Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1977, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills WEDNESDAY DECEMBER A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOIt Publisher BOB BUTTER Editor PHONE Second Clan Mali Ever vigilant Conservative Leader Joe Clark has Issued a warning to Canadians that while they generally support the in on going security scandal there Is a threat to basic freedom which may result Let s recap some of the situation rounding the disclosures thai have surfaced In the past month The was Involved In a break in at the Libre de Quebec entry was made into offices where computer tapes containing membership lists of the Pari IlliIIMM ON MARCH A SUBMARINE ISLAND FDR t HOUR MINUTES BtUtMJUS LARGEST CREATURES TO YIELD OFCUL were held and a bam was burned in the Eastern Townships of Quebec to prevent a meeting between the and the American Black Panthers Zeroing In on the PQ list entry some very questionable comments were made by elect government officials Solicitor general Francis Fox told the House of Commons that Canadians not to be overly hasty in passing Judgment in this case He said Ihc climate of the times may have dictated the action and that there Is some possibility that the act may not be illegal since the tapes were returned Then at a press conference the Prime Minister states that what I m saying is that maybe here cases of surveillance which should be authorized in the name of national security Maybe But Canadians now have no assurance that the Institutions that have been the foundation of this country development have become a tool of the government In power Since the statements by Mr Fox and Mr Trudeau we have learned that tax tion personal medical information and mall have been made available to the police It is incomprehensible that such actions could take place while Canadians have always prided themselves with an efficient and confidential handling of such Hon It Is equally incomprehensible that the ministers responsible for overacting such acts have not advised the Canadian people or when they were informed or whether they authorized such actions and for what pur pose Until his is provided openly and honestly we may have tiken the first steps toward the erosion of our freedoms that Mr Clark speaks of AROUND THE RIM Credit A social ill Gerry I The Herald editorial page columnist this week wittingly points out one of the greatest social ills affecting today s generation of young people Credit Too much too easy The couple she remarks about who are without adequate food and shelter and with a husband In jail for allowing the family dog to starve to death arc in those circumstances through an admitted misuse of credit They are both in their early twenties and probably now face a lifetime of distress at tempting to untangle an ever increasing web of liabilities they face They will need help One answer Is to seek credit counselling While it could be too late in this particular case it in many others And there are others Many others I know because I hear of many from my wile who is a minagcr for a finance firm Credit problems arc today more common than anyone is yet prepared to acknowledge and with a worsening economy financial problems by young people overextended on credit will make the situation worse All this leads to he Credit Counselling Service request for financial support from North The group now receives funding from provincial ministry of community and social services and from both the and Hamilton Burlington United Ways But no funds to support its service in North Shortly he group will approach Halton Hills and Milton councils seeking that sup port Council should view the application with great care weigh the advantages of supporting it It is a service that no community should be without Got a beef Got a beef Wont to write to your elected member of the federal or provincial parliament Then you can contact them at the following addresses Liberal Frank MP House of Commons Ottawa Ontario Peel Constituency Lib eral Boss Milne MP House of Commons Ottawa Ontario Wellington Constituency Liberal Dr Frank Maine MP House of Commons Ottawa Ontario There is no requirement for postage to be affixed to letters mailed to elected members of federal parliament There is however no provision for free mailing to elected memb ers of the provincial parliament Burlington constituency Liberal Julian Heed MPP Queen a Park Toronto On constituency Progressive Con servalivcl Hon James Snow MPP Queens Park Toronto Ontario Brampton constituency Hon William Davis Queens Park Toronto Ontario Wellmglonduffering Peel constituency Progressive Conservative Jack Johnson Queen s Park Toronto Ontario Readers contacting their elected repre about any concerns they may have should feel free to direct a copy of their correspondence to The Herald where it will be considered for publication We welcome letters Looking through our files THIRTY YEARS AGO Council voted bonuses to the town the three and the clerk Some good tearjerker stories designed to play on our guilt Council also passed accounts Including in legal fees for Town solicitor Deputy Reeve Armstrong said he thought the lime had come to have the town solicitor get a retaining fee but Mayor Gibbons said that this would still not get away from legal expenses Some members of council were surprised at a charge of for drafting the proposed building bylaw and the plus travelling expenses for gather ing Information to support the town claim that the CNR is responsible for widening the John Street Subway TWENTY YEARS AGO An opinion on a proposal to build semidetached houses In a portion of the annexed area of Georgetown which a Delrex town agreement presently precludes was read in the form of a brief from H A Lever town auditor at Monday s council meeting There is a possibility of there being a third service club in Georgetown Several young men arc Interested and have met