Health council recommendations come after ministry hospital figures reviewed The district health council will make dalions regarding extended care facilities in Italian Hills but the discrepancy between gurea supplied by the minis try of health and those led by Georgeton and trict Memorial must bo resolved first council chair man Terry Balnea sold There arc two studies of extended care facilities in ton being carried out one by the ministry of health and one by the district health council Mr Balnea said Once the correct statistics arc arrived at the council will make Its recommendations to the islry There is substantial need for extended care facilities In lmgton Mr said a though most of the extended care facilities In Ha I ton are In the southern half of the region If said this could be due to the makeup of the population and the handling of applications In Burlington Mr said that If position Is compared with almost any other Hon It would be found that Ontario has more nursing home beds per capita than almost any other area It as If wo re badly off but the ministry of health would be the first to admit we may have a maldistribution of facilities he said The hospital has made a very reasonable proposal Mr Balnea added but at the mom ent the ministry Is saying hey have no money for this The cost constraints at the are end you have to have a lot ot material to throw back at the Ministry to defeat their statist Mr Bo iocs said At present there is a on the building of extensions for the purpose of extended care due to cost const mints It would be two to three years before an addition could be completed even with the approval of the ministry Mr Balnea concluded We think we re doing community a service by studying the pro posal thoroughly for six or seven months YOUTH ENTERTAIN Santa merry voice filled the halls of Youth group entertain the residents with a Sargent Court senior citizens apartments last Christmas play Sunday afternoon as he helped the Cross Historical group formed Although Hills have not yet heard about it plans are under way to set up a Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee LAC AC t suggest which local buildings arc of historical value to the unlet of Hills John McDonald president of the Historical Soc iety says be Is working in conjunction with Wayne Mebachern of the Reg HEALTH FOR ALL Lungs at work and smokers are Joining forces Finally The overwhelming majority of both groups think separate smoking and nosmoking sections in public places are a fine idea In a survey of more than res dents In six counties It was found that per cent of smokers and per cent of favoured the idea Another national survey done by the government showed that the majority of both groups across the country think smoking should be banned in more public places In the six county survey and ex amok also pin pointed the places pub c and private where smoking disturbs them most The results are fascinating and no doubt a surprise to some smokers Cars per cent Restaurants per cent Planes Buses per cent Elevators per cent Friends Homes percent Waiting Rooms percent Meetings per cent Hospitals percent Lung associations across the province distribute buttons stickers signs and leaflets to help people create more smoke- free environments Helping smokers and protect their own lungs and health is the aim of your local lung association the Lung Association the Christmas Seal People Because they care about every breath you lake So ask them for help You can help them In turn by sending in your Christmas Seal contribution to support their efforts to help and smokers join forces on planning department and Hills planner Mario Vendilti to prepare a present a Hon to Hills planning board some time in the new year with a view to establish a The rst step is to draw up a list of buildings of historical sign to the community he says He and another member Bruce have made a lot of progress the list already and it conta among other sites the Geoi town library the Gcorgelo Legion building the dynai ruins on the Credit the McKenzie Lumber Mil the old Royal bank building in George town the Acton town hall the Hall the Hornby Orange Lodge and Beau monts Knitting Mill in Glen Williams are provided for under the Ontario Heritage on Act and Mr Donald hopes that Hills will see fit to set one up to help preserve local history The committees are not of course but if a bylaw is passed establishing one the members will be appointed by council he says Making Sure Despite Its increasing popularity with yogurt in not always a low caloric food Vanet which are sweetened and flavored may have twice as many calorics as the plain partially skim milk van dies Thrifty Dinner Sale Buy one at the regular price of 159 l TO BE ELICIBLE CLIP THIS COUPON AND TAKr TO ANY KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN HOME Thrifty Dinner Coupon THISl FOB I THRIFTY DINNBft COUPON NTITLII YOU TO A FREE THRIFTY DINNER WHIN YOU A THRIFTY it THIS OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER chicken STREET 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