II THE HERALD Jary It REED EXPLAINS Julian Reed Hilton Burlington and Liberal energy critic talked with Dave Moffat the Ontario Board hearings Into he proposed hydro through In lion Mr along the proposed corridor route Hydros own forecasts show energy excess Continued lrom Pane 1 comes from water generated sources Factors which lessen Ihe immediate need of the Mills lines which is the final in KV line from Bradley near Bruce to Milton ihe linkage of the new line to on existing KV line which runs from Kitchener the fact hat at present existing transmission lines can handle more power than Brute can put and the decrease In pre dicted growth of demand for hydro by the consumer Mr Minns said forecasts by Hydro 10 years ago predicted in annual growth of per cent for the demand of hydro power in Ontario He said actual growth in was per cent and actual growth in was per cent Future growth is not expected to Mr Minns said the decline cannot be to wcalh or economic conditions He hiid an Ontario Hydro load forecist report stated It considered significant that the 1977 increase in price of per cent loomine on top of a per cent incrtas0 in 19761 affected a decrease in demand Mr Minns called as a wit Patrick counsel for the ICG said ICC has asked for an pendent study for a possible local ion of this line through Ballon Hills or otherwise There is not enough docu mentation supporting line through Hills he said I consider you have a five year which you have time to do an lot of things said Mr Minns hearing adjoined Monday Mr Minns said the second part of the Bruce clear power complex is sche duled to come into operation and double the present power capacity which Bruce puts out But he said based on informa lion received from the minis try of energy and Ontario Hydro couldeiiher be delayed or cancelled en Other witnesses called by Mr Monday were Nam Hodges Manion Elmer Clarence Coles and Ernest Wilson Mr Hodges a Grey County farmer and an Ontario lion of Agriculture IOFA1 re preventative and a member of the Ot A hydro corridor com said the proposed dor contravenes OFAs land use policy mikes it cult for formers to manoeuvre equipment around the towers and the corridor through good farmland just adds time and expense to the whole open Mr Durham farmer said his wife who helps him farm suffered grave effects from the line which pissed through his In 1976 Mrs hid been driving a tractor in the jrta of the 230 KV sion line which passed through the Manion property She be came til while cultivating the cornfield said Mr Manion When Mr Manion arrived home that day she was com from the field towards he house virtually stumbling and almost bringing up he After II doctor re commended Mrs Manion move away from the hydro line Mr Manion sold the farm lo Ontario Hydro bought a farm without a hydro transmission line on Durham Ho ford farmer and cattle breeder in Hills said Ihe uncertain effects of the line which will intersect his farm could en a longtime and sue operation We re not saying it the wrong line but don I have proof that it the right line he said We feel strongly hat our demncritic right have been lacking in Mr ft 1 Hoist em firmer demonstrated the pes dangers of hydro lines Hi he left a wagon parked under the 230 line on his property When he came back to it the next morning he decided he would throw a piece steel against ihe hitch lo determine if the wagon had nicked a charge overnight from the line When he threw a jick a gainst hitch produced a wilder lie said I would have got a heavy shock if I had touched it he said However Mr Parkinson or lhal once farmers educated about the avoidable dangers of the lint the problem would be solved Clarence Coles and Ernest Wilson both farmers of land on the proposed hydro route in Hills said the lint would be an to their farming opera So whats the OMB writer The Ontario Municipal Board currently conducting hearings into the hydro corridor through Hal ton Hills is just one of the government bodies which manages to have an effect of many plans and eventual decisions made by local icipahtles The has been involv in least four Hills decisions in 1973 and hearings are scheduled into half a doien other matters in the next few months yet many the workings of the board rtmalns a mystery The OMB consists of a chairman and members backed by a support staff of The board has Its own offices in Toronto and mem arc generally from the Toronto area They serve on a full time basis and are appointed by Lieutenant Governor in council Gt TOM 1ST Asked how a person would go about getting on a list for appointment OMB secretary Ken Andrews said I as it would be like any other political appointment Anyone interested lets government know he would like the job Or perhaps they apply like you do for a local board For administrative purpo ses the OMB operates as a branch of the attorney gen office and gels Its operating budget from that ministry The chairmen re ports directly to the attorney general Tho board was created in when the Ontario Muni Board Act was passed and it still retains most of the powers it was granted at that lime The OMB Act repealed but incorporated many of the provisions of the Railway and Municipal Board Ac the Municipal School Accounts Audit Act and the Bureau of Municipal The board acts as an Inde pendent administrative for the provincial gov and is limited to dealing with cations and appeals made to the board under the prom ions of certain statutes The board may have lo grant final approval of a bylaw passed by municipal council in order to permit a change in land use It may handle matters referred to it by the minister under the Planning Act such as in Official Plan amendment plans of subdivision and ap peals from committee of ad juslmcnt or Land Division Committee decisions It is the final level of appeal on municipal assessments and certain applications invoh ing creation dissolving r alteration of il boundaries In add lion supervises some of municipality financial fairs because appeals to approval of capital expend urcs and issuing of debentur must be made through the board BOARD If a board decision seems unsatisfactory it may be ap pealed by filing an appeal to Lieutenant Governor Ihe clerk of the txocut ive council days of 1 of the dec members of the bo sit on any hear me panel of two members heirs a else alt hough it is not uncommon to have me hearing In very complex matters the board may he made up of any uneven number of mem with one designated As as or 12 hear ings day may be taking place in Ontario The board Mis during tht full months and hears more than eases Cases are always I in the pality where the matter am is ind thus board members ire often aw ly from Toronto i week at a time cases in one general area NO POINT There no point in them from Toronto every day Mr Andrews said hear several cases in the same general area if one hearing is schedu led to last less than the week art set down for hearing as the board receives them While decisions may be handed down orally after hearing is ended if it happens be a fairly simple matter it is not uncommon cither for It to take six to eight weeks before a written decision is handed Slippery sidewalks problem Responding to written in qu from it least Ihrec Georgetown residents town council has requested a report from its public works director regarding feasibility of enforcing bylaw that would it compulsory for tills homeowners lo snow off sidewalks in front of their properties Council Monday night re ferred Mi Irwin Crescent and Mr and Mr of Arietta Street for a whichtltrk Richardson predicted should ready lor council Jan meeting Levy expressed hope that Mr Austin will keep in while preparing his report the mun Itself owns a number of sidewalks throughout town Cons deration mast be given to methods by own staff keep Ihosc walkways clear is well he said Although Miclod s letter hi informal n a bout the existence of a sory snow clearing bylaw for the former to of George town alone Mr Austin was d reeled lo check on the bylaw as it pertains to urban Acton as it nun Ed Woods re quest Mrs MacLeod proposed thit if one does not exist bylaw should be and enforced would compel homeowners lo new fillen fr their sidewalks olio that including Metropolitan Toron lo actively enforce such in an effort I reduce the possibility of danger to pedes For the most part MacLeod wrote to Geirgetown residents ore youthful and snow shovelling does not threaten life and he Older residents and thou whose heailh forbids vigorous exercise can easily hire someone to clear their walks Surely there are service in town who would volunteer in need Zellers We reserve the right to limit quantities PostInventory Clearance 54 Mattress Or Box Spring Thurs Jan 11 to Sat Jan 13 Photo Reprint Special 10 299 Enjoy reprints either C110 C126 or C135 sizes film only