Tilt HERALD Wednesday December IMS Page HALTONS PEOPLE Acton man reflects on his rough start in Canada By HANNAH Herald staff writer I love Italy cause I born but I love Canada because thai where I make my living So nys long time resident Eugene Mr was born in stont house in a village which is in the Alps in north if Italy The farm was very small and main crop was grapes They modi wine for he si a poor way to live officer was brought and train officials and tin lution go into at loo They kept saying iw hit over hut Mr didn know what that word me he pulled out the last of In cash a five dollar bill and it Hit agent Immediately his problem was soiled lit gave a ticket for destination and handed him his change he off The cost of the wis 12 when his father died he had to help his mother raise his four younger brothers and sisters He wait until he was before he decided to emigrate bee he t make a good enough living in Italy keep himself and help his family too He made trip with three or four boys of roughly the same age but two of them stopped off around Toronto where they had friends and he travelled on to with only one companion They had come by boat to New York City that look a month and took the train rest of the Hay Customs were no prob lem in those days he said In Italy Customs officials might hive been stricter about what people were bringing Into the country but both Canada and the United States were toming new Immigrants in so they I checking things very carefully WORK He had friends from his village working in a tannery In and they had ranged his passage for him and him his tickets fortunately distrain ticket was wasnt quite complete It was only good to take him Graven hurst miles short of his destination The train officials forced him to get off at Grav enhurst and since he could speak no English he make them understand where he was going nor could he find out what was wrong with his ticket Finally a policeman came up lo him on the plat form and tried to ask him what was wrong Mr pulled out a letter with the address of the Anglo Tannery on it and tried to explain that he was going there to work dm BOOKS LIMITED CHRISTIAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFTS 41 George Sf S Brampton Ont Phono During two day train trip Mr he nothing I expect thtre was place I could get food and iter but I I En glish so I ask for it he said Wages when he started In the tannery were 124 cents an hour for a 10 hour day he said ind he got room and board for Italians were well liked he said because they were known as hard workers For this reason were a number of Italian families in and was easy lo get jobs for friends or relatives in tannery law Italians already in when he arrived was girl he later married Teresa and her sister In along with their aunt working a linen factory whin he met her again They had gone to school together as children in Iialy he said so ihtj were acquainted before they arrived in Canada Mr Braid worked in bridge for a number of years will a few breaks for other things thtst breaks occurred shortly he came there alihouKh he exactly sure of He was out of work because tannery was on short lime so he decided to go north and what thought of mining He took the train to Cob ill ind then went to a silver mining tamp by horse and wagon It was about an hour from iht town There were no roods trails through the bush bona of tin miners lned in tents but like Mr da had to In wagonb with a blanket thrown over them to keep off the run Thcv bought their own food and cooked it themselves outside The beds were full of he said and the only transport a Hon was turners who came to the look men to town for a fee and waited to bring them back Come to Church ST GEORGES CHURCH Rev Richard A ST Sunday itih Advent rue Eucharist a Carol Service pm Monday December Christmas Day 10 Choral si Church School HILLS PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Trafalgar Rd and No J Highway Rev J Sunday nth Christmas Services For you ay In the city David a Is Christ the Christmas Worship Musical Guests TheGillltanSlnQers Christmas Eve Candle Light Service The Singers Make the centre Christmas GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Polar Ralph ecember Sunday IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH RoidHCiroleSt Rev Arthur December m 15a School MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Where Is He Thai is Born Candlelight Carol Service NURSERY At All Johns HORNBY Holy Eucharist a Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist lirjidj it was born In stone house in the Italian UK mother died in this in latH hi Braid of unlit km if wen or dull Mr j ml Mrs spent three months In Italy In and Ihe farm other members of lhat time Hint I down ihit dirk phut with light living back to ItjK In chuckles mil lights ihe he on yed i mine about a month hi to be there it Unit Cobalt fin going by rsi wigon to watchihi whole low hum to ground Ik tin I rtcill Marled it rtmomhtrs was a probably the turly spring and the fire hap pened during the night TO KNOW When he got back to wanted know what he thought of the the mines Local Cancer Society meets discuss need to help patients ll 111 rui I Hills of in Society mil at home w is extended to our gutsls Join Tikihiski we thal injoji tht ir with us a delicious pot luck supper business meeting v is ronducti by our Insi It w is announced Hi it lau Smith who has been our unit isurir r r tin J In rmm iir Hilton Hills f tin mill tin will rt of In isun r for tit Hilton Hills I nit was with pit sun it liirban i irtiiu jli of to Miry hi li liairmin Tor tin two jtars Mrs has dint ji in sup Shi is also Ln assist d so in obi iinint drill ind supphi ind helped with any other needs II hut Ml of the txecu tut ippnti ill tht excellent work irj his dont in her we rtgrtt that hine us find i mini her ii who lias ickground mil is ih it in li nts 1 tin I rintiss mi for i iliiid is milt it list in pud f r by in