the When Levesque Laurin attack the press Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Wednesday March 15 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher BOB RUTTER Editor Second Clan Mill Number Cossitt affair needs watching Canadians might be of the Affair and its illconceived by the government to gain the return of secret documents that a Tory MP soys he got Hut the price of freedom is vigilance And Canadians must maintain their watch on the outcome of this affair II might spell the impotence of parliament and the end of a system which keeps government responsive lo the needs of the people SolicitorGeneral Jean Jacques attempt at heavy handed measures to gain the return of whatever documents held by the is certainly an attempt to plug a within the government And that touches on the issue at stake Consider this The fact remains that when govern do not want information to be made available to people thai may be them government often they assert il is prejudicial to the slate former prime minister John baker told parlia That is the danger and once it is accepted that a government can a member of parliament shall reveal his sources of in formation freedom because no one could communicate no mailer how serious if lie realizes that would be revealed And consider Ihis To my mind basic question is this If we arc to exercise our rights as members of parliament to express ourselves freely to be vigorous critics of Ihe government if we arc In opposition or vigorous back bench members on the side It Is of the highest importance to protect our sources of in NOP leader said He says that the delicate between protecting sources and the security of the slate must be decided and raises a related question which is the limits If any which should placed on the right of a member not divulge his source of information There is now no definition In the parliamentary rule book which addresses itself this issue A committee is tackling this subject and will not have an easy time Until that com mittce reports It is expedient upon the act this comical affair 111 rice freedom 1j vigilance It is also the price paid to maintain a democratic The actions taken thus far in the Affair smacks of an insensitive autocratic government which is actively seeking make parliament impotent This is evidenced in pari by known of Prime Minister Trudcau toward in icing of various degrees of designations on documents which have little or no bearing on the operation of government or national security culture minister lacks common sense Quebec culture minister chief architect of Ihe Parti government French language charter says he counts on the provinces sense of British fair play to not do what the is Mr Juanof Arc act featur loud emotional campaign drive every trace of from Quebec In a recent maganne interview he quoted as declaring the separatist government aimed at expanding what is trench while diminishing is English Just as magazine hit the streets in Quebec Mr told a press conference he t worried about oppression against French speaking minorities in other provinces if Quebec separates from the rest of Canada have a lot of confidence in British fair plav he said He should have When the British conquered Canada in the eighteenth century guaranteed the conquered people language social and cultural Peoples conquered by France never were treated so Looking through our files THIRTY The Club of Georgetown United Church presented a new idea in parties Wednesday night in the Sunday School rooms which was advertised as Your own birthday party Twelve tables were arranged about room and guests sat the table which corresponded with their birth month Each table had been arranged by a couple who are members of the club Expansion of the lied Cross Sick Supply Loan Cupboards which served more than 10000 home patienls in Canada in depends on contributions the national campaign for opening March 1 Crutches wheelchairs hospital beds and other expensive and hard to supplies arc loaned free of charge Jusl because February had an extra day this year it must have felt entitled to a real spree The weekend was a great variety of weather perhaps it was trying to set March a bad example Believe it or not the maximum tempera ture for the month of February was I degrees ABOVE the of but the minimum was almost seven degrees BELOW the NORMAL of 13 degrees In Council today a letter from the Ontario Department of Health emphasized the need for of TWENTY YEARS AGO Fred Harrison brought up a touchy subject at Mondays council meet when he inquired whether could now be made to dispose of debentures for renovation of the arena since a backlog of debentures were now being taken Op by a bond firm Mr Harrison said the ratepayers had given their consent two years ago to have Ihe arena renovated and that he thought this should be done as soon as possible and lake priority over anything else A Main Street business changed hands week when Young purchased former Boobs Drug Store business Mr Young has been manager of the since 1WD The business will under the nime Youngs After being in ill health for many years Miss Emma llalrd died at her home Feb rary in her eighty flflh year Miss Bnird was born inOakville daughter of Mr and Mm John she was one of 11 children The family later moved to Milton then Georgetown where hey have lived for nearly years TEN YEARS AGO Chosen to be one of five women in a documentary about the status of women In Conadi is Mrs Gordon Thompson Rill Acton Shes been pursued by TV cameras from the time she gets out of bed in the morning until close lo midnight A director and soundmen from the network have intruded Into her life recorded her thoughts and Impressions of living in a rural area since end of January The annual report of the Bell Telephone Company for 1907 records unprcccndcnled growth in the companys operations The report now being mailed