Industrial land rezoning concerns new association Reaming of Industrial land to commercial is top priority in the minds of a majority of of the Georgetown Business and Professional As sertion according lo a quest circulated at the group November Results of the November questionnaire were reported by chairman Murray at the association second meeting lost Tuesday night at the North Halt on Golf and Country Club They show other priorities ranked In diminishing order as being residential growth Industrial commercial and re sidential balance high utility deposits uniform water rates garbage present and future and GO and local t ranis OTHER CONCERNS Following discussion among the 13 members attending the second meeting vandalism and retention of shopping doll in Georgetown were added to the list of concerns Vicechairman Rick West re ported GO Transit service was restored to Georgetown Jan nary through the coopera effort of GO the Ion and the mayor office The service restoration is on a six month trial and Its performance will be monitored by the association with the assistance of the Downtown Merchants Association Mr West said a number or local residents particularly senior cithcns have called to voice approval of the return of An experiment In restoring local bus service appeared less well received but this may have been because loo few writ the was available and the trail was conducted Just before Christmas after he peak shopping period Discussion with Travelways on down own local bus service New contract From the Ottawa Bureau Of The raid OTTAWA- Varian Associates Ltd In Hills has won a 358 federal contract to provide the defence department electron tubes the department of supply and services has announced It was among unclassified contracts worth or more that were awarded by the department to Canadians during he week ended Dec Total value of the contracts amounted to Mr West said the Ministry of Transport may help subsidize any such service but makes grants only lo municipalities He suggested the association do the leg work and then lake heir findings pal council This preliminary research would Include deter mining which days week service is required and overall Associallon member Ernie recalled a consultant some years ago cd local bus service could cost per annum operate CUHRENT proposal The current proposal how ever would be on a smaller scale aimed primarily at sen icing senior it i We could be looking at a small van West said A proposed organizational si rue lure was accepted as pre sen ted by the chairman Three main committees dcr the chairman and vice- chairman arc communications fact finding The communications com will organize regular meetings produce a monthly newsletter recognize and wel come new business and people and attend to public relations The issues committee will examine and act on pnorit les established by the memb- The fact finding committee will attend meetings of local and regional council planning board chamber of commerce downtown merchant group ratepayers utilities Ontario Municipal Board as well as study from Statistics Canada commissions etc Prior to the next meeting Wednesday February 21 at 8 an attempt will be made to contact all business and professional people In area with a flyer outlining the asso ciation aims LAST FOUR DAYS TODAY TOMORROW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MOTHERS THIS IS OUR ANNIVERSART SA1E EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED BY THIS IS YOUR FAMILYS SUPER SAVINGS REMEMBER THIS Our Price To YOU It RIGHT Wo Know Our Ragular customers KNOW They Keep Telling We Have Comparison Priced And Know Our Prices Are LOWER LADIES AIR STEP Comfort Stylish Wslklng or dancing a sty It for you SELECTED LINES ALL OTHER AIR STEP LINES Reg priced to 999 2399 LADIES DRESS AND CASUAL SHOES save PRICE SEE OUR PRICE RACK SALE Now You Will Save Even More At Fantastically Lower Prices LEGS WARM COM FOR TAB Li FASHIONABLE LEATHER DRESS AND COCKTAIL BOOTS SO COMFORTABLE YOU CAN EVEN DANCE IN THEM ALL REDUCED BY JO 98 JUST FANTASTIC WINTER BOOTS OFF PURSES AND CLUTCHES FULL GRAINED LEATHERS CANADIAN MADE FOR CANADIANS SMART FASHIONABLE STYLES JUST THE STYLES YOU WANT OR OR COMPARTMENTS SINGLE OR DOUBLE HANDLES SHOULDER HANDLES SO STYLISH VERSATILE TO GO WITH ALMOST ANY DRESS STYLE IF YOU WANT A QUALITY ORGANISER AT AFFORDABLE PRICES DONT MISS OUT I 25 OFF LADIES AND MENS WALLABEES SUPER SUPER VALUE SUPER COMFORT Regularly sold where to 00 CHILDRENS SOCKS By BUSTER BROWN TEENAGE GALS SOCKS MEN SOCKS Regular ft Executive FINEST QUALITY STOCK UP NOW o OFF MENS DRESS SHOES FLORSHEIM HUSH PUPPIES 20 o OFF NORTH STAR LEATHER JOGGERS FOB THE WHOLE FAMILY UnbelieveoUe Price 88 88 MENS TOP LEATHER WORK BOOTS ALL TYPES REGULAR INSULATED CSA GREEN PATCH I D0NT MISS OUT 20 OFF FLETCHERS family footwear GEORGETOWNS LEADING F00TFITTEKS Orthopaedic Prescriptions Filled I Main St S Downtown Georgetown 877- WINTER OUTERWEAR SALE SKI JACKETS LADIES MENS OR PARKAS 24 SKI JACKETS MENS 0RIG 3700 PARKAS 99 14 SKI JACKETS GIRLS SNOWSUITS KIDDIES ORIG