twice with the president of the Kinsmen Club laying plans for the organization of a Kinsmen Club in Georgetown Georgetown Council will invite district manager Lloyd odlscuss addition of a number of phone subscribers to the George town exchange if Chirtguacousy voters favour selling their municipal telephone exchange to the Bell Telephone TENYfcAHSAGO By a slim majority or twenty three votes George Currie beat out George Leslie for the top spot in Esquesmg council the reeve of the township when the township went to the polls Monday Voting to make repairs to the town fire engine Monday council also discussed the purchase of a second engine should follow its plan to of the fire area and establish its own department The township owns one of the truck which are housed in the Georgetown fire hall and would be removing It to its own planned building East recently Jim Snow presented the province Century of Service award Georgetown Herald publisher tcr In recognition of over a century of distinguished and devoted service to the cause of Canadian Journalism The award was created in commemoration of the ma I of Confederation Whether by coincidence or plan read a lot of stories at this time of year of need and desperation of people in plight crying out to These stories play prlmorily on our guilt for having so much when others have so little Some of these stories deserve whatever help the public can give while others are not quite so descn ing Our guilt for the bounty of Christmas drops more dollars In the black kettle of the Solly Ann and it drops readily for the school drive fund that is always set up strategically In front of the LCBO Though the gathering of the funds might by a bit calculated it Is usually for a good cause and thus It becomes money well spent However not all the stories of desperation and need fall same category A recent story in the Toronto Star of the family requires more than the tears at first glance Mrs Janet was sent lo Jail for li for starving the family pet dog to death The only food found in the animal stomach was its own hair that It had torn from body in desperation ThL story told of Mrs plight how family was broke and how she herself hod not eaten for two days and the room the family shared was without any food for the two arvello children age three years and three months The father was unemployed and the family had been evicted from their apart At first glance the story Is indeed pathetic yet on looking closer you discover in the picture accompanying Mrs Carvello woe that she is smoking a cigarette With two children without food you would wonder where the funds for cigarettes came Starving a dog to death because you couldn afford to feed it la inexcusable The dog was left for days without food or water One phone coll to the Humane Society would have taken care of Tip of the hat Acton and Georgetown in the past two weeks have saluted the man of the season with special festivities These arc of course the annual Santa Clous parades These parades hove become an annual event much to the delight of children throughout Halloa Hills A large bravo and j thank you on a job well done must go to the organizers for their efforts that poor animal A further letter from Maurice Smith of the Toronto Humane Society to the editorial page of The Star told how on In also found an aquarium full of fish that had been left to die without the heater or the aerator turned on I find it hard to to people who cry poverty and yet find the funds for cigarettes There is a strong streak of irresponsibility In anyone that would allow on to starve lo deoth slowly or otherwise for that matter the same irresponsibility shows in the buying of cigarettes when your children ore sup posedly without food I say humbug to this kind of tear that tries to milk sympathy In the form of dollars from well meaning people who feci sorry for the Carvello plight Being broke without a unemployment bavins run out Is hard these are hard times wc live in but it on food If you con find money for smokes in thit kind of situation either your priorities are shot or you re just plain irresJonsible at any rate you don get my sympathy Another heart story of a different nature that recently came to light was that of three yearold McLachlen who was severely mauled by the families pet dog The dog a five yearold Pinscher close the wounds plus plastic surgery to The wee girl lost several plusn rlpunder her right eye caused the eye to come away from socket and the doctors say the tear duct in that eye is completely destroyed Now the first impression from this story is haw said and how vicious and able dogs are However on looking further It is disclosed that the previous owner of the dog got rid of it because It killed three other dogs The owner of the Oxford Anlmol Shelter Stephanie Williams said the McLachlen family should never have taken dog for a family pet because arc bred as guard dogs and arc known for being Mr McLachlen said he purchased the dog last summer for protection and as a pet for People who buy dogs should be aware of the responsibility of being a pet owner A dog is only as good as its training or trainer for that matter Dogs like people come In all sizes shapes and personalities Some dogs such as Dobermnns and some varieties of Shepherd arc bred especially as guard dogs and ore not meant to be family pets A puppy is best for a fa mily this allows the dog to grow and become accustomed to having children around But puppies are not toys and should not be given youngsters to pull at poke and loss around Dogs have temperaments as varied as people and some are not good with small children Parents have the responsibility of knowing the breed of the animal they bring into their homes and what type of nature that particular breed is noted for The tragic incident with McLachlen could have been avoided by following the above Mr is at present ployed and on welfare surgery has already cost