CVCA vetoes mosquito spraying Authority executive it TIil is J j ir HOUSE at the Christian and Richard right Missionary Alliance Church in Georgetown Anglican Chi rch in Sunday evening brought together Reverend Peter lils for linstock either now or ill selling fir renting house with the to Two lick up trucks Summerlong study begins on community organizations stake body truck with hoist cine Mr No one tree plnnler weed eater Inn in bought alread mid the executive has approved purchase of the following another Mr- No tractor oni Mower one loader ore snow blouer one tractor mower one 14 bo it 7 III motor one Jjvii mover spray equipment forestry equipment If the farm plan to buy mother pick up One thing the is not going to spend money on is sprayer destroy the mosquitoes which cirry St Encephalitis firstly it not definite thit the virus tarrying mosquitoes will in ide our fed Two high school graduates one from Georgetown and the other from Milton will spend their summer investigating the role of community Scuba diving dangers The following suggestions and warnings were submitted lo the Herald by the Hills Scuba Trek Club Now is the time of year when swimmers like to try out their hand at scuba diving Unless you are a certified diver or getting ready for your first open water checkout The Hills Scuba Trek Club warns of the many dangers people can get into if not properly instructed For of all a good dive shop will not fill tanks unless the diver has his certificate Tanks should they development organizations for the purpose of determining whether or not it would be beneficial to one to serve Georgetown Milton A body to keep and community people in touch with other is the definition of i development Riven by Dorothy Craig of the Regional Health Unit Under different titles service groups ire in the students to rt North lHlti illusory board eon siting of I of the lenlrc Dorothy Region in Milton John i of Hilton Hoard of 10 Reverend of Rick if e Hum in Council field representative fur Seeret of State Miller of II Hills Council Judy of eommumty Services Centre ire responsible for supervising ommitt student progress t- ailing public support of Hi information anlx filed for future concluded thin Ihe mosquito May II 1078 JUST PUBLISHED SAUNDERS HISTORY OF GEORGETOWN BY KATHLEEN SAUNDERS 300 AVAILABLE AT DOMAIN ST mi Hi Judv of tin the long be checked winter break Contamination in the tanks will lead to serious problems Regulators should be gone over to make sure everything is functioning properly Buoyancy vests and regular vests should be checked for tears or making sure the firing pin for your CO cartridge is working freely Check the cartridge i Community with public their project Rick Edwards of Sen ices Council said he tilled people to their opinion of community development seemed enthusiastic but only three attended the public meeting held to discuss Inst How can isk people if if they don know what it ill about pointed out Peggy of the Contict Centre After the students have finished preparing report on community development will be presented to the public so in mike in intelligent The mowerfor all seasons Gordons Service Centre GEORGETOWN Arnold Lawn Garden MILTON it has not been used Each diver has to have his own amount of lead weight to correspond with his floatation Also this belt should have a quick release for emergencies A good fitting wet suit mikes the difference being cold or comfortable Improper fitting of the face masks brings on more stress to the diver Not knowing to what depth you can dive or how clear your ears at different depths will cause serious injuries If decompression tables are not followed correctly more serious problems are store for the diver Entries into unknown waters may be easy but trying to get back out to land or boat may be a story Do not go diving Always have a buddy along The Scuba Trek Club highly recommends swimmers in good physical shape and good health to take a scuba course with qualified in These courses are usually held in Ihe fall and early spring Check at your local pools for Informition or Scuba Trek member In Georgetown call Dave Francis at in Acton call Jim at and in Milton contact Jim Powell at 3610 There ore may scuba diving dubs in the area to choose from but by all means join one This way there will be planned and safe dives and buddies to dive with Ditch deep diving and dive safely No time for golf A request from the Region Social Club that its members receive lime off from work to par ticipate in the clubs annual golf tournament has been turned down by regional council IT JUST DOWN THE FT FLORAL NEEDS Mill St Julf EailofMilnSI GARDEN SHOP SPECIALS Rose and Flower Guard Conl mo Safety Weed Bar Killex Liquid Herbicide Weed- NoMore Liquid Turf Special TurlandWeedaway 197 8 88 12 88 Fresh ready plant rose bushes that add thai special touch any land Garden Special jnilly formulated Id Lawn Garden Fertilizer Big Dig Buy brand ionizer lor Special gardens shrub and J IP Credit Convenience at I Any of These Credit Cards Accepted I IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE Open Monday Thru Friday 109 Saturday Til