the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Wcdneiday August A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLI VDOKIMOFF Publisher Second Clan Mall Number Wait too long for town report Halton Hills financial report as of Dec 31 1975 is published elsewhere in this newspaper Dec 1975 That more than seven months ago Whatever the problems associated with compiling of the figures this seven month lag only emphasizes that legislation should be brought to allow quarterly or semi annual reports similar to those in industry Despite the surplus reported in last year town operations the question facing taxpayers and for that matter some members of council is what is the present status of the municipality As Hills moves closer to purchasing the Chapel Street school assesses its future recreational needs and repairs the Georgetown Memorial Arena and attempts to centralize services in a municipal complex the need to know the financial status the town becomes most important Last week a petition conducted by Alex gathered signatures against the municipal complex proposal And while this newspaper is advocating con servatism and a delay in plemenhng the plan for an addition to the municipal offices it would be to the advantage to the taxpayers to know exactly what the status of Hills is For not to know how we stand today can give all persons involved including council a false impression of the ability of the corporation to fulfil its obligations either tins year or in the future Ray King said recently that Hills is in solid position but then added that some budget areas are as much as 153 per cent of budget There s an inequality in this statement that must be answered Politics mar the Olympics The spotlight on Canada has been extinguished by the flickering of the Olympic flame Sunday but the future of the Olympic Games remains under a cloud of political Intrigue which only the International Olympic Committee can overcome Canada s efforts at stating the modest Montreal Olympics will not go down in history as being significant for setting many new world and Olympic records in the various athletic events It will mark the beginning of the intrigue which may spell the end of the Games as the average person conceives them Boycotts by African athletes the ever present security to prevent a recurrance of the political terror which struck Munich in and the ultimate refusil of to take part in the Games have done nothing to enhance the feelings of brotherly love between nations Games have been accepted representing High in building facilities for the Games and the ability of the nations sanctioned to hold will be major problems facing the IOC in the next four years as preparations are made for the Games in Moscow No one without the aid of a crystal ball can speculate what the result will be if the present political climate prevails until the next Games But should that climate remain as it is today then the role of the Games will be in question and the holding of the Games will no longer mark the participation by the world s best athletes On Parliament Hill Ballpark figure Now its rough cut appraisal Bureau or The Herald class adjourned with Oltawa sweltering in a heatwave and with the air conditioner on the Fritz this seems like a Rood occasion to renew our lesson bureaucratic usage When we last looked at the subject we were admiring the transport department for placing thai word elevator with the snappy phrase with speed vertical transportation system I thought we could nuc in Ibis vein by studying the philosophy non ecological boundary That is what the National Capital Cbmmlsslon calls a fence Actually the has been pacesetter tidying up the English language ever since it replaced arm with unit It was tins government which ilso did away with privy if lovely old word and brought In natural amenity unit Hut It seems the been active in this field recently So ingathering material tor another lesson in modem bureaucratic language usage 1 had to phone several departments The fellow at external affairs indicated the only word he has to worry about is in Icrface You sec we are interfacing with very country in the world and we have interface with all the Individual divisions In the department and then we spend a lot of time interfacing interfaces ODD DEFINITIONS In order to get detailed definition of interface I phoned a splendid bureaucratic who not only knows the meaning of words but the meaning applied by public servants They arc seldom the some When I called bureaucrat was reading a book by Daniel called maximum feasible misunderstanding He quickly rattled off a series of definitions about interface and capped it by saying a collision between two railway locomotives would rcprescnl a high Impact interface And he went on to that the newest bureaucratic word appears to be According to him a whole new science is developing around the word with social scientists it work deciding on such bill lies environment dim ili rorn firefly spnys Ineidtntiily I iw i Idler fruni Ottawa firm if Gregory ltd proposing i remote sensing of the en vironmenlal tommies of the city The government turned down sifgesdon explaining thai it had lis own for an in house I ipse imlysis the lelter writers involved knew what they were saying Tilkmg to another bureaucratic contact this in the urban departments 1 was shocked