shareholders characterizes Canadas Centennial Year as a time of vigorous activity and solid A request from Georgetown for a grant for library services to township resld and a similar request from Milton for a grant for the same purpose drew no comment from Esqueslng council Monday night Woodrex Building not too long ago the mccca for sidewalk is ieled and almost entirely occupied The Main Street North block of stores and offices replaces the Corilaro building demolished Inst year it means their partys in trouble Bureau Herald When politicians begin mounting whole sale attacks on Ihe press you can assume things are not going too well with their political parties Otherwise they just smile smugly at criticism In Quebec the wave of govern men criticism being directed at the press has an even greater impict because of the journalistic enthusiasm which greeted the government months ago And the was nut confined lo the nationalist inclined nth language media The English press impressed with emphasis on good government as opposed to scemd eager to give the government an to show its sluff And when the chain smoking Quebec premier went abroad he was pained by more reporters than usually tag premier didn like what the reporters were heiirttiinly didnt say so And for the first year or so could frequently depend on language reporters for the most constructive com Given the initial atmosphere existing in Quebec ity following the election was probablj mueh easier for French language cist he firs Now however Parti Is being rented like any other provincial gin eminent and lis of Quebec sovereignty being buried under such mundane issues as unemployment industrial stagnation and even tile firing of These a public easy in for govern lung Pr Minister And the other day after nuigaine published what it claims were the of the Quebec white paper on policy and Ins cultural development minister Comllle hit the roof Its interesting both men to keep their cool while far worse were being printed about their controversial language legislation last year But at that lime everything else seemed be running mure smoothly Macleans said that the still secret white paper If it finds its way into legislation would mean a new Quebec in which degree of stale control would surpass any thing known in Norlh America The paper says will affect lions labor relations housing health ainment and will also deal with the compulsory of Quebecs minor groups strong stuff but so was the language legislation which also surpassed anything known m America STRING REACTION This time however the reaction press was much more severe Laurin liberallv as members of the modern autonomist groups In French occupied Bntanny and Corsica can attest Relying on resl of Canada gallantly and liberally lo his mien sided separatist approach Mr Lau lot of brass but he snol French culture and trcnili language have survived and grown within British colonialism and federalism for more than years even though its surrounded by the dynamic expansive American culture If Mr s objective was prnlection tor trench culture in Quebec the logical thing to do would be to continue within Canadian Confederation it has proved ils ability to safeguard trench culture Independence is strictly a leap into darkness where tin re are no guarantees that In rest of North America would respect Qui bee cultural diKttnctions Isolated Quebexcrs then would be the mercy of men like Mr men who expect restraint and fair play from others but not themselves Hamilton Spectator Time goes by so slowly except when youre having fun I in these early March days Ihe winter blahs ealch Up with me and for awhile lime hangs heavy on my hands Time Is funny like ihut Have you ever noticed how quickly time slips by when you are deeply absorbed in something rime has a movement all own that it appear Speed by or to drag whatever you are doing I always been with lime and how I spend it Looking hack I ve devoted a great deal of lime to just plain waiting Waiting for something to start or something finish waiting for the birth of a child wailing for that child to grow waiting for news either good or bail in someones troubled life altogether many countless hour hour spent just walling I guess to some degree thai can be of all of us Have you ever noticed how teenagers especially anl young people in general never seem e e lime Whatever is asked of them the answer invariably is I don 1 have time No How for as the years slip quickly by we become painfully aware of so many Ihings we older folk were going to but alas 1 I Sylvia Vincent In the valleys and the green hills The feel of Ireland tan be sought Twas here St Pot was missionary Where Christianity he taught SI Patrick was a soul Who lived 100 years A D He spent his youth as captive So missionary vowed hed be He broke his bonds of slavery But real freedom came from his creed Of he spoke to everyone From rich the poor in their need Of too he spoke Yes of each others of view To stop to think how each can blend 50 more peaceful lives may pursue On 17th of March once more To mind comes the gist of his plea 51 spoke for all his kind Erin Go oh I Ireland Go in my files is name and story o a conglomerate wizard lost for the moment but I find it later when I get lime whose day was a succession of decisions and meetings He wanted very In painl and was really quite good it a natural talent but he found that during the course of Ins busy day and evening his schedule just allow for it He decided however lhat painting was important to him so he arose i very morning at a m instead of so that he could pursue lhat which he so enjoyed Hi his day by hours to find the necessary time I guess the moral here is thai we will always find the lime for anything that is really important to us Finding time and control of that time is one quality is round In lives of all lime is our single most valuable possession Though