nit il within own lust Ihe are very for this help and miny friendships have deve in this way Tht agreed to make a domtion to the Hospital in ordtr to bring cheer to those who irt tht our Hit Christmas diys Hilly Hull the Knitting Ac tivlty chairman reported that ihe beautiful hand knitted and wear plus items knitted by our Group would on the Triangle lub bazaar 1st at St Andrews United In Trnngle Club for inahlim up it salt Him tun silted flint wis for the Santa pir idt by and It irry We who is now tin Sicrttnry I I nil them you go yourself said Mr and Mrs went tuck to Italy to be in 1912 stayed about three monlhs then decided they could make better living in Canada Brace bridge and That year Mr brought over his I Abel known rcstdmts as Rill but his Sutnno lor Silvtr w is too to into army ind I et out of tht country Until he hod done his lit served four irslnfm lie iot Mr Braid service bee a widow scldist son is exempted in itati timt in support children Mr and Mrs llralda return to 11 three of their children In 1323 with the tion of Maying there They had four children whtn they again relumed to an ida years later Hen was born m the same stone house with the flagstone roof in which Mr had bom There of course no tonvcnlcncca i water or Tin houses were in fact much an all purpose structure The family a live stock used the main floor The family lived in the second storey and Ihe lofts for hay were above The wort scattered bits of ground sometimes several miles apart depending on where there was a bit of ground good enough or enough to be cultivated fields farmer own wen so the roups in one plate r than being on properly the farmer owned Mr Braida said The Brace bridge tannery closed up and its workers were offered jobs in a tannery in Mr said he and family stayed there about six months long enough to set one winter decided Ihey didn I like area They to Acton in March and he here he hod It irned a trade finishing sole leather he was to get a job in Beard tanntrj and he was with them 16 or years Mr Ilraidn bought Iho shoe More on Mill Strcei from Bill John 193a and lit ran w the help of his diughttr until He the in the 1940s he can i remember the date Tic opened his own in 1932 making womensshoes boots and slip pers in a Building behind his home on Queen Street He had working then when it closed in Mr bought the old Mann farm which he suspects toes back to Ihe crown It was Ihe properly famous Canadian railway builder Sir Donald Mann bought build his par a home The yearold house has been completely renovited inside and out but iht original structure is still undcrneith Mr rtcalled during money is In their home is many others and he used to cut all his winter wood on nughboring farms ind use that to keep expenses down He also worked for any farmer willing hire him when he was on short time at the tannery and gut a patch of ground on which he could grow family potatoes for the winter In return for his labour The is farmed on thtir for years During thjit of those yiars ihey kept Guernsey cattle and shipped milk In a local dairy Then in the land was sold or Aclon first mod I t want to sell Mr said but 1 figured I was doing justice to the town If I don The want to spread out let It spread I figured Somebody got start It so I guess me The celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 19G2 Mrs died was Mrs Braida wasilllhatMr Itarned to cook and he is now the chef with the meals on the when Alma and Nino gel home in the evenings from Ioliilcs has been a long lime Interest of Mr sand he said Ic missed voting since he has been able to vote In Canada He his own bias in politics but I stopped of parliament from drop ping In to chat whenever they Were passing He was ap proached during his younger days to stand for municipal elections his wife always discouraged him he sold He is the oldest and longest standing member of St Jo seph parish and the back room of his shoe store was scene of many a good cal discussion through the ytars as the United and Anglican ministers stopped in lo chat with Mr Mr was well known inside his family for his story ability and his children well recall how ho used have them in tears for hours with his sad stories Of course we hod nothing else do in those days There was no radio and we didn have a car so wo t go anywhere his son said The eight grandchildren and four great grandchildren have all enjoyed Papa s stories too he sold When Mr Braida celebrated his ninetieth birthday with an open house last year conserve tivo estimates says guests stopped in some lime during the day to wish him well Visitors came up miles for the party Mr Braida Is very proud of Ihe relationship he maintains with his two brothers who live less than a mite from him They never fight he said and they still love each other His sisters died In Italy He lost his son Norman in He was president of Beard more at the lime SOMETIMES FLOWERS ARE THE ONLY WAY YOUR HEART CAN SPEAK Whatever your message Coll us Today and its on Way FLORISTS Mill St Georgetown 8776901 J a tuna to temporarily hectic pace of to out and to join again as St our that may you a and which anil will throughout the coming gar BURLINGTON CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 1978 Clip Bring this ad with you Boxing Day Its worth on any FURNITURE PURCHASE OVER 135 Tuesday December only One coupon per purchase 334 Street Georgetown WANTED TagAlong From as low as McCULlOCH CHAIN SAWS From a low SHOP VACS FOR DADS WORKSHOP NEW OWNERS FOR HUNDREDS OF IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT VERY AFFORDABLE PRICES THE C001 WINTER EVENINGS WITH ONE OF THE WIDE OF BiriMRO TABUS AT From as law as 825 Complete line of Accessories FIRE LOGS BACKGAMMON GAMES WEED EATERS SN0WB10WERS BID POWER TOOLS WORKMATES AND MUCH MUCH MORE Kellys But most of all from all of us to all of you A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 334 STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO