I THE Wednesday II IB79 Obituaries Actons Dr Francis Oakes Acton lust one of its better known public figures with the death of his home on Jeffrey lit was served community activities also tar recognition and he wis chosen Acton citizen of Johnn lie Qui bit but came Township with parents in 132J and his li at si and Guclph Collegiate He led from Ontario Velennan College In and set up his the next jear when he was elected lo the Acton Public School Hoard and he remained on at bod until 19j2 Norman James GDHS FOLK SEVEN I oik drew entries from IS schools lo the annual event at rorgrtown District High School Inst weekend David well known Canadian performer drew a crowd for thr evening concert dinners at Saturday evenings con intrude first lo Mark III a group consisting or ldgar Mill Kent and Piter llnrke and third place to Sympodium also of town whose members are Sue Maureen llccky and Indv In Ihr duel class George to in took j third plan win with I- Thatcher and lirke In the competition lcorgclown wins were third plate In Dill Kent and a fourth place to I Thatcher Winners In rcctlic hours at a studio to make their own The idle placing hi each received a rophv Herald photo Help for handicapped from one immedi taxi However lit will need If the taw is intended Mr in order to operate the could the service service for more severely han lo those with lesser die ipped residents Mrs Sle OLRB hears unions charges phi aid COST from Page one Mr Geng was lo explain why he hid continued to hire before the began Mr testified tint he had Ind to new people to finish work which had been started because of a considerable in vestment in raw materials Mr lestified tint he id decided that the layoffs which began 1st were necessary on Jonuary He said hit lie dtd not the union organizing until January When asked why he discuss union membership with individual employees after he of the union drive hi siid he inled find wh it were the issues why they were dissatisfied I know the wages the greatest Hut he said any cost pressures would drive this company of my of the employees inter viewed because of their mem in the union that lay were coming or thai the were going to occur for business rather than When Mr ding was asked whether he felt the might scire people away from joining the union he replied he wis worried that would drive his cm into joininR the union Mr Gent lion will continue when the he resumes Several more witnesses from the eompany and management ire also expected to be called It IN While Mr will ah sorb tin cost of tin im for lime I ill be iblc to continue du so once he nice is he mil lo shift the fill il respinsibility to someone he wilt continue to lie it he s ml After the sen ice is in the possibihlj of expand include Aclon mil depend on the imi unt of sup port received from tint cum We have talked to scvcril councillors up met with pre it enthusiasm Mrs Mr Dei me mill ire for letters of to be to cither of us or to council lot of riseirch Ins to be done for Ihi community benefit from this program but with the support tire idy demonstrated I don I think tin problem v ill Ik ible Mr Divine Mrs ens wilt be taking the miller council soon tell fact and they don like it they call it intimidation Some of them I NORMS Mr Cine that every one who was mg them in the office they are all still working there the factory I Mr asked Mr Geng if he had followed Mrs Nlestroy husband to work on I Mrs was present during the on behalf of the employees Mr said that he had done this because he was worried her I wanted to convince her husband that he better look after his wife 1 tried to convince him lo lake her out of the plnnl he said Mr Geng testified that he was not of the union at tint time Under crossexamination Mr testified that lie did not remember if he had told BOOK5 1IMIITD CHRISTIAN BOOKS RECORDS GIFS George St S Brampton Ont Phone 4579922 GOOD FRIDAY GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH SUNRISE EASTER SUN APRIL I Come to Church ST GEORGES CHURCH Rev Roswell Tecs GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH nil Pastor Peter Ralph Sunday April School Morn Worsh p p Even Everyone Welcome LUTHERAN CHURCH Arthur Apr I IS Worsh HALTON HILLS PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Special Service lor MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Ave Georgetown a m Jot slronn The Glor Easier and Solo its COME TO MAPLE AVENUE AND GROW ST JOHNS STEWARTT0WN Good ST STEPHENS i HORNBY iundy April a a m Norm in James rnwell of Hills libra run died in District Hospital on He was Mr w is born in ind spent his in He received his schooling in Deep gndu ited from On tens University with Bathe or of Science decree in mecha engineering He worked for a number of firms intlud Continent it in Cm id i and Lilt in Im field boo ship a motorcycle the corbel own move fin lit served is consultant and service for an Ida a which rts motorcycles He also helped his son in his racuij lit was a member of As lion fnundina member of the Off Road Riders Association Mr Betsy and sin Jonathan it home is well as his mother in Deep River surviving him are broth of Hampton and Doughs of British Columbia sister of Toronto He wis by his ilher and his brother Robert Mr rested at the Jones Hume in cornet cremation incurred on Tuesday Bum will lake pi ice in the family plot in Deep that time he was chairman of the board for four years In lH0 he became an active me mber of the Aclon Agricultural served as the body chairman in 1W5 In 1060 the fair board presented him with a certificate for meritorious He scried is chairman of the church s coram when the hall was built He wis elected as Act ins major in 19S3 and the following year he was elected Public Utilities He served on that body for seven years four of those as chairman then retu municipal polititis to is councillor deputy re eve and reeie unlit his in 1972 He was llallon county in 1971 He av his wife Betty and children Carolyn Mrs I of Hamilton Peggy Mrs P of Wisconsin Frances Mrs Aullon or Grimsby and of SA VF EASTER candy IT AND THINGS ALLANS GIANT STANDING MILK CHOCOLATE RABBIT RIO EXTRA SPECIAL 99 Retail 1kg TOTAL PACKAGE HEIGHT OVER 2 FEET Price SALE Easter Candy Easter Eggs Jelly Animals Easter Mix Pan Eggs Sugg Retail YE 0LDE CANDY SH0PPE Sugg Retail SALE I SAVE DELSEY BATHROOM TISSUE Kleenex TRIO DISCOUNT Moore Park Plaza No 7 GEORGETOWN OPEN GOOD FRIDAY TILL PM Tiffany Candy Easter Jubes Oz Easter Mixture Oz Sugg Retail A C GANONG Marshmallow Eggs Sugg Retail Pkg 49 of Price Sale 2 Easter Eggs Sugg Retail Each Price FO Wrapped Easter Eggs f I Sugg PAAS EASTER EGG I Colour Kit 1 Sate Price I I V2 Price PLUSH EASTER RABBIT Each