we seldom see its worth until our youth is already spent Win n you are young time is an endless sea stretching out before you Somehow you sense that your lime has limitations hut thai away so very down lilt load As the years slip by we discover whal a trickster time is How often have you looked at the fate of friend or a relative not seen for awhile and nolleed the change They ore el w an never quick lo dice that All sudden seems the have slipped and we arc faced what is termed crisis The time of youth has passed and we begin lo tilth Hie lust glimpse old age up proiclilng Here for awhile time becomes a grim task master Wrinkles never noticed before appear to stand out as deep crevices our luces become lines with valleys and river that no referred to the story as being false and vicious and he seemed more outraged comments aboul it earned on the TV television network Tile report added Ihe unlimited poer of a film blow up this per cried analysis provoking potent ial fanatics possible violence rentier Levesque described Ihe magaz ine and television reports as calumny by anticipation And later he talked about a form of common front by some media a sort of common where practically anything goes against the Quebec Launn said lhat for several months I have been described as a Leviathan and thus received more than my share of flak by most editorialists and columnists of the English press in Quebec and Canada who would like nothing more shoot me down in Out of fear bias or strategy tiny pieces of fact ire grossly amplified and lead to blatant distortions or extrapolations Token together it is obvious thai the Lavesque and comments are aimed beyond the one offending A might were trying discredit the gen vill be interesting to watch what effect this may have on by the provincial communications department for tighter controls over press ownership in the province One of is that an autonomous Quebec news agency be so the mi of Quebec veil abroad conforms to McKeough s budget predictable safe traditional Predictable Safe Even status quo Just stage two in Ontario Treasurer Mc Keougb s campaign to bring the province a balanced budget in 1981 Labt year was stage one with accolades and incentives for government restraint and private enterprise Thats about all one can say of this years budget which just carries on the tradition Its negative tax provisions hit relatively few individuals with any force and the effect its goodies is illy limited By mainly relying upon the private sector for growlh McKeough did much what everyone expected to reinforce two of the weakest spots in the economy however mining and EM Solhesevei tax temporarily and i niningcompan swill xemptior i from profit lax mines or expansions of old one else really seems to pay much mind to Kith falling hair is the forerunner of com baldness and countless hours are spent contemplating our fading youth At this lime in life people throw hemselves into a frenzy to joung and relive the lime of their youth Its very sad for nothing looks as out of place as misspent youth on an obviously aged body Time has trltked us once and after this mud quest for lost youth passes most people slip comfortably the middle years as one does w hen slipping into a comfortable pair of old sneakers Somewhere in the middle years for the time we consider dying Before then death was something lhat happened to someone else but as the years pass by we become very conscious of just how much time we have left Our lives are really lived In borrowed time we all have pay the piper For some here Is hardly enough time and for others is mercy a blessing In twilight years time again becomes an ally and he days stretch out again in our youth The happiest people I know are those who have slipped comfortably Into aging They have learned the wisdom of passing years that each one brings about ils own lime of beauty I believe In an appointed time as In that there la a time for every purpose under heaven If thats the cose this must have been my week for thinking about I ill next week I wish you time time for loving and time for living and mosl of all the time to koep on smiling Bible digest Who against hope believed In hope that he might become the fathers of many nations according to that which was spoken So shall seed be He not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in fallti giving glory God And being fully persuaded thai what he had promised he was able also to perform Romans what the budget didnt contain was any ax incentive for business investment That an interesting omission Hie Ireasurer talked in terms of a recovering economy with growth surging ahead especially in export and consumer spending fields But what will the recovery is an business investment and that unfortunately is projected by ihe treasury to actually show a one per cent decline in dollars in 197B reabics the problem exists On the one hand business investment lends lag behind other areas of the economy when bloom times return So he expects a resurgence of in vestment limes get better On the other hand two factors external to Ontario might wreck all his calculations He acknowledges their Importance not lhat might defeat all his plans for growth Separalism in Quebec and the slide of the American dollar to produce uncert ainty in businessmen who might otherwise be tempted to invest here NOT SURE So theres probably an element of relying on a wing and a in the somewhat rosy projections In the treasurers budget docu Last years budget also talked of cry which didnt occur to anything like the degree predicted Tlie 1977 deficit exceeded thai of Still position remains firm My expectations Is for steady expansion of private sector jobs private sector incomes and private sector prosperity of lusting benefit to all citizens Government restraint and private enter prise will lead the way to stage three of recovery year he in effect