to hear lhat the word plan is removed from he government lexicon We never use it by itself he we can t say conceptual plan then say planning concept lll I IMtKIOM- from the finance department earned that no is using the old term figure in reference to rough I he bureaucrats rep heed it with tut It Tgood keep up on these After coming across the phrase displacement if go lis in government publication I phoned a friend in hopes or a do explanation This he said covers a situation you st out on i project It a w isle of lime then invent whole new purpose for doing something lie lilt word he had just s this And lie should know I attended a i theory II semis there was considerable discussion in the policies are the splntu ijcnts of Hills another handy to In keeping ihrnst f lingo its noting country under devclipcd country arc not to be used Apparently mi countries don t like being called underdeveloped So official tiw i uses the mill I IK This Minds for less developed country And then there is 1 111 which mils for least lews developed country I thai imprtsscs I In im developed countries If I could read your mind body scanners pickle warfare and all that scifi jazz On The Home Front Vacation perils 111 SI SWIM- Life is generally fraught with perils of one kinder and let face it without the dally downs we might not even Some gambles however 1 would just as soon do without one example being the weather during that precious two week summer in country last years ex of continuous rain or 11 out of the 11 days my memories of blue waters glorious sunsets hummingbirds on a have been changed to an im of scudding dark clouds unfriendly grey lake iter tins of soup for dinner the odour of wit running shoes and mosquitoes Hie size or bats This year however is mother year I am quite sure that things will be verv dlf The sun is going to shine I am going lo finally catch a fish and we ire all going to return home plump tanned ind rested 1 am firmly rejecting those subversiie ward thoughts that creep unbidden into my mind of London Home pans Hawaii indlhcLlihamis I refuse Invel section newspaper and will not even entertain Ihe thought of moonlit walks on exotic while sand beaches ind and wine dinners As for theitres and dancing and marimba bands who needs them MONTI- What could Monte offer in the way of excitement to match hurr using 17 drive during list summers vacation when ind nearly sliced his hind in half with i saw her and hairpin bends aid potholes I drove in of a doe lor is iresl blood formed a pool on the r in mm Time for 1 s New non ai d this column hit it mini ills the lite si developments in technology in llic world it 1 irgc lo home lifetime A new total body st aimer i in use it the Hospital or Sick in I in nto lo see tissue in Lhe body In ordinary rivs cannot detect The scanner cm do in minutes what used to tike as long as hours of tedious The scanner is able lo disclose tumors in the abdomen and kidneys better than almost any other type of diagnoslic It is the first body scanner to be used in i ihildrens hospital in North machine that Iruly works miracles Wtille one machine can work miracles mother in mem the end to life is know it Scientists are working in the Wilted St on a device thit cm actually re ad our mind it can pinpoint the five basic emotional stales LJr of calls the device both awesome lerrtfytng The dvoneed Project s ARIAi objective is to a machine thai can identify what a person in thinking from a distance Or J imes one scientist working the project said the ultimate goal for his ill IlirMimf We llii length ilility 1 to heights turnings is ill there mik now ll que si in is wt it in Ihe me it or il sot hie itsimilt is or Structured is I its chief draw hat 1 1 I to nlnil i According lo Ir lul these mnchmes could be used to tell if tun drivers or pilots were fatigued if sludenls were retcplive to by the use of thought com niunicitori people who had strokes and were rendered speechless could communicate Ml of which sound well ind good is Ihi discovery of energy led first to lhi A bomb m would lend first Big Brother is witching society which will mike Adolf Hitler look like I Ittle Kid tiding flood Charles Hay a and engincer formerly isslstnnt profissor John Hopkins University tells us lhat a m in could be i walking reality by the man according to Or is basically a real person only with certain Jl peril protein il has the ind look of me il if not lhe lasle The llihton Purina is Its doping lhe product with miters of food industn fit I tint it lias lo fted i w Just ihmk pork it ops tin in of i imitilwn turf pi islic rs 1 si be possibly sour punii skit e in be carried by man holding i machine that inn reid your mind think I piss now about sou new out in space What about BS5 puces of junk I of rocket debris satellites probes and micellaneous junk by tomtit ind one piece foils to earth and percent these land in JlK Air ml rtkisd a report staling that space signed several ago holds every country or any eaiised by the spue debris Now pieces of Junk don seem that when considering lhe of space but picture the which is rapidly Incoming i gigantic garbage pail with its own ring of Junk circling in If lift exists on worlds they will ible to spol hum ins anywhere you know tin funny ones with the ring the Computer service his diselojxd i general purpose computer that can be programmed to mop