more than There is no question that the family is In need because of what hap- oened lo and a fund has been set up by Citizens Band operators in the area However people should not misplace their emotions and place all the blame on the dog A guard dog should not be a family pet as heartless as It may sound feeding a dog is a luxury you can ill afford welfare It s hard enough to feed a family and the extra three or four dollars a week It takes to A funnyside A late candidate for NDP leadership Lifting the lid on secret sources Ottawa Bureau The Herald I sat down here today with something important to say and since I can I reveal where I got the information I began won how I should describe my sources to indicate authenticity No one should ever do this like staring at a word after questioning your own spelling ability After five seconds the word Itself looks ludicrous Since Ottawa is a town and since have this hysterical over si on to being Identified In print we thrive on lujjdentiried sources here And that a fair The trouble only when we tried to grade the quality of these sources We all like to leave Impression have highgrade sources There Is nothing wort on the Ottawa cocktail circuit than to have people whispering that soand so have lowquality sources He a nice enough guy might remark but I wish he would change his sources In LK old days apparently it wis table to merely identify Identifiable person as source or sour But now thanks to the grading process that is the most suspicious fount of on any reliability chart Only people would get a lower rating At the other end of the scale the situation remains in turmoil years you not quote a higher authority than pcachable sources and that exactly term Washington correspondents used when they got information right from the the record tips from former president Richard Nixon But since word DC a enable had name solidity No doubt it will be resurrected In the distant future but in I know some reporters who when they get Information from the highest poslblc authority use expression impeccable sources but I have never felt really com fortabk with this since according to the dlctionarv it specifically refers to people not capable of sin or wrongdoing Since I ve never known such people I d rather come up with a better finituju then Is a lendency to impeccable personal grooming perhaps with people who have sllckcddown hair and white shoes This brought me back to some of Ihc old standards I always been a hit partial to authoritative sources but since I became interested In the overall subject I checked Ihe dictionary on llils and found it refers lo wielding commanding My sources may be incapable of sin flawless and unimpeachable but they don wield any authority nor arc they commanding Sneaky yes Another standby is usually reliable sources but this is really a form of insult Since it should be assumed that any source Is reliable then the word usually merely dilutes he authenticily It like saying He pretty close the mark the last time let can tell Ihe truth again The trouble well Informed sources Is that I always get the reeling that person is not necessarily well Informed a bout the subject hand Prime Minister is well Informed about politics and law but he rather dense about technical Innovations In forestry and mining And a source close someone else really the answer This term applies to nextdoor neighbors barbers Janitors and spouses In the some vein veteran server invariable applies to cither the author of a story or a taxi driver So in this case 1 think I II forget bout sources and state everything as fact Trouble is I what I intended to Sorry about that Queens Park Bureau Of The Herald Will there be a last minute surprise candidate for the New Democratic Parly One can Imagine thot certain people near top of the party arc fervently hoping so For so far the leadership and ils impolgn has been turning out to be a dud And It shows every sign of continuing hat If any display of the of the campaign date was needed It was provided at the OFI convention of the Ontario Federation of Labor The convention did have a session on political education at which the three an Ian Deans Mike and Michael Cossldy spoke But this wo pretty well the entire attention ihnt was given lo leadership SCANT INTEREST And more important both union leaders and rank and file members made it clear that at this point they care less Very few were committing themselves to any of the candidates and there was a definite Impression that a good share or delegates t feci that anyone of the three was even adequate Ifan assembly of the leading labor people In Ihe province people who are religiously committed to the is like this how must the rest the of the parly feeP Of the a dates Deans apparent li In front labor Mike apparently did moke a bit of an impression but he Is comparatively unknown except the United Auto Workers In his home town expected was too long and too complicated and go across The main thing going for Deans with the labor people apparently is that ho has long been a trade unionist a firefighters ROUNDED TONES Also In the Hamilton member favor Is He has enrobed himself In aura of profundity and his rounded tones probably Impressed some people The problem with him Is that w you analyse his statements they mad up to If he should end up as leader of his party we would reach a new high In demagoguery As he early February convention concerned people within the party are bound to gel very disturbed about this situation And It Is logical to expect they will come again go bush scouring Might they just make one more appeal to Walter Pitman Pitman is still president of he has finished the study he was doing of racism In Metropolitan Toronto and Just possibly could be open lo some twisting Editors notebook Never press a point too hard because a deep wound Is hard to heal and usually leaves

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