THE HERALD Wednesday October IS ON THE HOME FRONT YOUR WEEK AHEAD By damis TAURUS Apr HI A rendezvous some remote area may sound intriguing Indiscretion could result in embarrassment Join a very convivial group You could soon contribute a great deal to be success of charily Changes relative lo vour official status seem They 111 prove to be in best interests Contact with distant places opens a new endeavor Bigotry clouds the mind Avoid getting involved in unethical pur- 1 suits Mutual resources can Rivalry with partner raises tempers Strive for harmonious relations as a true Look for new ways utilizing skills I Your drive lo achieve brings out your aggressive nature S Be sensitive to the needs of others peciallyihe children Romance is favored Demands at home may interfere I professional aspirations Keep both in proper perspective Changes are likely Youd better have the house up I because company scorning fairs in order CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS DOWN I Nickname I Italian for Haydn staple up Vehemently confined Drawing II Asian river Western II style 13 Symbol of Cunning wisdom Can II name In Sonora IS Sesame II Cockneys Scholars Bob time a II Type of dye robbery to Mining find victim Clergymans Teutonic dwelling 16 Suffix Ailment with prince tup British symbol Minute the urtulc healing it Prefix If In style with vile 1 Spirit fikjoM II Up at plate note Jbrbof flown of Dolly ParHex Main Street North Acton Ontario 8533370 ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers Of the Seven Deadly Sins which is the worst My wife and I Please reply in prim David and Susan David and Susan your letter from Thank for the extra work I had look up Ihe Seven Deadly since I remember four And now for Ihosr who are In my league here are Ihe seven Pride Anger Avarice Gluttony and Lust think Envy I the worst It rats you up you miserable petty selfdestructive an embarrassment jour and a triumph to jour enemies The moil Insidious of envy In thai keeps you from appreciating you have And poisons the well of your personality became shows Dear Ann lenders I hove always considered myself a gentleman but I am not a sucker The reason Im writing is air a gripe When go mm u supermarket I in line like else never fails one or two Why me I dont know Maybe I Jusl look like Mr Nice Guy Ann spent over five years In Ihe Army I wailed in so damn many limes swore Id never lei anyone ahead of If these women object lines they go family grocery or ton deli where they have Hi wall so long ExDogface Company Hear Mr I gotcha ask lellem whil lold me may nut nuke them an happier but IrjHl Its Instead of flat NO up We are fn ago His widow married a heavy drinker Willi a mouth None of us can him She has been crashing tin- family regularly WejuM hate loses this hum llllnfi in our brothers place Are we our righii tell her she is no longer A yes or a no will do Thank you Ill Heart I hope this itoex II Dear i Id a old who would iikc io respond in ituii who I lie Iwst way I in line is crack In mouth He thinks all nuts and Ilial you Ann Ijiadem lire a senile meddling old hag My fa i her was also ijinck nil True he rarely gol my hack fiom Ins kids he never gol an lave directum or either bad bemuse we hud i hit give lie never called or even by name wn always Hey you I recall my Iniher ever smiling ai giving men or loiiclanu me expect lo give me a crack In Hie maulh And I never knew when lo II always came us I shouldnt be so turd on my fallicr lie me a very bow lo raise Mar Pupil Pupil Pour Pupil Ills dud trucked In mouth forluaulr that vmi were able to break llir cycle Im happy Tor you und for your for writing Discover haw lo date bull falling hook lino and sinker Ann Landers booklet Dull rig Dos and will help you bo more poised and sure of yourself on Send cents in coin along with a long stamped envelope with your request to Ann Landers 11993 Chicago Illinois Word writer conjures images TV word writer i onjurert colourful Images of starving men and women living in romantic poverty on the Left Bank in is 1 would imoglneoneuouldhavetnlM fairly successful writer be able to afford the I eft Dank or even its mini Toronto cousin ark villi any more It is probably more accurate visualise them still star ving but sealed at typewriters in prosaic north American kitchens simultaneously employed as a telephone an swering service for teenagers and attempting to freete t bushels of tomatoes a iloicn cauliflower the fruit flies gorge lo the of vultures all trying meet a deadline 11 course I cannot sec a Ijiulcns or an Arthur quite In Ihosc or have Dial ill how many women writers do indeed work Writing is by its very nature a lonely type masochistic fulfillment You soon begin to question whether there are others who get their jollies by spending two hours looking a blank piece of paper and cheating them selves at and while walling for literary Inspiration strike Arc you alone you ask in mechanically performing physical lasks while mentally turned Inwards So busy composing and discarding sentences in your head or deliberating a turn of phrasing to exclusion of all else around you that jour child has to yell- MOM IVE GOT companionship one Joins writers organizat ions or wrlling courses to joyfully dirt in deed there are other who paper their walls slips and who rapl- urous agonising vigils at typewriters is i insolation the highest order have nod understanding when you relate how you produced your finest work during a wild winter evening Ihundcrslorm To see tears of sympathy well up as yoar describe how you had least half the neigh bourhood children in the house playing hide and go seek at the lime the electricity cut- ling off every five minutes causing the youngest child to scream terror and yourself fumbling away precious minutes looking fur elusive matches to light the one small candle stub so fortuitously fellow writer understood why I doggedly wrote thai night knew that ideas do not always far opportune moments At Ihe same lime I could sympathise with the problems encountered by a lady who has just had a book published who wrote most of her manuscript sitting in the family car Having children the only way she could find sufficient solitude was to drive to ihe nearest shopping centre and in a corner of the lot Why do we do it I havent the idea I snail probably graduate to basket must lie a more sensible form of madness ACTON FIRE HALL OPENING Herb the oldest former member or Acion Volunteer Firefighters wields an axe to cut ihe