sweep vacuum plan the weekly shopping then order your groceries 11 cm your home heating system along with i million and one other I lell us ls what hum in lungs will be doing everything is being done for us We cant deal with time now let alone I iuI gave his own funeral grilled ibout 3d or so guests and signed Then he climbed into his cherry to listen to the service When the whole affair was over he placed the casket next lo his 1 set where else would Now le eels when Ills time mis no one need be present but the funeral and a good time was had by all Last but not least Mr Moore of Pickle International says World leaders it the first sign of hostility should send inkles instead of missiles Pickles are tunny looking ana would laugh he said Cm you picture pickle button instead missile Somehow you just can t take the fact some garlic dills coming right at you sedate old re compete with the thrill scooping wriggly things I the ones tug enough to sec my out of the bucket of 1 ike iter before it in i davs ilion of dishes How could invone prefer rubbing shoulders with thousinds of tourists on the Via of playing scribble with three children ill quietly ind intilhgenllv d sen sine if nerd is spelt with in or then listening to moduhtcd voicts with my firmly in pliei one elbow in i butler and the other in puddle of mother could isk for fir Tower of 1 it could one with the joys to be found in Ixhnding ind selling freshly bass IDI I- In act I don know why I im wisting my time on such foolish idle speculation Ten tons of food band aids clothing blankets lowels a and issortcd other items are waiting to be p in which will cause our tailpipe lo drag over miles of highway surface and I still have lo purchase and case of insect repel yes The simple joys A return to nature a of the paths our inceslors onet upon The min cooks over an open fin the children find out what poison ivy and i nipping turtle arc while 1 Us the dirty 1 on Up Holiday time All 1 really ask lb that the sun be to shine or this Ihe is going lo head south FROM HERE AND THERE Discarded pets inhuman owners he pup is rincmg in griss by itch it He It Hi for days is frightened In hum in iiiiitrstnndlng id would have died hid it not lor i Mercury reader Mrs of I Hock wood who found the took home m him pari of her family II is tin fourth time In six that Mrs like m my ruril peopli had it c something inlly of dwellers who dump unwanted pets in tin says Mrs it s lime lung wis done about ittls there imi much tint i in I hi who can I i oil or dog in i whim or isi tin of i ind rid when it passes Hit singe an mind thai can idjust ilsell lo Hie torture of my cannot touched by written pie i or broadcast il So is lint Ihe lumping ml il tne country men market our reader it Is witkcnd to si of dogs mm in illy living rooms waiting to tin ser Hi it might Iheir I here is ilk of late of tin mi ice illiek herds hive repined others quired iroxiniI in mi not iliuhted lint nuns of tlest killer once lift In i lountrs rol in of si docs in dripped from i irs by jomj from Mrs lull tier Inses She suggests ho ilU is to in lhi in Hi the enifof snot in ill lilt until I an in must like of IVifortu pli thiiL Hi it lely forli t lo II if whin tins do some kindly juilgt tit iinishtiiint fit tin irirm order lilt It liken on l ride In somi remote nrli and then prilirilly in winter whin i I rd is Oh ki it s ml lint outer tin it in i feel I irhnps mi it it i Iter nil brighter idea i lli i Queens Park- Mississauga budget restraint the English economy llv Don lira uiinl riiellrnl groupwis in effect lining that public hid to tic tut down but thai they lid 1 ste how could in ike the council do tins lhi other si wisoulof it Ihe there as i in tryini to eons met that spending had to tnlhesi two examples is the 1 1 r probably our grtalesl public problem of II day how to drastically back the government spending On one suit Ihere are the politicians who ire beginning to realize the problem but have sueh of spending that it is almost impossible lo curb them In tin side then is public to see glimmer of he pending nth in lias so public service hat il now for a deal of k is While it restrain then gets down to the particulars doe to these thing- up and guveiiiicoi nas to lake on the job highly unpalatable politically of trying to ell it that it can hove them As one example here in Toronto an ex of million has just been ap proved to create some small parks and otherwise make three run down local areas in more attractive This is marginal spending But what would happen if the local politicians turned it down The local residents and the many thousands of crusaders who want a better urban environment would castigate them I ACT This Is a khot And It obviously colls for two pronged effort to untangle it And lhe prime question is will we gel this In the which is closer to the precipice than we are it is now realized thai the key to the knot is the public The politicians can only go so far w strong public backing The voluntary action the Mississauga residents Is therefore a most welcome If very tiny ray of light Will grow Hopefully But realistically not before some highly representative groups swing in behind the problem push for notion And here what an opening for organized If trade unionism would focus Its at tention for change on restraint rather Hum spending what a contribution It might make