in Britain which provide for stiff fines and if necessary jail sentences for fans who resort to violence Last year a major league baseball gam in Cle was Tarns Georgetown The Regional Police Saturday or Sunday Chrysler Raiders and the were notified immediately and hod the arena under sur- It seems there are people at Merchants The calls In cooperation with arena Friday night but large in Georgetown who are also forced the arena to close staff conducted thorough other than the appearance of a bent on making a name for for two and a half hours search which failed to discover curious reporter nothing out of themselves in a tasteless and The first phone call stated any explosive device Minor ordinary occurred The criminal manner Last Friday thatabombhadbeen planted in hockey games were allowed to police report that the incident Is afternoon at approximately the arena second call continue until and the the Georgetown staff then cleared the arena Arena received three phone 9 and the third call had a until 11 calls which forced them to recorded version of Raindrops There was no explosion and cancel the scheduled In Keep Falling on My Head no more calls of this nature A clash between playing in the background This would are in need of help the community and Perhaps this hoax was an the people Involved who unintended cry for were received on either game leave He has no right whatsoever to interfere with the playing of the game Intermediates trounce Ontario champs Georgetown new In- games for the remainder of thta Georgetown shsrpshooters still under Investigation and charges have as yet been laid No doubt the irresponsible morons who perpetrated this hoax feel quite proud of the feat They ruined proximately proximately peopled Friday night entertainment cost the Raiders and the arena much needed revenue and tied up police and firemen when they might have been needed elsewhere One question Who can they tell about their ac complishment Other denizens of the dark It tells a lot about the intelligence level of the Bill the outstanding can the involved He SSSjS ASmSS OH similarly has no right to abuse the who netted points losing effort Georgetown team The expense of other peoples legitimate entertainment It is supporters of the opposition Rustlers BOS7 The Murray Hall with and John playing In on December and to be an enjoyable family past record two Intermediate with were other 301 event to take in a Nowadays Ontario championships You pays your money and you takes your changes The few parents I Spoke to were Unsure as to Whether second half and were literally sporting events could be classified as run Into the floor family entertainment anymore The score was at the Obscenities are uttered freely the Georgetown clink of bottles is heard frequently SSRXSSSJ and of course are under coupled with a hustling the surveillance of police or security speeded up offence allowed The combination of a tough guards This iB defintely not family Georgetown to harassing defence and a semi- entertainment and I doubt if anyone in the second half and a stall offence In the latter part of within four points of the leagi ran rfpfino It nut close game was turned Into a the game allowed the Warriors leading Knlcks Bria Halton County Basketball Knicks knocked Cougars close held up to public chastisement Yes pity for this hoax have dreamed up mind and it must be added one which needs help Anyone who has pertinent information regarding this incident should Ret in touch HUNTERS INN WILL BE OPEN DAY NEW YEARS EVE NEW YEARS DAY HURRY AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW I Luncheon Menus Wed Country 8777253 I tondtheTneVtodsWngof Cosgrove scored points for we carry on Ike this I can Brlan cosgrove is the The final score was the winners Jim disrupted when fans onto tne visualize some time in the future a hoping his teams performance 4037 for the Warriors but they netted for the losers Invitation to were clearly the better team in The third gams of the night Black Ball the second naif saw the Brave triumph over the last place Celtics by a score of and began attacking the a football surface will win them on invitation to were clearly players Cleveland completely enclosed by unbreakable roSfteL Warriors wa last place Celtic by score of rushed to the defense of their pjass and surrounded by a cordon of s ffKrSSrtofjSnSryTin flMnglumi whoTettod is Bruce opponents and a wild melee broke put policemen to ensure the completion 0rinio points while John Shaw was the Braves with a point ef- As recently as this past fall a of the game A laugh Im stretching as yet to enter a league but will high man for the high school football game in southern fan violence a bit too far In Europe continue playing exhibition similar is points Ontario was discontinued because of right now for some soccer matches fights in the stands and interference barricades separate the fans from the by the fans In the actual playing of the field and an army of policemen patrol game Now Georgetown can include these barricades Itself in the ranks of the uncouth There are several things which I Our miniincident might be ac- feel can be done to curb the violence cepted by some as simply the act of a The rowdies who cause the trouble at few undesirables or something that games are well known Bar them happened because of extreme people caught drinking at games provocation but this explanation should be asked to leave People who s doesnt go down too well In the first are obviously intoxicated should not place there were several supposedly be allowed entry Rules governing fan solid citizens engaged in the punch up behaviour should be posted and and in the second place common anyone breaking such rules should sense should dictate that you dont pay the consequences interfere with an athlete when he Ib Finally and perhaps the most involved in a contest In this case it important of all the true fan the one was a youngster who interfered with who is there because he loves the the Oakville player Surely however game should not tolerate obnoxious one of the adults in the area could behaviour He should report it to the have guessed what might happen and proper people and let them deal with g attempted to restrain the youngster the offender What I really want is to In the same vein discarding be able to go to a sporting event and by a player a brawl only have to worry about whether my oke out on the opposite side of the team is going to win When the fans g arena and there were no players from realize that this is really what its all either team within one hundred feet of about then perhaps we win ante to the fracas once again sit back relax and just Hopefully in Georgetown at enjoy the game liiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiii SKATE X CHANGE Trade in your used SKATES on brand new Bauer SKATES or good reconditioned SKATES WE BUY USED SKATES Trade in as many pain as you wish Used reconditioned skates for safe House of Cabinets COMPUTE KITCHEN BATHROOM ANO CONSULTANT SERVICE LICENSED DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY The House of Cabinets a successful Canadian chain of franchisee dealers specializing In Kitchen cabinets and Kitchen and bathroom supplies Is seeking the right Individual or partners locally to expand In this fast growing and exciting Industry 9 Previous experience not necessary but you must be prepared to follow a proven plan of success standard with all dealers You will own and manager your own business operating from a store front showroom headquarters that we assist to locate then completely equip Prior and continuous training In all aspects of the business Including In depth seminars will be given to you and your help An exclusive area will be assigned to you This Is a ground floor opportunity for the selected applicant to become part of a highly successful organization offering an exceptionally high income and personal satisfaction If you feel you can qualify and have cash for an exclusive franchise WRITE TO THE HOUSE OF CABINETS PENTHOUSE SUITE ATT MR RCASPAR 121 RICHMOND ST WEST TORONTO