Paget THE HERALD Wednesday September IS 197s AT HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA Students shun junk food nutritious meals chosen PREPARES A ROAST BEEF IN CAFETERIA Lionettes become Lioness Club The women s auxiliary of the Georgetown Lion Club formerly called the received Its charter Saturday at the Lion Hall and now Is a separate club called The Lioness Club of Georgetown Wedding anniversary Club president Joyce The club was first formed In Gosling who received the charter from District Although the Lioness club Is Governor Ted of independant of the Lion a Club said the member Gosling said there are still strong club Is only the sixth in dose connections Becoming a to receive the honor Llonen Club means that women wishing to Join the club not need to have their husbands members of the Lion Club Saturday Sept was a members of their family Gosling said the Lionettes pleasant for Morley honored them on their thirtieth as they were formerly known and Lauretta Mills of Delrcx wedding anniversary have participated In many Blvd Georgetown when Arriving at Someplace Else projects and currently are supposedly for a family din helping the Block Parents of they were surprised by a Georgetown The dub raises number of relatives who had funds through bazaars and gathered to celebrate the dances she said happy event with them The Lioness Club executive After dinner the gueatfl were arc Kay 1st vlce- inifted to the couples home president 2nd vice- from Kincardine Toronto Tillsonburg and Windsor Among guests was Lauretta 88year mother Mrs Belle Collins of Kincardine Sunday afternoon several friends and neighbors called at Ihe home to express their good wishes for many more happy years of wedded life The of french fry munching pop gulping teenagers Is fading as students today ore choosing nutritional meals over Junk food the heads of Georgetown and High School cafeteria says Murden In charge of the seven member staff operating the cafeteria for Beaver Foods Lt has noticed the eating habits of students improve during her ten years there Kids are being taught more about nutrition now she said The Grade usually fill up on junk the first few weeks and then the health nurse and teachers get at them and thoy change their ways and start eating good food Mrs Murden added the cafeteria staff works closely with the public health nurse physical education home economics and health teachers For examples the cafeteria served hot roast beef dinners at 11 30 am to a football team before they left for a major town game last year Students on diets have special meals prepared for them In the past the list has Included students with ulcers diabetes and those trying to Sain or lose weight to qualify competitive sports ac One pupil was on a germ SENSIBLE The kids on diets are good they follow the rules said Mrs Murden and even the kids who watched usually know enough to cat tank containing servings Mrs Murden described the was not drained empty cafeteria as a transient There way you can trade get milk drinker to switch to If the weathers good the pop easier to get pop kids go out when It stormy drinkers to drink milk said they cat In Mrs Murden She Joked cafeteria If we run out of milk we companies are one of the only got big problems businesses who pray for rain DESSERTS However lat Wednesday Though the majority of the first day of high school warm and sunny yet the sweet beverages desserts arc cafeteria ran out of hot dogs good sellers Pies cakes muffins puddings and Jellies freshly made at the cafeteria disappear quickly So docs fresh fruit Mrs Murden estimated a bushel of apples Is purchased dally by Georgetown high school students She has observed hamburgers and sandwiches There were six half pints of milk left over TOM AND TIM TURNER SAMPLE THE FOOD Bag lunches need ingenuity My mother will never said a Georgetown and JOAN HARRIS Called to BC Bar Joan Marie Harris daughter and Mrs John Harris of Georgetown was called to the British Columbia Bar June 30 Ms Harris who received her elementary and high school education in Georgetown holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Ottawa a bachelor of education degree from the University of British 1 1 Columbia and a bachelor of law degree from the doctor permission to do University of Windsor Ml bar Mi m with Mister became infected husband Denis Mayor still hospitalized Hills Mayor Tom Hill said Monday after days imprisoned in Georgetown District Memorial Hospital he The first day of school as usual she said the dinner special was undoubtedly the best seller Hot turkey ac companlcd