Page THFUERALD Wednesday December 1M7 Expanded fruit market building offers greater service selection the After five years Georgetown Fruit Market is moving on to bigger and better things in a new building Partners Joe ami Frank have been opening for business for five years at a store on Guelph Street But as the business grew they found themselves lack of space Inside and outside the store About a year ago they decided to build a new store Construction of the now building located Just east of he old store began last August The grand opening will be held today In the new building the emphasis Is on apace and light The walls are bright orange and the stalls bright green The aisles are wide enough for shopping carta to move with case along the long rows or fruit and vegetables The increase in carries with It an expansion in the produce to be sold The fruit market will now carry such Items as milk bread eggs Ice cream pop and Juice which limited space In the old store would not allow to be stocked The stock of fruit and vegetables on hand will also be expanded to include a number of items not available in local stores Aside from the more common garden variety vegetables the fruit market will be selling some more legumes Such vegetables as dandelion leeks similar to broccoli and anise which Is similar to celery but has a licorice flavor will be on the shelves as with vegetables will be limited only by what Is in season The store will hove Hems such as papaya persimmons apples oranges grapes and kiwi fruit Credit counselling seeks funds There will be large displays of flowering and tropica plants and selections or seeds The new building has one other major advantage over the old one The displays area in front of the new building Is closed off by a wall Fitted Into the wall however are retractable glass doors which can open up the display area during the It means we won have to carry everything into the store at night and set up up again in the morning Frank said Business hours will be the same In the new building The will be open Tuesday to Sunday The hours will be from to or Wednesday and Saturday and to on Thursday and Friday On Sunday the store II be open from 10 a With parking space the increased display space the wider range In slock and the it Mr Cuizupe and Mr Sciollla hope to provide their customers th an even better place to Consumer Credit Counselling Service will be approaching the councils of Hills and Milton for a donation so that the service can continue in North Halloa Janice a co said Monday that the councils will be approached early In the new A request by Ihe credit counselling service for from region was denied recently despite warnings that the service to North where about per cent of the services clients are may have to be cut The service is funded per cent by the Ministry of com unity and social services and per cent from the United Ways of Hamilton Burlington and Oakville Some donations are received from financial Institutions which benefit from the counselling service offered to debtridden Mrs Jasiak said the service is preparing its budget In a way easier for councillors to understand Last Thursday she was at Georgetown and district high school to talk about credit and debt to students there and will be going to Acton high school in January She said the service la still accepting clients from the north even though there is no funding coming from the area To continue the service to North about is needed but donations from rinancJa institutions amounted to only Some of benefiting financial in however have their regional offices in the populous south of from where they make their donations she said Gambling Godiva Lady Godtva was the world greatest gambler became ihe put everything on a horse If the councils turn down their request she said the service will be taking another serious look at providing assistance in the north Although she anticipates no cut off of service It may mean that clients have to go to Burlington or Oakville for counselling Currently clients in Georgetown are given selling at the health unit of fices those In Acton are counselled in the Acton services centre SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK your Col vt Today if o itt W NOW OPEN ACTON RENT ALL 387 Queen SI East Acton in the Queens Tins Bldg DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE Rentals for Home Industry and Construction OPEN Mori Thurt J A IS Fr day Saturday is Now Appearing at the Blue Adriatic Restaurant MISTY PERFECT EVENING OUT JOIN US AND ENJOY IT ALL BE ENTERTAINED BY MISTY THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS FROM put FOR DECEMBER MAKE PLAN5 FOR A VERY ENTERTAINING EVENING TODAY BLUE ADRIATIC RESTAURANT Licenced under Seafood Specialists Contlnentlal Culilne HANSEN RD NORTH BRAMPTON Herald Classifieds hunt hot buyers Phone 87 Joe Scibilia and Frank Cuzzupe announce the of their new store WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 7th OPEN AM to PM JOE SCIBILIA GUELPH STREET FRANK CUZZUPE BANANAS LB TANGERINES 2DOZ ITALIAN BREAD Buy get free CANADA DRY GINGER ALE and PEPSICOLA ml bottll 389 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR GRAND OPENING PRICES 1 1 G F MARKET GUELPH ST REMEMBER I WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS 100 YARDS EAST OF THE FORMER STORE 8778882