THE HERALD Nov 1 1WT Report crank calls Bell says Ihe lit Air Cadet Scholarship wings awarded Two scholarships were a warded at Ihe Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets banquet and in Ihe Georgetown Legion Kail last Cadet Sgt Ken re ceived his gliding scholarship from Burlington MPP Julian Reed for a six week gliding course he completed at CFB Trenton this summer was announced that Cadet Eric Gordon had also earned a power lying scholar ship during a six week course at CFB North Bay during the summer although he was not present to accept his award Other cadets receiving a wards for six week courses were Cadet WO 1 Allan Dalton for a senior leaders course at CFB Cold Lake Cadet WO 11 Alan Vemon for a technical training in Ironies course at Borden Cadet Sgt Julie Dumouchcl Shield for a rifle coach course at CFB Borden Cadet Joe for a band course it Trenton Cadet Sgt Doug was recognized or three week air studies CFB Trenton and Cadet Mike Vernon received an award for his two week ground search and survival course at Edmonton Squadron rifle awards were presented to ex WO l Brad Kruger Cadet Sgt Gas ton ex Cadet WO 11 Terry Hope Cadet WO Vernon exCadet F Sgt Eric Gordon and Cadet Track field swimming and fitness awards at CFB Trenton were present to Cadet Cp Williamson gold award swimming track and field Cadet LAC Bos award track and field Cadet LAC silver award Cadet Cpl Parsons bronze award swimming field Cadet LAC J bronze award track field Cadet LAC Peck bronze swimming I AC S award Lice warbles discussed Beef 1 1 formation Meeting held Nov at Lee Wilkinson R Georgetown Dick from Cyanamid introduced a film clip on animal health Mr Ltvick emphasized that beef producers should be reducing dollar losses due to stow weight gain and damaged hides caused by parasites There are products such as Tramisol available in in jectablc form to control nine major types of worms Neil Campbell of displayed hides which had been infested with warbles In the past year warbles have accounted for million damage to beef carcasses and hides Mr Campbell demonstrated the proper method of applying Grubex to the animals back It is important to wear rubber gloves to avoid chemical reaction A healthy animal may be treated for warbles and wormed at same time is important to read all lablcs for best results O M A Beef Specialist Doug Dickie covered a number of areas of interest is now or use by beef producers This is a feed ad allowing less feed to be consumed per pound of gain It la not a growth Hum ens I is most effective with high energy rations such as com silage It is not to be fed to other types of livestock A number of growth are available on market These products ore available as ear implants Expected gains range from to IS per cent depending on age and level of feed Easy Access For access in the kitchen alphabetize spices on a storage turntable and store canned goods according to category of food group Sgt K silver award Cadet Cpl J bronie award first aid certificate two weeks also earned awird for Williamson Cadet LAC G Bos Cadet LAC M Mooncy Cadet Parsons Cadet LAC J Huxley Cadet LAC Peck Cidtt LAC S Baker Cadet Cpl Nlchol son and Cadet LAC R Cadet leaders also received recognition for courses they have completed recently Ann Smith obtained her cap tain qualification and Ll Peter Puchr earned his Lieut Col Johnstone representative of the cadet instructors list for the central cadet rtgion of Acton who are Killing trunk tails should their complaints with business office of Bill soys telephone company The phone company has an annoyance call specialist Bill manager of the Acton exchange told Herald Monday Mr Salmon was loathe to tell The Hi raid Just whit the telephone company takes in tracking down annoyance i but said Ih it each case is handled on Individual Telephone customers should record Ihe lime receive annoyance calls and what the pcrsonanlhcolherendsus If the calls serious enough police may be involved in imcslipTlinn he sit I One common method discouraging calls has been to I low whistle into telephone when the ink is on the other end I did not recommend this procedure It could lie jr drums of the and be cause for the caller to A source who wished to anonymous or fear of giving i crank calls calls have been received at her home since Hone of the calls have been and others at a and According source the told Tin Herald that throughout Acton to residents SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatever your Cod Today and nt on Us Way FLORISTS 82 Mill St Georgetown 8776901 Money Savers Specials TAX SALE PROPERTIES For the Informed there are literally thousand of op to buy hunting homo investment and Farm jell lor little more than the taxes owed Ah it generally In the ISO to rinse the arc worth more Our provides the Hits along with complete Coil lor one TAX SALE PROPERTIES RABBITS SLICES Mole Drue One ToDay 8 MOTORS LTD SANTA THEPrlRrlbE 11 in Thurs Nov 7 pm 8 pm QUAKER STATE at All Limit Reg per customer SPECIAL Thurs Nov 17th 7 pm 8 pm GARBAGE BAGS 299 Friday Nov 18th 7 pm 8 pm PS2 STEREO CONSOLE T T special Friday Nov 18th 7 pm 8 pm PHENTEX WOOL skeins SPECIAL Sat Nov 19th 10 am 11 am Zellers gallon a DELUX AQUARIUM Reg SPECIAL Sat Nov 19th 11 am 12 noon DRAPERY FABRIC Wide Sat Nov 19th pm 3 pm CROTON PLANTS 497 SPECIAL Sat Nov 19th 2 pm 3 pm ASSORTED PLANTS Reg 599 SPECIAL Sat Nov 19th 3 pm 4 pm FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER Reg SPECIAL o Sat Nov 19th 3 pm 4 pm BLEACH Qjc SPECIAL Sat Nov 19th pm 5 pm CAT LITTER 167 CIAL Reg SI SPECIAL IN THE GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE Tkni Fit 109 6