Pixels November I a small world Modern technology has condensed this vast planet into a small world You can see the whole planet in a few hours by iet plane see parts of it at a time on television or bring the whole world into your living room with a modern professional quality shortwave receiver Our Realistic SX 190 is ust that If you re a lonely traveller you can hear the news from back home every day ust as it happens If you re a person who likes to hear for yourself what s happening around the world you can tune into most maor countries at any time and be in the know about world events There are many kinds of people who use our SX 190 for many different reasons but whatever the reason everyone agrees that our finest shortwave receiver is one of the best on the market today It condenses this big world into a small world of news and entertainment from every corner of the globe The SX 190 is available now at this special price at your nearby Radio Shack Store Drop and ask about it today DAIRY PRINCESS Dairy 1 Marl Murray a tended Chamber Commerce la welcomed chamber I raj Herald I Will reconsider purchase of family services Serious financial and per I problem anticipated by Hilton region a have prompted the rcgmml health services committee to reconsider its recent decision to reduce lis own counselling staff council las Wed heard the firsi of three scheduled presentations by of ficuls of the and Burlington private agencies the mat warranted renew and re erring it the health Judge James deliver a most earnest plea to council members to have reconsider Is decisions of month whereby rcgnml counselling staff will be reduced from three workers and region ultimate decision as to of counse lling servicer from the prlviic agencies was postponed for win Haiti nmeii leal people thit el is scar being refer red to the private and regional tinselling services If the reruns service is discontinued the brief noted the instances of fa will create an mere in the wclhre assist costs to the Children s Sniety in increase in for an i icreise in hospitalization rit es to members of the i uller focused h on the problems be by I lie il a part who okl of Iv Haiti il of several region lint the cone pr i dv inminj lab el INCM Officials of Burlington Council on Human Relations COHH and the Family Service Bureau had been critical of the commit tees decisions claiming that the recommended action force the private agencies turn away some applicants for counselling because or the rcased spilling over from the region with drawa of services The com derision to her consideration of a proposal purchase the services of private agencies for at least a year they added will leave the agencies to cover addition costs stemming from the extra easel ad Both the Burlington and agencies are already in financial trouble because of cutbacks in government Fund ing a factor that has forced them to lay some staff numbers Karen Hill and Judy of the two agencies on hand at last week council meeting to elaborate some of the points made in a brief submitted by Burlington Social Planning Their presentations were not heard however stncecouncildecided to have the issue reviewed following Judge Fuller ap peal The brief stales that planning council was shocked lo learn of the health commit lee recommendation which It says would have consequences for those in need of services The brief an increase in regional expenditures if the longstanding Iraditlon of county and regional govern ment providing the service Is be abandoned REASONS Listing reasons why the ion should maintain its In family services the brief points thai is Is fourth most frequent reason for hospitalization in Hat ton compared to lis 12th place ranking on a province wide scale the- divorce rote has jumped per 1961 and six per cent of all families in 1375 a tola of were led by a single parent preliminary results of an Everyone involved agrees it thing Judge lerl Idcotinitl Its in invil The 1 court exp lained tint eoncili He I provide a worthwhile dternilive lo the person who Ihe decides blame thus no diet court I pen to between the conflicting parlies Judge I- reported tint per of couples whose are breaking n are to the process per cent he added ire simply intent upon gelling their day in court The I nil m faced by children caught up in such court is responsible for many if them relurnug to some day facing chides of their own he said Jude 1- that several hours of court time each week are saved by the presence of regions The conciliator more than pays for himself he said Tl e motion lo have the tun of the regions involve ment in f counselling r viewed by the health com mittcc from committee chairman Waller officials estimated tint family counsel Icrs would be taking on some new this while OHIt is inticipating MS new cases and the bureau another Mill offered to provide counselling services the res ideiits of south for a maximum of Ma whereas bid Is The provision of the same service rlh would inerense costs arc open as he iffers to negotiation The region currently plans to make its remaining full lime counsellor responsible r pro viding Ihe service in George town and Acton The Oakville I- Is funded primarily by the United Way he balance coming from client fees COHIt obtains its fund from of Burling Ion and last successfully ippcjlcd to Hamilton ted Church Block Grant Fund for to cover Increased costs Hi II till tic SX 190 Silo I CI local it f Til it Blind Hal tiy miy oil IX ind alt You trie to fully our SX shortwave vor but you T Reg 95 12 crystals included Dont just listen but talk to distant places With a ham operator licence you could a transmitter to your shortwivo recoivor not lust listen but talk to people in distant places There are a number ot requirements to quality you as a ham the most important is to loam Morse code Stiack has the equipment you need to got stirtod including a Morse Code Instruction cassette tape We honour Charge VISA and Mailer Charge moil Radio 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