rope and officially open the Actons Fire Hall Sunday Mr Itilcliic on the force from 1923 through With him are Hills fire chief Mick Holmes and Mike Shannon a young prospective recruit who visits place often along other firefighters In his family David Shannon and his grandfather Af War is a filthy business conquered nations struggle to survive ordeal Herald War Is a filthy business the of war is even ugl ier The culture of a conquered people is swallowed up in Moss genocide Since the beginning of time one land has conquered another and each lime his has happened the ways of the conquered people their religion their culture very soul of their being is slowly squashed and annihila ted and lost forever to future generations So was in 1959 when ihe invasion of Tibet by he Chinese was completed Last Thursday evening monthly meeting the Ter ra Colin villagers teamed of such a people Vivan Hunter slides and artifacts and old ihe plight of the peoples of Tibet iheir struggle for survival then and now Mrs Hunter first became aware of the Tibet ian refugees in 1964 when after reading of their struggles she adopted a fosterchild The people of Tibet arc such a happy people even after all they have been through are still warm and cheerful ORIGINS They look much like our own Eskimos and studying llicm believe they may both have he same Mrs told the well attended of Tibet a land nestled high atop ihe world in the Himalaya in Council endorses special weeks Town council has endorsed three requests by local org an imations seeking to have Mayor Tom Hill officially designate upcoming weeks for their re spective causes In accordance with a request by Fred Harrison poppy chairman for the Legion brunch 120 Georgetown the week of Nov to 11 will be declared Poppy Week In Hills f a recommendation passed Monday night by the town finance and administration Is accepted by council the own will also pay costs of the message in local newspapers The week or Nov 12 to IB will have two designations Parent Education Week as recom mended by Peter Marks will fiature activities the local schools to get parents more Involved in edu cation Youth Appreciation Week at thesametliuc will witness the selection of on Oustanding Youth of the leur from among Georgetown senior school students by officials of ihe Georgetown Optimists Club The Clubs ultimate choice and runners up from each school wilt be honored at rcceptiun he North Country Club Nov News By BENTON Herald cor respondent Mr and Mrs Lister on the arrival of their second child born early on Oct 16 vm Stephen Mr and Mrs Win Lister visiting here England celebrated their fiftieth wedding the Mrs Win Lis I it her brothers and sisters In and the wesl coast returning lost week Her brother and his wife Mr and Mrs WE Hut- ton of come east for anniversary lo Glen who finished firsl of two hundred ami forty runners in the mountains ibet has often been called a land of mystery cut off by moun tain paths from the rest of world with elevations of over feet a land of myth and legend of Ihe and the legendary rila After the Chinese Invasion many were forced to flee their relgion Buddhism had been suppressed and whole families cruelly tortur ed Iheiiunnihilated Many fled only the clothing on their hoi and many died from Ihe intense as bodies weaken ed without food succumbed on the journey through perilous frozen mountain paths Famil ies were lorn apart and thous ands ted Approximate ly people fled to India and Bhutan Do ma Taring in her book Daughter of Tibet said when people die the next generation replaces them but when a whole lultare is It can never be Tibenan refugees are very hard preserve what lias been ulvaged of iheir culture Tibeiian culture is very differenl from that of Chinese it is a different relig ion and language said II me hen Taring Vivan Hunter spoke of these difference and of her meeting with retired school teacher Mr Mr visited refugees at a lime when almost all seemed for them They had sel up an on school in Jong were very despondent because the could find a market for their paintings in Intda Mr was impressed the and he might be able in find a Canadian market for it That was several years ago and he has since sold over worth an impressive figure even more so when Ihe average painting sells from to is highly styliz ed scenes of anci ent limes of warriors and princes and of gods and leg ends The paper is hand made from bamboo and mulberry leaves and the pigments used are also hand made A Tibetian art student spends years and the works of the masters each detail is repealed upon ihousands of times until the student earns the title master and can sell his work wilh a masters seal on it Tune and space cake it impossible to fully describe the niggle of these people and the hardships they have had to Hunter has come to care for the courage of these refugees she admires their desire be self supporting and to help their efforts In November of this year she IS sponsoring a sale of their art work and In her home ALL proceeds from this sale will go to support the Jong Art School which means Happy Valley In Eng lish She cares and I hope you will too Helping these people help is a very worthw hile endeavour perhaps a pro ject for your or charitable organization for more information you may reach her at Any culture is worth preser ving all cultures arc part of our hentage When we extend our hand to help fellow beings in times of struggle and adversity more so when they try every mean available lo them to be self we extend the only man has worth everything our humanity we recognize with piercing clarity but for grace of God go I Silverwood WI October meeting of Sil- I was held on Oct home of Mrs Mrs opened the- iiKviing all repeating the Collect FifieiT members answered Ihe Roll Call Name ere the little things make life worthwhile The minutes of ihe Septemb er meeting were read and approved as was the report Mrs gave a report of the Institute at the three Fairs and that Wood was placed first at Milton Fair Mrs reported an Board in fee District Day held at Rut jo oclock The Destine Ji May Mrs and Mrs were as he Area Convent ion J Hall Kitche ner Oct and I Conven or for Ihe Resolutions Frog- talk on Resolution J resolution reading some had been ami some lhat had not and why Avenue PLEASE NOTE Georgetown Little Theatre BOX OFFICE NUMBER FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON IS GRETA LEE 8775407 Every Tuesday Night is LADIES NIGHT featuring MALE DANCER at the 226 QUEEN E At No 1