About The Hills Safety door for library Hills Library Board decided lasl week to authorize the purchase new door complete sadly glass and panic hardware for Georgetown Librarian Betsy infonncd the Ihe last lime the lock on the door required fixing man told her the lock was obsolete Although he- hud mnnnficd to a barrel to replace the broken one It was unlikely Mrs said present door is not a safety door and tile 1 inges art coming away from the wood It seems aw isii of to try repairing It Santas on his way Preparations arc now underway for the 1 Georgetown Santa Onus parade to he held this mi Dec The parade is again sponsored by the local Lions Club who are currently soliciting donations to help the costs of the event Donations be bint to the Lions Hail Mill St Georgetown or call for more details Board positions opening Town council will advertise locally for luo weeks in late November for Interested Hills residents who would like to join on a variety of boards and committees serving the municipality Names submitted will be pi iced before town incoming council carl in its term of office with all appointments expected to tic mide c the new year Members of such committees as boards of management for Acton s and Georgetown Business Improvement Areas and the Hills Public Libra rj Board whose appointments expire Bee ire entitled to hold their seats until replacements are designated Focal deal to be discussed ITie Georgetown Area Ratepayers Association will hold a general meeting Oct 19 at p m at Centennial Boulevard Heading meelings agenda is a report by the Association committee that has been investigating the proposal by Focal Properties I to develop its lands on Georgetown southern bound While the meeting is open to members only memberships will be on sale at Ihe door at a cost of S3 for one or for two years Library contributes to fund The Hills Board Ihe list meeting to contribute Hie Association for use on Project Progress survey conducted by the association aimed providing series of upgrading guidelines for issue Hon has of the needed fur the project librarian Betsy Cornwell When the request first the board some lime ago it was turned it seemed to have no application to the board she said Board member Ken Riley felt that the need or such information existed now however since the board seems to be floundering over Its plan with the new or revised building Volunteer drivers needed The Hills of the Cimilun tnctr Socicly Is looking for volunteer drivers to to the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronin for Mileage is paid for the volunteers Anyone interested in votunieenng should call Local champions Claude Picket of hud two first pi ice finishers at West Central irto Championship Show held on Oet m One was his threcycarold Norsddle Nolle while Senior Yearling also won Piano donated in memoriam A new piano has been to Church In memory of the late Florence Cleave 1 lone lime resident of the village who died in Georgetown years ago Rev Walter Ridley dedicated ihe gift during a ceremony this past weekend that was attended by relatives of Mrs Cleave Her husband Cleave who now lives in Brampton was unable to attend The piano has been marked with a commemorative plaque neighbors club Mrs Louis Alexander Is the new president of the Neighbors Club which recently held executive elections Mrs AcxanderrepIacedlorolli the president chair of the senior citizens club which meets Wednesday afternoons for cards and Vice pre dent for 1979 Is Grace Crawford while is secretary treasurer and Donald will be convenor The club launched its new with inotluck luncheon Letters to the Editor October 18 1KB Page Readers question fairness of sweat box hearing plans To the editor of The Hi raid the two I Officers in the Chief hue from His Honor Judex lint he will Willi the illcgitiuis lot laid mist Box We would like to point out to the public tin following 1 Judge A wis it one time Member of the In 1 1 I ion is brought against of Officers by the parties involved th it jetton would be out of tl Jurisdiction or the Court of Hie District of Judge A is the Judge of the Thanks to Optimists but not town police f III Iknl in map because hie to set two of George brings to ask fowl mi pulling llckels on in of linn iliccarsi who parked 1 soccer ill Hit innt fulls ircnis etc whin while speeders are roaring up in to put 1 proper lull down on 7 inks attain Optimist for rs not hive which I hope will be iniiii 1 ml stnwn fields 1 nil full tit Yours sv1 HI Gillespie Court of ihe Judicial District of and his Court would be adjudicating upon in issue of which he has full knowledge and facts In all probability these Officers have previously and will in the future appear before ihe County Court Bench on Criminal Matters In Under Ihe circumstances and bo thai there is no question that the matter was dealt with we would suggest to Chief mission and His Honour Judge II that the diaries at hand be heard by a Judc0 from outside the jurtsd let I on of the unlet pality of Graham and S Sim Casting Ballots horn your wife or She will vote as I vatt Ami horn will hole jor I haten I talked it oner Opus Four musicians visit area Smith hid intricai us of pi million I list hursdaj Mr It 1 r numbers of Opus our string mi live Militant it I It lt I v irksj 11 pi 1 iln J till rlel linrnitx of Opus ills If ml program introduce children Hit Acton units finally go 1982 Thats how long your warranty extends when you purchase a TOSHIBA BLACKSTRIPE with 50 MONTHS WARRANTY FOR