by mashed potatoes mixed vegetables bread and butter was offered for cents Mrs Murden said that Beaver Food Ltd wanted to price the full meals at cents but the school board forced them to charge a nickel more Even at that It a bargain said Mrs Murden pointing out that It doesn t take students too long to real lie that chips ffnd gravy a piece of Mrs William Smith of coke and a glass of pop not Vancouver has been oily costs more than a well visiting her niece and fa mil balanced meal but leaves the John Evans of Edith their hunger less satisfied Street Georgetown Milk is In high demand The Mrs Smith attended the day of school almost wedding of Ernest Evans and eight ounce cartons of milk Janet Meulse In Toronto last were consumed by thirsty Saturday students but the soft drink president Lois Social Note pupils who bring packed Kh from home round out tossed his packed lunch into their meal with desserts sid garbage salads and beverages from the W cafeteria In the morning the cafeteria to serve ten What Is it the reporter coffee Juice and bran muffins freshly baked by the staff his reply which arrives at CO a m many students Sometimes a batch of by the of hot scrambled eggs and toast is beef and freshly baked cake whipped up for hungry J the kitchen teachers brown bogged This year Mrs said they will experiment by i preparing hot porridge and ho thelr other breakfast foods for Prefer to pur chase a meal to avoid waste A lot of kids come by bus 0Uler agents talked with and if they get up late there a Pulsed the lunches packed no time for them to eat she ron said the Importance would rather save their money of starting a busy day with a tor clothes and records substantial breakfast the key to enticing a Mrs Murden said Borne of t0 consume the con the teachers she has talked to bag despite are In favor of introducing M breakfasts for is to make Interesting lunches because they are Interested One student complained that in their mother would W package of bologna so She pointed out that day she would have Georgetown high school can sandwiches If the boast of talented athletes who n chopping trip yielded a need to stay in top physical Jar of peanut butter shea have condition peanut butter sandwiches The teachers and health day that week And so nurse hove taken the right No ingenuity route by educating on Sandwiches the focal point the subject of nutritional most packed lunches can value Instead of forcefeeding oa lnfinle variations them high vitamin and protein Available are a potpourri of foods Mrs Murden believes She said its difficult to estimate the percentage of J students who buy cafeteria lunches bring sandwiches they provide from home or patronize dfverslc restaurants bread Yet during the three Fillings should compliment the bread used in Treats Include raisin bread with any cheese with cream cheese and or livcrwurat cheese bread with beef or rolls converted Into mini submarines with the addition of cheeses cold meats lettuce Something which should be token into account when packing a student lunch la that It may sit In a hot locker for hours Lettuce droops mayonnaise and fish may turn bad bread will become soggy from tomatoes or moist fillings if unrefridaerated Pack salad egg tuna chicken separately in a plastic yogurt or margarine container Put lettuce In a small plastic bag Wrap up buttered bread by itself This ensures maximum freshness Nuts raisins and seasonal fruits make portable nutritious snacks and desserts Perishable pies and cakes ore impractical Banana Nut Bread Cream cup of soft butter with cup of white sugar Beat In two eggs Mash three large or four small bananas in a separate bowl Use a fork Mix bananas well into butter mixture In a separate bowl sift cups white flour with teaspoons of baking powder teaspoon salt and baking soda one cup of mitn Coating the nuts with flour prevents them from alnklng to the bottom of the Alternately add flour and half a cup of sour milk to butter mixture Sour milk by adding a few dates or rail Ins Add flour to butter mixture but do not until vou Dour I cup bout milk over Stir Just moistened drops of vinegar to It Lightly grease a loaf pan and bake at for about one hour Mix together 1 heaping tablespoon soft butter 1 do not beat heaping tablespoon soft shortening two cup brown sugar 1 large egg 1 teaspoon salt and cup com minute pop muffins into an syrup preheated to Bake for In separate bowl sift cup about 15 minutes Cover white flour with teaspoon muffins with a towel bakingsoda then add cups mediately after removing pans raw bran and cup chopped from chicken Roast Beet Luncheon