SO MONTHS ALL SERVICE ALL PARTS IN PICTURE TUBE ARE PAID FOR BY TOSHIBA OF CANADA IF REQUIRED UNDER NORMAL USE NO OPTIONS ARE PROVIDED NONE ARE NEEDED SOME MANUFACTURERS GIVE YEARS WARRANTY IF PAID FOR IN ADVANCE RANGE to GENERALLY THROUGH THE SELLER WE DO NOT CONDONE THIS PRACTICE ON THE BASIS THAT IT IS PREPAID MAINTENANCE TOSHIBA OF CANADA ADVANCES THE IDEA THE SET SHOULD NOT NEED MAINTENANCE FOR 50 MONTHS BUT IF IT DOES NO COST IS INCURRED BY EITHER THE BUYER OR SELLER NOW THAT A WARRANTY NO ONE ELSE GIVES SUCH A WARRANTY BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE MAKES A TV LIKE TOSHIBA RYDERS TV LOTS OF Fit PARKING NO CREDIT MUDS IN MOORE PARK PLAZA PHONE 8779796 A THEATERAUDITORIUM FOR HALTON HILLS NOW BUT IT NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT WHERE At Howard Wrlgglesworth Public School on lands to bo developed fronting Maple early as summer 1979 WHEN Construction could begin a HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE The Board of Education is committed to upgrading the facilities at Howard School by turning the present Resource Centre and building a new Gymnasium without a stage BUT Board of Education is willing to entertain an agreement with the Town of Hills for a facility WHAT IS COUNCILS POSITION Since receiving the proposal In Spring Council has Instructed Its officials to investigate f disability of such a plan and report back The time or that report to be presented to Council Is NOW WHAT IS THE PLAN The proposal calls for an L shaped two storey addition to planned gymnasium This addition which would be scaled off from the gymnasium during regular school usage would contain a full size stage and back stage facilities dressing rooms make up band room public foyer cloak and rest rooms box office and counter In addition to a lighting and sound control booth second facilities would Include a large open area suitable tor receptions group meetings etc a gallery running behind the stage which could possibly be utilized tor arts and displays painting exhibitions etc IS THIS A CULTURAL CENTRE FOR ALL THE ARTS No It is primarily a facility tor the performing arts I plays musicals concerts recitals etc which because it would not have fixed seating would lend Itself to a range g public meetings dances arts and crafts shows etc The final design will be prepared by professional architects with an opportunity for public Input WHAT ABOUT SEATING A good question The second part of the proposal calls for the In custom engineered collapsible bleachers with individual theatre style seals le Inpermanenttheatrefacllltles When not Inuse this seating would rolled away for storage in special lockers at the rear the gymnasium auditorium BUT WHATS IT ALL GOING TO COST The proposal calls for the Board of Education to donate the land or the theatre addition and for paved parking playground and to assume responsibility for the construction and outlining costs of the school gymnasium portion the Town Halton Hills to un dertake responsibility for the capital cosls and construction of the theatre addition utilizing Wlntanoand possibly Thealre Arts grants and the launching of a public fund raising campaign to match government grants In equipping the facilities It Is hoped service club will head such a fund raising campaign WHAT ABOUT GEORGETOWN ROTARY CLUB PLANS The establishment mult I use centre for the performing arts has been designated as the club next community project Since Juno the club has been carrying out a Feasibility Study focussing on land availability the most suitable design to meet needs and financing HOW DO THE PUNS COMPARE WITH ROTARYS STUDY Basically there is no conflict I that Ideal site lor such a facility should be central In Wards and Georgetown It shoud strive to accommodate as many community cultural aspirations as Is practicable and that construction and future operating costs should become a burden on taxpayers WHAT IS GLTS POSITION As a community group which has been putting on productions for years now L is only too familiar with the needs of performing arts In Wards and and the realities meeting those needs In these days of economic restraints G I T is actively promoting proposal because group considers It meets agreed criteria central site use plan and shared financing operating costs This is not to say that the Proposal Is the perfect solution Naturally as with other performing groups would prefer to have solely theatre facilities with fixed soiling But given present day economic realities and the lack of suitable available land the Proposal appears to make the most sense for the community as whole Moreover It is not a pie In sky scheme at some future date but can be in operation as early as next year since there would be no long drawn out debates over land designation requiring hearing etc WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP If you support the Wrlgglesworth proposal please lei you Councillors know After all this Is an election year an opportunity for each of us to let them know what we will be voting for If you require more information about the Wrlgglesworth Proposal please contact Derek B38 Brian 877 7985 or John Roe Please express your views now would request that you complete the form below and send to Box Georgetown A THEATRE AUDITORIUM FOR HALTON HILLS am am not In favour the Wrlgglesworth Theatre Proposal NAME ADDRESS Tel No Reasons Signed to P O Box Georgetown or drop off at Towne Sewing Centre Boughton Jewellers or Smoke Shop